u V t U i i Pi The McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher McCOOK NEBRASKA 111 CHANGES IN PERSONNEL OF MEX ICAN GOVERNORS Kiby yiffitV Jl iJbsLK - MADERO PLANS A CLEANING OUT First Visit Paid to American Soil for Many Months Diaz and Members of Family Soon to Sail Away Juarez Before another month passes it is probable there will be changes in the personnel of the gov ernors of nearly every one of the twenty seven states of the Mexican re public This was the declaration ol Francisco I Madero jr to the Asso ciated Press representative He said that the installation everywhere of provisional governors soon would be followed by state elections Original ly it was understood that the Mader tsts were to name governors for four teen states but that a more sweeping program would be considered in the future conferences between President de la Barra and Senor Madero at Men Ico oCity Messages to Senor Madero from his friends in the new cabinet re port perfect accord with President de ia Barra and optimism for a success ful administration Senor Madero visited American soil for the first time in several months He was a guest at luncheon of friends in El Paso and with his staff attend ed a dinner given by the El Paso city officials to the United States army of ficers stationed in that vicinity General Diaz accompanied by Benora Diaz Porfirio Diaz jr and his wife five grandchildren and other members of the family will go aboard the steamer Ypiranga Wednesday af ternoon bound for Spain Tobacco Trust Hard Hit Washington The government won a sweeping victory over the so called tobacco trust when the supreme court of the United States held the American Tobacco company and its al lied corporations to be operating in violation of the Sherman anti trust law By directing that the combina tion be forbidden the privilege of in terstate commerce or be placed in the hands of a receiver unless it is disin tegrated in harmony with the law within six or at the most eight months the court is regarded to have dealt with the tobacco corporation more drastically than with the Stand ard Oil company of New Jersey whose dissolution was ordered two weeks ago Military Mass for Dead Washington Military field mass for the Spanish war dead was celebrated in the shadow of the Washington mon ument before fully 25000 persons President Taft members of the cab inet the diplomatic corps and of con gress -were present Monsignor Rus sell celebrated the mass while a trained chorus of 125 voices sang thg eervice Curtis Gets Agricultural School Lincoln The state board of public lands and buildings on the thirty third ballot selected Curtis as the location for the new agricultural school to be established in southwestern Nebraska under the provisions of the Eastman bill passed at the late session of the legislature Washington The capital of Okla homa will remain at Oklahoma City so far as the supreme court of the United States is concerned That tri bunal has declined to hold that the Oklahoma statute enacted last Decem ber to remove the capital from Guth rie was unconstitutional Washington Seventeen year lo custs are said to be ravaging vegeta tion in the eastern states this sum mer The vanguard of the invaders have appeared in Alexandria county Va and the prediction is made that within a week or so the plague wiU be common Killed by Ammonia Fumes Columbus O Edwin L Hopkins was killed by ammonia fumes -when a bolt of lightning caused the explosion of a fifty gallon tank in an ice plant Harry Miller and John Thomas work ing with him were overcome but were rescued Chicago Hay sold at wholesale ia Chicago Monday for 27 a ton de- clared to be the highest price ever reached for the staple in this city A short crop last year Is said to be the cause Musical Congress London The fourth congress of the International Musical society was for mally opened Tuesday with interest Ing ceremonies at the University of London Representatives of many of the countries of the world were in at tendance Carroll la Kate Shelly who pre vented a loaded Northwestern passen ger train from going into an open bridge near Boone twenty years aeo is at the point of death in a local nos Dital k fl INY FLAG EVENTS OF THE DAY TOLD IN FEW LINES THE DAYS NEWS BOILED DOWN Personal Political Foreign and Intel ligence of Various Kinds Inter esting to the General Reader Given in Condensed Form Washington The first of the postal savings bank bonds will be issued soon The house was not in session Thurs day Many ofxits special investigat ing committees however were busy President Taft has signed a procla mation establishing the Colorado na tional park in Mesa county Colorado Henry L Stimson of New York has been sworn in as secretary of war succeeding Jacob M Dickinson re signed Indications point to the fact that Taft and La Follette will be candi dates for the republican nomination for president A protest against the passage of the Canadian reciprocity bill will be made by a number of South Dakota men to the senate finance committee John Sharp Williams of Mississippi nas Warned congress that the south could not support federal supervision of senatorial elections though favor able to direct popular vote Dispatches received from the Mexi can capital state that persistent ru more were in circulation there of the existence- of a plot to attempt the life of Madero upon his arrival Interest that is quite