Mi k V 1 n PAGE 2 waaiwiiiiiwujg I SCMwipTCTFwnClOT wHlMTwriitWifltiJ IE iH iHflniSnb tHS 0R 3w tm KStlSB UIV S3 f iftsa Miai SpSraj mam ifljfiiWiM Makes Home Baking Easy Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to produce at home quickly and economically fine and tasty cake hot biscuit puddings the frosted layer cake crisp cookies crullers crusts and muffins fresh clean tasty and wholesome with which the ready made food found at the shop or grocery does not com pare Royal is the greatest of bake day helps ROYAL COOK BOOK GOO RECEIPTS FREE Send Name and Address ROYAL GAKINQ POWDER CO NEW YORK TRUTH TRIUMPHS McCook Citizens Testify for the Pub lic Benefit A truthful statement of a McCook citizen given in his own words should convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doans Kidney Pills If you suffer from backache nervousness sleeplessness urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills the cure is at liand Read this Charles Weintz of McCook Nel says My back ached constantly an if I lifted or stooped I had sharp pains in my loins The secretions from my kidneys often contained sedi ment and the passage were irregular and painful A tired feeling was in evidence when I got up in the morn ing convincing me that my kidneys were at fault After trying a number of remedies without being helped to any extent I procured Doans Kid ney Pills at McConn ells drug store and they entirely removed my trouble I have since advised other kidney suf ferers to take this preparation and in every instance it had done good work Several years ago I publicly endorsed Doans Kidney Pills and at this time I gladly do so again For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo iBWJJtfWW w New York sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans and take no other RED WILLOW Mr Smiths sale was well attend ed and things sold fairly well Mr and Mrs Longnecker were the guests of Mrs L J Burtless middle of the weeky Mr Longnecker re turned home on Friday and Mrs Longnecker remained for a longer visit Mr and Mrs McDonald and Mr Cribben of Danbury attended Mr Smiths sale Mrs Thomas of Indianola called on Mrs Longnecker Tuesday afternoon of last week Do you know that of all the minor ailments colds are by far the most dangerous It is not the cold itself that you need to fear but the seriou diseases that it often leads to Most of these are known as germ diseas es Pneumonia and consumption arc among them Why not take Chamber lains Cough Remedy and cure youi cold while you can For sale by all dealers The McCook Tribune It is 10 the year in advance rmFWmA jf VCSUMU The Butchers Telephone Yes we have some extra fine steak today about five pounds all right Ill send it right up The enterprising butcher solicits business over the telephone He takes orders quickly this way sav ing his time and his customers Local Bell Telephone service helps him get trade and long distance connections help him hold it for he is able to send a rush order when he suddenly runs short on anything SELLS THE BEST Nebraska Telephone Co CHAS W KELLEY Local Manager BULLARD LUMBER CO Lumber and Coal BULLARD LUMBER CO Phone No i B9 wtrtiM -- a KNIFING AN ERMINE Cold Trick That Traps the Shy Littlo Fur Prize You are doubtless aware that the ermine of which your muff is made has been the emblem of royalty almost in since royalty Degan in itussiu uum very recent years its use being for bidden to those not of noble birth But I wonder if you are likewise aware that it is brother or at least first cousin to the weasel Ermine as a matter of fact is nothing more than the weasel or common stoat in its northern coat for like other arctic and subarctic animals the weasel turns white in winter in order that it may be as inconspicuous as possible in its en vironment of ice and snow Yet so abnormally keen of sight are the Si berian trappers that they can distin guish at almost incredible distances the little black tip of the ermines tail as it whisks across the dazzling plains It is very shy is the ermine and special snares must be devised by the trapper to avoid injuring the delicate skin Even the smallest of the steel traps are too heavy for such tiny ani mals as these and here it is that the trappers fertility of resource is most strikingly displayed Smearing a little grease on his hunting knife he lays It across the succession S dots and dashes which show that an ermine has passed that way Along comes the tiny white form on its erratic course again The grease appeals to it and it begins to lick the knife blade which in those far northern lands where the mercury drops to 20 30 40 degrees below zero is inconceivably cold Did you never as a child on a winters morning put your tongue to some piece of metal only to find that It did not easily come away So it is then with the ermine -whose tiny red tongue is instantly frozen to the steel as though with glue The knife being too heavy for the little animal to cany off it can only wait until the trapper comes upon his rounds and you my lady have a muff of snowy unmarred skins E A Powell F R G S In Everybodys QUEER STREET NAMES One Feature In Which Brussels Out does London or Paris There are many bewildering street names in European cities and of these London presents a bewildering variety Bermondsey possesses a Pic kle Herring street Near Grays inn there Is to be found a Cold Bath square Most of the Nightingale lanes and Love lanes are hidden ironically enough in the slums of the east end of the British capital In Brussels some of the street names are really bizarre The Short Street of the Long Chariot the Street of the Bed Haired Women and the Street of Sorrows are remarkable enough to catch the least observant eye The Street of the One Person is as one might guess an extremely narrow one But the cream of the Brussels