The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 23, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Phone 18118
We have everything sty
lish and late in both pat
tern and cut
Suits to fit the big man--any big man
Sizes high as 46
West B Street
And have a few
minutes to
spare it will be
well worth
your while and
time to inspeet
tables We have
11 -IF J
I i T
our clothing
never before
opened up for your inspection a
handsomer and more stylish line
IUST as railroad block signals
semaphores are the safety X
devices of Twentieth Century
travel so are the automatic de
vices of the
ational Gasoline Stove
the safety features of modern
gasoline stoves
Like the extended guarded arm of a semaphore wherever you see
an Insurance burner there you see protection againstaccidents It
means Safe Go Ahead The user his family and property are protected
And they cost no more than any other good gasoline stove that is
made of equally high grade material by skilled workmen
Why for the sake of a dollar or so should one buy a cheap poorly con
structed gasoline stove Why when at INSURANCE is a guarantee
against accidents
Catching the Speakers Eye
The practice of catching tho speak
ers eye dates back to the session of
1640 when a heated dispute arose be
tween members of the house several
of whom claimed precedence of speech
It was then decided that whoever first
caught the speakers eye should have
the right to address the house This
rule worked smoothly until 1GS3 when
Sir John Trevor was elected to the
chair The new speaker was afflicted
with an abominable squint consequent
ly two members would often catch his
eye simultaneously and decline to give
way to one another To obviate this a
further rule was framed to the effect
that the speaker should call by name
upon the member privileged to address
the house So every holder of the of
fice has to possess a good memory for
names as well as keen eyesight Lon
don Chronicle
Program of Miss Tullys Recital
Music Water Lilies H S Girls
Glee club
His Sisters Chum
Loraine Loraine
The Slow Man
Music There Was An Old Woman
H S Girls Glee Club
Mr Schmidts Mistake
That Little Dog
Trick versus Trick
Music Patriotic Medley H S Girls
Glee Club
The proceeds were 1875 and will
be used to apply on Miss Tullys ex
Beggs Dunn
This afternoon Miss Elsie Beggs
of Havana and Mr Silvanus Dunn of
Freedom were united in marriage at
Jie Palmer hotel Rev R T Bayne
of the Congregational church officiat
The Main Store
On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
Pythian Sisters dance April 17
McConnell fills prescriptions
Dearly beloved brethren sit tight
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
DeGroff Co are featuring the
Flag brand of vegetables and fruits
None better canned
Buy flower field and garden seeds
from H P Waite Co Their seeds
are reliable 9 tf
Range Between Liquid Helium
and tho Arc Light
Have you never wondered on some
terribly cold winter day when the
falling temperature had long since
passed the zero mark if it could pos
sibly be any colder anywhere and then
when summer comes and the mercury
is apparently never going to stop
climbing you cannot imagine how any
thing could be hotter or more uncom
Fortunately we live in a world where
the temperature seldom exceeds the
limits of say 00 degrees below zero
Fahrenheit and 110 above This
seems a tremendous range of tempera
ture but it is only trivial compared
with that found on every side in na
ture or in the laboratory Why this
1G0 degrees is less than the range
through which a dish of cold water is
heated when you place it on tho stove
to boil
A moments thought of some of these
higher and lower temperatures is well
worth while Liquid air at 312 de
grees below zero is cold but liquid
hydrogen at 421 is still colder while
liquid helium at 43i below zero is the
coldest thing we know of Going the
other way lead melts at G20 degrees
above zero Fahrenheit while gold
remains solid up to a bright red heat
or 194G degrees A good furnace fire
may get several hundred degrees hot
ter than this Platinum one of the
most refractory of metals melts only
when intensely white hot at a tem
perature of 3230 but even this is 100
degrees or so less than the tempera
ture of the flame on your gas stove
The hotter a body is the more light
it gives so the tungsten lamp filament
which runs at about 4500 degrees
gives a brighter and whiter light than
the carbon filament at 3500 The elec
tric arc gives still more light for a
given amount of current consumed
and generates a temperature not far
from 7200 degrees Fahrenheit This is
the highest temperature we can pro
duce artificially No metal known can
stand this terrible heat and even most
refractory substances such as carbon
are volatilized by it
But while the arc is indeed hot it is
by no means the highest temperature
to be found in nature There are the
best of reasons for believing that the
temperature of the sun is some 12000
degrees or more and it is probable
that some of the stars are still hotter
This great heat explains the almost
unbelievable fact found by Langley
that sunlight is 5000 times brighter
than the dazzling stream of molten
metal from a Bessemer converter
New York Tribune
They Both Knew
When the war ended Thomas B
Heed went to California with a vague
plan of settling in that new country
He used to tell with intense delight of
his examination for admission to the
bar of California A young southerner
came before the judge for examination
at the same time The judge asked
the southerner if the legal tender acts
were constitutional and the young
man answered without a moments hes
itation No Then the judge turned
to Reed and asked him the same ques
tion Mr Reed with equal promptness
answered Yes
Very well said the judge you are
