The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 18, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    f V
Warning to Railroad Men
E S Bacon 11 Bast St Bath Me
sends out this warning to railroaders
A conductor on the railroad my
work caused a chronic inflammation
of the kidney and I was miserable
and all played out A friend advised I
Foley Kidney Pills and from the day
I commenced taking them I began
to regain my strength The inflam
mation cleared and I am far better
than I have been for twenty years
The weakness and dizzy spells are a i
thing of the past and Ihighly
mend Foley Kidney Pills A lie
Boost for the Agricultural College
Notice of Hearing
In the County Court of Red Wil
low county State of Nebraska In
the matter of the estate of James B
Wade deceased
To all persons interested in said
estate You are hereby notified that
on the 13th day of May 1911 Nina
Harris Wade filed her petition in the
county court of said county praying
that letters of administration be is
sued to her upon the goods chattels
rights and credits of James B Wade
late of said county deceased and that
a hearing will be had upon said peti
tion at the county court room in the
city of McCook in said county on
the third day of June 1911 at the
bour of ten oclock A M
Dated this 13th day of May 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication May IS 1911 3t
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment cf Administrator
In the count- court of Red Willow
county Nebraska State of Nebras
ka County of Red Willow ss To
Sarah J Real Mary A OConnor
Thomas Real Julia Caffery Francis
P Real and Sarah J Hickling and
to all persons interested in the estate
of John J Real deceased
On reading the petition of Sarah J
Hickling praying that the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
said Sarah J Hickling as administra
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may and do appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty on the 27th day of May A D
1911 at two oclock p m to show
cause if any there be a by the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and that the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a ccpy of this order in The
McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper
printed in said county for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Witness my hand and seal of said
court this Cth day of May A D 1911
Seal County Judge
P S IIEATON Attorney
First publication May ll 3ts
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and
8 p m The public cordially invited
R T BAYNE Pastor
Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday
at 8 p m Meets now in the north
east corner of court house basement
CATHOLIC Order of services
Mass 830 a m Mass and sermon
1030 a m Evening services at
800 Sunday school 230 p m
Methodist Preaching by the pas
tor at 11 a m and S p m Sunday
school at 10 a m Epworth League
at 7 p m
EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten
oclock Morning prayer and sermon
at eleven oclock Evening prayer
and sermon at eight Choir rehearsal
as usual every member please attend
German Congregational Sunday
school at 930 a m Preaching at
1030 a m and 730 p m by the
pastor Junior CE at 130 p m
Senior C E at 730 All Germans
cordially i i to attend these orv
vices every other Sunday afternoon
at 230 oclock
BAPTIST Bible school at 10
Preaching at 11 and 8 oclock
D L McBRIDE Minister
Case of Alma City Treasurership
Up to Supreme Court
Robert W porter Takes Appeal From
Vrit of Mandamus Ordering Him
to Turn Cash Over to Jean McKee
Gardner Appointed Superintendent
Lincoln May 9 The question as
to whether or not a woman can hold
the office of city treasurer has been
put up to the state supreme court by
ex City Treasurer Robert Porter of
Alma A decision was once given by
that body in the case of Gertrude Jor
dan or Cherry county but in the case
which cons from Harlan county Mr
Porter contends that Jean McKee the
woman who was elected to that place
is not eligible to the office under the
constitution and the statutes
The woman in the case contends
that she is a resident taxpayer of
Alma meeting the Porter claim that
she is not an elector The question
however before the court and the one
which must be settled before the main
issue can be disposed of is whether
or not the woman is an elector Un
less she is in the meaning of the stat
utes it will be impossible for her to
retain her hold on the office The
woman was granted a writ of manda
mus from District Judge Dungan of
Hastings which compelled Porter to
turn over to her more than 3200 of
the city funds of Alma in addition to
the records and office furniture
Jean McKee the relator in the case
was the only candidate lor city treas
- iroc nvintnd rm tlln
lrmmlprl nnsspssinn of the office Mr
Robertb contended that she was in
eligible to the office and refused to
give pobsession The parties to the
suit instituted quo warranto proceed
ings in the district court to test the
eligibility of the relator and this suit
is still pending in that court In the
meantime Jean obtained possession
or one of the record books of the city
treasurers office Mr Porter says she
got it thiough her attorney R L
Keester who was then mayor In
the meantime Mr Poiter was served
with notice lrom citizens not to give
up the office This notice came from
John Everscn for himself and quali
