The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Main Line Eat Depart Central Time
No 6 1110 P M
16 430 A M
2 520 A M
12 - 700 A M
14 920 P M
Main Line West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1235 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arr S30 p m
13 945 A M
15 1230 A M
Imperial Line Mount in Time
No 176 arrives 345 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
No 175 departs Wed 630 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
iny point in the United States or
PYir information time tables mans
and tickets call on or write D F j
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
The infant child of Switchman and
i t
Mrs Li W lUeyers was uuneu in mv
erview cemetery Sunday morning
Engineer J W Hastys new home
on north 1st street west is beginning
to loom up in generous proportions
Mr and Mrs B J Lane arrived
home Wednesday on No 13 from an
absence of about three weeks visiting
in Missouri and Tennessee
Conductor and Mrs Thos McCarl
went down to Cambridge Saturday
evening on a visit to her folks
day for her home in Minnesota
Engineer Jack Henderson writes
from San- Bernardina Calif that they
have already had 15 inches of rainfall
and more a comin Unusual for
Southern California where he says
everything is prosperous at present
This Was a Record Train
During the past week the heaviest
train ever brought into Lincoln
reached here from the east It came
in as Burlington No 77 reached this
terminal on time and was made up
of 3274 tons exclusive of engine and
caboose and carried ninety nine load
ed cars The train was about 4550
feet in length more than four fifths
of a mile
One remarkable tiling about this
train was that every car carried re
venue freight Every car was air
brake equipment The train was pulL
ed by one of the new series of freight
engines the 5110
Longer trains than this have been
hauled on Nebraska- lines but none
of them have equalled it in the ton
nage carried -Trains of 120 cars hav
been carried in Nebraska in a single
train behind a single engine but neai
ly all of them have been empties
For a loaded train it is claimed that
this breaks the record Lincoln Jour
Typewriter papers typewriter rib
bons carbon papers manifolding pa
per mimeograph paper a large se
lection to choose from at The Trib
une office
Received on Account Pali
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
Nebraskas legislature has now
reached a stage that of the select
ion of a sifting committee
Subscribe for The Tribune
The Key of the Mediterranean Has
Had a Stormy History t
England has been in possession of
the rocky promontory of Gibraltar
since 1704 From that time to this it
has been a crown colony under the ad
ministration of a governor By reason
of its important strategical position it
is called the key of the Mediterra
Gibraltar has had a stormy history
In 711 the rock was taken by the Arab
chief Tarik who called it
Hill of Tarik and built a for
tress on the promontory Part of these
ruins are still extant In 1309 it was
taken by the Castilians only to be re
captured by the Moors in 1333 It was
held by them until 14G2 Following the
taking and sacking of Gibraltar in
1540 by Barbarosso extensive military
works were built there by order of
Charles V
In 1704 the promontory was cap
tured by a combined force under Sir
George Rooke and the Prince of Hesse
Darmstadt fighting for the Arcbduke
Charles of Austria The moment it fell
into their hands the British admiral
threw off the alliance with the Aus
trians and took complete possession of
the works
British possession since that time
has been unbroken although it wsi
under a Spanish sie je fur nearly three
years and eight months lieiriirim in
1779 Twice the garrNnri i mi the
point of falling liecnie nt the surra
tion of its defender-
Rirht en I -2 Jci
At the time ewe apttireil tin
Philippine Island- one
lighthouse in operation in ic Iliilip
pine waters tiiit mi i Melville
Balabac isl d t the i immI of
Palawan ami laarUtn the entrance tie
tween the China and the Sttlu
As is the eusurn in time war the
Spanish authorities Had otdered all
lighthouses to have their lights extin
guished when it was discovered that
an attack on Manila was threatened
by the American navy It appear- that
this order was carried out ai all other
places except at the lihilion e men
tioned above where the order was
never received The keeper of this
light kept his light burning up to June
30 1S99 without assistance and was
paid for his services from May 1 1S99
to that date by the Philippine govern
mentPhilippines Monthly
Fourierism was a social system
founded by Charles Fourier born in
France 1772 died 1S37 Fourier advo
cated co operative industrialism cou
pled with the idea that society should
be organized into phalanges The
phalange was to number about 1000
persons who were to live in a com
mon building with a certain portion
of soil for cultivation The staple in
dustry was to be agriculture but the
various groups might devote them
selves to such as were best suited to
their tastes Several attempts were
made to carry out Fouriers theories
but the result in each case was fail
ureNew York American
His Motto
You go around borrowing money all