as keen as that felt in the decision of the Stand ard Oil case is being manifested in congressional circles over the forth coming decision in the tobacco case The senate has fixed June 12 for a vote on the joint resolution providing for the election of United States sen ators by direct vote of the people The resolution already has passed the house Weekly reports of enlistments for the United States naval recruiting Btatibns for the week ending May 20 show that of 1154 applications there were 900 rejections and only 226 ac ceptances Japan it is stated in official circles is prepared to participate in negotia tions for a general treaty of arbitra tion with the United States England and France and is willing to submit proposals for such an agreement General News An early morning fire at Coney Isl and caused a loss estimated at be tween two and three million dollars Five members of the family of Gar stens Struve residing near Manning Iowa are ill from the dread disease trichina v A 150000 fire with a big tank full of gasoline in the middle of it kept firemen busy for several hours at New York A tornado struck Pekin 111 Sunday killing two people and causing prop erty damage that will amount to thou sands of dollars Russia is conceding the right of en try into that country of American Jews visiting the czars domains on business missions The brotherhood of railroad train men have decided on San Francisco as the place of the Tiext convention to be held in 1913 Johnny Simpson a 13-year-old boy at Webb City Mo is in line for a bravery medal for saving the life of a drowning boy at the risk of his own The annual meeting of the trans Mississippi commercial congress set for September next will be held in Kansas City instead oi Oklahoma City Master boilermakers from all over the United States and from Canada Mexico and other countries are in Omaha for the international conven tion Resolutions favoring reciprocity be tween the United States and Canada were adopted by the annual conven tion of railway claims agents at Mon treal Francisco I Madero jr in a mani festo to the people of Mexico lias re signed the position of provisional pres ident conferred upon him by a con vention of the revolutionists at San Luis Potosi last October King Frederick received in audi ence Rear Admiral Chas J Badger who was accompanied by the mem bers of his staff and the captains of the four battleships composing the second division of the United States Atlantic fleet now visiting Denmark Will Rogers and Joe Wiggins the confessed kidnappers of Baby Wildo Rogers at Las Vegas N M on March 0 last have been convicted the for mer getting five to twelve years and the latter seven to twelve years In the absence of a statute for kidnap ping in New Mexico the men were prosecuted for burglary Carrying several carloads of freight consigned to Kansas City merchants the steamer Chester left New Orleans Monday for the Missouri city It is in tended as a revival of the river traffic between New Orleans and Kansas City - Mexico has changed presidents without any demonstrations of anar chy of which the Diaz government had expressed apprehensions Announcement is made that the Iowa City high school has won the Interscholastic championship of the United States incidentally taking the John Jacob Astor cu3 wru ivuian It is said a plot to overthrow and kill Francisco Madero was frustrated by the arrest of the conspirators one of whomfwas an American Because of the high temperature eight babies died Monday at Cleve land O making twenty four deaths of babies in four days attributed to the heat Edward S Whitaker formerly chief of the New Orleans police was sen tenced to serve ten years in the state penitentiary for crimes involving young girls Hundreds of Mississippi farmers have petitioned Governor Noel to place a premiuip on buzzards in a cru sade to exterminate the birds as a dis ease spreader The village of Groscher situated on Pamir plateau in west central Asia has been overwhelmed by an ava lanche One hundred and twenty eight people were killed The Mohonk Lake conference heart ily indorsed treaties of unlimited arbi tration with Great Britain France and other countries and wish speedy suc cess with such treaties A section of the Buffalo Bill wild west show train was wrecked about eight miles from Lowell Mass Four men connected with the show were injured All will recover From July 1 19 OS the Japanese en tering the United States numbered 7 051 against 14197 leaving the IJnited States In Hawaii there were 4348 ar rivals and 6266 departures The expected rupture between the church and the government is now an accomplished fact as the result of a protest issued by the bishops at Lis bon against the separation law William Carren former manager of a St Louis theater pleaded guilty to charges of embezzling 22000 of the theaters fund and was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary Four persons were killed and a large number were wounded by soldiers in a riot which developed when inhabi tants of Zacatecas gathered to cele brate the signing of the peace pact Measures for the ultimate disposi tion of the insurrecto army and for the payment of the costs of the war were the first matters to which the newly created Mexican executive de voted his official attention The new New York library of white marble throughout which has been twelve years in building and cost morefhan 