fied electors of the city Mr Everson
now appears in the mandamus suit as
attorney for Mr Porter The latter
contended when the mandamus suit
was tried in the district couit that the
relator had not alleged that she was
an electoi and as she is a woman
she cannot be an elector and therefore
it not qualified to hold the office of
city treasurer
In the case of Gertrude Jordan from
Cherry county the supreme court held
that a woman may be eligible to the
office of county treasurer The opin
ion of the court was written by Judge
Rose Judge Letton concurred in the
conclusion but not in the reasoning
Judge Fawcett dissented and said he
could not agree in either the reason
ing or the conclusion and asserted
that neither under the constitution
nor the statutes are women given the
right to vote or hold office and under
the opinion of the court there is noth
ing to prevent a woman from being
elected judge of the supreme court or
governor of the state
Hull Appeals Bridge Suit
Joel Hull of Minden has appealed to
the slate suoieme court from a judg
ment of the district court enjoining
him from prosecuting an appeal from
the decision of the county board in
the matter cf the payment of nearly
2000 costs in a county bridge suit
For the cost of a bridge across the
Platte river between Kearney and Buf
falo counties each was levied half
Buffalo county paid its share but
later when the Kearney county board
was about to levy a tax and issue a
warrant to meet what the supreme
court had declared to De its obliga
tion Hull intervened and appealed
from the decision of the county board
J M Easterling of Buffalo county
then enjoined Hull from prosecuting
the appeal through Judge Duncan
and it is from this that the Kearney
county man now appeals
Gardner Appointed Superintendent
W IT- Gardner formerly city su
perintendent of schools at Pawnee
City Tecumseh Nebraska City Uni
versity Auburn and Fremont
was sIcctil as county superintend
ent of Lancaster county taking the
place of O H Morris who died late
last week Mr Gardner will assume
the duties at once
The position under the new statute
enacted by the late legislature will
pay Mr Gardner 2200 per year a
raise of 400 over the former salary
Workmen in State Convention
Over 800 delegates representing
more than 40 ledges and in excess or
38 0C0 member of the Ancient Order
of Unftfl Wo -men in this state be
gan a turf days session in this city
Several waiters of importance to the
order will come up at the meeting
Several fights are promised when the
election of officers for the coming
year is iaken up interest centering
round the selection of the grand mas
ter and the grand recorder For the
former place J A Eennett of Omaha
for several years a member of the
finance rommitteo of the organization
ieads and it is expected that he will
secure the place now held by A M
Walling of David City
vl ot r nlPis
The Illinois legislature will adjourn
sine die May 19
Harem skirts and other new fash
ions are not popular in London
Ratifications of the Anglo Japanese
commercial treaty were exchanged
The postoffice at Smithwick S D
was robbed of 1500 in stamps and
Universal womens suffrage was ad
vocated in congress in a joint resolu
tion introduced by Representative
Mondoll of Wyoming
Mrs Julia Kuttner Earle affinity
bride of Ferdinand Pinney Earle ob
tained thp final decree annulling her
marriage to the artist
Captain H Langreuter of the North
German Lloyd steamship Berlin was
lound dead in his cabin on board the
steamer at its dock in Hoboken
Cold storage methods are to be in
vestigated by the senate committee on
commerce with especial reference to
the impounding of butter eggs and fish
The steamer Deutschland with the
German Antarctic expedition sailed
from Hamburg for Buenos Aires
where complete supplies will be taken
Mrs Barney Williams well remem
bered by playgoers of two and three
generations ago died at her home in
New York She was eighty six years
of age
One woman was killed a man and a
woman were hurt fatally and a fourth
person is missing as a result of a joy
ride at Ncwburgh N Y The auto
turned over in a ditch
Major General Carter in charge of
the maneuver division at San Antonio
has informed President Taft that de
spite reports to the contrary there is
no discontent among the troops under
ballot at the city election April LI
r Poole wealthy farmer at
John W
quo c rfnrtwi Mv bond and de-
v 0- -- -
the preliminary hearing at Fowler
Ind was bound over to the circuit
court charged with murder in the first
degree for the killing of his farmhand
Joseph Kemper
Following the closing of the Darling
ton grammar school at Pawtuckct It
I it was annoinced that a boy suffer
ing from i pronounced case of leprosy
had been tiken from the institution
which is attended by 500 children
With Piesident and Mrs Taft and
many leaders in official and diplomatic
circles attending the First National
Horse show came to a close in Wash
ington So successful was the first
meeting the show will be an annual
feature of the Washington season in
the future
The appeal of the government in the
so called cotton corner indictment
against James A Patten was docketed
in the supreme court The government
is aggrieved because Judge Noyes dis
missed the corner counts in the in
The nineteen indictments voted by
the Los Angeles grand jury against
John J McNamara and his brother
James B McNamara charging them
with murder of twenty one men who
