The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
lions fi
Phone No i
the most
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
No fussing or fretting over
the biscuit making Royal
is the aid to many a
cooks success
Royal Cook Book 800 Receipts Free Send Name and Address
Plenty of Them in McCook and Good
Reason for it
Wouldnt any wonUKi fee happy
After years of backache suffering
Days of misery nights of unrest
The distress of urinary troubles
She finds relief and cure
No reason why any McCook reader
Should suffer in the isce of evi
dence like this
Mrs A M Wilson 204 E Second
St McCook Neb says My back
bothered me for years and there was
a dull feche across my kidneys and
loins The pain in my back became
worse when I exerted myself and of
ten I had headaches and dizzy spells
I could not stoop and there were
many other disagreeable symptoms
of kidney complaint in evidence On
a friends advise I finally procured
Doans Kidney Pills from McConnells
drug store and I soon found them to
be just -what I needed This remedy
strengthened my back and kidneys
and before long effected a complete
Statement given June 26 1907
Re endorsement
On June 21 1910 Mrs Wilson
said I am pleased to verify the
statement I gave in 1907 recommend
ing Doans Kidney Pills This rem
edy is a specific for kidney com
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Indianola Will Decide Under the In
Indianola Neb March 10 The vot
ers of Indianola will have a chance
this spring to vote direct on the sa
loon and pool hall license A peti
tion for the initiative and referendum
was granted by the council At a
general mass convention last night of
the voters W A Dolan was nominat
ed for mayor W A Reynolds coun
cilman First ward Joe Rayer Sec
ond ward Neal Quick clerk IN J
Uerling treasurer A C Teel police
judge and John Dunning engineer
Only one ticket will be in the field
Special to Lincoln Journal
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
McCook Tribune 100 a year
A Voice From the Sick Room
MigKty glad to be able to talk to you again old
mae Youll be in on the next train good
Yes I was pretty sick I guess but Im getting
along nieely now good bye
The sick room is brightened by a friendly voice
over the Bell Telephone
Coming from the outside world a friends cheer
ing words serve as a tonic to awaken the interest of
the convalescent in life
Nebraska Telephone Co
CHAS W KELLEY Local Manager
Lumber and Coal
JLtf A
J JljL
A Story of the Russian
By Allen W Thompson
Copyright by American Press Asso
ciation 1911
I lived on my fathers estate in the
department of Tula in Russia Sev
eral of us living in close proximity
were very intimate Nicholas Dini
wiski was a sort of leader among us
a serious intellectual fellow who
never spoke without weighing his
words Then there was Anna Alex
androvna a young woman calculated
to shine either in court society or
among those women who band them
selves together in England or Ameri
ca to accomplish some great good for
their sex Next came Lisa Saranin
not over eighteen as gentle and re
tiring as the other two were full of
I suspected that Nicholas was tinc
tured with the revolutionary doctrines
at that time spreading all over Rus
sia This I regretted for with his tal
ents he might win the favor of the
government and this would in turn
enable him to occupy some high of
From a few words I overheard
spoken between him and Anna it
seemed to me that she encouraged
him in taking a position antagonistic
to the czar Nicholas was influenced
in a contrary direction by Lisa whose
nature was fitted for a quiet peaceful
I suspected that both these girls
loved Nicholas and that they were
two antagonistic influences the one
pulling him toward a dangerous ca
reer the other endeavoring to keep
him out of the strife that we all saw
coming He was fired by Annas ideas
while Lisas restraining influence was
not in accordance with his ardent na
That there was a strife of another
kind between these two girls I did not
doubt It seemed to me that on the
one hand the resolute Anna would pos
sess Nicholas if she was obliged tc
wreck her life in order to get him and
It seemed that if the gentle Lisa did
not get him she would herself be
wrecked Not one word concerning
these things was spoken There was
underneath our intercourse a current
running deep and swift that was
scarcely noticeable on the surface I
think I was the only one cognizant of
it and even I did not realize Its
Finally our little group was broken
up by Nicholas and I going to the cap
ital I to practice law Nicholas ostensi
bly to do the same but since he was
possessed of a good Income there was
no necessity for him to labor Great
was my surprise when he told me on
our way to St Petersburg that he was
engaged to Lisa I was pleased to hear
the news for as I have said I sympa
thized with Lisa In this struggle be
tween the two girls But somehow I
did not think Anna a girl to give up a
lover to one who considering her own
dominating nature must have seemed
greatly her inferior Now that the sub
ject was an open one between us I in
timated this to Nicholas Ilis reply
was characteristic of him
I know nothing of the rivalries
among women and care less A mans
heart Is independent of his relations
with any woman I love Lisa Anna
