The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 25, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
Afosolttfely Pare
Plenty of Them in McCook and Good
Reason for it
Wouldnt any wonlro be happy
After years of backache suffering
Days of misery nights of unrest
The distress of urinary troubles
She finds relief and cure
No reason why any McCook reader
Should suffcr in the tree of evi
dence like this
Mrs A M Wilson 204 E Second
St McCook Xc b says My back
bothered me for years and there was
a dull rfii e across my kidneys and
loins Ike pain in my back became
worse when I exerted myself and of
ten I had headaches and dizzy spells
I could not stoop and there were
many other disagreeable symptoms
of kidney complaint in evidence On
BelMoias Cake
BaMiy Pastries
Fine Puddings
Flaky Crusts
and fne food is finer
more tasty cleanly
wholesome than the ready-
made found at the shop or grocery
Royal Cook Book BOO RocolpicFreoa
Send Mama and Address
said I am pleased to verify the
statement I gave in 1907 recommend
ing Doans Kidney Pills This rem
edy is a specific for kidney com
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Legal Notice
To all persons interested in the
estate of Auguct Droll deceased
Notice is hereby given that Ed
ward M Droll executor has filed his
final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such
and for the distribution and assign
ment of said est te to the persons
entitled thereto
a friends advise I finally nrocured It is ordered that the same be
Doans Kidney Pills from McConnells heard in the county court room in
drug store and I soon found them to said county on the 10th day of June
be just what I needed This remedy
strengthened my back and kidneys
1911 at one oclock p m
Witness my hand and the seal of
and before long effected a complete said Court this 22nd day of May
Statement given June 20 1907
Re endorsement
On June 21 1910 Mrs Wilson
County Judge
First publication May 25 3ts
If you and every other Bell Telephone subscriber in this
country would answer the telephone by giving the name as
John Smith talking instead of saying Hello a million
and a half hours of time would be saved every year
Six billion connections are made over Bell Telephonnes ev
ery year A second economized on each call by dropping the
Hello would mean six billion seconds a hundred mil
lion minutes a million and a half hours or 455 days saved
every year This tremendous time saving and consequent re
duction in operating expenses could be applied to the bet
terment of the service
The most agreeable mode of beginning a telephone conver
sation and the method we recommend because it saves use
less words and avoids misunderstanding and consequent irri
tation and is at the same time courteous and direct runs
The telephone bell rings and the person answering
says Browns residence John Brown talking or
Woods Company Mr Jones speaking
Nebraska Telephone Company
H Lumber and Coal
Phone No i
0 fj 1 T
Memorial Sunday May 28 and Dec
oration Day May 30th
Union Memorial services will be
held in the Methodist church at 11
a m Sunday May 2Sth All min
isters and their congregations in the
city are requested to he present and
participate in these services All
members of the G A R of the
Ladies of the G A R Spanish-American
and ex Confederate soldiers are
requested to meet at Morris hall on
Main avenue at 10 oclock a m to
march in organizations to the church
Sermon will be delivered by Com
rade Rev D L McBride who will
be assisted by the other pastors of
the city There will be appropriate
music A collection will be taken
to assist in defraying expenses of
Decoration Day
Decoration Day
Tuesday morning May 30th
decorating committees from the G
A R and from the Ladies of the G
A R will meet at Morris hall at
930 oclock to proceed to the eem
teries of the city to decorate the
graves of departed soldiers etc
All persons are requested to bring
their flowers for the decoration of
the graves to Morris hall not later
than 9 oclock in the morning of the
Invitation is cordially extended to
all civic societies orders etc to
meet with the committees and march
to the cemeteries to engage in the
decoration of the graves
The mayor and members of the city
council will head the civic bodies
of the city in the march to the cem
The procession to the cemetery
will form on Main avenue in front
of Morris hall and march to River-
view cemetery escorted by Company
M Nebraska National Guards and
drum corps
The ritualistic services of the G
A R and of Ladies of the G A R
will be held in Riverview cemetery at
