The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 27, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo
Entered at postoflicc McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
Our friend of the Oxford Standard
sees almost double in enumerating our
thirst quenching parlors Just a half
dozen brother Genus
Rev Ludden can now devote his
magnificent voice and trouble abili
ties to other fields than the state nor
mal board
The Tribune was in error in stat
ing last week that seven amendments
would be voted upon at the next elec
tion The amendments will not be
submitted until 1912
W B Whittaker and C E Eldred
of McCook were over to Stockville
last Friday Mr Eldred will probably
be a candidate for district judge this
fall and was looking fii matters per
taining to that end while here
Stockville Faber
r i
The Eastman bill in designating
that the new agricultural school
should be located west of longitude
99 it did not mean the site should be
only fifteen miles west of that line
when the territory to be served is
over a hundred miles in width Ox
ford Standard
In this land of the free there is al
ways clear room for generous rivalry
and clean competition but some of
the hardscrabble methods of com
petition now current rae below the
dignity of decency and without the
realm of common fairness They
would do credit to the buccaneers of
the high seas of not many generations
since There is way for justness and
squareness if generosity cannot be
Considering consistency and sup
porting home industries kindly note
the fact that the Bulk of the enve
lopes used by McCooks business men
are printed by the government at a
price absolutely below competition
So far as the net financial results to
them are concerned it is quite im
material to the local printers whether
it is impossible paternal Uncle Sam
or the all absorbing mail order house
that is doing the work they ought to
he doing
Silk and Satin Dresses
for Practical
Not Quite But Nearly
The rivalry between these towns
has reached the stae where the high
school of Holdrege has challenged the
high school of McCook for a debate
on the question of the location of the
agricultural school Oxford Standard
McCook challenged Holdrege declin
ed Otherwise correct brother
The public is fully justified in hold
ing to the opinion that most of the
public service corporations that pro
test strongest against regulation dont
know wherein their best interests lie
A conspicuous recent example of this
is the gas company which furnishes
to the city of Chicago Five years
ago tne city miposea a rate or aa
cents Immediately a
went up from the company The re
duced rate was confiscatory it meant
lessened returns on the investment
it presaged ruin all through the
gamut A five year experience with
85 cent gas instead of dollar gas has
proven unttrue every prediction and
claim of the company Under dollar
gas the company was paying C per
cent dividends The first year of 85
cent gas the dividend rate was cut
to 5 per cent The next year the G
per cent rate was restored and for
two years 7 per cent was paid Dur
ing the last year the compjiny earned
over 9 per cent and charged off over
a million the largest depreciation
icharge in the five year period Now
the city proposes to cut the gas rate
to 70 cents and what do you think the
company officials are doing Declar
ing that it is confiscatory and means
ruin and that it will be fought in the
courts to the very end Of course
there comes a time when reductions
must cease but experience a trial
is the ony witness whose testimony
is worth while Lincoln Daily News
There are a few preacher newspa
per men in this part of the moral
vineyard who might recall with profit
the fact that it was not the righteous
the Savior of men came to save
There is at least one compensatory
advantage in the newspaper publishing
business If the editor falls short or
lacks in any wise the humblest tyro
can show him
For Sale
Silver lace Wyandotte eggs at 50
cents a setting Phone black 201
oo s
ce Curtains
Of Exceptional Value
100 to 1000 per Pair
Lacet Arabian Curtains Irish Point Curtains Cluny Lace
Curtains and beautiful nets of every description
Curtain and Drapery Materials
in Dainty Colors plain white and Arabian Nets Madras and fancy Scrim HousecIean
ing time brings to notice the new and more modern window hangings and you will find
our stocks most complete in this line
Any Silk Petticoat
in South Window
oy y
Some are in exquisite floral are Persian colorings others are plain and changeable taf
fetas Each petticoat is a matchless value and this remarkably low price is at least
onethird less than usual Secure one of these before the stock is exhausted-
Our stock comprises most exceptional values afford
ing most satisfactory selections at prices ranging
from 1000 to 3500
New Millinery Ideas
New hats keep coming in and new creations brought
out for our sales room as though Easter were a thing
of the future instead of the past Prices are getting
lower and styles prettier as the weeks go by So
come in and see the new things Our styles and
prices will please you
Failed to Appear
As we go to press this afternoon
the matter of the protest of W R
Starr against issuing licenses to J
H Mitchell Woolard McManigal C
L McKillip and D A Clouse is be
ing concerned by the city council in
special session While Mr Starr is
the protestant in actual appearance
it is stated that James Steinman is
interested in the matter His li
cense will expire at midnight
Wild nrOteSt i ucal uuu iUiuuibi ijui ty is