the time and yet you seem to be pros
I am
How do you manage it
My motto is Always put off till to
morrow those you have done today
Toledo Blade
Lots of Practice
Junkins your wife is the most bril
liant conversationalist I know of
Well shes had lots of practice
She goes to a theater box party two or
three times every week Chicago
Special One Week
Special Values
Solr Our general and com
plete display of spring Millin
ery will recommended itself
to the good taste and judg
ment of lovers of the stylish
and nifty in the latest east
ern creations A careful in
spection is craved And the prices are very conservative
are so many that it takes an artist to embrace them all in a photo
graph We have always been very successful in catching our subjects
in a delightful pose and emphasizing their individual charms You will
as theyre works of art Our fine work prompt attention and reason
able charges should encourage you to have your picture taken
1 M M DI 1 Next Door t0 Commercial
Enurjl IVI JLTIXYJlJDJuL Hotel McCook Nebraska
No Material Change In Its Course In
Modern Times
Much has been said in recent years
in regard to the changing route of the
gulf stream Indeed the character of
this steady consistent and unswerving
body was getting so maligned that tbe
government looked into tbe matter
with the result that this mysterious
current of the ocean was entirely vin
dicated Experts declare that there is
no change in tbe course nor has there
been for many years
No other physical feature of the
ocean is subject to more persistent
misinterpretation than is the gulf
stream All vagaries of climate are
laid to its charge It is a pet theory
of many that the temperature of Eu
rope is greatly affected by it but this
idea is held by high authorities to be
erroneous It is not as extensive as is
commonly thought Practically start
ing at the Florida strait where its
volume is made up by the union of
currents it ceases to be a true cur
rent by the time it reaches the south
ern limit of the Grand banks where it
becomes surface drift governed by the
The government experts aver that
there has been absolutely no material
change in the gulf streams course in
modern times New York Press
Young Americas English
What is the most incorrect sentence
any of your children ever get off
asked a Glenwood schoolteacher re
cently at the Schoolmens club
One of mine got this off not long
ago responded a young man who
teaches at the Robert Morris school
It aint hisn like but yourn
My best said another teacher ran
something like this Rare roast beef
is meat what there aint none whats
any underdunner
The best one of the afternoon was
furnished by a Germantown teacher
Hero is one he said which has the
old classic He seen his duty and done
it noble beaten forty ways Lewten
nent Grant hearn the enemy in his bed
hut he snuck up on him and killed him
without known who where or what
he was St Paul Dispatch
Young Eagles
An eagle lives from SO to 1G0
years The young birds are driven
forth by their savage parents to pro
vide for themselves as soon as they are
able to fly No training is given them
by tbe old bird That is left to their
wild instincts which hunger and ne
cessity develop There is no going
back to the old home for the young
eagles The mother bird tears up ev
ery vestige of the nest and if they
emit plaintive shrieks the old birds
dart at them and push them off the
crags or rocks and thereby make them
take to their wings It takes three
years for a young eagle to gain its
complete plumage and strength
The Variable Star Algol
The most noted variable star in the
universe is Algol which changes its
brilliancy so remarkably that It was
noted by shepherds of Mesopotamia
many years ago It is now known that
Algol is not one star but a double one
There are two suns revolving around a
common center one of which is blaz
ing like our sun and the other is dead
like the earth Thus when the dark
sun partially intervenes between us
and the burning Algol much light is
cut off
Reason For Her Opinion
Do you think genius and insanity
always go together
Oh no I am convinced that my
husband is half crazy most of the time
but Ive never seen Mm give the faint
est gleam of genius Chicago Kecord
Hit Hard
I flatter myself Ive made a hit with
this song Er by the way who was
the gentleman that was moved to tears
and went out
- That was the composer Condon
We respectfully invite yois to visit oor
store and see this years Spring Styles
TSie items which should interest you are
too numerous to be described liere
You will be pleased with our line of
Women in a New Field
Woman has invaded another field
that man has heretofore considered
ais exclusively A young woman Miss
Daisy Ogden has been made division
superintendent of a territory on the
Burlington railroad between Water
town 111 and Betterdorf Iowa She
had to pass a good many men in ris
ing to her position and did it by
superior service The company must
have found that Miss Ogden would
make a better division superintendent
than any man it had available for the
place or it would not have given it to
her So let the men not resent her
advancement nor grudgingly give her
their best service Omaha Bee
Terms of District Court 1911
