ri n u PAGE 2 i r ri The official Government tests show Royal Baking Powder to he an absolutely pure and healthful grape cream of tartar baking powder and care should be taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place With no other agent can bis cuit cake and hot breads be made so pure healthful and delicious Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking powder in the world It makes pure clean healthful food Royai Cook Booh 800 Receipts Free Send Name and Address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK NOBODY SPARED Kidney ills seize young and old Come quickly with little warning Children suffer in their early years Cant control the kidney secretions Girls are languid nervous suffer pain Women worry cant do daily work Men have lame and aching backs The cure for man woman or child Is to cure the cause the kidneys Doans Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys Cure all forms of kidney suffering McCook testimony proves it Mrs Thomas Croughan 412 B Ave McCook Nebr says A mem ber of our family suffered from back ache caused by disordered kidneys This person also had headaches and got up in the morning feeling all tired out Doans Kidney Pills were finally used and they brought splen did results I have observed the good work that Doans Kidney Pills have done in many cases of kidney trou ble and therefore I do not hesitate to recommend them Baptist Sunday school at ten oclock a m Preaching at 11 a m and 800 p m B Y P U 700 p I Bfc iM ---- W MfcM MfcMtl Kidney Troubles Attack McCook Men and Women Old and Young m Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday at 8 p m S E WILKIN Pastor For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans and take no other Notice to Creditors In the county court of Red Willow county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Patrick Thomas Coyle decdased To the creditors of said estate You are hereby notified That I will sit at the county court room in Mc Cook in said county on the 16th daj of October1911at one oclock P M to receive and examine all clainn against said estate with a view tc their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation ol claims against said estate is sb months from April 15th 1911 Witness my hand and the seal of said county court this 22nd day of March 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge C H BOYLE Atty First publication March 23 4t Subscribe for Thp Tribune The Grocers Telephone Im sorry Mrs Brown were just out of that we sold the last this morning Must have it tonight All right Ill telephone and have it sent by express Central give me Long Distance The grocer gets the wholesaler in the city 200 miles away orders the goods to be shipped by fast express satisfies his customer and protects his trade It is the local and long distance service of the Bell Tel ephone System that makes such accommodation possible va jLMJ5lvDa lX XT to iljH2Z2y eATEDg Nebraska Telephone Co CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager BULLARD LUMBER CO 4r i SELLS THE BEST Lumber and Coal BULLARD LUMBER CO 3 y Phone No i - LACK Oi J DOOMS MILLION Terrifying Conditions in Anhui Province China MISSIONARYS LETTER Help Must Come From Outside Before Summer Starving Hordes Tear Bark From the Trees and Eat It Pathetic Recital of the Sufferings From Famine Pathetic details of the sufferings from famiiie in Anhui and other prov inces of China reach the mission boards in every mail In a letter to the board of foreign missions of the Pres byterian church the Ilev Thomas Car ter a missionary stationed at Hwai yuen in Anhui province writes I never really knew what the Lords Prayer meant until today We came to a village where some Christians gathered for worship To hear that company of men say Give us this day our daily bread had a strange sound when we knew that not one of them had so much as seen bread for many a day unless you call pressed sweet potato vines bread Somehow that prayer must be answered We cannot let these people starve A million persons in the region just north of his station the Rev Mr Car ter says will die of starvation before summer unless help comes from out side lie adds Wheat Fields Flooded It is only as we look closely and ask questions that we find out the real state of affairs We look at the fields that looked so prosperous with the winter wheat and we realize tha those fields were all under water last summer the fields of over 2000000 people and that the wheat that we see will not be ready until June and before that time unless help comes the larger part of the people that planted the wheat will be beyond us ing it And now we look again at the peo ple who had come down to meet us with their full rice bowls in the bowls there is no rice The bowls contain chiefly hot water and some weeds gathered from the fields mixed with a few grains of precious wheat bought with the relief money just given by the government relief that amounts to about 3 cents gold given only to the very poorest that is to about half of the population This is something of what famine means now What it is going to mean soon we scarcely dare to think for it is still five months before wheat harvest Already in many places the bark is taken from the trees and eaten BIG DAM NEARLY FINISHED Belle Fourche Project Is Worlds Lar gest Earthen Embankment The big Belle Fourche irrigation dam in South Dakota which is the largest eartli embankment in the world is nearing completion Con struction of the project was author ized by congress on May 10 1901 at a cost of 5000000 From an engineering standpoint the Belle Fourche project is one of the most interesting which the govern ment has yet undertaken Its prin cipal structure is the earthen dam This wonderful dike which closes the lowest