The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 30, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Claim Lafe Seeks Vengeance
C A Rodgers the court refporter
in question has also prepared an af
fidavit that is in the hands of the ju
diciary committee in which he states
that the bill of exceptions was de
layed because he was neither paid
nor tendered the lawful fees until
the time to prepare the bill of excep
tions before the expiration of forty
days after the dictum of the court
had passed Regarding the false sheet
of testimony he states that the judge
only caused it to be restored to its
original form after it had been mu
tilated by lead pencil and ink inter
polations made in a hand writing
closely lesembling that of Burnett
F L Wolff of McCook another at
torney interested in the various Wil
son cases has filed an affidavit de
fending Judge Orr Besides reciting
what Rodgers made affidavit to he
states on the affidavit of C Rey
nolds and Y W Tilden employed
in the office of the district court
that Burnett forcibly took the files in
these cases and made changes in
them He also says that Burnetts
complaint is filed solely by way of
revenge and to influence pending
L W Sta5ner who was a repor
ter in the court before Rodgers was
employed supports Rodgers state
ment that the delay in the prepara
tion of the bill of exceptions was
Burnetts fault for failure to pay the
fees Stayner also denies that Judge
Orr ever threatened Burnett with a
citation for contempt of court for
bringing an action in mandamus He
states that the judge did reprove
Burnett for stealing the files in the
The course of an impeachment is
elaborate and provides the accused
with every opportunity for defense
Should this matter be acted upon
by the judiciary committee a report
would be made to the senate Then
it would be necessary for both houses
of the legislature to pass upon the
specifications In the event that the
legislature deemed the matter to be
worth consideration it would so in
form the supreme court and testimony
in the case would be taken under the
direction of that court Lincoln dis
A dust and snow storm swept over
this section Sunday last
The Wesch brothers are fencing 100
acres more for pasture
Caleb W Hass has bought a 4 acre
tract of beaver dam land near Sher
wood Oregon paying 900 an acre
This same piece of land cleared 150
above all expenses last year Mr
Hass is a cousin of John H and Chaa
A Wesch
B W Benjamin hauled some alfalfa
hay from Floyd Harchmans near
Traer Kansas last Friday
John Holt was in Herndon Kansas
-on business last Thursday
Troy Kelly was around part of last
week buying stock
Elmer Peters came home last Fri
day to visit the home folks a few
days He is attending school in Mc
W A Dike has contracted to break
prairie for J L Miller on section 25
Stenographers Wanted
Male and female for the United
States government for the field de
partmental Isthmian Canal and Phil
ippine service at an entrance salary
of 840 to 900 per annum An ex
amination will be held in the high
school building on April 4th by Mr
J M Shoemaker of St Paul Minn
Blanks and information may be se
cured from E J Brady the local sec
retary at the post office
Special Medicine for Kidney Ailments
Many elderly people have found in
Foleys Kidney Remedy a quick relief
and permanent benefit from kidney
and bladder ailments and from annoy
ing urinary irregularities due to ad
vancing years Isaac Regan Farmer
Mo says Foleys Kidney Remedy
effected a complete cure in my case
and I want others to know it A
Nail Penetrated His Eye
Indianola Neb March 25 While
driving a nail yesterday W S Cole
man suffered the loss of his left eye
He struck the nail a glancing blow
and it flew from under the hammer
with such force as to drive it through
the eye ball completely destroying
-the sight Journal
3f you have trouble in getting rid
df your cold you may know that you
are not treating it properly There
Is no reason why a cold should hang
on for weeks and it will not if
you take Chamberlains Cough Rem
edy For sale by all dealers
Something special The Weekly
Inter Ocean and Fanner and this pa
per 125 for one year Ask us what
it means
The McCook Tribune 1100 a year
For Mayor
For City Clerk
For City Treasurer
For City Engineer
For Councilman First ward
For Councilman Second ward
For Members Board of Education
Whereas The conditions in Mc
Cook have reached a stage where it
is absolutely necessary for the City ta
own and operate a municipal water
plant and as we feel that our water
supply is inadequate for fire protection
and for the protection of our lawns
and trees the candidates placed in
nomination by this convention are
pledged to accomplish this result at
the earliest dat epossible
The police judge of Alliance adver
tises that he turned into the public
treasury of that city during the mun
icipal year 678410 He does not
state from what sources he received
this sum of which he is so proud and
the reader is left to imagine You
have read of the little red wagon
which was so proud of its load of
4 J
Nebraska is entitled to more pleas
ure than it is likely to feel in the
final enactment of a stock yards bill
turning the stock yards over to the
railroad commission This holds true
entirely aside from such direct bene
fit as it may have Except for the
brewers the stock yards have been
the most disturbing interest in Ne