lost their lives in the Times explo
sion were filed in Judge Bordwellr
Andrew Carnegie received what he
called his greatest mar of honor
when twenty one American republics
bestowed upon him a gold medal
bearing on one side the words Bene
factor of humanity and on the other
The Americans Republics to Andrew
Director of Safety Ilogen dismissed
lrom the Cleveland police force four
patrolmen reprimanded four others
and suspended another for twenty
days Ml belonged to the coterie of
fifteen suspended ten days ago for in
subordination in raiding fifty saloons
Vob cf Aitane Dump Canadian Coal
Crro Into Sea
Seattle V May 5 Cable ad
ccs fro n Co Jo1 a Aska say that a
mob as beat led nu Alaska Steamship
O arrnys Arel that just arrived
ilee wlih d caigo of Canadian coa
UJ began dumping it overboard
The rcton ot the mob is said to be
result of agitation against the im
pollution or foreign coal into Alaska
It is assorted that the steamship
company has appealed to President
Taft to send troops to suppress rioting
Several days ago agitators are re
ported to have begun urging the forma
tcn of a mob to emulate the Boston
ipi Pailv or coenial days and throw
tie rTdian coal into the sea
iirtiicss men o CorIova and C
joining towns started a flood of ms
lares to President Taft urging m
mediate action on the pending coa
cases and protesting against forrin
the people of Alaska to pay higr
prices for foreign coal while the na
rive cool lie untouched
Blower Falls Into Pit of Molten Glass
Fairmont W Va May 8 George
Dehaunt a blower at the Fairmont
Window Glass company- plant mrt
fearful death when he ich into a -of
molten glass He was blowing -piece
of glass when it suddenly broe
and he lost his balance falling into
the pit In his fall he came in contact
with a lot of broken glass that split
his skull tore out an eye cut off an
ear and almost severed one arm
Shop Strike Is Spreading
Pittsburg May 5 The strike of the
Pennsylvania railroad shopmen which
was extended to the Pennsylvania
lines west continues to grow Over
1500 additional men joined the strike
I School Board
McCook Nebraska May 15 1911
Board met pursuant to adjournment
at call of president Present Doan
Barnes Culbertson Suess Lawritson
and Moore and Supt Taylor
Minutes of May 1 1911 read and
The following bills were read
Osborn Kurhmer Co
draying 1250
Howe Smith trees from A
J Holm 375
Chas W Taylor expense 1451
Republhan paper 21 SI
Lynn Arnold state examina
tion lee I 5
Lela n her sanu 1 50
Theresa Gatewo d same 17
Katheryn Griffin same 130
Ada Heskett same 150
On cr ton abve bills were allowed
md an ants ordered drawn for the
amoui -
Supt Taylor the fol
lowing is teaches
Miss Sallie Hawkins as grade
teacher at 5500
Miss Lena May Williams of Craw
ford English teacher at 7000
Miss Laura McMillen principal of
East ward at 7000
On motion the above were unani
mously elected at above salaries
The annual organization of board
was then taken up and E H Doan
McCook took both games from Arap
ahoe Saturday A high wind blow
ing across the grounds made fast
playing almost impossible The dust
was so thick that play bad to be
stopped a number of times
In the morning game our boys play
ed good steady ball Three errors
were marked up against them one
of which resulted in Arapahoes lone
score George Green pitched good
steady ball but his support was very
ragged Pie struck out S men but
allowed 1G hits which coupled with
about as many errors were enough
for 1G runs Amsden pitched splen
did ball having 17 strike outs to
his credit and allowing two hits
Allen was the leading hitter and run
getter scoring every time he went
to bat and making -1 safe hits Ken
nedy was next with 3 hits Meeker
was the enly man that did not hit
Green at least once
The afternoon game was much
harder fought but was marred by
wrangling with the umpire Prime
pitched good ball and had his sup
port been better the score would have
been closer He allowed only 3 safe
hits one a three bagger by Kennedy
Kennedy scored three of McCocks 5
runs Wild pitching by Prima let
him score twice from third Dorwart
let Arapahoe down with two safe
hits but a few errors and several
bad decisions by the umpire let
them score four times
Morning game by innings
Arapahoe 0 0001000 01
McCook 0 1153303 0 1G
Batteries Arapahoe Green and
Ourry McvGook Amsden and Allen
Afternoon game by innings
Arapahoe 01002000 1 i
McCook 00201110 05
Batteries Arapahoe Prime and
Curry McCook Bprwart and Emer
Two Bums Are Burned
Three box cars on freight 77 from
the east burned up in the Wray yard
at about 200 oclock Tuesday morn
ing and two boys or men who were
undoubtedly stealing a ride lost their
lives The cars caught fire after
the train left Laird and the train
crew rushed the train to Wray cut
out lite cars and shoved them to a
siding the blaze having gained such
headway by this time as to make
fighting it impossible
Two of the cars were loaded with
mill machinery destined for some big
planing mill west while the other
had on a miscellaneous cargo of an
inflammable nature partially barrels
cf oil and vhon this caught it
seemed but an instant according to
those who saw it until the entire car
was a mass of flames rising higher
than the ccal chutes It was in the
ruins of this car that the remains
of two persons were discovered and
the people were horrified at the grue
some sight The bodies were burned
I to a cindre one having nothing but
he rvciders and part cf the arms