street name surely belongs to the Street of the Uncracked Silver Cocoanut This in the original appears as one ponder ous word of thirty sis letters The 7000 inhabitants of the Rue des Mauvais Garcons signed a petition praying that the name of the street be changed They contended that the de nomination of the thoroughfare in which they reside produces a bad im pression on those to whom they are obliged to give their address This Street of the Bad Boys was It appears so named in the sixteenth century because of the noisy character of its inhabitants But now it needs no such designation those who reside there being for the most part peaceful and respectable citizens Among the peculiar street names In Paris may be mentioned the Street of the Little Windows the Street of the Mules Foot the Street of the Holy Fathers the Street of the Daughters of Calvary the Street of the Dry Tree the Street of the Empty Pocket and the Boulevard of the Good News Harpers Weekly Booksellers English Booksellers English is sometimes a peculiar product In a recent cata logue the author of a work under the heading of Mystical Theology Is re ferred to in a footnote as next to Ignatius Loyola perhaps the greatest soul sextou that ever handled shov el The simile is startling and not quite intelligible to the lay understand ing But it is in reference to a vol ume of church music that this book seller really lets himself go Religious harmony must be moving but noble withal grave solemn seraphic fit for a martyr to play and an angel to hear London Chronicle The Cornetists Teeth Do you know the great dread of the cornetist said a cornet virtuoso Ill tell you son the loss of his teeth Worst thing that could happen to him It means the end of his playing No man can play the cornet with false teeth When his own cuspids and canines are gone be loses his embou chure New York Press Discouragement So you have quit laughing at your wifes hats Yes replied Mr Growcher The funnier they seem to me the more con vinced she is that they must be cor rect in style Washington Star Psychology of the Crowd What makes the crowd gather so over there Oh vulgar curiosity I suppose Lets go over Harvard Lampoon Waste not fresh tears over old griefs Euripides rirWMlV iBii l nmm The Fhantom Ship That Shows liself Wear the Cape IT IS REALLY A HUGE ROCK But to Vessels Passing Through the Strait of Le Mairs It Appears to Bs a Bark Running Under Short Sail Other Rock Ship Formations The phantom ship seen in the vi cinity of Cape Horn Is as has been proved by the investigation of various hytirostniphie bureaus nothing more or less than a rock which under ccr tain atmospheric conditions bears a deceptive resemblance to a ship Very often vessels coming from Eu rope to the west by way of Cape Horn have been startled to see what appeared to be a derelict with the water washing over her deck If the sailors were of an imaginative turn they would invest the unknown ship with ghostly qualities and call her the Flying Dutchman or sometimes the ghost ship of Le Maire from the strait of that name where she was usually seen One of the stories which have been longest remembered is that of the ill fated Crown of Italy which sighted the supposed derelict and subsequently went ashore The Crown of Italy was standing close to the jagged black rocks at the entrance to the strait of Le Maire when she sighted what seemed to be a waterlogged bark drifting on the rocks of the strait Many other ships rounding the Horn have seen a similar apparition and the various hydrographic offices of the world have received many reports to that effect Some years ago the Norwegian bark Servia got into Seattle with the tale of a phantom ship that almost exactly corresponded to that given by the Crown of Italy The second officer of the Norwegian vessel declared that he had seen a derelict with sails set and decks awash drifting in through the strait It was this report that led our government officers to make public the declaration that the phantom ship was nothing but a combination of rocks and shadows The numerous reports of derelicts or ghost ships always appearing in the same place led even the Argentine government to look into the matter A tender was sent out from the near by lighthouse with the object of mak ing an investigation and it was found that the apparition was due to a strange freak of nature Among the black jagged rocks that line both sides of the strait of Le Maire there is one in particular which under cer tain atmospheric conditions bears a deceptive likeness to a ship The formation of the rocks and the shad ows they cast combine to produce the effect of a bark running under short sail The passage through the strait of Le Maire is not often made Steamers shorten the route by going through the strait of Magellan while sailing vessels usually prefer to be entirely on the safe side by going still farther south and rounding the Horn itself Only under the most favorable condi tions of weather do they slip through the strait of Le Maire on the outward trip going toward the southwest but never when bound for the north For this reason many old sailors have never met the ghost ship or the rock ship Those who have seen it give a mi nute description of the rock and testify to its striking resemblance to a ship It seems to be standing head on point ing to the south and low in the water The sails are shortened as they would be in what sailors call half a gale The whole formation is very dark as if the hull were painted black and the sails weather beaten It has three masts and is higher on the fore than on the main Upon coming on the side of the vessel the illusion vanishes and the whole thing resolves itself Into a conglomeration of black rocks The perpetual fog of these regions helps of course to befuddle the vision The rock looking