10000000 was dedicated Wednesday by President Taft Gov ernor Dix and Mayor Gaynor The funeral of Henri Maurice Ber teaux the French minister of war who lost his life in the aeroplane accident at Paris on Sunday was made the oc casion of an impressive national dem onstration at that place Friday Clear Lake Iowa has been offered as the summer capital of the United States a site having been presented to President Taft for his home during the hot months The offer -will be communicated to Washington at once Five persons were killed among whom were Mr and Mts Jerry Kauf man formerly of Kearnej Neb and one injured fatally at a railroad cross ing near Rivers Cal in a collision be tween an electric car and an auto mobile Bert Connors and Mansel Parks are under arrest at Los Angeles charged with being implicated in an attempt to wreck the new county hall of rec ords last September some weeks be fore the blowing up of the Times building Armed Shoshone Indians led by the eldest twentj three years of age from Duck valley reservation are in Little High Rock canyon Nevada to avenge the killing of the Indian band that murdered four Washoe county stock men last February The second division of the United States Atlantic fleet composed of the Louisiana flagship of Rear Admiral Badger the Kansas New Hampshire and South Carolina have arrived at the fishing village of Gilleleleje forty miles from tie Danish capital Porfirio Diaz for whom during thir ty years all Mexico has paid defer ence secretly left the capital at 2 oclock Friday morning Only a few frienA whom he trusted followed him to the station He was bound for Vera Cruz to take ship for Spain Some blame is laid on American so cialists for the continuance of a cer tain phase of the Mexican trouble b government officials of that country College students in Ohio will not be permitted tovote in college towns un less they make oath that they expect to make their permanent residence in these towns Mrs Elizabeth Smith Miller suffra gist and advocate of the bloomer cos tume is dead at Geneva N Y at the age of eighty nine One hundred giris had a narrow cape when fire broke out in the Paper Stock companys building at St Louis They jupmed to the roof of an adjoin ing building and were rescued by fire men - The national Steamship line steam er Taboga struck a reef off Punta Mala on Tuesday and sank a short time afterwards Of the hundred passen gers on board only forty are known to tiave been saved Revelations concerning the election of Senator Lorimer of Illinois may be expected as the result of a second in- vestigation into the bribery charges against him if the predictions made by Senator Lorimer in his argument In support of his resolution of inquiry are realized Andrew Carnegie and family have sailed for their summed vacation in Scotland Eight hundred students are on strike at Ohio Northern university at Ada as the result of the expulsion of nine students for participating in a pugilis tic combat ai - i ln ITDE1THI1IIECK BURLINGTONS MOST SERIOUS AC CIDENT IN YEARS BAD CRASH CLAIMS HEAVY TOLL Trains Met Head on in a Fog and Equipment Caught in the Heavy Impact Was Demolished Long List of Injured McCook Two Burlington trains met head on two miles west of Indian ola at 710 Monday morning and six teen are dead and twenty two injured as a result Passenger trains Nos 9 and 12 are carded to meet at Red Wil low No 9 was a few minutes late and No 12 eastbound is a superior train It is said that orders should have been issued at McCooksfor No have been issued at McCook to No that they were not issued No 12 did not wait passing Red Willow practi cally on time Two -miles west of In flianola near a curve and in a fog the two passenger trains running perhaps fifty miles an hour met Lives snuffed out passengers and employes maimed and a mass of demolished equipment piled high resulted Four enginemen who were in charge of the opposing trains are dead and their story will never be heard The death list The Dead Mrs H H Culbertson of Brimfield or Wyoming 111 R D Wilson of Tobias Neb Harry McCall of Denver A G Turamo of Palisades Colo Hiram Feekin of McCook Tom Gateley the wrestler of Stromsburg Grace Dean of Minden Robert Shepherd of Holdrege trav eling man for a hardware company Clarence Hilsabeck of Holdrege Engineer John W Hyder of 2209 B street Lincoln Fireman W J Damron of 121 South Fourteenth street Lincoln Engineer W T Leahy of 1113 H st Fireman T H Bowers Fireman A J Olson of 737 North Fourteenth street Lincoln George Freer of McCook baggage man Express Messenger Frazier The list of injured List of Injured Bert Keeley of the Omaha baseball club James McGill Denver W H Harris Max Neb G N Carpell Perry Neb H B Snipen Aden Colo Samuel Davis Williamsburg Colo W W Mark Omaha Neb L O Noble Oxford Neb O H Anderson mail clerk on train 12 2731 Q street Lincoln H H Culbertson Brimfield 111 Maggie Sentence McCook Neb Gerazem Gorz Bender Colo E B Kent Lincoln Neb W R Dean Minden Neb A C Higbee McCofik Neb B I Irvine Omaha Neb Irving Steff cut and bruised a trav eling salesman Pontiac Mich Brakeman Dave Burnett of McCook Neb broken arm and other injuries Mrs Feekin may die Five of the victims who met death m the wreck were from Lincoln All of the Lincoln men were well known most of them having been in the em ploy of the company for a number of years General Superintendent Allen of the Burlington who has