The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 27, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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500000 ACRES
Of Fruit and Wheat
Land Open
eekers in
mdyr ii
McCook People Should Learnto De
tect the Approach of Kidney
Ths symptoms of kl 2ney trouble
are so unmistakable that they leave
no ground for doubt Sick kidneys
excrete a thick cloudy offensive
urine full of sediment irregular of
passage or attended by a sensation of
scalding The back aches constantly
headaches and dizzy spells may oc
cur and the victim is often weighed
down by a feeling of languor and fa
tigue Neglect these warnings and
there is danger of dropsy Brights
disease or diabetes Any one of
these symptoms is warning enough to
Begin treating the kidneys at once
Delay often proves fatal
You can use no better remedy than
Doans Kidney Pills Heres McCook
Mrs H A Rouch 212 E Fifth sL
McCook Neb says I have seen
what Doans Kidney Pills will do in
cases of kidney complaint and there
fore feel- justified in recommending
them A member of my family took
this remedy when suffering from
backache and soon received entire
For sale
cents Foster Milburn
for Home
I want about 100 families to come to RICHFIELD IDAHO to take
up homesteads where the land will produce from 3G to GO bushels of
wheat per acre from SO to 125 bushels of oats from 50 to 110 bushels
corn to the acre from 350 to G50 bushels of potatoes per acre and
from 4 to 7 tons of hay to the acre all kinds of berriesfruitvege
tables plenty of timber at the foot hills This excellent opportunity ap
plies to businessmen These are our wants Flouring mill and Elevator
ware house a wholesale house Dairy and Poultry Farms an Electric
plant and many other lines of business would do well There is one
railroad through the town and another being built this summer For
further information call or write to
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Lineoln SasiifariggiH
Suipho Saihse Springs
Located on our own premises and osa
in the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed in the treatment of
Heart Stomach Kidney and Lire
Maderatc Chtrgea Arfdrcii
DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Rk
Something special The Weekly
Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa
per 125 for one year Ask us what
t means
bv all dealers Price 50 The McCook Tribune It is
io Knifaln i the vpar in advance
The Paper Hanger Telephones
You want the room papered tomorrow
Yes were pretty busy but I guess we can do it
Youll let us pick the paper all right well try and
put on something suitable
Local Bell Telephone Service enables the dealer to
satisfy his customers and keep his trade and he will find
long distance service of great value in ordering supplies
for rush orders
Nebraska Telephone Co
CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager
Lumber and Coal
rmyf aa
Phone No i
twiiii awjiiinmi i iupi jiiiumii jinn I n m
jffr -T rsuiAX rz n
f Tie
Kj i Ma vwi
1 iMbMlm fifii
- T vgbvaLfiffiMiii zsr g
CCHewsQii Kills
sod Himself
The Hewsons have lived at Mitchell
Neb for several years but recently
separated Mrs Hewson coming here
to live with her mother
Hewson called at the Jenkinson
home as the family were at dinner
He insisted tLat his wife return with
him to Mitchell and upon her refusal
to do so he drew a revolver and shot
her through the head He then turned
the weapon on Mrs Jenkinson killing
her instantly by a shot through the
jugular vein He then fired two more
shots which took effect In Mrs Hew
sons head and after firing one shot
which struck the boy in the neck he
shot himself between the eyes dying
almost instantly
Meeting Place
Lincoln April 24 The Travelers
Protective association an organiza
tion composed of hundreds of Nebras
ka drummers closed its annual state
convention here Charles L Hopper
by tne convention lor national presi
dent of thp organization in what
scores of members declared had been
the most harmonious gathering oi
knights of the grip held since the
start of the body in this state Frank
B Holbrook another Omaha man was
elected to the presidency of the state
association without opposition Ne
