w r i y 11 k iv t irsrsr THURSDAY MARCH 30 1911 A Cold LaGrippe Then Pneumonia Is too cii the fftal sequence Fo leys Honey and Tar expels the cold cheeks the la rppe and prevents pneumonia It is a prompt and reli able cough medicine that contains no narcotics It is as safe for your chil dren as yourself A McMillen A F A M McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M meets ever first and third Tuesday of the month at B ffl p m in Masonic hall Burbis H Stewart V M Charles L Fahnestock Sec e B M Occcnozoe Conncil No 16 R S M meets on the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m n Masonic hall William E Hart T I M Aaeon Q King Sec r a m King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets very first and third Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Clarence b ueay h i W B Whittakeb Sec knights templar St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on the second Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Geo Willets E C Seth D Silver Rec eastern star Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Mrs C W Wilson W M S Cordeal Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 of E P meets every Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall J N Gaarde C C C A Evans K R S ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Friday at 800 pm in Qauschow hall C R Woodwoetii N Q E L Reed Sec MODERN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every first and third Friday of each month at 830 p m in Ma onic hall Pay assessments at Citizens National Bnuk C C Byfield Consul AM Finity Clerk ROTAL NEIGHBORS No la Camp No 862 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p m in Morris hall Mrs Caroline Kunert Oracle Mrs Augusta Anton Rec WORKMEN McCook Lodga No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p ra in Temple Maurice Griffin Treas Hesby Moers MW C J Ryan Financier C B Gray Rec DEGREE OF HONOR McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every second and forth Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Temple building Mary E Griffin C of H Mrs Carrie ScnLAGEL Rec MACCABEES Meets every 2nd and 4th Friday evening in Morris hall J A WllXOz Com J H Yarger Record Keeper NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS Branch No 1278 meets first Monoay of each month at 330 p m in carriers room postoflice G F Kinghorn President D J OBrien Secretary LOCOMOTIVE firemen and enginemen McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Husted Sec Ladies Society B of L F E Golden Rod Lodge No 282 meets in Morris hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of each month at 2 oclock Mrs Grace Husted Mrs Rutii Reilly Secretary President RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of R T meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in Eagles hall T E Huston President F G Kinghorn Sec RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304 Main Avenue S E Harvey C Con M O McClure Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 800 p m in Morris hall Theo Diehald Pre Feed Wasson Fin Sec Floyd Berry Cor Sec locomotive engineers McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets every second and fourth Sunday of each month at 230 in Morris hall Walter Stokes C E W D Burnett F A E railway carmen Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Morris hall at 30 p m H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy S D Hughes Secy BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M fc I S B of A meets first and third Thursdays of each month in Eagles hall Jno Seth Pres Jno LeHew Cor Sec eagles McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building 316 Main ave C L WLKER Vt Pres C H Ricketts W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Eagles hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real j K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m in Monte Cristo hall Mrs George Martin Miss Loeetta Williams F S G R LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hivo No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mrs W B Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts B K G A R J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m Morris hall Thomas Moore Commander J H Yarger Adjt RELIEF CORPS McCook Corps No 98 W R C meets overy scond and fourth Saturday of each month at 30 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec L OF G A R McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first Saturday of oach month at 230 pm at the Monto Cristo hall Mrs Lottie Brewer President Mrs Kate Dutton Secretary P E O Chapter X P E O meets the first and third Monday evenings of each monta at 8 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs Anna Schobel Pres Mrs Kate Williams Cor Sec PYTHIAN SISTERS McCook Temple No 24 Pythian Sisters meets the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m Lila L Ritchie M E C Edna Stewart M of R C diamond bebrkah Meets each 2nd and 4th Monday evening of each month in Morris linll Mrs August AVton N G Miss Florence Middleton Secy FAR AND ALL i ER M A WALSH fftct CkXZ A KJf Jf JCJfnfl I I J J J J J J J 2 t t 5 t 2 TO McCOOK SUBSCRIBERS The publisher