The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 25, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
The indispensable conditions
Without publicity public opinion has
not sufficient matter to work upon
With publicity will come the neces
sity that these who conduct the gov
ernment should explain the things
which are not easily understood by
the newspapers or by critics of any
kind and with the necessity of ex
plaining will come as a natural con
sequence the necessity of leading It
ment is of necessity in many of its
parts a technical and complicated
thing We shall not be saved merely
by having experts We shall be safe
only when we have experts who are
also capable of being loaders Gov
ernor Wilson of New Jersey
Never Touched Me
John D Rockefeller is just as rich
as he was before and he and ths
man who have long beea associated
with him have just as complete a
control of the petroleum industry If
any one wishes to know who is boss
of the oil business 1st him start
something in the way of an inde
pendent Philadelphia Rec
The state last week purchased
bonds of Chase county to the amount
of 25000
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
It is SluO
I The probable political complexion of
the United States senate in 1913 was
of fully discussed in an article which
success in city government as in all appeared in the Washington Times
government are first publicity and today The Times writers conclu
second alert public opinion guided in sices are that the senate after the
some definiate way by those who presidential election will be democrat
really understand the business in 3 article also states that Sen
hand Nothing ought to be done by ator Brown of Nebraska will probably
a city government or by any other -e defeated and replaced by a demo
government information regarding jrat In this connection however
which is not accessible day by day there is a strong feeling here
to any citicn wio desires to obtain it anon
Think Norris Can Save the Day
Washington May 18 Special i drawal of Representative Olmstead
of Pennsylvania Victor Murdock has
been the insurgent leader in behalf
of Norris Lincoln Journal
If Representative Vic Murdock
red headed progressive from the Sun
flower state can bring it about by
persuasion oratory and persistence
Congressman Norris of McCook will
be assigned a place on a special com
mittee recently created by the house
to investigate the steel industry Nor
ris is backed by a group of
i AI 7 n 1 rim nM nF MnniTl isini r n n i ninnf nffrtTO O TVS
15L Ule melius illiu miuw eii ul i uu leiiiuniLiuio mu iiuici ghu i m
ccro W Norris that if he should being made to obtain from Minority
3 iito 1ie race the senatorship Leader Mann the promise that Nor-
avcl for the publicans ris shall get th
place made vacant
May Bo On Committee by the withdrawal of Representative
Representative Geore W Norris of Olmstead of Pennsylvania Mr Mur
Ncbrr -1-1 may be placed on the house dock insists that the men occupied
committee to investigate the steel oi the highly important committees
industry Mr Norris is backed by j ought not to be burdened with addi
a group of insurgent reirilricans who tional labors which they might find
believe he would be r valuable
is the principal business of those who ber Efforts are being made to se
constitute the responsible governing sure from Minority Leader Mann a
authorities of a city or of a state to promise that Mr Norris shall get i and eminently
explain matters that need explanation the place left vacant by the with- I Omaha Bee
and to guide opinion regarding them
by something more than explanation
that is by argument by proposals
of measures of various kinds by all
the elgitimate means by which
The New York World says that
the appointment of Dan F Cohalan to
succeed Senator OGorman on the
Siinreme bench of the state of New
ion is guided and developed Govern-
j York g a poltical scandal and will
be accepted by thousands of persons
as an unanswerable argument in fav
or of the recc 11 cf judges
Congressman Xcrris of this district
j having opposed reciprocity and voted
against it on the ground that it
threatens the prosperity of American
farmers will now support and vote
for the so called farmers free list
bill to which I13 is endeavoring first
to secure amendments He has an
nounced that if failing in this he
will still vote for the bill solely as
a measure which will compensate tho
farmers partially at least for the
losses that they may expect under re
ciprocity Mr Norris has been stead
ily opposed to destroying the protec
tive system under which the Ameri
can people have enjoyed the highest
prosperity yet he has favored revis
ion and reduction of duties wherever