braska City was chosen as the meeting
olaco for 1912
Governor Alririch Selects Lawyers to
Recodify the Laws
Lincoln April 24 Governor Aldrich
made announcement of his appoint
ment of Judge A M Post of Colum
bus E L King of Osceola and John
H Broady of this city as members of
the commission which will recodify
the Nebraska statutes according to
the provisions- of the Quacenbush
ITardin bill passed and approved dur
ing V e recent session of the legisla
ture Each man on the commission
will receive i yearly salary o 3 00
and will rejiort to the next session o
tne legislature
Oucter Suit Is Threatened
by Governor Adrich
Attempt to Rob Bank at Ragan
Ragan Neb April 25 Burglars
made an unsuccessfil attempt to rob
the Tank or Ragan Entrance was
gained by breaking the windows Tel
ephone wires were cut An attempt
to open the safe failed A horse and
juggy was stolen from George York
one mile eas of here and it is thought
they used this means to escape Sher
iff Carroll was summoned from Alma
but found no clues
Unadilla Suffers Eig Loss From Fire
Lincoln April 24 The business
section of the town of Unadilla in Otoe
county midway between Lincoln and
Nebraska City was practically wiped
out by fire Only two business houses
are left the bank and a store The
loss is estimated at 35000 to 40
000 The fire started in the postoffice
from an unknown cause AH the mall
was burned
Livery Barn and Garage Burn
West Point Neb April 25 Fire
caused by an explosion of gasoline de
stroyed the livery barn of Henry Ick
man and the automobile garage of C
C Stahl Two new automobiles were
ruined Fireman B Mannefield was
burned about the head and Stahl was
slightly burned
Alliance Marshal Shoots Tramp
Alliance Neb April 24 While at
tempting to arrest four intoxicated
tramps who put up a vigorous resist
ance Marshal Braman was compelled
to use his revolver One of the men
was wounded and apprehended but
the others got away
Despondent Turns on Gas
Omaha April 21 Despondent over
her continued ill health Miss Leah
Mills a well known Omaha dentist
ended her life by inhaling gas
Henry Sherman Boucl of Illinois
was appointed minister to Switzerland
President Tafts information is that
the reciprocity bill will pass the
Experts on civic beauty will hold a
SHOOTS WIFE THREE TIMES contioa Phlladolpiila inthe near
ULU1 w
f Postal
Latter Not Expected to Live Through
Day While Boy Who is Shot in Neck
Will Recover Wife Had Left Hus
band and Refused to Return
Morrill Neb April 25 As a result
of family troubles C C Hewson killed
his mother-in-law Mrs George Jenkln
son shot his wife three times and
workers in Denver plan to
demand satisfaction or dismissal from
the service
The Madrid press reports Spain- and
France near a split over the Moroc
can situation
President Taft has appointed Sum
ner S Smith of Alameda Cal mine
inspector for Alaska
Governor Johnson sealed the doom
wounded Leland Jenkinson fourteen of slot machines in California by sign
years old after which he killed him- ing the anti slot machine bill
self Mrs Hewson is not expected to I The is
plasue now extinct in north
live through the day while the boyern china anrt has ljeen aimost en
who shot in the neck will
was recover
tirely stamped out in Manchuria
President Tafts Canadian reciproci
ty agreement passed the house of rep
resentatives by a vote of 265 to 89
Germany will have under arms in
connection with the field maneuvers
this summer practically 1000000 men
Frank Pierce assistant secretary of
the interior tendered his resignation
and it was accepted by President Taft
The Colorado legislature will ad
journ on July C The senate con
curred in the house resolution fixing
that date
Sheriff James W Carter or Union
county Kentucky fatally shot himself
at Morganfield Carters hooks showed
a 51000 shortage
TRAVELERS ELECT OFFiCcRo V1 whr1 s slIppel thsh
i the last session of congress is said to
1 i i i i t it
Nebraska Citv Is Chosen Next buuiiig uwm
genheim interests in Alaska
Postmaster General Hitchcock an
nounced that the 17000000 postal
deficit inherited from the former ad
ministration has been gotten rid of
Brazilian police have unearthed a
of Omaha was unanimously indorsed J counterfeiting gang at Montevideo