has just com A STAMP HOAX v 6 Tho Story That Went With the Ele phants Beak Issue Stamp collecting is a peculiar but a fascinating hobby and it is said that as many as 9000000 in all the world own it as a hobby Germany France Austria England and France rank in the order named in the number of stamp collectors they contain The elephants beak boas is one of tbe best jokes ever played at the ex pense of collectors It was worked on a half dozen well known philatelists who were astonished by the announce ment that a well known New York stamp collector had secured the only copy of a peculiar stamp later known as the elephant stamp bill This stamp bore as its central design the figure of an elephant with the beak and wings of a bird This stamp so the story went was designed by a well known South American revolutionist who was about to overthrow the exist ing regime The design on the stamp was meant to designate that the new ruler had the strength of an elephant and the swiftness of a bird But alas for the plans of mice and men Bis plot was discovered and among the supplies seized were half a million of the stamps of the new and yet un born republic These were ordered de stroyed One of the soldiers had man aged to smuggle about a hundred of these away but he was Anally caught and shot at daybreak Before his exe cution however he had given one stamp to a little boy and this had in some very reasonable and plausible way found tbe New York collector after many months The stamp was naturally of great price and would have brought a big sum had not several collectors com pared notes and found that each had in his possession on approval the only elephant bill stamp in existence In this way the interesting hoax was dis covered New York Mail Two Showers Cute people out in the town where my cousin Jane lives A popular girl got married there and her rejected suitors clubbed together and gave her a mitten shower Good And what did they give the lucky bridegroom liey gave him a shower of bricks Cleveland Plain Dealer Tho Lawyers Point of View It costs more said a prominent Bostonian to get divorced than it costs to get married Maybe so said the lawyer as he took the big check but its worth toore isnt it Boston Post A Feint and a Faint Sadie Did you ever faint Susie Once But I bumped my head so hard that I fainted really and truly and Ive never tried it again Toledo Blade God be praised that I am overtaken with misfortune and not with sin Saadl 2jKSl3SSsK iv iPls ih it A - Dry Bones Old iron kube Boots Rubber Shoes upper and Brass Butter and tiggs And Poultry of All Kinds I pay the highest market price in CASH at ail times First Street West McCook Nebraska KNEW TOO MUCH menced to mail out subscription Tennysons Father Had to Fly For Hia un uur I i ito r rom rnissia The Tribune through the Mc Cook postoffice These state ments will in each case cover amount due to January 1st 1911 and for the amount to January 1st 1912 We hope to receive a prompt response to these statements So far as practicable our collector will call upon you personally THE TRIBUNE jjjjjijjjijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Terms of District Court 1911 Chase county April 24 and Novem ber 13 Dundy County March 6 and No vember 20 Frontier county March 20 and Oc tober 2 Furnas county February 20 May 29 and October 23 Gosper county January 30 and September 25 Hayes county March 13 and Sep tember 18 Hitchcock county May 1 and No vember 27 Red Willow county February May 15 and October 9 Robert C Orr district judge Shortly after the assassination of Emperor Paul of Russia Tennyson the father of the poet dined with Lord St Helens the British ambassa dor in Moscow Several Russian offi cers of high rank whose names he did not know were also guests During dinner a guarded reference was made to the emperors death Why do you speak so gingerly about a matter so notorious cried Tennyson impulsively leaning across bis neighbor a Russian whose breast was covered with orders We know very well in England that the Emper or Paul was murdered Count Zoboffi knocked him down and Benningsen and Count Pahlen strangled him There was a strained silence then the ambassador abruptly changed the subject As the guests filed out into an adjoining room Lord St Helens drew Tennyson aside Dont go into the next room he whispered but fly for your life Tbe man next you across whose breast you leaned was fVmnr Pnlilon nnrt VrihnfT tens nlsn nr i He gave a few hurried directions u and Tennyson rushed off threw his clothes into a portmanteau and fled behind fast horses to Odessa still in evening garb though the cold was in tense He lay hidden for weeks and at last In the disguise of a servant was smuggled on board an English frigate A Funny Chase Lord Orford an eccentric English nobleman once had a team of red deer stags that be frequently drove to a light coach All went well until one day there happened to be a pack of staghounds on the road from London to Brighton along which Lord Orfords picturesque team was merrily fleeting There followed the strangest chase that ever mortal man witnessed The hounds hunted the team and its owner bard to Newmarket and with such a smash into