there may be excessive protection
and need of adjustment to new con
ditions In all these matters the
difficuit to perform Norris is not
in this class and it is believed he
would make an exceptionally capable
fair investigator
Herald believes he has acted with
gcod judgment serving faithfully
and consistently the best interests of
E wish to announce to the public and especially to
the ladies who live in McCook and vicinity that we
have purchased the McCook Flour Mills of E H
Doan and are now placing our flour with all the
merchants of McCook As the brands of this mill have
long been known we have decided not to change them and
in calling for our flour you will remember that the 91 PAT
ENT has long been at the head of the list in quality the
ANCHOR BRAND a close second
We are interested in two other mills one at Minden
Nebraska and one at Tecumseh Nebraska and we feel
proud to make the statement that so long as we are run
ning the McCook Mills our flour will be equal to any and
superior to many of the other flours shipped in Every
sack of our flour is guaranteed and we are right here in
your town to make good and while McCook is getting an
uplift in locating the Nebraska School of Agriculture here
we wish you to remember that in using our flour you are
at the same time boosting for McCook
We are expecting to move to McCook and be one of you
and work with you to not only help locate the agricultural
school but to boost the town in all other ways to help
make McCook a bigger and better town If you are not
using the McCook flour ask for and see that the grocer
gives you a sack of our 91 PATENT or ANCHOR BRAND and
we assure you that you will use no other
Thanking you in advance for your patronage and
good will we remain
Yours truly
rTr t
Red Willow Countys Candidate
The Tribune takes satisfaction in
making note of the fact that Mr C
E Eldred of our city has made his
Aformal filing for the nomination for
igudge of the Fourteenth judicial dis
trict of Nebraska on the Republican
ticket subject to the decision of the
Primary Election of August loth 1911
From a personal and somewhat in
tjmate acquaintance of many years
with Mr Eldred the publisher has
come to know him as a lawyer of abil
ity and absolute integrity and as a
citizen and neighbor of highest char
i The high office of district judge
demands qualifications of mind and
ljeart of the first order A district
judge should not only be well equip
ped with legal knowledge and be
thoroughly versed and experienced
in procedure of law but he should be
endowed by nature and training with
nigh ideals of justice and equity and
should bring to the bench a personal
character above renroach
i I Mr Eldred combines in a
1 rmni v n
Ills constituents as well as the larger
interests of the whole country Bert
rand Herald
Imperial is organizing a base ball
team with Robert Malcolm as man
The automobile owners of Red
Cloud and vicinity have organized a
club The organization proposes to
enforce the laws ttouching
1 biles the laws effecting drivers and
5 I 5
Mayor McAdams has issued a pro
clamation asking the participation of
the citizens of McCook ina proper
observance of Decoration Day It is
to be hoped the request will meet
with a ready response and that the
places of business of the city will be
closed during the hours indicated and
that as many as can will attend the
services in the Temple theatre in
the afternoon as well as taking part
in the decorating of the graves in
the morning
measure these qualifications being
aj lawyer of years experience hav
ing practiced successfully in the va
rious counties of the district for
years and offering a blameless life
of high character
So on behalf of the people of Mc
Cook his home for many years and
of the people of Red Willow county
where he is widely esteemed The
Tribune takes more than pergonal
pleasure in presenting his name be
fore the people of the Fourteenth ju
dicial district believing his fair
claims will appeal to them strongly
at tlie coming primary election
There is every reason to believe
that his home county will honor him
with a splendid endorsement at the
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination of county treasurer on
the Republican ticket subject to the
Primary Election August loth 1911
hereby announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
Sheriff subject to the Primary Elec
tion to be held August loth
25 2t M C MURRAY
Council Proceedings
There was a regular session of the
city council Monday evening with all
officers present Minutes of May S
and 12 were read and approved
The finance committee passed fav
orably upon the following claims
which were ordered paid out of the j
