The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Did you know that there was
a relationship between dollars
Well it must be true anyway
Did you ever notice that once
a man gets a few dollars others
seem to fly into his pocket as
if by magic Most of the dol
lars of the United States are
gathered together in large
amounts The more dollars a
man gets the faster others join
them You may be unable to
account for this but it is true
nevertheless Dollars like to
congregate Why not start a
congregation of your own
Lets explain You make quite
a Tit of money dont you You
spend it dont you Well now
just for once try putting a few
dollars just a few in this
bank See if others dont fol
low The first few act as a
decoy You are cordially in
vited to place your decoys
In this bank We are sure that
by usiug one of our bank books
for a -blind you will be able
to bag considerable
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
7 Largest Circulation in R e d Wilo o
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
U S Senator Norris Brown of Ne
braska expresses the opinion that
President Tafts reciprocity measure
will pass at the extra session Rep
resentative G W Norris does not
agree with the senator
A few more cavalrymen are to be
added to the dramatis personae of
that military opera bouffe on the
Texas Mexico international line The
boys seem to be having some amuse
ment wataching the insurrectos and
brave federals engaging in running
foot races across the line
Dry Goods
A National Movement
The campaign for membership in
the brotherhood of locomotive firemen
and enginemen is at present active
throughout the United States Every
where the organization is seeking to
enlist all the eligible men in the or
der so that when they choose to make
demands on the railroad companies
their demands will carry more weight
All enginemen are eligible to mem
It is likely when the campaign is
ended and most of the men are taken
into the order a demand will be made
for shorter hours at least if not for
better pay also The men say they
are now expected to work long hours
each day and have short hours off
duty The men feel that the only
way to get better conditions is to
perfect an organization so strong that
the demands will be considered ser
ionsly by the railroad companies
Members of the brotherhood of lo
comotive engineers are also eligible
to membership in this organization
The two organizations have however
never seen fit to merge In general
the brotherhood of locomotive fire
men and enginemen are in favor of a
merger of the two organizations it
is claimed but the engineers organ
ization still stands apart and refuses
to consolidate The engineers organi
zation feels that it wants to fight its
own battles that is it wants to han
dle the grievances of the engineers
alone without affiliating with the fire
mens organization in such a way
that the grievances of both would
have to be worked out together
Many of the prominent men in the
firemens and enginemens organiza
tion feel confident that the consolida
tion of the two organizations will
eventually come and that not until
then will the men realize all the ad
vantages to which they believe them
selves entitled Lincoln News
Special Medicine for Kidney Ailments
Many elderly people have found in
Foleys Kidney Remedy a quick relief
and permanent benefit from kidney
and bladder ailments and from annoy
ing urinary irregularities due to ad
vancing years Isaac Regan Farmer
Mo says Foleys Kidney Remedy
effected a complete cure in my case
and I want others to know it A
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Will Be
We Wish
To AnD ounce That
March 17 and 18
AU are cordially invited
to come and see the beau
tiful display of
Spring Millinery White Dresses
Suits and Coats
All the latest tilings
FIRST at this store
Jl j t L A l I
Ladies Furnishings
22 2Main Avenue P h o n e 5 6 McCOOK NEB
Advertised List
The following letters cards and
packages remain uncalled for at the
Drefson Mr L E Kennedy Roy
S Stewart Mrs Mattie Territt Mr
John C Witham Mr B Young
Miss Jennie
Bowman Mr Rakin E Gardner
Mr Charley Sedford B J
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
LON CONE Postmaster
The Eternal Water Question
Responsive to call and petition a
large gathering of citizens assembled
in the court house last Friday night
to discuss the water works question
There was a rumor abroad in the
city that a new franchise ordinance
was being prepared by the city coun
cil and it was to ascertain facts and
to lake possible action on same that
the meeting was called
G E Thompson was called to the
chairmanship and F M Kimmell was
asked to be secretary
