The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 09, 1911, Image 7

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Makes Horns Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made front Royal rape
Greans of Tartar
Hows This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
gard for any case of catarrh that
cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh
Toledo O
We the undersigned have known
F J Cheney for the last 15 years
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by his firm
Walding Kinnan Marvin
Wholeasle Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents
per bottle Sold by all druggists
Take Halls Family Pills for con
These shoes represent the newest and
best in footwear Instead or buying 55
and 6 shoes get Calendar Shoes at
S300 and 350 They are stylish com
fortable serviceable They are built to
give 150 worth of wear for every 100
you spend Every pair has a calendar
attached The idea is to mark the day
you start to wear Calendar Shoes
when they are worn out you -will find
that you have had more wear than you
ever had from any shoes you ever
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
206 1st sL E -- Phone red 450
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and
8 p m The public cordially invited
R T BAYNE Pastor
Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday
at 8 p m Meets now in the north
east corner of court house basement
CATHOLIC Order of services
Mass 830 a m Mass and sermon
1030 a m Evening services at
800 Sunday school 230 p m
Methodist Preaching by the pas
tor at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday
school at 10 a m Epworth League
at 7 p m
EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten
oclock Morning prayer and sermon
at eleven oclock Evening prayer
and sermon at eight Choir rehearsal
as usual every member please attend
GREGATIONAL Sunday School at
930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m
and 730 p m by pastor Junior C
E at 130 p m Senior C E at 730
All Germans cordially invited to at
tend these services
vices every other Sunday afternoon
at 230 oclock
Terms of District Court 1911
Chase county April 24 and Novem
ber 13
Dundy County March 6 and No
vember 20
Frontier county March 20 and Oc
tober 2
Furnas county February 20 May
29 and October 23
Gosper count January 30 and
September 25
Hayes county March 13 and Sep
tember 18
Hitchcock county May 1 and No
vember 27
Red Willow county February G
May 15 and October 9
Robert C Orr district judge
Do you know that of all the minor
alments colds are by far the most
dangerous It is not the cold itself
that you need to fear but the serious
diseases that it often leads to Most
of these are known as germ diseas
es Pneumonia and consumption are
among them Why not take Chamber
lains Cough Remedy and cure your
cold while you can For sale by all
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Probate Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of Red Wil
low county Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of
Stephen N Wilson deceased
Notice is hereby given that the cred
itors of the said deceased will meet
the Administrator of said estate be
fore me County Judge of Red Willow
county Nebraska at the county court
Room in said county on the 18th day
March 1911 and on the ISth day of
August 1911 at 900 oclock a in
each day for the purpose of present
ing their claims for examination ad
justment and allowance Six months
are allowed for creditors to present
their claims and one year for the
Administrator to settle said estate
from the 17th day of February 1911
This notice will be published in The
McCook Tribune for four weeks suc
cessively commencing on the 23d day
of February 1911
Witness my hand and seal of said
court this 17th day of February A
D 1911 J C MOORE
Seal County Judge
First publication Feb 23 4ts
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator
In the County Court of Red Willow
county Nebraska
To all persons interested in the
estate of Patrick Thomas Coyle de
On reading the petition of Mary
Ellen Griffin and others praying that
the administration of said estate be
granted to Maurice Griffin as admin
istrator It is hereby ordered that
you and all persons interested in said
matter may and do appear at the
Counts Court to be held in and for
said sounty on the 22nd day of March