1030 in the morning
At 130 the old soldiers sailors
marines sons of veterans soldiers of
U13 Spanish American war Ladies of
the G A R and ex Confederate col
diers will meet at Morris hall to
march in a body to the Temple the
atre where the exercises of the day
will be held commencing at 2 oclock
p m
All the societies and orders of the
city and the people generally are
urged to come and participate in this
Song America Audience
Reading of Orders Adjutant Yarg
Invocation Rev McBride
Reports of Decorating Committees
Reading of Lincolns Gettysburg Ad
dress F M Kimmell
Address of the Day Rev L E
Address to the Unknown Dead
Mrs W G Dutton
Benediction Rev R T Bayne
The earnest cooperation of all is
hoped for in the proper andappro
priate observance of this day
By Order of Committee
M E Campmeeting
The committee who has in hand th
arrangements for a campmeeting for
Holdrege district of the M E
church met in Oxford yesterday at
the Nome hotel The camp meeting
is to be held at Holbrook July 16 to
The committee on arrangements is
composed of J W Morris district
superintendent J G Hurlbut Hol
brook M B Carman Minden E
C Newland Holdrege R E Gilpin
Franklin L E Lewis McCook
Ox ford Standard
Fire at Indianola
Indianola Neb May 21 Fire at
3 oclock this afternoon destroyed
two frame buildings on Main street
One was occupied by I M Smiths
hardware store and the other by
Mack Lords harness shop Nearly
all of Mr Lords stock was saved as
was part of the goods in Smiths
store The buildings were totally de
stroyed Both are partially covered
by insurance Mr Smiths loss is
about 1000 and loss on buildings is
about 1500 This is the second fire
Mr Smith has had in the last few
months The origin of the fire is
Quite a Foot Race
The base ball game between the
high school teams of McCook and
Cambridge last Friday developed a
meritorious sprinting ability in both
clubs especially among our ownest
The final score was 21 to 10 in favor
of the locals
In the evening the visiting team
was given a reception in the high
school with refreshments and a musical-literary
program of such excel
lence as characterizes such events in
the citys public school affairs
They wanted him to buy a farm
A thousand miles remote
In regions that were full of charm
The proud promoter wrote
The more he thought and thought of ib
The more he liked the scheme
To think of it he used to sit
And then he had a dream
Nov dreams are very foolish things
Undoubtedly its true
Your brain puts on its fairy wings
And flies away from you
And e it seems that some of us
Cu carh vxud never Iocp
Unless we learned a lasson thus
By felling fast asleep
He hai a dream a dollar came
With tears its features wet
A dollar came and called his name
In anger and regret
The coin vas rhedding silver tears
lrrom cut is silver eye
He asked the reason for its fears
The dollar made reply
They tell me you intend to send
Me many miles away
They tell me you intend to spend
In speculation gay
The dollar that has been to you
A servant many years
To send me to some region new
And hence these silver tears
Ive lived in this community
Almost as Jong as you
Ive been in evry family
I guess but one or two
But one or two who sad too say
Had such a scheme in mind
And sent their hard earned cash away
Some other land to find
ail fiw8
I am the dollar that was ipaid
To Johnson for his wheat
That Johnson gave again in trade
To Murphy for his meat
That Murphy gave to Smith you see
For furnishing a knife
That Smith left at the grocery
For candy for his wife
The grocer gave me up to Jones
Who runs the drygoods store
And that the doctor set his benes
This Jones can thank me for
The doctor paid me out for oats
To feed his dapple gray
The feedman paid me on some notes
Fell due a certain day
The banker bought a book or two
And so the thing went on
Each night I had an owner new
A new one at the dawn
A welcome waited when I came
A godspeed when I went
In fact a thousand ways the same
On errands I was sent
But now you say that I must go
A wanderer to be
Afar from all the friends I know
Who know and honor me
I wonder that you dare to look
Me fairly in the face
And in your empty pocketbook
Oh who will take my place
The speculator then awoke
The dollar in his hand
And softly to himself he spoke
At last I understand
He gave it to the druggists clerk
And bought a brush and comb
He found a dollar does its work
The best right here at home
Douglas Mallocah
Few to Contest the Honor
The Tribune is sure there are few
citizens of McCook who would desire
to participate in the doubtful hon