David Diamond inquired as to the
disposition of a petition to the city
council of some date back asking the
city council to sell the water bonds
voted and issued and to proceed with
the authorized municipal Avater plant
J R McCarl for the council re
sponded Said petition was not favor
ably acted upon for the reasons that
bonds could not be sold at that time
That city had a contract for water
for fire and other purposes with pres
ent company still in force That there
were other reasons incidental high
Gus Budig asked for information as
to the proposed new franchise ordi
Councilman McConnell stated that
City Attorney McCarl would speak for
the council
Mr McCarl said in part Council
decided something had to be done
Supply and system inadequate Coun
cil had been investigating and study
ing question for weeks and decided
that a new franchise was the way
out They were now hard at work
on new ordinance and expected to
soon call citizens together to hear the
conclusion of their labors and secure
their approval or rejection
In brief the proposed new fran
chise provided for increase of wells
before July 1st 1911 Increase of
size of pipe on Main avenue to 10
inches Increase of size of pipes to
G inches on streets east and west of
Main avenue Provides for a float
valve on stand pipe That by De
cember 1st 1911 other mains shall
be enlarged to G inches and water
piped to South McCook By Janu
ary 1st 1913 water company shall re
new and take up all 3 and 4 inch
pipe in main part of city That sys
tem shall in future be enlarged as
growth requires
The rates are to be increased 25
per cent with a sliding scale run
ning down to 7 cfnts on amounts
over 10000 gallons Fire hydrants
reduced from 50 to 35 and pro
pose to increase number of hydrants
materially Also for 15 for sewer
flushing at each manhole instead of
meter rate as now Failure to com
ply with new ordinance reverts scale
to old rates Provides for readjust
ment and revision every four years
Minimum rate to be same as old
Expense of connecting to new mains
to be met by company Fire plugs
to be all changed to larger standard
size City is to make no contract
for fire drinking lawn flushing or
McCook Nebr March 14 1911
The following resolution was read
and adopted at a regular meeting of
the National Association of Letter
Carriers on March G 1911
D J OBrien Secy
Whereas A nation wide movement
has been started by the Lords Day
Alliance of Colorado toward closing
all the post offices in the United
States and
Whereas Many of our largest and
foremost cities have already been en
tirely closed on Sunday and
Whereas Many thousand civil serv
ice employees will be benefited by th
closing of the postoffices and
Whereas It has been the policy of
the department to eliminate all un
necessary Sunday labor in postoffices
Be It Resolved That Branch No
1273 N A L C heartily approve of
the action taken by the Lords Da
Alliance in closing postoffices on Sun
day and
Be It Further Resolved That this
branch go on record as declaring all
Sunday delivery of mail unnecessary
and that it should be discontinued
Be It Further Resolved That a
copy of these resolutions be placed in
other municipal purposes until water
company accepts new ordinance Said
contact can be made- with city for
full time of franchise City can an
nul franchise on 90 days notice
David Diamond referred ta the fact
that the company had not returned
excess charges to consumers and that
suit at law was only redress of con
C G Bosworth inquired if bonds
voted would be legal And City At
torney McCarl thought they were and
would be
David Diamond moved that no fran
chise be granted
C H Harman moved that an ad
journment be taken until next Thurs
day evening when the council would
present its complete franchise ordi
dinance for consideration
This motion prevailed
In announcing the decision of the
meeting Chairman Thompson stated
that another public meeting would fol
low immediately after adjournment of
this one in the same hall
James McAdams was called to pre
side and Frank Traver was made sec
G E Thompson in announcing a
resolution he had to offer went over
the water works question at length
He favored a mnuicipally owned
C H Harman wanted action with
held until after the meeting of next
week Thursday
P S Heaton warned against too
roseate figures for municipal plants
Gus Budig David Diamond Her
man Brown and others favored
The following resolution was adopt
Whereas The citizens of McCook
are here by public call to consider
the water question and have heard
the matter discussed
Be it Resolved That we now pro
ceed to nominate a ticket for the
coming city election to stand and