like n ship is by no means a rare natural formation Al most every sailor has seen one in some part of the world In the Clipperton islands there is a great white rock looking like a three masted schooner leaning on the wind with her royals set and the sun shining on her white sails About six or seven miles west of Honolulu there is a rock known ns French Frigate rock because once upon a time a French frigate went ashore on it The cliffs looked so much like a ship that the frigate was deceived and thought she was meeting another vessel St Paul island in the middle of the Atlantic is said to look very much like a ship when approached from a certain direction but it is a place that mari ners prefer to give a wide berth Har pers Weekly Her Unalterable Decision To the new cook Mrs Cross elabo rately explained a certain method of preparing potatoes greatly approved of by the family The cook listened to the directions with apparent atten tion And now do you quite understand Delia asked Mrs Cross in conclu sion I do mum was the response and then in a Arm tone that admitted of no contradiction she added But itjs biled potatoes yell eat Happy the man who learns the very wide chasm that lies between his wishes and his powers Goethe Referees Sale By virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the clerk of the district court of Red Willow county Nebras ka on the judgments rendered in said court in the cause wherein Anna Farber and Christ Farber are plain tiffs and Rosena Droll Catherina Zim mer Jacob Zimmer William Droll Martha Droll Edward Droll Carolina Kutter Barney Kutter Augusta Droll Mary A Vannier Louis Vannier Frances Ballenger Riggs Ballenger and Bertha Droll are defendants on the tenth and eighteenth days of February 1911 for the partition and sale of the following described real estate situated in said county to wit The northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter and lots one and two all in section eigh teen in township three north of range twenty nine west of the sixth princi pal meridian and the east half of the northwest quarter and lots one and two all in section seven in said township and range I will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash on the 17th day of April 1911 at the front door of the courthouse in Red Willow coun ty Nebraska at one oclock in the afternoon in quarter section tracts all of said land including the home stead and dower estates of Rosena Droll in said land as set forth in said judgment rendered February 10th 1911 Dated this 15th day of March 1911 CHAS D RITCHIE Referee First publication March 16 5 Foleys Honey and Tar is the best cough remedy I ever used as it quick ly stopped sevree cough thta had long troubled me says J W Kuhn of Princeton Nebr Just so quickly and surely it acts in all cases of coughs colds lagrippe and lung trouble Re fuse substitutes A McMillen When you have rheumatism in your foott or instep apply Chamberlains Liniment and you will get quick re lief It costs but a quarter Why suf fer For sale by all dealers The McCook Tribune It is 100 the year in advance THURSDAY MARCH 23 1911 Large and Small Jobs XH ft S L A I liX1 f jKv3a are equally well looked after We are ready at short notice to fix all leaks or other repairs in your plumb1 ing or in your heaters and stoves All Jobs Thoroughly Understood and after we are through with them you will find us the best men who ever did the same work for you and we do it cheap MiddletonRuby Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho Saiine Springs Located on oar otrn premises sad a in the Natural Mineral Water Unsurpassed in the treatment of Heart Stomach Kidney mad LItmt Diseases Moderate Charges A6itttx DR OVV EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Rib BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood GET IN TOUCH WITH Opponmitles On the Burlington The new lines of railroad now under construction in Wyoming offer great opportunities for farmers and others for homebuilding The conditions and surroundings are very favorable for a new country and the new railroad brings transporttion to the very doors of the new settler HOW TO GET LAND You can buy deeded land homestead Government irrigated homesteads or file on land under the Carey Act gettig desirable irrigated land on very easy payments at from 4500 to 5000 per acre or you can home stead free lands that cannot be irrigated in 320 acre tracts SEND FOR LITERATURE Send for our free literature with large maps telling all about these lands Lut me know what particular class of lands you are interested in Write today HHiilLhH D Clem Deaver General Agent LANDSEEKERS INFORMATION BUREAU 1004 Farnam Street OMAHA NEB VIMIVTTWll II II II l l HHfiTVt HTJJV Wll ii I v D I l ll1T IV v ny nii 1 l itf 8 V Franklin Pres G H WATKiNsyVice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin PlUV I1 1 WlfViWiV iMfirfi1 tf -1 I1 IV1 t iVh 1if tUil 1 il RTUEIi EW WAV By applying two coats of WRIGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE directly to the meat with a brush after the meat has gone through the salt it will be thoroughly smoked will have a delicious flavor and will keep solid and sweet and free from Insects through the entire summer Wrights Condensed Smoke Is a linuld smoke and contains nothing excent what is obtained by burning hickory wood It Is put up in square quart bottles only each with a metal caD NEVER SOLD IN BULK A bottle will smoke a barrel of meat 9 2S0 lbs For sale by all druggists at 75c Every bottle guaranteed Ask rt 3 PDPtl TflfT7 Thn NTOTrr Wnr Tin 311t o tn ffof h vnntifna WRIGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE Made only by THE E H WRIGHT CO Ltd Kansas City Mo I iil -I J II Mill II III I I I I I SOII AKD GU AJUiXATiLEJJ EX L W McCONNELL Druggist The McCook Tribune 1 per Year J