The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 01, 1911, THURSDAY EVENING EDITION., Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo
Entered at postoflice SlcCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
While McCook had her good right
eye glued onto that ostrich egg Cur
tis got away with the Nebraska agri
cultural school
C E Eldred of McCook has filed
for judge of the 14th judicial dis
trict as a republican candidate
We are reliably informed that Fur
nas county will have a candidate in
the person of our fellow townsman
E B Perry It goes without say
ing that Mr Perry will have strong
support in the east end in fact all
over the district His active law
practice extends to every county in
the district and he is recognized as
tile leading attorney of this part of
the state Should the republicans
of the district choose Mr Perry as
their candidate they will be excep
tionally fortunate He is a man of
honor clean in his profession and hai
always been an anti corporation at
torney The Clarion gladly endors
es E B Perry for district judge be
lieving him to be an ideal man for
the place and especially fitted for
the bench Cambridge Clarion
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination of county treasurer on
the Republican ticket subject to the
Primary Election August loth 1911
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
Sheriff subject to the Primary Elec
tion to be held August loth
25 2t M C MURRAY
Marriage Licenses
Joseph M Racine 22 and Bertha
Baker 18 both of Trenton Mar
ried by Rev J J Haggerty May 23
Llewellyn S Brush 23 and Rosa
B Crosby 17 both of Bartley Mar
ried on May 24th by county judge
Otto E Tull 23 and Emma Van
Duff 22 both of Arapahoe Married
by Rev L E Lewis May 24th
Alvin H Murray 21 of Platts
mouth and Lilyan Budig 21 of Mc
Cook Married on May 25th by Rev
L E Lewis
Jake Hoffman 23 and Annie Leb
sack 21 both of McCook
Albert B Bellamy 23 and Leona
Pearl Moslander 22 both of Cam
bridge Married by Rev D L Mc
Bride May 31st
Leon Russell 21 of Indianola and
Laura Edith Shoemaker 17 of Bart
eminent priest is a member of the Paulists an American
THIS of Catholic priests And like the Chautauqua itself he is
thoroughly American He was educated in Washington D C
He has traveled extensively in Europe Mexico and in his own
country and knows the audience of all creeds Possibly there is only
one other greater presentation of The Story Beautiful the Passion
Play of the Tyrol peasants In the work of presenting this great story
Father MacCorry is assisted by H Ruthven MacDonald the famous
Canadian baritone Besides there are more than 12o beautiful stere
optlcon pictures reproduced by one of the most expensive of stereopticon
machines The Story Beautiful will be told on one of the nights of
Chautauqua week
E wish to announce to the public and especially to
the ladies who live in McCook and vicinity that we
have purchased the McCook Flour Mills of E H
Doan and are now placing our flour with all the
merchants of McCook As the brands of this mill have
long been known we have decided not to change them and
in calling for our flour you wiil remember that the 91 PAT
ENT has long been at the head of the list in quality the
ANCHOR BRAND a close second
We are interested in two other mills one at Minden
Nebraska and one at Tecumseh Nebraska and we feel
proud to make the statement that so long as we are run
ning the McCook Mills our flour will be equal to any and
superior to many of the other flours shipped in Every
sack of our flour is guaranteed and we are right here in
your town to make good and while McCook is getting an
uplift in locating the Nebraska School of Agriculture here
we wish you to remember that in using our flour you are
at the same time boosting for McCook
We are expecting to move to McCook and be one of you
and work with you to not only help locate the agricultural
school but to boost the town in all other ways to help
make McCook a bigger and better town If you are not
using the McCook flour ask for and see that the grocer
gives you a sack of our 91 PATENT or ANCHOR BRAND and
we assure you that you will use no other
Thanking you in advance for your patronage and
good will we remain
Yours truly
The Right
Xu MSr
Copjricht Hart SchaTfucr Ham
Washed Out Blood Stains Cannot Es
cape the Ultra Violet Rays
Even before it had been adapted ex
clusively by means of special lens
construction and combination to tbe
reception of the invisible ultra violet
rays the camera eye owing to its pe
culiar sensitiveness to this light has
played a strikingly dramatic role on
various occasions One of these oc
curred a few years ago in Lausaune
It appears that a handkerchief
formed an exhibit at a murder trial
and was regarded as a crucial bit of
evidence Tbe closest inspection failed
to reveal a stain on the immaculately
white cloth even with the aid of a
powerful microscope Rut it occurred
to a professor of Lausanne university
to photograph the handkerchief when
the image obtained clearly disclosed
the presence of great splotches or
rather of what had been such show
