if y t U i i f i M T i i f I ij THURSDAY MARCH 23 1911 Mgms Huiskamps These shoes are equal to any 500 and GOO shoes on the market They look as well are just as stylish and wear as well cost only 300 and 400 for ladies and 400 for mens With every pair of these shoes you get a calendar on which you mark the date you began to wear them when they are worn out count up the days of service you have had and you will never again buy anything1 but Calendar Shoes VIER5EN QSBORN McCook GRANT Another dust storm Friday Most of the farmers are preparing ground for spring grain John Leitner and Miss Louisa Wescli were Oberlin Kan visitors last week Peter Wesch is home from Ober lin high school and is on the sick list Albert Weeks is having a new well drilled this week John Kirch mer of Herndon Kan is doing the work Chas R Lee and family and Roy Albrecht and family visited the home of A Peters Sunday B W Benjamin has purchased a fine colt at the J R Gardner sale for which he paid the sum of 165 last Monday Mrs Heye of Glenville Neb is staying with her daughter Mrs Aug Wesch John H Wesch and Charley Wesch are hauling prairie hay and storing it in the barn this week Boh Kelley had a dance Saturday niSjht Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re gard for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by his firm Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholeasle Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrated Ford Auto 206 1st st E -- Phone red 450 REGULAR CHURCH SERVICES Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m The public cordiall invited R T BAYNE Pastor CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Meets now in the north east corner of court house basement CATHOLIC Order of services Mass 830 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Evening services at 800 Sunday school 230 p m WM J PATTON O M I Methodist Preaching by the pas tor at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Epworth League at 7 p m LESTER E LEWIS Pastor EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten oclock Morning prayer and sermon at eleven oclock Evening prayer and sermon at eight Choir rehearsal as usual every member please attend ALFRIC J R GOLDSMITH Rector EVANGELICAL LTJTHERAN CON GREGATIONAL Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C B at 130 p m Senior C E at 730 All Germans cordially invited to at tend these services HENRY KATJERZ Pastor GERMAN EVAN LUTHERAN Ser vices every other Sunday afternoon at 230 oclock REV GROTHEER Pastor DAN BURY III I IU1IL KLkll Ill IdOl iUUUVllllU GsiGndsr i and i5oth jicDonaid had a tin show- lor rm Tirmin Tlnlnh XI O S Morris went to Atwood Kan luesday to the lodge meeting S R Messner arrived home Wed nesday having been at the Hot Springs in Arkansas for the past few weeks taking treatment to nave a tree fall on him while cut ting timber along tthe creek Tuesday He was injured quite badly and is in a critical condition Mr and Mrs C Wise arrived home Thursday having sold out their place at Hastings to lose four colts supposed to have been poisoned while in the pasture E A Ruby and Fred Osburn left for Bird City Kansas Tuesday to work on a new house Ardil Minnisar and Clarence Green way attended the hard time social at Indianoa Saturday night J L Newman was a Lebanon visit or Friday V V Phillips returned home on Thursday from Iowa being called there on account of a sick relative Mr and Mrs E M Woods and son Harley who have been spending the winter at Mena Ark arrived home Friday Mrs Earl Peacock came up from Wilsonville Tuesday to attend her sisters wedding Mrs Addie Sewell came home on Friday from Alliance Neb where she has been staying with her daughter MV iwl Tw n Tni irri i Sunday school class at her home on Friday evening They spent the eve ning in playing games Harold Stone came in Saturday from Kearney Neb to spend a few days Charley Henton came up from Beav er City Saturday to see the home folks Chas Bush went through Monday on train 190 going to Marion Rev Wm Richards formerly of thi place but now living at Holdrege de livered a sermon at the Congregation al church Monday night Mr and Mrs W H Harris are the proud parents of a big 9 pounds boy born Sunday March 19th SAINT ANN Peter Schneider returned from Lin coln Saturday having been down on business Miss Kate Braun returned home from Illinois Friday from an extended visit having been gone about six months The Jussel boys from Indianola have been in the neighborhood visit ing their sisters Mrs Joseph Andre jish and Mrs Wm McKillip Mrs Kate Deprez from York is making the home folks a visit Mr and Mrs John Schneider E Beebe made a trip to Saint Ann Sunday and took in the sights The McCook Hayes Center mail route has been changed from a daily to three times a week YOU TAKE NO RISK Our Reputation and Money Are Back of This Offer We pay for all the medicine used during the trial if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipa tion We take all the risk You are not obligated to us in any Avay what ever if you accept our offer Could anything be more fair for you Is there any reason why you should hes itate to put our claims to a practical test The most scientific common sense treatment is Rexall Orderlies which are eaten like candy They are very pronounced gentle and pleasant in action and particularly agreeable in every way They do not cause diar rhoea nausea flatulence griping or any inconvenience whatever Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children aged and delicate persons We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk Two sizes 10c and 25c Rememebr you can get