tionmg tor a license in the place
he now occupies
The protest and coming from Mr
Stan- has caused no little stir in
the city the past few days and the
case this afternoon is receiving much
At the hour of three oclock Mr
Starr had not appeared in person or
by attorney
Mr John Rice appeared as attor
ney for the defendant saioon men
who were applicants for license and
caled and examined several witnesse
to prove that the applicants for li
cense are respectable characters
J C Moore asked the council to
not grant licenses on the ground alone
that it was not for the best intreests
of the city of McCook
Licenses Ordered Issued
Upon roll call following the coun
cil unanimously ordered the city cerk
to issue licenses to the five appli
cants Woolard Mc
Manigal Clouse Mitchell McKillip
Wants for rent for sale etc 5c
line in The Tribune
Save a couple of dollars at the Ox
ford sale Viersen Osborn
FOUND Plain band ring Owner
may receive above by paying for this
notice Inquire at post office
Ex President Roosevelt was an earn
est advocate of publicity as one of
the potent remedies for some of the
corporate ills of the day Theodore
Vail is another strong champion of
the means Now comes James J Hill
and admits that corporation pub
licity is a necessity That sounds
batter than the public be damned
theory of not long since
Money to Loan on rarms
See Rozell Sods at clothing store
IcConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnell fills prescriptions
Boost for the Agricultural College
Buy you wall paper of McConnell
For special on dill sour and sweet
pickles see Magner
Self raising pancake flour at Mag
Pure Gold flour from winter wheat
at Magners
Election of O E
tomorrow evening
S will take place
A boy is not necessarily in deep
thought because he scratches his
If a healthy boy walks down stairs
it is a sign that the stairs have no
It may or it may not be significant
but the name of every saloon firm
in the city will be different next
municipal year
A number of Benkelman friends
were down last Thursday evening to
take degrees in the local chafpter Oth
ers will be here this evening for a
similar purpose In all over a dozen
applicants from our stirring neighbor
on the west will receive the degrees
in course of time
Grateful to John
Among the resolutions passed at
the meeting of assistant postmasters
in Lincoln this week was this one
Resolved That we express our ap
preciation for the efforts made by
Assistant Portmasters Gaarde of Mc
Cook and Newton of Aurora to bring
about this meeting
The first week in May has been
Nemo Week for years the
time when all the new Nemos are
ready A greater event than ever
this year because it is the first
full showing of the new m
rco Laslifccns Corset System
Theres a NEW model for every
fijrare from very slender to extra-
stout the most comfortable and
stylish corsets ever made
Prices 300 up
This is a special invitation for
YOU to visit cur Corset Depart
ment ihir week We want you to
i see he new Nemos
Painting Season
is here Dont make the mistake of
using cheap mixed paint when you
can get a guaranteed paint the Lin
coln absolutely pure at a small ad
vance in price
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
Subscribe for The Tribune
Copyright Hart Schaffner ilsrx
r ant e e
YOU are entitled in buying
Hart Schaffner Marx clothes
to a most positive assurance of
your satisfaction Every dealer in
our clothes is authorized to say
this to you
Every garment made hy and
bearing the label of Hart Schaff
ner Marx is guaranteed to be
of all wool or wool-and-silk fab
rics with no mercerized or
other cotton added to be thorough
ly shrunk before cutting seams
sewed with -pure silk thread tailor
ed in clean sanitary shops to be
free from every defect of mater
ial and workmanship
More than that The dealer is
authorized to say that if the clothes
are riot right or not satisfactory
your money will be refunded
Hart Schaffner Marx
These are the clothes
we sell
Our shoes are in the same high
class none such in town
Gahisha Son
One Price and no
monkey business
Cream Separator
Occasionally the intending buyer of a cream separator who has but a
small amount of ready cash to invest is tempted to put his money in
to one of the so called cheap machines which are being largely ad
Why pay your hard earned money for a cheap trashy machine
when you can buy a reliable DE LAVAL upon such liberal terms
It will more than
earn its cost while
you are paying
for it
When you buy a DE LAVAL you have positive assurance that your
macinne will be good for at least twenty years of service during
which time it will save every possible dollar for you and earn its or
iginal cost over and over again
If you purchase the so called cheap separator you must pay cash
in advance and then take the chance of the machine becoming
worthless after a year or two of use to say nothing of the cream
it will waste while it does last all of which means that you have
virtually thrown away the money invested in the cheap separator and
wasted your time labor and product in the bargain
The DE LAVAL separator pays for itself It runs easier skims
cleaner and lasts longer than any other cream separator
Be sure to see and try a DE
LAVAL before you buy any
Eggs for Hatching
Buff Orpingtons Rose Comb White
Leghorns and Ringlets Barred Ply
mouth Rocks Finest quality Low
est prices Send for mating list
Palisade Nebraska
House for Sale in McCook
205 5th st E For information ad
2317 Evans St Cheyenne Wyo
Boost for the Agricultural College