The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 30, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Did you- know that there was
a relationship between dollars
Well it must he true anyway
Did you ever notice that once
a man gets a few dollars others
seem to fly into his pocket as
if by magic Most of the dol
lars of the United States are
gathered together in large
amounts The more dollars a
man gets the faster others join
them You may he unable to
account for this but it is true
nevertheless Dollars like to
congregate Why not start a
congregation of your own
Lets explain You make quite
a bit of money dont you You
spend it dont you Well now
just for once try putting a few
dollars just a few in this
bank See if others dont fol
low The first few act as a
decoy You are cordially in
cited to place your decoys
In this bank We are sure that
by using one of our bank books
for a blind you will be able
to bag considerable
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
IP Jfl8ift
Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo
Entered at postoflice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
One day last week 300 men of Su
perior businessmen professional men
in fact men in every walk of life built
two miles of Good Roads leading out
of that city Selecting a stretch of
the worst road leading out of that
citjy they built it compldte and in
perfect condition in one day for two
Nebraska has been given another
postal savings postoffice and Alliance
is the fortunate city
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
4P 0pPW0t67SPli
Ill 1
II liU
Half Dozen Medals Are Distributed
The Pupils of the High School Show
Talent and Developing Ability
What the attendance lacked in num
bers Monday night was more than
compensated for in the enthusiasm
and approval of those present of every
number offered on the program of th3
evening One cannot help noting the
improvement evident in the declama
tory line among the students of the
school each one gave a good account
of himself and several gave tokens
of more than ordinary talent and abil
ity which give promise of developing
into large possibilities in the future
That the pupils and patrons are
entering into the spirit of the matter
was disclosed in the warm approval
given the declaimers
The several appearances of the H
3 Girls Glee club were signals for
enthusiastic encores which were de
Following is Monday evenings pro
Music Mammy Loo J W Cart
wright H S Girls Glee Club
1 H Mice at Play Helen OBrien
1 D The Lance of Kanana Gen
evieve Enright
1 O The Independence of Cuba
Cecil McMillen
2 H The Beautiful Little One
Elsie Moore
2 D Commencement Olive Clark
Music Hush-a-bye Schartu H S
Girls Glee Club
2 O The Prisoners Plea Harold
H First Call on the Butcher
Julia Barnes
3 D The Pilots Story Florence
4 H Papa and the Boy Florence
Music duet Bcrthold H S
Girls Glee club
Walter Modrell is going to farm
near Laird this coming season
Sqme of the people of Spring
Creek and Box Elder joined forces
last Friday and cleaned up the par
T M Campbell and family visited
his brother J L Campbell at Osborn
from Saturday till Monday
Epworth League next Sunday even
Tuesday Evenings Program
What has been written concerning
Monday evening may be dittoed as to
Tuesday evening with the appreciat
ed difference that there was a crowd
ed house on the second evening and
even greater interest and enthusiasm
Appended is the program
Music Loves Old Sweet Song
Molloy H S Girls Glee club
5 H Price of the Past Participle
Gladys Picklum
4 D The Sheriffs Honor Mabel
3 O Sergeant Prentiss First Plea
Albert Barnes
6 H Some Other Birds are Taught
to Fly Marvel Brown
5 D The Slow Man Ora Stewart
Music Trio Annie Laurie Misses
LoRene Calhoun Genevieve McAdamn
Ora Stewart
7 H Sister Sue Waters House
keeping Gertrude Shepherd
6 D Brutus and Cassius Ida Gor
8 H Allimina Ann Lela Fisher
7 D Engineer Connors Son Min
nie Viersen
Music Nellie Was a Lady H S
Girls Glee club
At the completion of the program
the awards were announced as fol
Oratorical 1st Harold Schwab
The Prisoners Plea gold medal
2nd Cecil McMillen The Independ
ence of Cuba silver medal
Humorous 1st Lela Fisher Alli
mina Ann gold medal 2nd Mar
vel Browne Some Other Birds Are
Taught to Fly silver medal
Dramatic 1st Minnie Viersen En
gineer Connors Son gold medal
2nd Mabel Hegenberger The Sher
iffs Honor silver medal
District representative Minnie Vier
sen alternate Lela Fisher
Mr O A Sinkie a special student
in the department of expression of
Nebraska university was the judge
The awards were quite satisfactory
ing Thought for the month of Ap
ril Guarding the Life Subject
for Sunday evening Temptations
Jas 112 15 1 Peter 58 9 Rom 12
21 Matt 2641 Dorothy Doyle will
Wm Doyle has purchased a new
Mrs Ben Lytle returned home Sat
urday after a weeks visit with her
sister Mrs F G Lytle
Brilliant Display of f
In spite of the unexpected early rush for
Spring Millinery our well organized work room
force in charge our two Chicago trimmers
are bringing out a multitude of pretty new ideas handsome nobby creations in
Dress Hats as well as the plainer tailored styles affording a beautiful selection
from which to choose
Your Easter Hat