A D 1911 at one oclock P M to
show cause if any there bewhy the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in Tho
McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper
printed in said county for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Witness my hand and seal of said
court this 28th day of February A
D 1911
J C MOORE County Judge
C H BOYLE Attorney
First publication March 2 3ts
Order for Hearing of Final Account
In the County Court of Red Willow
County State of Nebraska
In the matter of the Estate of Mary
J Baldwin deceased
Now on this 25th day of February
1911 came V Franklin administrator
of said estate and prays for leave to
render a final account as such ad
ministrator It is therefore ordered
that the eighteenth day of March
1911 at one oclock p m at my of
fice in the city of McCook in said
county be fixed as the time and place
for examining and allowing such ac
count And the heirs of said deceas
ed and all persons interested in said
estate are required to appear at the
time and place so designated and
Sjhow cause if such exists why said
account should not be allowed It is
further ordered that said V Franklin
administrator give notice to all per
sons interested in said estate by caus
ing a copy of this order to be pub
lished in the McCook Tribune a news
paper printed and in general circula
tion in said county for three weeks
prior to the day set for said hear
Dated this 25th day of February
J C MOORE County Judge
W S MORLAN Attorney
First publication March 2 1911 3
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Mrs Frank Allen mother of Chas
Allen spent Tuesday of last week
with Charlie and wife
Mrs Hotze went down to Steele
City Thursday morning for a visit
with her daughter Mrs Frank Lowe
Alice Townley Ova Ruggles Mrs
L T Sargent and Miss Conety at
tended the debate in McCook Satur
day evening
A sister of Mrs Chas King from
Denver uslted with her this week
Mr and Mrs Anderson relative Ml
Gainbys Avho have been visiting here
for toiie time left for their home in
Canada Sunday evening
Francis Buffington spent Sunday ant
Monday with folks at home in iam
Fred Minnick returned from Omaha
Saturday He brings word that Dr
Minnick is on rapid road to recovery
Last week was closed business deal
by which I M Smith became owner
of the Jones millinery stock which
will be moved into the building now
cicupied by him Mr Smith has
wisely decided to retain Miss Nina as
forewoman and Miss Gay Anderson
as trimmer and they will be pleased
to meet all their old custimers as wel
as new ones Mr Smith and Miss
Anderson were in Licoln this week
securing their new stock of goods W
look for all the ladies of Indianola to
secure millinery at Smiths this seas
The sale of Henry Uerlings estate
held Tuesday was extra good amount
ing to about 5500 Col E D Snell
of Cambridge was auctioneer
John Russell ran into Chas Mil
ler with his automobile Thursday eve
ning when on his way to McCook
They both turned out on the same
side Charleys horse landed in the
automobile but no serious damage
was done The accident occurred near
Coon creek bridge west of town
Curtis Norlan received the silver
medal at the contest which was held
at the Christian church Friday even
Dr Stork has been quite busy this
week around Indianola leaving a
baby girl at Frank Deffers a girl at
Grant Clarks and a boy at John
The Indianola and McCook debating
teams met at McCook Saturday even
ing and debated the navy question
McCook held the affirmative side and
Indianola the negative side The de
cision of the judges was in favor of
the negative side The Indianola
team was Wilber Plourd Fem Hedg
es and Roxy Rollins
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filingf
have been made in tho county clerks
office since our last report
George F Randel et ux to
F J Hassler wi in 7
2nd McCook 100
Edward Harris et al to Arth
ur H Recrods wd 12 13 in
in 10 West McCook 500 00
William H Reed et al to E
C Brown wd sw 17-1-30 4000 00
Lillie Robinson to John R
Nelson wd 5 G in C Esther
Park 1400 00
Thomas Lyon et ux to William
Weber wd se4 31-1-28 11000 00
William W Bell et ux to N
G B Barton wd e1 sw
Vi 2700 00
Charles J OBrien et ux to
Albert G Rider et ux wd
1 in 24 2nd McCook 1500 00
Monroe Henderson et ux to
Daniel S Partlow et al wd
sw4 17-1-30 4000 00
Geroge R Spurgin et ux to
Bert E Smith wd w ne4