who are alleged to have placed more
than 100000 in spurious currency
in Rio Janeiro
Wholesale i rests have been made
in Peking and Tientsin of Chinese sus
pected of complicity in a revolution
ary plot The prisoners include many
prominent men
The supreme court of the United
States concluded its duty of handing
down decisions without announcing
opinions in either the Standard Oil
or the tobacco suits
The German steamer San Nicolas
was driven ashore during a gale near
San Sebastan Brazil and lies in a
dangerous position The passengers
and crew were rescued
Lawrence F Converse of Glendora
Cal Edwin Blatt of Pittsburg and
Richard Brown of El Paso held in
prison in Juarez were released on or
ders from President Diaz
Former Judge William Hoffman
aged seventy four one of the best
known criminal lawyers in New Jer
sey dropped dead from apoplexy at
his home at Englishtown
Charging that Mrs Lucy McLaugh
lin stole her umbrella a few nights
ago as they were sitting up with the
Lincoln April 25 That Mayoi hody of a friend Mrs Eliza Munday of
Jame C Dahlman Chief of Police Evansville had her arrested
Donahue and members of the board of j Robert E Davie the Boston boy
fire and police commissioners may he I broker under indictment for
tne object ot ouster proceedings in tne zement got back to the United States
near iuture is tiio rumor here An after a flght to South America He
umarsi roimcian visneu at tne state was taken to Boston for triai
nouse and is alleged to have made
that assertion The Omalian Is sup
posed to have declared that while his
visit did not pertain to that matter he
was of th3 opinion that the dissatis
fiicton existing with the present ad-
I ministratio 1 in that city would result
in r i h procf1dins being initiated
Twelve election officials of the city
of New Orleans who recently pleaded j
guilty in the ballot uox stuffing
cases were sentenced to eight months
imprisonment in the parish prison
A call for volunteers to guide 300
blind men on sightseeing tours
around New York city this week has
been sent out by the hospitality com
mittee of the blind workers exhibition
A largely signed petition from tho
women of Greece praying the govern
ment to prevent so disgusting a per
formance a Strauss Salome has
had its effect and that opera is prohib
ited in Athens
Otto Gramin president of the board
of trustees of the University of Wy
oming whose resignation was de
manded by Governor Carey shortly
after the inauguration of that official
iast January resigned
commissioner on worklngmens com
pensation said the average man can
decently support a family of five on
600 yearly and that if he cannot he
is either ignorant or wasteful
A blind horse kicked his way
through two big plate glass windows
If a jewelry store at the corner of
Maiden Lane and Broadway New
York and sent S200000 worth of dia
monds in tho window flying Into the
Aldudino Mazzone an Italian vaude
ville performer was sentenced to ten
years imprisonment in the Fort Leav
enworth prison by Judge Landis of
Chicago after being found guilty of
violating the Mann act prohibiting
traffic in women
Ninety thousand citizens of the Unit
ed States petitioned congress to with
draw the troops from the Mexican
border It required three men to car
ry to the speakers platform when the
house convened huge bundles of pe
titions submitted by Victor Berger
the Socialist member from Wisconsin
Proposes to Raise Eagles
Kansas City April 24 Frank Mil
ton of Independence found and brought
in four eagle eggs which ho gave to Al
C Shelley a neighboring ranchman
who has placed them beneath one of
Ws hens hoping they will hatcBi
Miss Edith Lytle and Miss Frimmel
visited Miss Edith Morey Sunday
The Ladies Aid society will meet
with Mrs Roy Newell Thursday May
Pluma and Mildred Modrell visited
Evalyne and Fern Doyle between ser
vices Sunday
church Sunday morning subject Thai
Cleansed Life
Everyone was pleased with Rev
Browns sermon last Sunday evening
The Battered Tin Cup i
The Misses Bessie and Dorothy
Doyle accomapnied Miss Augusta Mo
csic home from Sunday school Sundij
W B Wolfe left Saturday to visit
relatives in Kansas City and from