both admitted Two men who can
answer that question without hesita
tion ought to be admitted to any bar
Henry Cabot Lodge in Century
Very Simple
A rather simple looking lad halted
before a blacksmiths shop on his way
home from school and eyed the doings
of the proprietor with much interest
The brawny smith dissatisfied with
the boys curiosity held a piece of red
hot iron suddenly under the young
sters nose hoping to make him beat
a hasty retreat
If youll give me half a dollar Ill
lick it said the lad
The smith took from his pocket half
a dollar and held it out
The simple looking youngster took
the coin licked it dropped it in his
pocket and slowly walked away whis
Making Life Worth LivinV
The other day I beheld a woman
whose husband earns something less
than S200 a month purchasing her sea
sons wardrobe Into it went one hat
at 50 and another at 30 Her neigh
bors in the flat building admired and
envied One of the bolder wondered
Well I cant help it said Mrs Jones
I just tell Mr Jones life isnt worth
Iivin if I cant have what I want
Pithy Sayings of FamousMen
Eli WhitneyThats some gin
Ileve me
Charles Dickens Got change
American notes
Barnum I will
Noah Webster lust a word or two
Christopher Columbus My land
Chicago Tribune
Hard to Satisfy
Broker to wealthy but stingy client
Glad you did so well with those
shares I told you to buy Client Why
I lost a pot of money over them
Broker What You bought at two and j
sold at seven didnt you Client Aye
But they went up to ten after Lon
don Punch
His Come Back
Mrs Jawback I suppose you con
sider your judgment far superior to
mine Mr Jawback No my dear We 3
Iiruveu me contrary wueu we cuose to
marry each other Toledo Blade
Every man has at times in his mind
the ideal of what he should be but Is
The second annual high school de
clamatory contest will take place at
ihe high school auditorium next Mon
day and Tuseday evenings respect
ively March 27 and 28 Do you want
to encourage the young people along
the line of public speaking Is it a
good thing If so these young people
and their parents and friends will be
very glad to see you out Monday or
Tuesday evening or both Eighteen
contestants will appear to work for
the six medals and the honor of repre
senting McCcolc in the Southwest Ne
braska high school declamatory con
test at Oxford April 8
Programs Will Have Merit
There will be nine declamations
and various selections by the high
school girls glee club each evening
There will be a number of chairs in
the side aisles for those who cannot
sit in the desks comfortably The
programs will begin promptly at 830
Almost a thousand boys and girls
over the state are taking part in
these contests during the month of
March The daily papers every day
have accounts of them Come out and
see OUR boys and girls perform Ad
mission will be at popular prices 15c
and 25c single evenings or 25c and
35c for both evenings
Monday evening
Music Mammy Loo J W Cart
wright H S Girls Glee Club
1 H Mice at Play Helen OBrien
1 D The Lance of Kanana Gen
evieve Enright
1 O The Independence of Cuba
Cecil McMillen
2 H The Beautiful Little One El
sie Moore
2 D Commencement Olive Clark
Music Hush-a- Bye Schartu H S
Girls Glee Club
2 O The Prisoners Plea Harold
3 H First Call on the Butcher
Julia Barnes
3 D The Pilots Story Florence
4 H Papa and the Boy Florence
Music Minnie-ha-ha Paul Loring H
S Girls Glee Club
Tuesday Evening
Music Loves Old Sweet Song Mol
loy H S Girls Glee Club
5 H
Gladys Picklum
4 D The Sheriffs Honor Mabel
3 O Sargeant Prentiss First
Plea Albert Barnes
6 H Some Other Birds are Taught
to Fly Marvel Browne
5 D The Slow Man Ora Stewart
Music Trio Annie Laurie Misses
LoRene Calhoun Genevieve McAdams
Ora Stewart
7 H Sister Sue Waters House
keeping Gertrude Shepherd
C D Brutus and iCassius Ida
8 H Allimina Ann Lela Fisher
7 D Engineer Connors Son Min
nie Viersen
Music Cats Duet Berthold H S
Girls Club
Decision of Judges and Award of
Music Nellie Was a Lady H S
Girls Glee Club
The high school auditorium will be
suitably decorated and every effort
will be made to give pleasure to all
who attend
Bullards have dry stove wood
Get the Habit
as to the character of any proprie
tary medicine you may wish to
know about And our advice will
not be influenced by a question of
you can rely on as being the best
for you regardless of how much or
little profit it yields us
A r kr WA
A McMILLEN Druggist
Everything in drugs McConnell
Self raising
Try a
pancake flour at
Tribune want ad and watch
A new line of up to date box paper
at McMillens drug store
Lily Patent Flour when once use
none other will satisfy you
Buy flower field and garden seeds
from H P Waite Co Their seeds
are reliable 9 tf
Buy flower field and garden seeds
from H P Waite Co Their seeds
are reliable 9 tf
If you feel you want to be shown
In the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
A big assortment of new wall paper
now in stock at reasonable prices
A McMILLEN Druggist
Get our prices on mixed paint be-
Price of the Past Participle I fore doing your painting
A McMILLEN Druggist
H P Waite Co handle the Molin
line of beet tools Those who will
need machines for beet culture the
coming season should see these drills
and cultivators before buying 9 4t
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
McMillen prescription druggist
The Tribunes job department can
as usual handle your job printing
promptly and satisfactorily Prices
reasonable and right
For special on
simon pure lard see
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
it is ioa
Shoe Store
New Styles
New Shapes
New Stock
We are receiving daily new styles
and Misses Strap Slippers
Oxford Ties
in Ladies
Barrys Pup is a new Oxford last for men
Calf and Dull Calf stock
Buy at the Best Shoe Store
in McCook
E Da Perkins Co
rv f