Rexall Rem edies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store L W Mc Connell Subscribe for The Tribune BEGGS5 BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood THE CURIOUS THE McCOOK TRIBUNE TADPOLE Maybe Ho Turns Into s F vj cs Maybe He Doscnt If a tndpoi cannot get ii the Top of the water when il is at the time of life when it is breathing by moans of its gills like a lisli it will not become a frog It will then alw ys be a tadpole Keep a tadpole in cold water and in the dark or away from the light and Henrv llelhson had the misfortune it will be years getting to be a frog Left to the course of nature says Brownings Magazine the tadpole be comes a frog in from six to eight weeks although it will have been two years arriving at that chance to change into the ma lure frog The tadpoles mouth is so tiny that it would be dillicult to insert a pin- Thursday night was Mr and Mrs l Ul J lu a sharp biting beak with three row r o i S G Bastams 2oth wedding anniver i y I of teeth on the upper jaw A hoou sary and number of friends with well nml llfHSIa the on filled baskets walked in on them giving them a great surprise Thos Musgrove had the misfortune the right side leaving them open like a spout on the left side I At this stage of its transformation the tadpole breathes like a fish taking water through the gills into the mouth and spouting it out on the iC ft side Its tail is what the tadpole feeds ou by absorption of the white corpuscles of the blood during the molting and mouthing epoch in its life when it i fasting When it is ready to eat again the tail and the horny beak are gone the wide mouth of the mature frog having taken the place of the latter There are forty species of frogs only nrm nf wliirh ic in Knit Hi mirifi one more plentiful than in America although that eminent naturalist St George Mivart declares that the edible frog is unknown in America I A frog that is common in France will mew like a cat if its thigh is squeezed and emit the odor of garlic For this it has to go through life bearing the name of Pelobates fuscus Most species of frogs will not take anything in the way of food that is not a live wu uo v iauen oi Jituh moving thing or something with the were Danbury visitors Wednesday i semblance of life and will starve to Mr and Mrs Dan Cashen and death among a million creatures if daughter Osa were Danbury visitors I none obliges the frog by moving Thursday evening and Friday j Edwin Perkins editor of the j WHIM OF AN ARTIST ley Delphic was up Wednesday to at- tend the wedding i Turner and His Great Picture The Mr Good and daughter Anna who j Building of Carthage have heen MiMicKm ti witr t Wnen Turner exhibited his great G B Morgans home departed Mon ture The Building of Carthage he was disappointed because it had not uv iu tiicn uuiue ut iieu uaK la hn nnp f t nrivnf v5pw Mrs W C Crosby entertained her and angry with the press for Ing it severely Sir Robert Peel called upon him Mr Turner said he I admire your Carthage so much that I want to buy it I am told you want 500 guineas for it Yes said Turner it was 500 guin eas but today its GOO Well said Sir Robert I did not come prepared to give GOO and I must think it over At the same time it seems to me that the change is an ex traordinary piece of business on your part Do as you please said Turner Do as you please After a few days Sir Robert called again upon the great painter Mr Turner he began although I thought It a very extraordinary thing for you to raise your price I shall be proud to buy that picture and I am prepared to give you the GOO guineas Ah said Turner It was GOO guin eas but today its 700 Sir Robert grew angry and Turner laughed I was only in fun he said I dont intend to sell the picture at all It shall be my winding sheet For years he kept it in his cellar Then it was brought up and hung in his gallery where it remained as long as he lived When he died he left it to the nation Changing a Name The brother of Mme de Pompadour had at first been created Marquis de Vandieres a somewhat unfortunate title for a man of such new nobility for he soon discovered to his profound annoyance that his enemies would per sist in calling him the Marquis dAvant nier the Marquis of the Day Before Yesterday Mme de Pompadour naturally sen sitive in such matters brought the af fair before the king and as a title more or less was a small matter to grant the lady who grasped so much after due forms her brother became the Marquis de Marigny From Mme Gaffrin Tolstoy Hated Doctors The late Count Tolstoy loathed phy sicians slid at a dinner in Washing ton a Russian diplomat You remember how Tolstoy ridi culed physicians in War and Peace Well I heard him ridicule three of them to their faces over a vegetarian dinner at Yasnaya Polyana Physicians he said bitterly look ing up from a plate of lentils may be J divided into two classes the radicals who kill you and the conservatives who let you die Mental Arithmetic Is your young man gittin a salry Melia Sure he is An whats mo de boss tol William hes gwine to double it Dats fine How much is he gittin now I dunno what hes gittin now but I speck its somefin like half what hes gwlneter Cleveland Plain Dealer Just a Precaution So you are attending cooking school says the friend Are you go ing to do your own work No I wtnt to be able to teach my husband how to prepare the meals in an emgrgency Judge LEGAL BLUNDERS hen Queer Dee of Divorce Issued by a Psris Court Some years ago it is said a legal blunder of a most extraordinary char acter was committed iu one of the di vorce courts in Paris By some misap prehension on the part of the