braska legislation since the railroads
were turned over to the commission
four years ago The stock yards havs
been the nucleus of about every deal
attempted in the last two legislatures
Few measures have secured action
this winter without reference to the
stock yards To have this mischievous
spirit banished from the legislature is
worth a fortune to Nebraska Jour
Governor Aldrich has signed H R
107 the anti trading stamp and anti
free gift enterprise bill which was
passed by both houses of the legis
lature The bill has no emergency
clause and will become effective threi
months after the legislature adjourns
The governor is said to doubt the
legality of the bill but he believes
it will be better for those interested
to test the bill in the courts of Ne
braska than to continually maintain
a lobby at the legislature The Ne
braska retailers association asked for
the passage of the bill and manufac
turers of prize packages trading
stamp companies had able lawyers
on the ground to combat the bill and
to question its constitutionality
j j
Warning to Railroad men
Look out for severe and even dan
gerous kidney and bladder trouble re
sulting from years of railroading Geo
E Bell 639 Third st Fort Wayne
Ind was many years a conductor on
the Nickel Plate He says Twenty
years of railroading left my kidneys
in terrible condition There was a
continual pain across my back and
hips and my kidneys gave me much
distress and the action of my blad
der was frequent and most painful
I got a supply of Foley Kidney Pills
and the first bottle made a wonderful
improvement and four bottles cured
me completely Since being cured I
have recommended Foley Kidney Pill
to many of my railroad friends A
Miss Cameron Weds
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Delia Mae Cameron
daughter of Mr and Mrs T M Cam
eron who reside west of town about
a mile to Mr Henry W Kauffman of
Havelock Nebraska the wedding hav
ing taken place at Fort Morgan on
Thursday of last week The happy
couple are now on their wedding trip
to Denver and other western points
but will be at home at Havelock Ne
braska after March 28th Mr Kauff
man is a machinist in the Burlington
shops at Havelock Wray Colo
Do you know that of all the minor
ailments colds are by far the most
dangerous It is not the cold itself
that you need to fear but the serious
diseases that it often leads to Most
Of these are known as germ diseas
es Pneumonia and consumption are
among them Why not take Chamber
lains Cough Remedy and cure your
cold while you can For sale by all
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Have Outgrown Old Church
German Congregationalists Decide Up
on Plans and Specifications for
Larger Edifice
At a meeting Monday evening the
members of the German Congrega
tional church of our city finally decid
ed upon plans and specifications for
the new and larger church building
they have been considering for some
The proposed new building will be
40x65 feet on the ground with a base
ment undar the entire structure The
tower will be 10x10 feet 40 feet high
The basement will be equipped for
Sunday school purposes in addition to
having the toilet furnace and coal
bunkers in the same This will leave
the entire first floor for audience pur
poses pulpit sacristy etc
It is proposed to build on the old site
using as much of the material in the
For Mayor
For City Clerk
For City Treasurer
For City Engineer
For Councilman 1st ward
For Councilman 2nd ward
For Members Board of Education
1st For municipal ownership of a
water plant for the City of McCook
by purchase and extension of the ex
isting plant at a reasonable valuation
or the building of a new system of
waterworks by the city
2nd Against the granting of a
franchise to any company or corpora
tion whatever for the construction
and operation of a water plant for
the City of McCook upon any terms
3rd As we view the above issues
as the only ones before the voters of
McCook at this time we are opposed
to any policies whatever disturbing
the present lawful status of any busi
ness affairs whatever
Young Brides First Discovery
Their wedding tour had ended and
they entered their new home to settle
down to what they hoped to be one
long uninterrupted blissful honey
But alas the young brides trouble
soon began when she tried to reduce
the cost of living with cheap big can
baking powders
She soon discovered that all she got
was a lot for her money and itwas I
leavening power Such powders will
not make light wholesome food And
because of the absence of leavening
gas it requires from two or three
times as much to raise cakes or bis
cuits as it does of Calumet Baking
Thus eventually the actual cost to
you of cheap baking powder is
more than Calumet would be
Cheap baking powders often leave
the bread bleached and acid some
times yellow and alkaline and often
unpalatable They are not always of
uniform strength and quality
Now the bride buys Calumet the
perfectly wholesome baking powder
moderate in Iprice and always uni
form and reliable Calumet keeps in
definitely makes cooking easy and i
certainly the most economical after
If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble
Take Advantage of This Offer
We could not afford to so strongly
endorse Rexall 93 Hair Tonic and
continue to sell it as we do if it did
not do all we claim it will Should