ing ghostlike in the carefully washed
fabric The photograph proved the
turning point of the trial and the re
sult was conviction
Blood as was scientifically explained
at the time happens to be one of the
substances that absorb ultra violet
rays and when any of these substances
have found their way to a receptive
surface no amount of erasing or
cleansing can hide its presence from
the camera eye When the latter is
equipped to utilize only this invisible
light the result is much more marked
Should the neatest erasure be made in
writing done with substances specially
absorbent of the rays the ultra violet
photograph would show the traces of
the erasure as plainly as the writing
itself New York Tribune
Follows Instructions
The father of a small family tells us
this one
My wife instructed our little boy
when he was invited out to lunch the
other day that when he was asked to
have a second helping of cake he
should refuse You must say No I
thank you Ive had enough said she
And dont you forget it
He didnt When asked if hed
have some more cake he said No I
thank you Ive had enough and dont
you forget it Toledo Blade
Men Are So Uncertain
Why did you jilt that man
1 -
wanted to marry you
Because replied the prima donna
I couldnt decide whether he was in
love with me or merely wanted to hear
me sing for nothing Exchange
Ho Got it
Teacher 3 Willie give me a sentence
In which the term hook and eye is
used Willie Me an pa went fishin
Pa told me t baitme hook an I did
Baltimore American
Mr and Mrs W B Morris were At
wood Kansas visitors from Tuesday
till Wednesday evening
John Sims a brother of J L
Sims of this place arrived Wednes
day tor an indefinite visit
A number from here went down to
Lebanon Thursday night to the grad
uating exercises
Albertus Thomas had the misfor
tune to fall off of a horse Monday
breaking both bones in his right arm
below the elbow
George Miller and crew are fixing
up a telephone line south of Lebanon
W T Roop who has been visiting
his son T S Roop of this place left
for his home at Abilene
Curry Brothers from Oberlin were
over Tuesday and put up some mon
uments at the cemetery
The Ladies Aid society spent the
day Thursday with Mrs C W Rogers
south of Marion
J C Ashton had his barn moved
Tuesday in the southwest corner of
his yard He had double doors put
in and we think he will soon own an
B W Leisure returned home on
Monday from Atwood Kas where he
has been visiting his son John
Roy Brock spent Sunday with his
relatives at Jennings Kansas
J E Noe installed a bath tub and
lavatory in the T E McDonald res
idence first of the week
S W Stilgebouer was a Marion
visitor between trains Monday
To Buv
IN BUYING Clothes some things you
can see for yourself color pattern
weave style fit price your judgment
for which is your best guide But some
things you cant see quality of fabrics
quality of insides quality of tailoring
You buy mostly from what you see and
and for the rest of it you take some
bodys word
The part you cant see is the more im
portant The service youll get in
clothes depends on the quality not on
color or pattern the fit depends on the
tailoring not on the style or the weave
the price depends on what the clothes
really are not on what they look like The
Hart Schaffner
label on a garment is complete security
for you in the things you cant see
Thats why the makers say its a small
thing to look for and a big thing to find
and thats why it pays to look for it and
finds it GALUSHA SON is the
McCook home of Hart Schaffner Marz
Clothes always of all wool fahrics the
best of other materials and the best workmanship possible Youll find among the
spring suits just your style and your color and your patterns at 1200 to 3500
The Bright Spot I McCook
r 1 f
Fred Osburn came home from Bird
City Kansas Thursday evening He
had the rheumatism so bad that he
couldnt walk He had been helping
E A Rubv build a house
A Michigan editor says a resident
is so rich that he has to put a
sponge in the bottom of the pail
while milking to keep from churning
You can lead a horse to water but
a pencil must be lead
This section of the country -was
visited by a good rain Friday even
A large crowd from Danbury went
over to see the wreck at Indianola
Ex County Attorney Eldred deliver
ed a fine address to the Sons of Vet
erans and soldiers at this place on
Tuesday afternoon
Cow Peas Do Well
in this country and we have the
seed which was raised right here at
The Tribunes job department can
as usual handle your job printing
promptly and satisfactorily Prices
reasonable and right
Wall paper You can have your se
lection from over 1000 different pat
terns at our store ranging in price
from 10c a double roll to 350
When Visitors Come and Theres Not a Thing
in the House
Telephone 423 and a case of Eoot Beer Cherry or any flavor
you desire will be delivered in a hurry But better still
have a case of our goods on hand at all times and a few
bottles on icer then you are ready for emergencies Our
goods are prepared from the choicest ingredients under con
ditions of scrupulous cleanliness
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