riri neek le to atetir r l
he ether was nearly tha entire trunk
Wray Rattler
Succeeds Bishop Bonacum
Rome May 11 Announcement was
made at the Vatican today that the
Right Rt Mgr J H Tihen chancel
lor of hto diocese of Wichita Kas
had been appointed bishop of Lincoln
Neb in succession to the late Right
Rev Thcmas Bcnacum
Holds Meeting
was nominated as president and on
ballot being taken 5 votes were cast
and he was chosen unanimously
L Suess was nominated for vice
president and six votes were cast
five for Suess and one for H C Oul
bertson L Suess was declared elect
C W Barnes was nominated for
secretary five votes were cast and
ha was declared elected
On motion the salary of the secre
tary for the ensuing year be 10000
Motion carried
Request from Miss Slaby that she
be given a years leave of absence
for the coming year
Moved that the leave of absence foi
one year be granted and that her
duties be assigned her by the super
intendent when she returns Motion
On motion Howe Smith and Wm
Rankin were duly appointed school
census enumerators and that ac
cording to law the parent or guardian
of such children make oath or affirm
ation such record is true
The president appointed the follow
ing committees
Finance Lawritson and Suess
Buildings and Repairs Culbertson
Lawritson Moore
On motion board adjourned
C W BARNES Secretary
Same at Our House
Whether we do or whether we
dont get the school Holdrege has
been benefitted by the effort to es
tablish an agricultural school in
southwest Nebraska Tha school is
the thing and while the benefits will
come slower to the community which
lails to land the college the benefits
will nevertheless be far reaching and
southwest Nebraska will be much the
gainer no matter where the school
is located It takes courage and
takes time and money to do what the
Commercial club cf Holdrege did for
this section of the state and we are
confident that credit will ultimately
be given where it is due Holdrege
Inviting R R Boys
MdCook Neb May S 1911
To Railroad Men As a railroad
man of the McCook division of the
C B Q you are personally and
cordially invited to attend the rail
road mens third annual picnic to
be held at Cambridge Neb June
20th 1911
Remember the latch string hangs
on the outside
ing your relatives and friends
and assist in making this a most
enjoyable event
fecial trains and eminent speak
ers A royal good time assured
By Order of Committee
Car of Old Ties Burns
Saturday night a bo xcar loaded
will discarded ties was destroyed by
fire in the McCcok yard The car
was a condemned one and the ties
discarded so die damage was Lul mi
inal Tlu car is located in ne
east end of the yard beyond the wag
on viaduct hence was beyond reach
of the city fire department The
companys fire service in the local
yard dees not extend that far east
The department responded however
to the alarm
Mothers Day Observed
Special services in the Methodist
church Sunday morning and special
evening services at the Congregation
al church marked the day in Mccok
The old soldiers were guests at the
morning service and several lodges
Gf the city the evening service Both
were well attendeed Many white
flowers were in evidence and the
churches were appropriately decorat
ed Fitting service was also held at
the Baptist church
Buy flower field and garden seeds
from H P Waite Co Their seeds
are reliable 9 tf
These shoes represent the newest ana
best in footwear Instead of buying 5o
and 6 shoes get Calendar Shoes at
300 and 5350 They are stylish com
fortable serviceable They are built to
give 150 worth of wear for every SlOJ
you spend Every pair has a calendar
attached The idea is to mark the day
you start to wear Calendar Shoes
when they are worn out you will Pnd
-that you have had more wear than you
over had from any shoos you evei
Now is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism You will find Chamber
lains Liniment wonderfully effective
One application will convince you of
its merits Try it For sale by all
J M Howell a popular druggist of
Greensburg Ky says We use
Chamberlains Cough Remedy in our
our household and know it is excel
lent For sale by all dealers
Do You Have the Right Kind of Help
Foley Kidney Pills furnish you the
right kind of help to neutralize and
remove the poisons that cause back
ache headache nervousness and oth
er kidney and bladder ailments
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 residence
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Mc
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walab
building McCook
Phone 37S
Room 4 Postoffice building Mc
Cook Neb
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic temple
McCook Neb
Phone 190
Office over McAdams store Mc
Cook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in office
McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and c
McCook Water Works Co Office in
Fostoffice building McCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCook
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted Fine re
pairing McCook Neb
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods ol quality
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasement
Postoffice building
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 302 over WoodTrorths drur
Your combings
made into switches and puffs
Phone Ash 2354
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
210 1st st W -- Phone red 45u