been conducting an investigation at McCook of the cause of the wreck telegraphs that it was due to the failure of an operator to deliver a meeting order to the crew of No 12 Both train and engine crews are therefore Innocent of all re sponsibility for the accident Murders Four Then Suicides Pawnee City James Fielder Mon day morning murdered E A McVitty Mrs E A McVitty and their five-year-old daughter all living about six miles south of this city A few hours later he shot Sheriff Fuller three times and then committed suicide The deed was committed about 3 oclock in the morning the murderer having entered the house by means of a window He used a hammer to accomplish his pur pose The crime is the worst in the his tory of this section of the country The only motive that can be assigned for the deed was Fielders crazed de eire for revenge upon the parents whose consent to his marriage with their daughter Jessie he had been un able to obtain Porum Okla Standing in his door fvay of his home here Pony Starr with his friend Joe Davis killed one man and dangerously wounded five more of a masked -posse supposed to haye been composed of thirty mem bers of the antl horsethief association Starrs wife stood by his side during the conflict and loaded his rifles Peruvians Are Expelled Santiago In consequence of a seri ous conflict between Peruvians and Chilians at Iquique Chile resolutions were prepared at a meeting held here demanding the forcible expulsion of all Peruvians from the Chileans capital The consul of Peru has placed the con sulate here in charge of the American consul Oklahoma City has been agreed iinon hv the committee as the nlace I of meeting for the seventh annual 1 one Baotist convention next year t I ti iH m IM Mi i n nnimanm mm V ALL OVER NEBRASKA Crops in Nebraska Crops in Nebraska promise says an Omaha paper a golden harvest next fall if they are in as good con dition all summer and fall as now Recent rains with the warm sun on following days have brought out the corn and spring grains and shot up the stalks in marvelous ways Fruit blossoms are also out and with dan ger of frostj past this state will have a good crop of fruit this year Wheat in places has been injured and the winter crop will show small heads and a little thin in spots where the rainfall has been less than was needed Spring wheat is coming out of the ground and the rains have pro duced acreage where many farmers had given up -hope of the grain sprouting Dry winds and the necessarily dry soil delayed the pastures and mead ows up to Sunday The crops will be a little later but no real damage has been reported Burlington and Northwestern crop reports show that timothy and alfalfa were badly in need of rain last week and that pas tures for cattle were short but the downpour of the first two days of this week has been ample Veteran Engineer is Dead Jefferson County A message has been received in Fairbury announcing the death of Luke Lee at Horton Kans Mr Lee was well known among all the railroad men of Fair bury having been employed as an engineer on that division for twenty years Several years ago owing to ill health he was compelled to take a leave of absence and never return ed to work Since then he has been making his home at Horton For many years he hauled the local pas senger trains between Fairbury and Horton and was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers of this city Death was due to heart failure Mr Lee was regarded as one of the oldest engineers in the country having been working in this capacity for nearly fifty years He commenced his career in England Shelton to Have New School Buffalo County The people of Sheltons school district again voted on the issue of 30000 of school bonds for the purpose of building and furnishing a new school house and there were 307 votes cast 266 for and 39 against the issue The building will be rushed from this time on No Mail Sunday Lincoln County Beginning Sun day no delivery of mail will be made from the postoffice windows although the lobby will be opened all day for those who rent postoffice boxes and the mail will be distributed A vote was had a few weeks ago upon the question as to whether or not the de livery of mail should be had on Sun day and 8q per cent of the votes cast were in favor of Sunday closing Writer Gains Fame York County One of Yorks popu lar story writers has become expert in describing the life and experience of printers and editors in small towns His latest story entitled How the Courier Swallowed the Chronicle was so cleverly written that the writ er Eugene Bemis a young newspaper man of York has received many offers from publishers of periodicals and magazines Acquitted of Murder Buffalo County A jury brought in a verdict of not guilty in the case of Patrick E Cooney charged by the state with the murder of Elmer Mer cer in Kearney the night of Dec 31 The jury was out two hours Four of the most prominent lawyers of this part of the state were engaged by Coorfey while the county attorney and the city attorney of Kearney con ducted the prosecution Y M C A Building Hall County At a meeting In Grand Island of the board of directors of the Young Mens Christian asso ciation which board has recently been increased from five to fifteen members the matter of inaugurating a movement for the construction of a Young Mens Christian- association home was discussed Killed by the