depressions in the rim of a nat ural basin is G200 feet long 20 feet wide on top and 115 feet high in the highest place The inside face of this structure which has a slope of two to one will be protected from wave and ice action by two feet of screened gravel on which will be placed concrete blocks each 4 by G feet and 8 inches thick The cubical contents of this dike will be 42700000 cubic feet or about half of the famous pyramid of Cheops The reservoir created by this dam will cover about 9000 acres and will be the largest lake in the state SCHOOL FOR SERVANTS New Jersey Women Plan Course of In struction In Hope of Solving Problem Mrs Edmund B Osborne wife of the state chairman of the New Jersey Progressive league and other promi nent women are interested In a move ment to solve the servant girl prob lem The plan proposed is to provide bet ter servants by establishing training and cooking schools where girls will be taught every branch of housework and the organizing of classes for prac tical instruction to housewives Under the system that will be pro posed at the meeting servants will be classified and upon graduation will receive diplomas that will define their qualifications Theater Ticket Taker at Ninety seven As jovial as any who called at his home in the afternoon to helpt him celebrate his ninety seventh birthday anniversary was James G Russell the oldest veteran of 4he civil war in braska lie still holds the position of ticket taker at the Oliver theater Lin coln which he has had for many years and went to work as usual after the days fun was over Mr Russell used to be a circus man before the war After the war he settled at Brownsville Neb and bas lived in JMncoln for thirty veara 1 VC Uavs Accepted oscd Ar ondmcnt Nine more states must ratify the pr posed federal income tax nmendnic before it can become a part of the co stitution Reports received from th capitals of the forty six states show that the amendment has received fa vorable action in the joint legislatures of twenty six Three states Vermont Rhode Island and Utah have refused to ratify the amendment at this years legislative sessions while New Hampshire has taken favorable action in one branch of the legislature only Among the six teen which have not yet acted this year the question is now pending in the legislatures of Louisiana New York Massachusetts Maine Connecti cut Pennsylvania and New Jersey The matter is scheduled to be taken before the legislature of Florida next month West Virginia has postpon ed action and the states of Arkansas Tennessee Wyoming Minnesota and Delaware have not considered the amendment JAP STATION IN MEXICO United States Consul Reports Attempt to Get Coaling Station American Vice Consul R H Staddin located at Manzanillo Mexico reports that the Japanese are negotiating for a coaling station at that point thus confirming charges to this effect com ing from Europe and elsewhere Mr Staddin gives the following report Negotiations are in progress between the Toyo Kisen Kaisha the Japanese transpacific steamship line and the National Railways of Mexico looking to the establishment of a coaling sta tion at Campos about two and a half miles from Manzanillo on the line of the National Railways Ships of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha touch at Manzanil lo on the run from Yokohama to ports on the west coast of South America ending at Valparaiso Chile and return If the coaling station be established these ships will coal homeward bound at Manzanillo and an effort will be made to sell coal also to the Naviera lino nf stonmors irliifh x f lio Afi Referees Sale By virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the clerk of the district court of Red Willow county Nebras ka on the judgments rendered in said court in the cause wherein Anna Farber and Christ Farber are plain tiffs and Rosena Droll Catherina Zim mer Jacob Zimmer William Droll Martha Droll Edward Droll Carolina Kutter Barney Kutter Augusta Droll Mary A Vannier Louis Vannier Frances Ballenger Riggs Ballenger and Bertha Droll are defendants on the tenth and eighteenth days of February 1911 for the partition and sale of the following described real estate situated in said county to wit The northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter and lots one and two all in section eigh teen in township three north of range twenty nine west of the sixth princi pal meridian and the east half of the northwest quarter and lots one and two all in section seven in said township and range I will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash on the 17th day of April 1911 at the front door of the courthouse in Red Willow coun ty Nebraska at one oclock in the afternoon in quarter section tracts all of said land including the home stead and dower estates of Rosena Droll in said land as set forth in said judgment rendered February 10th 1911 Dated this 15th day of March 1911 CHAS D RITCHIE Referee First publication March 16 5 Foleys Honey and Tar is the best cough remedy I ever used as it quick 1 ly stopped sevree cough thta had long1 troubled me says J W Kuhn of I Princeton Nebr Just so ouicklv and I surely it acts in all cases of coughs colds lagrippe and lung trouble Re fuse substitutes A McMillen frnntpniiRftriRft tmriP The McCook Tribune Until recently the Toyo Kisen Kai- the ear in advance sha found little cargo for its ships out- bound from Yokohama to South Amer ica and it was planned to have these ships carry coal to the proposed sta tion at Manzanillo Incident to these various negotiations rumors have arisen that coal fields ex ist along the west coast of Mexico One of the more persistent of these rumors is to the effect that the South ern railway has found coal along the line of its proposed exten sion to Topic TO