Is companionable with me in an intel
lectual way
But does not Lisa fear her influence
over you
She does She distrusts Anna But
one cannot expect that either of two
rivals will do the other justice
These few words furnished me with
food for thought during the rest of the
journey I have noticed that the good
iwomen of the world are apt to be cor
rect in their judgment of the bad ones
It struck me that Lisa was endeavor
ing to protect the man she laved
against an evil influence But with a
mans logical mind I asked Avhy should
an influence drawing him to take up
the cause of a downtrodden people be
bad And here is where a mans judg
ment is often mistaken when a wo
mans is right lie attacks a question
with logic which is fallible She at
tacks it with instinct which is infalli
We hadnt been long in St Peters
burg when I learned that Anna was
there What she had come for I did
not know but I believed she had come
because Nicholas was there I saw
her name among those present on
ftp J
eral occasions at court balls and IieurfL
mat sue was quite xiituluiuuul uiuvui
the beauties of the capital I often
met Nicholas and without directly
questioning him gave him every op
portunity to tell me if he saw her
often and what was going on between
them yet he never would talk about
her a
But one day he sent for me I went
to him at once and found hims very
much agitated
Whats the matter I asked anx
iously f
You have heard the adageK Hell
hath no fury like a woman scorned
I have resolutely refused to make
love to Anna It is one of tlioscjsiii
gular cases that I cannot understand
Her love has turned to hate
How can she harm you
She can send me to Siberia
Surely she will not do that
I think not I fear not for myself
but for some one else
Great heavens
It is a question which a woman
scorned hates the more the man or
the rival who has taken him from
But how can Anna harm Lisa
That I dont know I only hope
that if she harms her at all it will bo
through me It would be some satis
faction for me to suffer for my own
fault in not listening to Lisas warn
ings If one hair of Lisas head should
be harmed directly I should go mad
I said all I could to comfort him but
in the situation there was no comfort
There had been a great revolution in
his mind with reference to Anna I
could see that while before he had had
confidence in her and had admired her
he now stood in terror of her
I went often to see him during the
next few weeks and always found him
much worried One day after not
having called on him for a longer
period than usual I went to his rooms
and found them empty I asked the
concierge what had become of him
and was told that lie had gone out
two days before and had not returned
I knew the blow had fallen I
made every effort to find where Nich
olas had been taken but never suc
ceeded in getting the slightest clew
either as to the time or manner of his
arrest I did not doubt that he had
been arrested for revolutionary de
It occurred to me to go and see Anna
Whom I had known intimately and
question her What use Would she
admit that she knew anything about
Nicholas No I would have written
Lisa sympathetically but knew not
what to say to her I might say just
the wrong thing There was nothing
to do but let the horrible episode take
its course or rather wear out the
lives of thoio who were involved in
it as countless similar ones had done
with others
I went home not long after this and
as soon as I arrived went to see Lisa
I was informed by the butler that she
was not at home I asked where she
was but he could not tell me He
only knew that she had gone away
some time before She did not return
during my stay at Tula and I could
not find out anything about her All
that concerned her must have been
very secret for no one seemed to be
aware that anything unusual had hap
But while I was at home news came
that startled the community It was
that Anna had been found in her car
riage after coming from a ball at the
Winter palace with a dagger driven up
to the hilt in her heart
All that was known as to whom the
assassin might have been was that
the coachman heard the door of the
carriage close Presently he heard
it close again But whether any one
got in for the purpose of committing
the deed he did not know He had
not seen any one enter or leave the
carriage The deed was the mystery
of its time at the capital Upon
my return to St Petersburg I asked
an officer of police with whom I was
acquainted about it and he told me
in confidence that Anna was a paid
spy in the service of the government
and it was supposed that she had
been assassinated by a relative or
friend of some one she had betrayed
The assassin was never discovered
The next time I went home I called
upon Lisa She had known through
Nicholas that I sympathized with him
and with her and she showed her ap
preciation of my interest in them But
I found her very much changed She
was not twenty yet she looked thirty
with an oldish look at that I refrain
ed as much as I could from speaking
of the unpleasant features of her love
and neither of us spoke of the death
of Anna Alexandrovna Lisa seemed
buoyed up by a hope that she would
before long be reunited with her lover
but she gave me no reason for her ex
Two years after this I received a
letter from Nicholas postmarked the