or of being the author of that
band concert joke of last Friday
evening And McCook will stand for
a good deal in the joke line too
It Was a Fake
That band concert advertised per
dodgers for last Friday evening in
the city park was a fake pure and
simple Quite a number of citizens
repaired to the park however in
nocently to enjoy the music
Hottest Spot in U S
According to the government recor
Culbertson reported the highest tem
perature in the U S last Thurs
day 98 degrees above
Real Estate Filings
The foilowiim real estate filing
nave bien maue in the county clerks
oftice since our last report
Timothy F Perkins et ux to
Thomas P McNish wd ne
1 00
Gordon Hollis to M Holland
ei seVi 21-2-30 10 00
Charles W Kelley to Joseph
Shramek lease 9 in 21 Mc-
M U Clyde to Joseph Shra
mek bill of sale all fur
initure fixtures etc in sa
loon building 1500 00
M U Clyde to E H Thom
ass bill of sale all stock
of liquors now in saloon 2341 55
Hiram iC Rider et ux to Adam
Kern wd 3 in 11 Riverview
Henry Lenhart et ux to Adam
Kern wd 7 in G Willow
Grove S00 00
O R Levin e et ux to Frank
E McKinnis wd to n
nwVi 21-1-CO 2CC0 00
T Mor is wd Ft ne sw
17-1-26 3 00
J PI Cast et al to Albert L
Kee et a wd int neM
3200 00
J H Cast et al to J A Scott
qcd 1 6 nei 19-4-29 1 00
Martha E Cumming to James
E Cumming wd 1 2 in 10
10-1-26 2500 00
James B Cumming to Martha
E Cumming wd in 10
Lebanon 2500 00
Affa C Secley et al to Jas
L Hoyt wd 2-3-4 in 19-2-30
1200 00
Yarger Notley to Matella
Gordon mech lien 11 in i
Mccook 163 76
A Ebert to Frank Mueller
lease s 16-2-29 600 00
Chas D Ritchie Ref to
Edward Droll Ref deed
ne qr e hf nw qr and
lots 1 and 2 in 18-3-23 3S00 00
J Chas D Ritchie Rf to
Rosana Droll Ref ieed
eJ2 nw and lofes 1 and 2
in 7-3-29 2100 00
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
It is 100
Come and Settle
All persons indebted to the estate
of S N Wilson for stallion service
are requested to call on the under
signed at once and make settlement
Give this your prompt attention
please as the estate must be set
tled up at the earliest possible date
M O McCLURE Administrator
Have you heard the latest song
Sick headache results from a dis
ordered condition of the stomach and
can be cured by the use of Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets Try
it For sale by all dealers
CURES and Purifies the Blood
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Subscribe for the Tribar j
Foley Kidney Pills take hold of
your system and help you to rid your
self of your dragging backache dull
headache nervousness impaired eye
sight and of all the ills resulting fror
the impaired action of your kidneys
and bladder Remember it is Foley
Kidney Pills that do this A Mc
inscta sMmm
U - i1
iiiix Lsr xKSw
Sho SaI jie Springs
Located on our own premise and u4
in the
Natural liieral Water
in o trutment of
Heart Stomach Kidney and Lira
Dueas s
I DR 0 V
Mod r it Chwge Additu
W EVERiTT Hg- Lincoln Rsb
ke Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location n t acr - Tlnf -
trfc in P Wulch Hnrrii o A lWVvJvV
Heating PlumbiDg
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Two years ago one of Uncle Sams tsoldiers filed on a 40 acre
homestead adjoining the town of Powell Wyoming By applying his
time served in the army this homesteader has now made final proof
He has paid out only 50000 on the ten payment plan towards water
rights and improvements and has just refused a 300000 offer for his
40 acre farm
This illustrates the value of irrigated farms under Government Can
als in the Big Horn Basin
More of this same kind of land will be opened soon to entry The
IRalston Unit is already platted d 12 miles more of the main canal
is more than half finished by the contractors If you want to get
one of these rich Government prizes send me your name and address
for my mailing list and I will notify you as fast as new tracts will
be supplied with water The next one will be announced very soon
NEW FOLDER The new Shoshone Project folder contains a map
of the Big Horn Basin plats of the Garland Powell and Ralston ir
rigated lands several farm scenes and two beautiful pictures of the
Shoshone Dam It is yours for the asking Write today for particulars
about our personally conducted excursions to these lands firnt and
third Tuesdays
Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam St Omaha Neb
acre FREE
Northeastern Wyoming-
about them
g I
V Frakklix Pres G H WATKinslVice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
kltWMtLmfLth LtftLMW n Mm- tWtriVn tVV n r mi mHiiuiiH inn iLny
f I