Cars Douglas County Asleep under a freight car with his body across the track Albert Monroe 50 years old was killed at Omaha when a Union Pacific switch engine pulled the car away Monroe was employed at The Only Way Transfer companys barn as hostler Just how he happened to be under the car asleep could not be learned Bankers Close Session Lancaster Cqunty Group No 1 of me Nebraska Bankers association closed its session at Lincoln electing the following officers E J Wight man York president E E Good Peru vice president C E Bowlby Friend secretary Stores Burn at Blair Washington County The meat market of C Hansen and H Peter sons barber shop were destroyed by fire and are a total loss The meat market was insured for 1500 and the barber shop was also insured Now a Salaried Position Madison County The Norfolk Com mercial club last week elected A W Howkfns a prominent traveling sales man as secretary of the club The position henceforth will be a salaried 11 tiftwf3su0wfc Asks for Redress An appeal for redress has reached Attorney General Martin from Ralph Noetzelmann a Kinkaid homesteader near Lewellen Garden county who claims to have been pulled off his horse and beaten by two ranchmen in the same vicinity Noetzelmann says he has tried to prosecute his assailT ants but the county judge refuses tq issue warrants for their arrest unless a bond for costs is furnished He wants to know if the attorney general can not help him to obtain justice as he is a poor man and unable to give the bond State School Apportionment Superintendent Crabtree will soon apportion 37546163 among the differ ent counties for the support of schools This is the amount nowj available in the temporary school fund in the state treasury This fund is distributed semi annually in May andi December The total last May was 423266 The increase for the semi annual period this year is due to an Increase of interest received on school and saline lands sold and interest on bonds held by the state as an invest ment for the permanent school fund Are Prizes Prohibited Deputy Food Commissioner Jacksoa has been asked whether or not the sale of a package of popcorn and a small paper fan attached to the pack- age is a sale contrary to the anti- free gift enterprise The same tion has arisen in another case in t volving the right of merchants to selE a package of baking powder with a dish that is not attached to the pack- age The questions have been re- ferred by Mr Jackson to the attorney General Mr Barton Just Sawing Wood It is not impossible that Senator Norris Brown will find that his op j ponent in the primary fight next year or at least one of his opponents will be Silas R Barton present state audi tor Mr Barton has nothing to say on the subject although he has not en tered a denial but rumors of his en j trance into the fight are persistent and within the last few days have be come numerous locally State Fair Will Be Record Breaker Secretary Mellor of the state board of agriculture is of the opinion that iff the other departments of the state fair show up as well as the speed depart ment the next fair will be a record breaker In the early closing races this year 233 horses have been named while the highest number ever before entered was 187 The increase is more than 20 per cent over any previous showing Farmers Are Short Handed Labor Commissioner Guye has ap plications for three farm hands which he will be delighted to turn over to men who want the work A man at Winneton wants a farmer who knows something about scientific farming Another at Edholm is willing to pay 25 and keep a man while another at Bellwood offers 250 a day during the harvest season after June 20 More Militia Adjutant General Phelps has gone to muster in a new company of the state guard The company will be known as Company H It has been re cruited by R O Allen formerly of the regular army Six men are on the company roll The company will be come a part of the first regiment Governor Aldrich has appointed Mrs M D Cameron of Omaha mem her of the board of trustees that con trols the state school for deaf at Oma ha and the state school for blind at Nebraska City She will succeed C R Sherman of Omaha resigned Mrs Cameron is president of the womans club of Omaha Will File for Senator It is reported in Lincoln that Con gressman George Norris will file as a candidate for United States senator In the 1912 primaries before June 1 The senatorial primaries are April 19 1912 less than eleven months distant Must yStamp Net Weight In a series of test cases the supreme court has sustained the net weight provision of the Nebraska pure food law holding that packages of food must be stamped with the net weighl or measure The principal cases were against the National Biscuit company and in volved the legality of sales of pack ages by retailers sales from one point to another ia the state and sales by a retailer who had bought his goods from another state Will Go to the Court The peaceful conclusion of the al leged shortage of former Bookkeeper Stewart of the Institute for the feeble minded at Beatrice has been post poned by warlike measures Land Commissioner Cowles received notice from E O Kretsinger of Beatrice that he had been retained as an atorney in the case Itr appears that the responsi bility for the shortage of 1337 and the repayment of the money to tha state will now be threshed out in court nMWgtafcBE if - -