presid ing judge whose papers and inmu had got confused he actually mistouu the name of an advocate who had been ar guing a petition for the name of ue petitioner himself and in granting ud signing the decree of dissolution of marriage of the petitioner unwittingly substituted the advocates name for the petitioners and thus divorced the lawyer from his wife instead ot grant ing the prayed for release of the advo cates client As the lawyer had no de sire for separation from his wife and as there was no process for annullin an absolute decree for divorce even t meet such a remarkable case it be came necessary through this judicial error for the man of law to remarry his spouse without delay and this he did A somewhat similar error was com mitted in the English court cf chan eery There had been a litigation over some property which was held by one man and claimed by another of the same name In evading some order of the court the holder of the properly had committed a contempt and on this being called to the attention of the judge an order issued for the sum IHt Kty bMt f pnrty Australia has no frogs Of all those momV oflfe claimant of the same surname ano forty species only one is edlllethe the order a very severe one was Rana esculentn and nowhere is this s tuaiiy in execution ueiore tne error was I discovered New York Press BOOKS IN OLD ROME Trained Slavs Copyists Turned Them Out Quick and Cheap There were in Augustan Rome es tablished publishing houses which not only turned out large numbers of books but inauy editions of them and at an incredibly small price That their arrangements were businesslike may be Inferred from the testimony of Horace He relates that when an author failed to please the metropolis the publishers shipped the entire edi tion of his works to the provinces and if he still failed as a writer they made arrangements to bring them back again and sell them as paper to the pastry and spice shops One great Arm in Rome had over 2000 trained slave copyists and their work was swift and cheap for Mar tial writes that they had ready an edi tion of a thousand copies of his Epi grams in just one hour to be sold at 10 cents a copy The exceedingly large reading public which all this in dicates must have been many years In growing and one may assume that Rome had long been a city of readers Atticus the publisher of Cicero had a great many modern methods in the conduct of his business and the fact that Caesars Commentaries were very quickly dispatched to the out posts of civilization shows that the machinery of distribution was also well organized Thus we may con clude that -the advertising and public ity department was in good shape Bookman Husky Dogs of Labrador All along the coast at every Eskimo encampment and about the cabins of the liveyeres are numbers of husky dogs In winter these animals pull the sledges and form the sole means of travel or communication from set tlement to settlement During the summer they are not fed by their owners but are left to seek their sus tenance as best they can hence the hungry brutes range the land near the coast and add to the problems of Lab rador as they permit no creature to live that they can pull down If a horse were to be turned out to grass overnight only its bare bones would be found in the morning Even to hu man beings they are sometimes dan gerous when night begins to fall and on occasion when hard driven by hun ger they have been known to attack children in the day Considering they are hardly ever fed in the summer one only wonders that there are not more ill deeds to set to their account Wide World Magazine A Tramps Story You say you were once the editor of a newspaper Yes lady and it was a very bright little sheet if I do say it How does it happen then that you are forced to ask at back doors for meals It is merely a case of the irony of fate I had a printer who was near sighted and one afternoon when he made up the paper be got a wedding notice and a murder trial mixed so that after describing the costume of the bride it said the condemned man almost collapsed when sentence was pronounced Chicago Record Herald A Way to Do It Mrs Binks The people In the next suit to ours are awfully annoying They actually pound on the wall every time our Mamie sings I wish we knew of some way to drive them out of the flat Why not have Mamie keep on sing ingsCleveland Plain Dealer Hard Work A mounted policeman must have a hard time How so It cant be an easy matter to sleep on horseback Judge Cheering Him Up De Broke So the tailor called again with his bill Did you say I was out His Man Yes sir and I told him that I thought he was too Boston Tran script HEAT AND COLD The Range Between Liquid Helium and the Arc Light Have you never wondered on some terribly cold winter day when the falling temperature had long since passed the zero mark if it could pos sibly be any colder anywhere and then when summer comes and the mercury is apparently never going to stop climbing you cannot imagine how any thing could be hotter or more uncom fortable Fortunately we live in a world where the temperature seldom exceeds the limits of say 50 degrees below zero Fahrenheit and 110 above This seems a tremendous range of tempera ture but it is only trivial compared with that found on every side in na ture or in the laboratory Why this 1G0 degrees is less than the range through which a dish of cold water is heated when you place it on the stove to boil A moments thought of some of these higher and lower temperatures is well worth while Liquid air at 312 de grees below zero is cold but liquid hydrogen at 421 is still colder while