tbe Ram inn yard tbe whole lot went that there was no more coach left and little more of driver Lord Orford took to horses after that An Inscription by Charles Lamb My friends uncle bad in bis early days been a fellow clerk with Charles Lamb I remember his showing me a book which bad been given him by Lamb with a very lamblike Inscription It was a Table of Interest and on the flyleaf was written William Thomas Keith from Charles Lamb In this book unlike most others the further you progress the more the interest increases Ed mund Yates Russias Butterfly Belief Small boys and girls in Russia often do not have the joy of butterfly chas ing or collecting for the popular and pretty belief of the peasants is that these swarms of fragile lovely insects are the earthbound souls of the dead compelled to linger for some minor ex piation of siu As the nurses of tbe children of all below royalty are from the peasant class they impress on them at an early age how wicked it would be to catch and torture a soul and thus Imbue them with a supersti tion that lasts until they are well grown New York Tribune Exhibiting a Poet Matthew Arnold was sitting in his study one morning when the butler showed in an American lady and a small boy The lady said Glad to make your acquaintance Mr Arnold I have often heard of you No dont trouble to speak sir I know how val uable your time Is Then turning to the boy she said This is blm Lenny the leading critic and poet somewhat fleshier than we had been led to ex pect A C Benson in Atlantic Coleridge Tho Last Phase Professor Blackie In his autobio graphical sketch entitled Notes of a Life tells of a visit he paid to Cole ridge then living at Higbgate of whom he remembers only two things li that he was an old infirm downbent man 2 that he told me he had thrown overboard ajl speculative phi losophy finding perfect satisfaction in the first chapter of the gospel of John Business and Pleasure The man who makes his business a pleasure Is likely to live a good deal longer and get a good deal further than the man who makes his pleasure a business Chicago Record Herald Tl tflNQ WORK 2 oai Daily and Weekly Star are two of the few publications c subscriber more than he really pays for and small price are the very features that have given The - the st circulation of any Nebraska paper outside of Omaha lv aic jut as willing in fact more so to place their subscriptions ou i representatives than to send them in direct to us B WANT MORE REPRESENTATIVES to look after the renewal ijr expiations and send in new subscriptions We are prepared to pay or your work and pay you mighty well We have a liberal proposi o i to make you For terms and supplies write to - J REHLAENDER Business Mgr Star Publishing Co Lincoln Neb subscription Rates by Mail Only Daily Star one year 200 Daily and Sunday Star one year 200 Half of above rates for six months Weekly Star one year 25c Weekly Star Three years 50c DAN BURY The Nashville students gave an op en air concert on the streets at 4 p m Thursday and a very good vaudeville at the opera house the same evening They had a fairly good crowd and every body seemed pleased Henry Hellison moved into the Moy er town property Wednesday Albert Harrison of Indianola was a Danbury visitor a short time Tues day J L Sims and family moved onto their farm over toward Indianola on Tuesday Clarence Yarnall who has been working at Stamford for the past few months came home Wednesday W A Minniear came homeF riday after a few weeks visit in Kansas and Colorado Rev J W Ressler of Hendley Ne braska preached a sermon in the morning and evening Sunday in the M E church Mrs Rida Drath and nhildrpn ta I turned home Wednesday from the table don Kansas where they have been visiting a few days Charley Bush of Nora Neb was in town a short time Wednesday Mrs Sadie Gill of Akron Colo re turned to her home last Thursday after a few days visit with home folks John McManigan of McCook was in town on business the first of the week Ed Eno is quite sick with the grip and rheumatism Guy Chambers from Indianola came over Friday night and stayed till Sun day with the Bastian boys Mr and Mrs T E McDonald were Indianola visitors Friday night Mrs Egger of Wilsonville visited her sister Mrs Hannah Shorey a few days last week Leonard Hethcote of Indianola was a Sunday visitor There was no school Monday and Tuesday on account of the board fum igating all rooms There are quite a number of young folks on the sick list this week INDIANOLA Mrs W C Keys of Brockwayville Ienna who has been visiting Mr and Mrs Robert Richey at Stockville came down to Indianola end of week and visited in Indianola briefly before continuing her journey to Pennsyl vania J J Strunk was in McCook last Friday on veal estate business Mr and Mrs Neal Quick were Mc Cook v silors Friday last at which time the Eastern Stars had a special meeting for initiation with Benkelman Stars of Esther chapter as guests William Elder county judge of Lin coln county for fourteen years and a pioncc settler of Re Willow oun ty dicii at bis home in North Platte last week Mr and Mrs Neal Quick spent Fri day in the county seat The I M Smith Millinery Co held their