Our assortment is proving most attractive and our prices are so moderate that
every lady can find what she wants from our complete stock
A Large Shipment of Skirts
Waists Suits Coats and Dresses
has just been received and every new feature in all the new
mixtures and plain suitings serges etc are shown in our
complete assortments
See Our Silk Foulard Dresses at 1500
Our Silk and Satin Coats 1500 to 2500
Our Swell Tailored Suits 1000 to 5000
Our Lingerie Waists 100 to 1500 each
Our Clinging Messaline Petticoats at 500
And everything uptodate in Ladies Misses and Childrens
ReadytoWear Garments
In Dress Goods Silks Wash Goods Marquisettes Em
broideries Ginghams and in all Piece Goods we can furnish
you the very highest class materials at the very lowest prices
Entertain Esther Chapter
The meeting of the Eastern Star
last Friday evening was noteworthy
in at least two particulars The very
large attendance and the presence of
a delegation of ladies from the re
cently organized chapter at Benkel
man Esther chapter U D
At seven oclock dinner was served
brevious to the regular work of the
evening and this gastronomic de
tail was enjoyed fully
Two candidates were made ac
quainted with the beautiful ceremonial
of the chapter and the regular order
of business was disposed of
After which followed the after-dinner
portion of the program which
was prolonged pleasurably until a lata
The Benkelman ladies returned to
their homes on the late train their
presence being as much a pleasure to
us as an inspiration to them in their
new work
Minden Wins Debate
Minden Neb March 24 The last
of the east end series of the Nebras
ka high school debating league held
at Minden was won by Minden taking
the affirmative The negative side
was represented by Beaver City The
judges were Charles W Taylor of
McCook A M Barr of Hastings and
C B Toof of Fairfield The debate
was hed in the Presbyterian church
The high school chorus furnished mu
sic A large crowd was present
Promised to be a Blizzard
A storm prevailed in this section of
state commencing shortly before noon
Sunday which promised to become a
blizzard of some ferocity at times
but fell short and before evening
quite subsided There was however
a pretty severe wind some snow and
slight rain with a decided lowering
of temperature
Unused Ice House Burned
An unused ce house in West Mc
Cook was partially destroyed last Fri
day morning by fire Building was
owned by M M Lewis Damage and
loss was small Nothing in the build
ing at the time
Bill Boards Suffered
Mondays severe wind and dust
storm toyed disastrously with the bill
boards of the city Shop keepers and
house keepers were not profited by
the clouds of dust either
Take No Chances
Buy the INSURANCE gasoline stove
and be on the safe side For sale
only at Polk Bros harware store 118
West B street
For Sale
Stove wood at 250 rick delivered
A J Drake Osburn Neb
Hay and Alfalfa For Sale
23 1t Phone ash 3681
Pythian Sisters dance April 17
Try a Tribune want ad and watch
For special on sauer kraut by the
gallon see Magner
Easter post cards and booklets at
The Tribune paper house
Easter post cards from a penny up
at the Tribune paper house
We may have stock that will sur
prise you as we are very complete in
fancy ornamental stock
R F D No 3
Some of the farmers are sowing
oats and barley
Still the wind blows We need rain
J W Randal and W C Cooper
were in McCook Wednesday
G Clamp was in town Wednesday
R F D No 4
Still dry and windy
Still they are working on the ditch
G Wallen was in town Monday
The mail carrier luts a windy time
C F Crocker from Liberty was the
guest of M S Jimcrson and family
Wednesday and Thursday of last
The revival services continue at the
Methodist church and are increasing
in interest and power for good Have
you a soul to save or can you he of
help to any soul and to God Make
an effort now God is waiting tc
bless and save for time and eternity
The meetings will continue next
Fred E Borthfield the well known
and reliable piano tuner is here on
his regular trip Orders left at H P
Suttons store will receive prompt at
MrsC W Taylor is enjoying a vis
it from her parents Mr and Mrs
A OllllLU
renrgmuijj u it
rmvp nhsnmffMv e
dry air circulation
Our spring stock
comprises all the
new and best de
signs and we in
vite your close in
Get Under a Stetson
And Smile
Its a wise head that wears a
Stetson Hat
Big Line of Stetson Hats
Now in
Includes all shapes styles and
Graeces Columbias and Derbys
in both black and nutria price
450 and 500
A Complete Line of
Manhattan Shirts
Just received Its the best shirt on earth and costs
no more than an ordinary one
We still sell the Buster Brown Hosiery four pairs
wear four months
One Price and No Monkey Business
Your Spring
And Summer Need
WE present the
merits of HER-
ih - tmmm l
1 TfTC T i r
tw ii i rwi smmWv 1
UW i iTttg
I rilir i Ml i M lOi L V JB7 iMB
r i i uuii i r i sawtfiM s
Economical and Satisfac
tory Cooking
t ft t X lii w ft tk
llgSg f H fas ZlMs
SPlr r sit mgw
Without a heated
kitchen or waste of
fuel can he done on the
Perfection Oil
These stoves were
so popular we could
not get enough of them
to supply our trade last
season We have
nought heavier this
year hut you can be
gin now to make use
of them on the warm
w i