our enthusiasm carry us away and
Rexall 93 Hair Tonic not give en
tire satisfactiion to the users they
would lose faith in us and our state
ments and in consequence our busi
ness prestige would suffer
We assure you that if your hair is
beginning to unnaturally fall out or
if you have any scalp trouble Rex
all 93 Hair Tonic will promptly
eradicate dandruff stimulate hair
growth and prevent premature bald
Our faith in Rexall 93 Hair Ton
ic is so strong that we ask you to
try it on our positive guarantee that
your money will be cheerfully refund
ed if it does not do as we claim Two
sizes 50c and 100 Sold only at
our store The Rexall Store L W
Subscribe for The Tribune 100
new as possible this will be especial
ly practicable in the basement part
The new edifice will cost about
600000 Of this amount the church
extension society will advance 1500
the local members are expected to
raise about 3000 and the balance is
expected to be raised among local
business men and German friends
and societies in this and adjoining
states They propose to have the
building free of debt when they ded
icate it about October 12th next
when the ministerial association will
meet with the local church
It is expected to commence work ol
the new church about May 1st
The steady increase of membership
in the local church has made this
action imperative and The Tribune
congratulates Rev Kauerz and his
parishioners upon this decision
There is no doubt but that the bus
iness men of McCook will liberally as
sist in this commendable work
Much Sickness Due to Bowel Disor
A doctors first question when con
sulted by a patient is Are your bow
els regular He knows that 98 of
illness is attended with inactive bow
els and torpid liver and that this con
dition must be removed gently and
thoroughly before health can be re
Rexall Orderlies are a positive
pleasant and safe remedy for consti
pation and bowels disorders in gen
eral We are so certain of theri great
curative value that we promise to re
turn the purchasers money in every
case when they fail to produce entire
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like can
dy they act quietly and have a sooth
ing strengthening healing influence
on the entire intestinal tract They
do not purge gripe cause nausea
flatulence excessive looseness diar
rhoea or other annoying effect They
are especially good for children weak
persons or old folks Two sizes 25c
and 10c Sold only at our store
The Rexall Store L W McConnell
Death of Former McCook Girl
After an illness of several months
started by a slight cold Miss Alma E
West aged 19 years a member of the
senior class of the North Bellingham
high school died at her home in Ge
neva on Lake Whatcom yesterday
afternoon at 1230 oclock Miss West
would have graduated from the high
school this spring had she not been
forced to quit her studies on account
of her illness The pallbearers at tho
funeral services to be held tomorrow
forenoon at 11 oclock will be selected
from the senior class of the high
Miss West is survived by her par-
not all for the bulk of
baking powder
ent3 Mr and Mrs wniiam E West
it was cheap materials which had no fiv sistpr niul Uvn hrnHlpra nl v
ing at Geneva Arrangements have
been made with the owner of the
steamer Geneva to carry friends of tho
deceased to her home to attend the
funeral services tomorrow morning
Bellingham Wash Herald March
McCook Duly Accredited
A A Reed of the department of
high school inspection of the Univer
sity of Nebraska announces that the
north central association of colleges
and secondary schools in a meeting
at Chicago March 21 to 25 accredited
the following schools of Nebraska
Ashland Auburn Aurora Beatrice
Blair Brownell hall Omaha Colum
bus Crete David City Doane col
lege academy Fairbury Falls City
Franklin academy Fremont Friend
Geneva Grand Island Hastings Hast
ings college academy Hebron Hold
rege Kearney Lincoln Lincoln ac
ademy McCook Nebraska City Ne
braska Military academy Nebraska
Weselyan academy Norfolk North
Platte Omaha Pawnee City Platts
mouth Seward South Omaha Su
perior Teachers College high school
Tecumseh University Place York
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filing
have been made in tho county clerks
offoe since our last report
State of Nebraska to John B
Colling deed sw except
2 acres of 16-3-30 HOC 00
State of Nebraska to John B
Colling deed s1 se and
sw ne4 16-3-30 840 00
State of Nebraska to John B
Colling deed sw nwi 16-3-30
280 00
Charles E Harris et ux to Aus
tin A Alcorn wd 1 and 2
and se ne swi ne qr 2-3-27
5500 00
Typewriter papers typewriter
carbon naners manifolding
The Finding of the Survivors of
the Greely Expedition
The Seven Starved and Half Crazed
Dying Men Were Wearily Waiting
For the End When Came the Shout
That Told Them Relief Was Nigh
In his story of the rescue of the rem
nants of the ill fated Greely expedi
tion at Cape Sabine in 18S4 Frank B
Copley in the American Magazine
gives a dramatic description of the ac
tual finding of the starving survivors
On June 21 a furious gale blew down
the tent which the despairing men
had not the strength to raise again
On the 22d the gale continued and the
men felt that the end of their long
struggle had come
In the evening all the men were in
their bags waiting for death Greely
Frederick Blederick Elison and Con
nell were under the fallen canvas of