opening last Saturday M W Plourd and son will have a sale of their thoroughbred horses at their barns Saturday April 1 Miss Opal Nash of McCook spent Sunday and Monday with her friend Miss Lulu McNeil Dr and Mrs Minnick are expected back from Omaha the last of the week The two small Saront children have die rearlet fever Mr Co man sitbtainc d quite an in jury Thin is b a nal vhkh li was drivirg h to a boarti flying bade and him in tie eye cutting it quite sovorely A new cement walk was laid north of And Lords hardware store laot week Mr and Mrs Haley returned fror the Sprinss Monday Mrs Cosgro attended the funeral of Mrs Arthur Perry at Cambridge on Monday The household goods of Mr Chas Taylor and Mart Akers were shipped to New Mexico Wednesday They and their families will follow soon Mr and Mrs Coleman expect to leave for Iowa about the 4th of April They go in hopes to benefit Mrs Colemans health Ella Wolfe was in Bartley Wed nesday Mr Morris the evangelist at the M is church spoke to the high school and grammar rooms Tuesday afternoon The Jussell boys alfalfa stacks wenj burned Monday afternoon Application for Permit McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that Albert McMillen has filed in the City clerks office his bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors in the build ing on lot 11 block 22 in the First ward of the City of McCook from May 1 1911 to April 30 1912 ALBERT McMILLEN Applicant Application for Permit McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that L W McConnell has filed in the City Clerks office his bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the City of McCook from May 1 1911 to April 30 1912 L W McCONNELL 33 3t Applicant Application for License McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition ask ing that a license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors in the build ing situated on lot 9 block 22 205 Main Avenue in the First ward of the City of McCook Nebraska be granted me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1911 C L McKlLLIP Application for License McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that we have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 13 block 27 113 Main Avenue in the First ward of the City of McCook Nebraska be granted to us for the coming municip al year beginning May 1 1911 3-30-St JAMES WOOLARD JOHN F McMANIGAL Application for License McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the city clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition ask ing that a license to sell malt spirit nous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 1 block 21 224 Main Avenue in the Second ward of the J H MITCHELL Application for Permit McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that C R Wood worth has filed in the city clerks office his bond and petition for a permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the brick build ing on lot 11 block 16 in the Sec ond ward of the City of McCook from May i 1911 to April 30 1912 C R WOODWORTH Applicant 3-30-St The Mai i Store On the Main Street If i s the si a -1 ii u vimtaui et vni J seek look no further than Hubers The Only Union Made in city are the Carhart Hiijer is the exclusive agent Also Jarktj ami caps The phone is 97 The McCook Tribune It is 100 the year in advance PAGE 3 em ma an NotKiig EqueJs Old Dutch For Cleajxirvg Milk Pedis aid Pais Cream Separators Kitchen and Cooking Utensils Wet the article sprinkle with Old Dntch Cleanser wash thorough ly with a cloth or brush Rinse well in clean water and wipe or let stand to dry This removes dis coloration corrosian spots and grease such as ordinary cleansers will not remove and does it quicker and easier ClensScruh 0tirsPolishes It is the best all round cleanser ever discovered and is perfectly harmless It keeps everything about the farm house spickand span and saves a lot of labor jr a JHX time expense k Avoid caustic and acid cleaners Not a wash ing powder lgpp7as xSr lm For Foley Kidney Pills Neutralize and remove the poisons that cause backache rheumatism nervousness and all kidney and blad der irregularities They build up and restroe the natural acion of these vital organs A McMillen We have tried several kinds of cough medicine he says but hav never found any yet that did them as much good as Chamberlains Cough Remedy For sale by all dealers Subscribe for the Tribune Shampooing Hair Dressing Scalp and Facial Treatment L M CLYDE Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stairs ike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Ncw icruticp acr tlnCrtrklr tr efi r ith brtoij l 1UVUVJK trjfJ VvLWMfflil WkMW Stallions 1000 rtsstij4wwr wtKmmmiJxr City of McCook Nebraska be grant- Home Bred Draft StalllOHS ed to me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1911 Lumber and Coal Thats All Best Imported Fercheron Belgian English Shire Suffolk Punch and German Coach ea Imported marcshom bred stallions 250 tioO each A LATIHER WILSON Creston Iowa 2C0 to 000 imported stallions your choice 51000 F L STREAM Creston la -A 4 1 k t S t IP But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 A Mmm1 IMMIMUMIlI