liquid helium at 451 below zero is the coldest thing we know of Going the other way lead melts at G20 degrees above zero Fahrenheit while gold remains solid up to a bright red heat or 194G degrees A good furnace tire r mav get several hundred degrees hot ter than this Platinum one of the most refractory of metals melts only when intensely white hot at a tem perature of 3230 but even this is 100 degrees or so less than the tempera ture of the flame on your gas stove The hotter a body is the more light it gives so the tungsten lamp filament which runs at about 4500 degrees gives a brighter and whiter light than the carbon filament at 3500 The elec tric arc gives still more light for a given amount of current consumed and generates a temperature not far from 7200 degrees Fahrenheit This is the highest temperature we can pro duce artificially No metal known can stand this terrible heat and even most refractory substances such as carbon are volatilized by it But while the arc is indeed hot it is bv no means the highest temperature I to be found in nature There are the best of reasons for believing that the temperature of the sun is some 12000 degrees or more and it is probible that some of the stars are still hotter This great heat explains the almost unbelievable fact found by Langley that sunlight is 5000 times brighter than the dazzling stream of molten metal from a Bessemer converter New York Tribune They Both Knew When the war ended Thomas B Reed went to California with a vague plan of settling in that new country He used to tell with intense delight of his examination for admission to the bar of California A young southerner came before the judge for examination at the same time The judge asked the southerner if the legal tender acts were constitutional and the young man answered without a moments hes itation No Then the judge turned to Reed and asked him the same ques tion Mr Reed with equal promptness answered Yes Very well said the judge you are both admitted Two men who can answer that question without hesita tion ought to be admitted to any bar Henry Cabot Lodge in Century Very Simple A rather simple looking lad halted before a blacksmiths shop on his way home from school and eyed the doings of the proprietor with much interest The brawny smith dissatisfied with the boys curiosity held a piece of red hot iron suddenly under the young sters nose hoping to make him beat a hasty retreat If youll give me half a dollar Ill lick it said the lad The smith took from his pocket half a dollar and held it out The simple looking youngster took the coin licked it dropped it in his pocket and slowly walked away whis tling Making Life Worth LivinV The other day I beheld a woman whose husband earns something less than 200 a month purchasing her sea sons wardrobe Into it went one hat at SoO and another at 30 Her neigh bors in the flat building admired and envied One of the bolder wondered Well I cant help it said Mrs Jones Tjust tell Mr Jones life isnt worth livin If I cant have what I want Atlantic Pithy Sayings of Famous Men Eli Whitney Thats some gin be lieve me Charles Dickens Got change for American notes Barnum I will Noah Webster Just a word or two Christopher Columbus My land Chicago Tribune Hard to Satisfy Broker to wealthy but stingy client Glad you did so well with those shares I told you to buy Client Why I lost a pot of money over them Broker What You bought at two and sold at seven didnt you Client Aye But they went up to ten after Lon don Punch His Come Back Mrs Jawback I suppose you con sider your judgment far superior to mine Mr Jawback No my dear We proved the contrary when we chose to marry each other Toledo Blade Every man has at times in his mind tbe ideal of what he should be but is net PAGE 7 A Mothers Safeguard Foley- Honey and Tar for the Jreh Is best and safest for all colds cough croup whooping cough and branch tis No opiates A McMiMen The McCook Tribune 100 a year PROFESSIONAL AW BUilNEao DIRECTORY I carry a complete lute of hair goods Switches puffs and curls made Irom your combings L M CLYDE PHONE 72 ill V B Sr UP STAIRS DAVID MAUL Tuner of Pianos South McCook Leave orders with C C Brown in RishePs store ROLAND R REED M D Physician and Surgeon Local Surgeon B M Phones Office 163 residence 217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temnle building McCook Neb DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over Mc Conn ells drug store Phones Of fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms building McCook 3 and 5 Walsh DR J A COLFER Dentist Phone 378 Room 4 Postoffice building Mc Cook Neb R H GATEWOOD Dentist Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic temple- McCook Neb DR EARL O VAHTJE Dentist Phone 190 Office over McAdams store Mc- Cook Neb C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in office McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Co Office in Postoffice building McCook Neb JAMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 Office Commercial bam McCook Nebraska LC STOLL CO Jewelers Opticians Eyes tested and fitted pairing McCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Fine re- Watch Repairing Goods of quality Main avenue McCook Nebraska JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone 33 Estimates furnished freeBasement Postoffice building A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 302 overWoodworthsdrua store Go to NELMS FEED STORE for the FAMOUS CAMBRIDGE FLOUR and all kinds of feed Phone 186 Your combings made into switches and puffs MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354- Subscribe for the Tribune