the tent Brainard and Long were
under the fallen canvas of the adjoin
ing shelter It remained light of
course the sun at this season being
continuously above the horizon Con
nell passed Into the unconscious state
which was the prelude of death The
other six men supremely indifferent
to everything lay idly dozing
But the evening still was young
when seemingly from a distance there
came a sound that forced itself upon
their attention Once came the sound
Twice came the sound Three times
came the sound Each time it was a
long insistent screech
At first it was annoying as any
sound Is that gradually forces one to
leave ones pleasant dreams and awake
But with the second repetition of the
screech Brainard and Long sat up and
looked at each other
From under the canvas of the tent
came the complaining voice of Greely
Brainard did you hear it
Yes sir
What was it
I think I am pretty sure that it
was the whistle of a steamer
There was something of a stir under
the fallen canvas of the tent
blck had aroused himself and seized
the bag containing their last bit of
brandy Two spoonfuls were left
Biederbick forced one down the throat
of the dying Connell If they actually
were going to be rescued Connell
should have a chance to live The
other spoonful of brandy Biederbick
offered to bis commander When Gree
ly declined it Biederbick sent it to fol
low the other spoonful down the throat
of Connell
Greely now asked Brainard and Long
if they could get out from under their
canvas and report if anything was to
be seen They said they felt able to
climb to the high rocky point on the
ridge where Brainard had set a signal
Do your best said Greely
Slowly and painfully Brainard and
Long crawled up the narrow path in
the snow to the point which command
ed a broad view of the sea There
was much open water but nothing
was to be seen on It save the old
monotonous floes and bergs
Long said they must have been mis
taken in the nature of the sound they
had heard Brainard agreed After a
few minutes Brainard chilled through
said he would go back and report to
Greely Long who was more warmly
clad said he would stay up there a
while longer
When Brainard in reporting to Gree
ly again expressed the opinion that
they had been deceived the opinion
seemed to be accepted by all the men
under the tent Brainard crawled back
into his bag fully believing that he
never would leave it again and fully
resigned to the prospect
Presently Biederbick began to argue
that the fact that no ship was to be
seen from the point above them did
not necessarily indicate that they had
been deceived in believing that the
sounds they heard were those of a
ships whistle He suggested that the
ship might be in Payer harbor which
could not be seen from their ridge
Greely aroused himself sufficiently
to say that he did not consider this
probable Biederbick however went
on arguing in his persistent German
way that help was near At length
Greely whose nerves were a wreck
and whose mind was fast giving way
turned on Biederbick and cursed him
for making a disturbance
Shut up he ordered and let us
die in peace
So once more there was quiet
Lying outside In his bag Brainard
vaguely wondered If he ever again
would see Long
Presently lie heard footsteps
Some one was coming
It could not be Long
Whoever was coming was running
God he was running
Then came a shout the shout of a
hale and hearty man
Greely Greely Are ye thcrct
There was no mistaking the voice
with its Scotch Irish accent The
voice was that of James W Norman
Ice master on the Proteus when that
steamship transported the Greely ex
pedition to Lady Franklin bay three
years before
As Norman shouted two big ships of
the United States navy were anchor
ing just at the foot of the ridge
Seven men out of twenty five lived
until the evening of June 22 Another
hour and probably only sis would
have been found alive Two days
per mimeograph paper a large se- more and in probability the last J
lecuon to cnoose irom at The tueci uuu u
The most common cause of insom
nia is disorders of the stomach
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets correct these disorders and en
able you to sleep For sale by all
Received on Account Pale
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
This paper and The Weekly Inter
Ocean and Farmer 125 gets both
for one year Special deal
Teacher of
Piano and Organ
910 First Street West McCook Ne
to do Paper Hanging Light Car
penter Work and Inside Painting
Leave orders with C C Brown
at Ideal Store or at 910 1st St
West McCook Neb
handles the following
Canyon City Lump
Canyon City Nut
Maitland Lump
Baldwin Lump
Sheridan Egg
Iowa Lump
Rex Lump
Pennsylvania Hard
These are all coals of highest heat
prqducing qualities Give us your
orders they will be filled promptly
and to your satisfaction
S S GARVEY Manager
Phone 169
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Walter Hosier
Draying in all its branches
promptly and carefully attended
to Your patronage is earnestly
Phone black 244 Leave orders
at any if the city lumber yards
Osborn Kummer Co
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
OfficelFlrst Door South of DeGrofPs
Phone No 13
Fire and Wind
Written in First Class
Flour Feed Main av
J J v t C I t t IX- J
White Line Transfer
Hawkins Sheaffer
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phonea Office 68
residence red 456