Chase county April 24 and Novem
ber 13
Dundy County March 0 and No
vember 20
Frontier county March 20 and Oc
tober 2
Furnas county February 20 May
29 and October 23
Gosjper county January 30 and
September 25
Hayes county March 13 and Sep 1
tember IS
Hitchcock county May 1 and No
vember 27
Red Willow county February 6
May 15 and October 9
Robert C Orr district judge
Something special The Weekly
Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa
per 125 for one year Ask us what
t means
quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
Miss Velma Sutton is home on a vis
it of some length from school in Oma
H W Keyes of Iflfianola transact
ed legal business in the city yester
Guy Hughes was in Benkelman on
Wednesday figuring on a big heating
and plumbing job
Clarence Rozell is expected home
in a week or two to remain a few
days on business
Mrs C B Hoag came up from In
dianola yesterday on a visit to her
daughter Mrs C B Gray
Miss Jean Bruner who has been
visiting her aunt Mrs A R Scott for
several months departed on last Fri-
Carlton Rowell was down from Ben
kelman close of last week guest of
his grandmother Mrs S A Rowell
Miss Weybright has joined her fath
er here and they are keeping house
in apartments in Mrs S A Rowells
Mr J G Schobel and family are
now occupying their fine new resi
dence on north 1st street east just
Mrs Geyser of Lincoln spent part
of the week in the city trying to in
terest McCook people in a lecture
course for next season
Mrs J O McArthur and daughter
will leave Saturday forLincoln to join
Mr McArthur general round house
foreman there for the company
Miss Louise Donisthorpe has been
entertaining her sister Miss Grace
from Geneva since Friday of last
week She will remain until next
Miss Katherine Snyder who has
been very ill with pneumonia Is now
some better and slowly improving he
many friends in the city will be pleas
ed to learn
Miss Arlene Allen entertained the
members of the Culture club of the
high school children last Friday eve
ning with such particulars as delight
the young
Mr and Mrs J I Kennedy enter
tained the B Y Club Monday eve
ing the special occasion being the
fifth anniversary of their wedding
The evening was very pleasantly pass
Mr and Mrs Charles Hasty of
Arapahoe returned home on Monday
morning Mrs Hasty has been vis
iting Engineer and Mrs Hasty for a
while Mr Hasty joined her here for
over Sunday
Morley E Piper of Centerpoint
Frontier county will leave on Satur
day for Kearney where he will en
ter the state normal school to com
plete a course of study preparing him
for school work
Mrs Rollo Cathcart who has been
visiting her parents Mr and Mrs
Nicholas Ploussard and other rela
tives for the past three months de
parted a few days since for her home
in Eaton Coolrado
Mrs U J Warren and daughter
Miss Ruth came down last Thursday
evening from Fort Morgan Colorado
on a brief vsit to Mother Rowell
Miss Ruth returned home Sunday
Mrs Warren remaining until Wed
II N Rosebush departed on last
Friday for Cherokee Iowa his for
mer home and where Mrs Rosebush
was recently called to the bedside of
her mother who is happily now some
what improved Mr and Mrs Rose
bush are expected home close of this
Miss Anna Sickler and her friend
Miss Eveline Carlson arrived home on
Sunday night for a few days visit
from Omaha where they have been
employed in stenographic work for
the Burlington Monday night about
twenty of their young friends gather
ed and celebrated their home coming
in a happy manner
Let us show you the new Hats and Clothing for iYien and Boys
m e
mPWrrt vWLg
Sh MfW3B
J5 C - f i V TOPftSR
A i 4V - -- tyy i szxaivjB
l1Mk - I
Chickens of all kinds wanted at
the National hotel
FOR RENT Farms with 4 rooni
house barn and granary wells and
cisterrs Inquire of G W Trimpey
Culbertson Neb
FOR RENT Dwelling house Phone
cedar 983 or 25 tf
FOR RENT Four room cottage on
0th street good lawn and fruit trees
Inquire of J S Miller phone black
FOR SALE Nearly new Schiller
piano at a bargain if taken soon W
A Middelton Phone red 275
FOR SALE S C Rhode Island
Red eggs 350 per 100 Mrs G C
Smith R 1 McCook Phone Ash
Creek line
FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock
and Rhode Island Red eggs SOS 3rd
street W
FOR RENT Good seven room
house barn and plenty of room In
quire phone 200 Bryce Jones
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
with heat and light Phone red 281
Call at 319 1st st west
FOR SALE My residence on 1st
st E Also a dwelling on 2nd st E
Phone black 109
FOR SALE Lot 2 block 7 4th
McCook Write Ray E Benjamin at
Fairbury Nebraska
FOR RENT Five room house suit
able for family or roomers Close in
Two blocks from Main avenue 207 E
2d St Phone 270 Mrs S J Martin
WANTED To rent by gentleman
modern small south or east room
Close in Private family Address
Box G33
McConnell fills prescriptions
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Afternoons and Evenings
On our opening occasion of the spring
of 1911 we will have for your inspection
and approval
A Very Unusual Display
Tailored and Dress Hats
To the ladies of McQook and vicinity
we extend courteously and most urgent
invitation to be present on this occasion
Childrens Hats Special