there to Garnett Kansas to visit his
daughter Mrs W A Stone
Subject for the Epworth League les
son Sunday evening Help and
Hindrance from Within 11 5 I
John 320 21 Heb 1214 15 Prov
423 Bessie Groves Leader
County Assessor T A Endsley of
McCook was in town one day recent
ly on business
Mrs Ellen Plumb and Mrs Wm
Eifert were Cedar Bluffs visitors on
business one day last week
Roy Little of Beaver City was in
town one day last week in the inter
est of the flour mill of that place
Powell Nilsson shipped three
cars of hogs and two of sheep to the
St Joe market last week Mr Pow
ell accompanied the shipment
Mrs Ellen Plumb left the first of
the week fcr Rochester Minn to
undergo an operation for cancer in
the Mayo Bros hospital at that
John Sines returned home last mid
week frcm Lenora Kansas leaving
his brother still alive but suffering
severely and with no chance of re
J H Wicks has resigned his posi
tion with Powell Nilsson and has
accepted a position as traveling sales
man for the Shinn Lightning Rod Co
of Lincoln
J C Gregory of Smith Center
Kansas a salesman for an Omaha
hardware company spent a day re
cently with his brother-in-law Enos
Sumner sout of town
Dr Simons of Cedar Bluffs was
called to the F E Lafferty home
north of town in consultation with
Dr Bartholomew their little daugh
ter being threatened with bronchial
Reuben Gerver of Palm Beach Flo
rida and his brother Josh of Gerver
precinct visited at the J E Dodge
home one day recently The former
was an early settler in this county but
thinks Florida is the garden spot of
the U S
The McCook Tribune
the ot jn advance
iinm mo
It is 100
mm mini n in
1 Bggpfflpfo IIM
r 0 aHJUwaM J8wSsCw
auinujis raSsSpSSISSfcw
Made in many different styles all
the latest creations for street or dress
wear These shoes have the material
style and workmanship of 500 shoes
but sell for 300 and 350 Each pair
of Calendar Shoes have a small calendar
attached Mark down the date on
which you begin to wear them when
worn out count the days of comfortable
wear you have had You will be sur
prised and more- than satisfied and will
never hesitate to buy another pair
When a medicine must be given to
young children it should be pelasant
to take Chamberlains Cough Reme
dy is made from loaf sugar and the
roots used in its preparation give it
a flavor similar to maple syrup mak
ing it pleasant to take It has no
superior for colds croup and whoop
ing cough For sale by all dealers
In cases of rheumatism relief from
pain makes sleep and rest possible
This may be obtained by applying
Chamberlains Liniment For sale by
all dealers
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Large anH Small Jobs
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
j Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
CURES and Purifies the Blood CURES and Purifies the Blood
certain dates in April and May and daily from June to September
still lower general basis of 5000 on certain dates in June and July
General excursion basis to Portland Seattle 6000 on certain dates
in May and daily from June to September still lower general basis of
5000 on certain dates in June and July 1500 higher to include
Shasta Route Usual diverse routes and stopover privileges The
tour of the Coast is the worlds greatest railroad journey
YELLOWSTONE PARK Plan now a summer tour of this wonderland
All kinds of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yellowstone gate
ways also personally conducted camping tours through Cody
BIG HORN MOUNTAINS The resorts of this delightful region near Sher
idan and Therniopolis are attracting a large volume of tourist patron
age Send for special publication
COLORADO AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS Usual popular summer rates to
Colorado and Utah cities and resorts Send for Estes park booklet
Get in touch with me and let me send you any of our publications
Colorado Hand Book Big Horn Resorts Yellowstone Park Pa
cific Coast Tours
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
lTvV1iTltVlllttt iWtvtHVi t mvvtn
V Franklin Pres G H WATKis5Vice Pres
E A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen E A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
f i