pledged upon the platform of MUN
ICIPAL OWNERSHIP either by the
building of a new water plant by the
city or the purchase at a reasonable
price of the existing water works
plant which alternative proposition
shall be submitted to the voters of
jMcCook at a special election to be
called for the purpose and that the
city operate its water plant by leas
ing to the best bidder for terms of
five years at a time Carried
After an unsuccessful effort to
name a city ticket an adjournment
was taken
It was the announcement at thb
close of both meetings that on next
Thursday evening March 23rd 1911
at eight oclock a meeting would be
held in the court house again to hear
the complete draft of the new fran
chise ordinance now being drafted by
the city council There should be a
full house on this occasion This mat
ter is of great importance to the peo
pie of the city of McCook
Favorable to Sunday Closing
the hands of the postmaster Lon
Cone and the ministers of each re
ligious denomination and that a copy
be sent to each of our city papers to
the Commercial Club and to each and
every trade union in our city ask
ing their earnest co operation and as
sistance in entirely eliminating the
Sunday delivery and collection of mall
in the City of McCook
March 14 1911
We the members of Branch No
1386 United National Association of
Postoffice Clerks in special meeting
assembled do endorse and heartily
approve the foregoing resolution by
the National Association of Letter
McCook Nebraska March 15 1911
To Branch No 1273 N A L C
McCook Nebr At the regular meet
ing of the McCook Commercial Club
held March 14 1911 your resolution
pertaining to the Sunday closing of
carriers windows and the elimination
of Sunday collections of mail was
read and a motion carried approving
of the same
The Republican electors of the city
of McCook will meet in city caucus
Monday evening March 20th 1911 at
eight oclock for the purpose of nom
inating a city ticket choosing pre
cinct committeemen and transacting
such other business as may properly
come before it Signed
Republican City Committeemen
McCook Neb March 16 1911
Those wanting hay please phone
birch 3681 2 3ts
Slit A LiJ iiUit J
Bin fa ii i it i KT
i iSiSiilllL
B ftfSS5 23kSs
lajMawwgcErww i i im mjixi
Heard of
Munsing Un
derwear bet
ter known as
The only correct un
ion suit made Have
it in Regular Stout
and Slims Can fit
the 4 by 4 2 by 4 or
8 by 4 man
Received this week 20
Styles of Stetson Hats
See Some of Them
In our North
If you have never worn a Manhattan Shirt try
one There are shirts and then shirts Manhat
tan is a real shirt PRICE 150 200 and 225
Come in and see some of the new suits for
spring Price 1200 to 2200
One Price and No Monkey Business
Hitch Up to a BEEKEjr HIsc
- k TTt i tI -- U - - w j r
-v - - -
----- a v riv - ii j
- -- - - i
USING this spnns pressure harrow you get your soil pulverized thoroughly anil in con
dition to grow the biEEC a corn crop you ever raised The extraordinary Hexibility of
the Deere ItfoficZ B due to pressure insures thorough cultivation or every
hard or uneven spot It leaves small middles and cuts out dead furrows
This excellent harrow meets all demands Built in all sizes from four to niac feet T7ldth
with IS 18 or 20 inuh discs
Our famous hardwood bearings oi soaked straight oil tubes with spring alus to exclude
dirt steel shanks set edgewise for greater clearance
One piece heavy- high carbon steel frame Steel levers and racks for angling gangs
Jtouble leaf oil tempered seat spring Scrapers of swinging type greatly improved over
all others Stub poles for set over hitch and convenience In storing Nothirsa slighted
but all details fully and practically worked out
COESie SO ailCH See BIS and keep postea We have tat
uMnui j w uai
bnejiy mentioned some of the
strong features above Or drop us a post caid and we will
promptly send detailed prools free Deere goods are of the
nignesi sianaaru aim saiisiy tne most exacting Asic lor our
latest corn Gcok The whole subject of gathering
iitiiii1 wuAU tiuu Silll LUG SClU Ud ULU tJ
planting treated in a small space lully illus
iniieu tm uouk ior me man wno wants uei
ter corn Useful and handsome pocket ledger
ilM ihmim
We have just received a carload of
Spring Implements
Which also includes
Success Manure Spreaders Davenport Rol
ler Bearing Wagons Dain Combination
Stackers Dain Mowers Deere Alfalfa Cul
tivators Deere and Manser Beet Drills and
Cultivators Steel and Wood Wheel Trucks
New Deere High Lift Gang Plows and many
other tools needed by the farmer
Also have some new styles to our large line of
Velie Buggies Figure up your needs and let us
supply you with implements made for service
1 I
1 1