respective funds i
A Sears killing dogs 1100 j
E Benjamin board prisoners 4 05
Welsbach Street Lighting Co 154 00
E S Gant cleaning sewer 9 15
M Stults cleaning sewer 75
Fire claims of 400 each were al-
lowed the following
W Kelley Harry Woolard R
G Talbot John Wentz Sam Pickard I
J W Spencer Floyd Berry John
Miller John Burnett L P Davis J
C Niccolson Joe Barker Elsworth I
Ward C L Hileman E F Osborn
L W Jennings John Madron L I
Thayer E O Vahue W C Allison
H M Snider C W Snider
Virgie Barbazeite fire 1 00
J R Snence fire 00
On motion the contract for the city
cement work was let to The McCook
Cement and Stone Co
On motion the city engineers es
timate for the cost of the appraisal
of the MflCook Water Works Co
plant was accepted
A motion prevailed that the city
purchase from George Leland one
half acre more or less of land lo
cated on Republican river and east
of the middle river bridge for city
flumn nlcr tliot n lo ico lui
line to river front thence eastward
along river front to said land to be
G L Harmon and Virgie Barba
zette were discharged from the fire
department and Harry Woolard and
J R Pence were approved as mem
bers of the fire department to suc
ceed them
The mayor appointed A M Wilson
as city wire inspector
Ordinance No 199 was passed and
approved It appears in full else
where in this issue
The fire committee was instructed
to arrange for the erection of a build
ing to be located on the Gale lot in
West McCook using old lumber on
hand and such new lumber as re
On motion council adjourned to
May 23rd
Tuesday Evenings Session
The city council was in adjourned
session Tuesday evening at which
sitting the water works question was
on the boards
A motion prevailed that the bid
of Mr Dobson of Lincoln for an ap
praisal of the McCook Water Works
Co plant be accepted provided his
estimate includes such details as are
required by the city council
Post Office Hours
Decoration Day May 30th This
being a national holiday the observ
ance of which is authorized by the do
partment the office will close for the
day at noon
City carriers will make the morning
delivery only Collections from street
letter boxes will be as usual and all
mails be dispatched at the regular
There will be no service on the
rural routes
LON CONE Postmaster
Visit our nice new Iceless Soda
Fountain for delicious ice cream so
das and fancy drinks
We have lots of good bargains in
wall paper yet Dont fail to see us
before you buy
Subscribe for The Tribune
business June 19th
Panama Hats Out
Door Life Collars
Tubular Wash Ties-
Manhattan Shirts
Non Slip Belts
Dutchess Trousers
Munsing Underwear
Buster Brown Hos
iery --French- S hriner
One Price and no
Monkey Business
A Galusha
Library Flower Beds
The McCook Greenhouse people
have just completed bedding the
flowers for the Carnegie library
grounds They are in designs of
various sorts and will add greatly to
the appearance of those handsome
Helm Has Fifteen of Em
John F Helm of the Willow has
fifteen of the Jap colony on his beet
fields They are being housed in the
store building at the Willow
For Sale
Alfalfa hay Phone ash
G tf
Use Nyals Peroxide Cold Cream to
soften and whiten the skin It cures j
sunburn tan with only a few j
Bullards have dry stove wood
Careful selection and scientific can
ning make the ideal and healthful
canned vegetables and fruits The
Flag brand meets the requirements
and gives the highest satisfaction C
L DeGroff Co
18 T 5
For Sale
E U sec
R 29 and N E and
S E sec 13 ToR30
Will consider any fair offer cash or
part on time Address owner
J T FOLEY Lewistown Montana
For special on sauer kraut by the
gallon see Magner
Pure Gold flour from winter wheat
at Magners
A good single harness performer
J often trots badly in double harness
secured for a roadway to said land Holdrege has been designated as a Buy flower field and garden seeds
running southwest parallel with west postal savings postoffice to open for j from H P Waite Co Their seeds
are reliable 9 tf
Wauneta feels the need of a com
mercial club and the Breeze urges
the organization of one
Dr J O Bruce osteopath has re
turned to the city and is again ready
for business Office over Electric
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
lTplVlrPnllllITVW1fcll 1 IV7PTTilTifP PfffPWnWfWi
When Visitors Come and Theres Not a Thing
in the House
Telephone 423 and a case of Eoot Beer Cherry or any flavor
you desire will bo delivered in a hurry But better still
have a case of our goods on hand at all times and a few
bottles on ice then you are ready for emergencies Our
goods are prepared from the choicest ingredients under con
ditions of scrupulous cleanliness
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