PHOTOGRAPH IDEAS Workings of the Brain Can Be Pic tured Asserts Eminent Psychologist That photographs of human thoughts pictures of the ideas that pass through the brain and are later expressed in words may be taken on dry plates or films developed and kept as records of mental processes constitute the lat est wonder of science for which a wide and startling usefulness is pre dicted by Dr Max BafT eminent psy chologist of Clark college Worcester Mass We hear that such experiments have brought surprising results when carried on by Japanese savants says Dr Baff and it seems to me that the next thing is for us to go into the mat ter in this country As a method of taking such thought photographs a capital way would be to expose the film in a vacuum tank and have the subjects whose thoughts are to be photographed placed near the tank even with their heads against it To develop the film roll after it had been unwound in darkness with a pair of subjects thinking on a given sub ject while it was being unwound would show extremely interesting results It is a matter for close investigation and should be taken up in a long series of carefully conducted experiments ASKS 15000 FOR KISSES Manicure Who Sues Salesman Also Al leges That He Mussed Her Up Miss Nellie Etheridge who owns a manicuring establishment In Kansas City has filed suit against Charles R Decker in which she asks 15000 damages Miss Etheridge complains that Decker forcibly kissed her and mussed her up Miss Etheridge values four kisses at 2500 apiece and the 5000 balance is for what she described as the roughing Mr Decker gave her in the process This roughing consist ed in bending her across the arm of a chair with such force as to burst her corset and forcing her chin up with his elbow Miss Etheridge says she was under a physicians care ten days suffering from strained muscles and nervous shock Church Built In One Day One hundred volunteer carpenters cheered by the singing of the pastor and the women of the congregation erected a commodious house of wor ship for the Glen Park Christian church near Gary Ind within twenty-four hours The church Is a plain structure 42 by 24 feet The auditorium is to be equipped with op era chairs obtained from a defunct moving picture house The lot on which the church is erected was donat ed and the material was purchased by Ubscriptlon When you have rheumatism in your foott or instep apply Chamberlains Liniment and you will get quick re lief It costs but a quarter Why suf fer For sale by all dealers It is 100 THURSDAY MARCH 30 1911 Large and Small Jobs are equally well looked after We are ready at short notice to fix all leaks or other repairs in your plumb1 ing or in your heaters and stoves All Jobs Thoroughly Understood and after we are through with them you will find us the best men who ever did the same work for you and we do it cheap MiddletonRuby Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr Lisioolsi Sasiifarli39n Sulpho Saline Springs Located on oar own premises and nasi In the Natural Mineral Water Unsurpassed in the treatment of Rheumatism Heart Stomach Kidney and Lirev Diseases jjt L W WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska 3 E3ESEBSEM33iBilSarai s Moderate Qurgei Addrtu 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln His BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR MARCH VERY LOW ONE WAY RATES TO PACIFIC COAST A general basis of 2500 for one way colonist tickets to California Oregon Washington and the Far West daily from March 10th to April 10th Tickets are honored in coaches and through tourist sleepers THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPER SERVICE Every day to Los Angeles via Denver Scenic Colorado Salt Lake Route Every day to San Francisco March 10th to April 10th via Denver Scenic Colorado Ogden personally conducted tourist sleeper excur sions every Thursday and Sunday to Frisco thence Los Angeles via Coast Line Every day to Seattle Portland and Northwest HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS March 7th and 21st to new territory south west and northwest including Big Horn Basin YELLOWSTONE PARK Think now about touring the Park this summer inquire about the new and attractive way through this wonderland an eight day personally conducted camping tour from Cody via the scenic entrance every thing provided different from all other tours An ideal recreative and scenic outing for a small party of friends to take Address Aaron Holm Proprietoro Cody Wyo or undersigned If you are expecting to make any kind of a summer tour I shall be glad to have you get in touch with me early SWMW liHiBlllHIBSHii D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska w ii ii fvvwvyvvtvwnrrwvwirww i i vftt V Franklin Pres G H WATKiNSlVice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkius Vernice Franklin LtUrfUl4faMlLbUUaLtAiffl 1 f i I1 Htfilil tf tlT fl WAY OF SMOKING MEAT By applying two coats of WRIGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE directly to the meat with a brush after the meat has gone through the salt It will be thoroughly smoked will have a delicious flavor and will keep solid and sweet and free from Insects through the entire summer 31s a linuid smoke and contains nothlnc except what Is obtained by burning hickory wood It is put up in square quart bottles only each with a metal cap NEVER SOLD IN BULK A bottle will smoke a barrel of meat 280 lbs For sale by all druggists at 75c Every bottle guaranteed Ask druggist for FREE BOOK The New Way Be sure to get the genuine WRIGHTS JUJNUiiNbiuiJ ajvujjsjj ftiaae oniy Dy THE E H WRIGHT CO Ltd Kansas City Mo diiiiiui ill ill minimi i iTTriaivmTgarrnnagLgTBtrriir niTrjjiB SOXOJ AD GI7AJSAATJED BT L W McCONNELL Druggist The McCook Tribune 1 per Year s I I Jf N