United States of America It told me
that Lisa by the death of a relative
had come into possession of a valua
ble estate She had turned it into
cash gone to Siberia bribed his jail
ers and effected his escape They had
gone around northward by sea and
shipped from England for America
They were living happily on a farm in
North Dakota raising wheat
The closing paragraph of the letter
interested me greatly It referred to
the punishment that had been meted
out to Anna Alexandrovna In my
heart I could not but admit that in
Annas death I had seen Lisas hand
revenging her lover The epistle closed
with these words
While in prison word was passed one
day that a government spy had been ar
sassinated by order of a revolutionary cir
clo and that her name wa3 Anna Alexan
drovna A young man killed her In her
I breathed a sigh of relief
if L
Referees Sale
By virtue of an order of sale to me
directed by the clerk of the district
court of Red Willow county Nebras
ka on the judgments rendered in
said court in the cause wherein Anna
Farber and Christ Farber are plain
tiffs and Rosena Droll Catherina Zim
mer Jacob Zimmer William Droll
Martha Droll Edward Droll Carolina
Kutter Barney Kutter Augusta Droll
Mary A Vannier Louis Vannier
Frances Ballenger Riggs Ballenger
and Bertha Droll are defendants on
thq tenth and eighteenth days of
February 1911 for the partition and
sale of the following described real
estate situated in said county to wit
The northeast quarter and the east
half of the northwest quarter and
lots one and two all in section eigh
teen in township three north of range
twenty nine west of the sixth princi
pal meridian and the east half of
the northwest quarter and lots one
and two all in section seven in said
township and range
I will offer for sale to the high
est bidder for cash on the 17h day
of April 1911 at the front door of
the courthouse in Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska at one oclock in the
afternoon in quarter section tracts
all of said land including the home
stead and dower estates of Rosena
Droll in said land as set forth in
said judgment rendered February 10th
Dated this loth day of March 1911
First publication March 16 5
Foleys Honey and Tar is the best
cough remedy I ever used as it quick
ly stopped sevree cough thta had long
troubled me says J W Kuhn of
Princeton Nebr Just so quickly and
surely it acts in all cases of coughs
colds lagrippe and lung trouble Re
fuse substitutes A McMillen
When you have rheumatism in youi
foott or instep apply Chamberlains
Liniment and you will get quick re
lief It costs but a quarter Why suf
fer For sale by all dealers
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the vea in aivance
Jg WjBfr VrSWtrfjyj
Large and Small Jobs
S3 JfrfS V
Mwm 1 ittAlW t y - ttrrcr
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nefcr
LinoIn Sasiifarissn
Suipho Saline Springs
Located on oar own premises sad aui
in the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed In the treatment of
Heart Stomach Sidney and Tim
Moderate CHargci AdJru
DR OW EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Rob
CURES and Purifies the Blood
2500 for one way colonist tickets to California Oregon Washington
and the Far West daily from March 10th to April 10th Tickets are
honored in coaches and through tourist sleepers
via Denver Scenic Colorado Salt Lake Route
Every day to San Francisco March 10th to April 10th via Denver
Scenic Colorado Ogden personally conducted tourist sleeper excur
sions every Thursday and Sunday to Frisco thence Los Angeles via
Coast Line
Every day to Seattle Portland and Northwest
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS March 7th and 21st to new territory
south west and northwest including Big Horn Basin
YELLOWSTONE PARK Think now about touring the Park this summer
inquire about the new and attractive way through this wonderland
an eight day personally conducted camping tour from Cody via the
scenic entrance every thing provided different from all other tours
An ideal recreative and scenic outing for a small party of friends to
take Address Aaron Holm Proprietoro Cody Wyo or undersigned
If you are expecting to make any kind of a summer tour I shall be
glad to have you get in touch with me early
L W WAKtLbY U Jh rlUSIfcSiTfcK
General Passenger Agent Ticket Agent
Omaha Nebraska McCook Nebraska
VnyvTTrrvTTfrttn vv wmm v W 3L
V Franklijt Pres G H WATKiNSjVice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
llJ -- uiuirfiiiii ma
Bv aDDlvintr two coats of WRIGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE
directly to the meat with a brush after the meat has gone
through the salt it will be thoroughly smoked will have a
delicious flavor and will keep solid and sweet and free from
insects through the entire summer
Wrights Condensed Smoke
lis a Hciuid smoke and contains nothing except what is obtained
hv hiirnimr hlckorv wood It is put up in square quart bottles only each with a
metal cap NEVER SOLD IN BULK A bottle will smoke a barrel of meat
280 lbs For sale by all druggists at 75c Every bottle guaranteed Ask
druggist for FREE BOOK The New Way Be sure to get the genuine
THE E H WR8CirT CO Ltd- Kansas City Mo
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The McCook Tribune 1 per Year