eVz nwii nwi nw1 3-3-30
s sw4 34-4-30 7000 00
Nels O Lundstrom to John
Aman wd w se4 23 sw
Vi 24 w eU eVj nw4
1C000 00
Isaac M Smith to Leroy Jones
et ux wd 5 G in 27 2nd Mc
Cook 3000 00
Henry Weideman toPerry B
Deets wd eV2 sw 3 4 in 31-4-27
6S00 00
Henry Bohling et ux to J M
Somerville wd nei ny2 se4
21-3-30 10000 0
Charles Ginther et ux to John
H Miller wd e se4 18
w 19-4-26 2850 00
Catherine E Lyman et cons
Cecil M Babit agree 1-2-3-4
in G Esther Park Bartley 3000 00
Special Medicine for Kidney Ailments
Many elderly people have found in
Foleys Kidney Remedy a quick relief
and permanent benefit from kidney
and bladder ailments and from annoy
ing urinary irregularities due to ad
vancing years Isaac Regan Farmer
Mo says Foleys Kidney Remedy
effected a complete cure in my case
and I want others to know it A
This paper and The Weekly Inter
Ocean and Farmer 125 gets both
for one year Special deal
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
It is 100
A Long Credit
The motto of the highland host that
Dattlcd for the Stuart cause which
bonny Prince Charlie headed appar
ently was that heaven helps those who
hell themselves liberally They levied
toll on the henroost stable and u
cording to the author of The Land of
Romance even on the pockets of
At Swarthholm a party of these ma
rauders overhauled the house of a tai
lor and when one of them was about
to cut up a weh of homespun that had
taken his fancy the good wife earnest
ly remonstrated
A dayll come when yell ha tac
pay for that she solemnly assured
Scissors in hand Donald paused
An when will she pe halhig to do
that he asked
At the last day said she
An that will pe a fery goot loug
credit the robber coolly returned
She wass going to pe only taking a
coat but now she will pe taking a
waistcoat as well
A Mountain In the Sky
Somewhere many miles away fron
this earth an enormous mountain
twenty miles high is llyinj through
space The mountain is known astro
nomically as the planet Eros The or
dinary man has long taken it for
granted that all the planets are more
or less round in shape The small
planet Eros however is an exception
to this rule According to the latest
astronomical information it is a mere
mountain in space without form and
void and as it turns upon its uxi s
first one corner and then another is
presented to view These small worlds
few are over ten or twenty miles
across are not large enough to have
sufficient gravity to draw their struc
ture into symmetry and remain as
when launched into space mammoth
meteorites A tantalizing fact for as
tronomers is that Eros passed very
close to us about Jan 24 1894 before
the planet was recognized and that
quite so near an approach is not due
again till 1975
The Mines Blown Up
I wras sitting on the edge of my bed
loosening the heel of one of my rubber
boots with the toe of the other when
suddenly through the stillness of the
sleeping town from the power house
half a mile away came a low and ris
ing note the great siren whistle in the
power house Almost fascinated I
listened as the great note rose higher
and more shrill and died away again
One blast meant a fire in the town two
blasts fire in the buildings at the mine
and three blasts the most terrible of
all a disaster or trouble in the mine
Once more after an interminable
pause the sound came again and once
more rose and died away I did not
move but there was a sudden cold
ness that came over me as once more
for the- third time the deep note broke
out on the quiet air Almost instan
taneously the loud jingle of my tele
phone brought me to my feet I took
down the receiver The mines blown
up said a womans voice Atlantic
Saying No
The author of Pat McCarty a book
of verse with a setting of prose shows
how naturally some of the Irishmen of
Antrim dilute the wine of narrative
with the water of verbiage In the ex
cerpt below The Way We Tell a
Story the diluent is used with a par
ticularly free hand
Says I to him I says says I
Says I to him I says
Tho thing- says I I says to him
Is just says I this ways
I hcv says I a gret respeck
For you and for your breed
And onything I cud I says
Id do I wud Indeed
I dont know any man I says
Id do It for says I
As fast I says as for yoursel
Thats tellln ye no He
Theres naught says I I wudnt do
To plaso your feythers son
But this I says yo see says I
I says it cant be done
The Spectacled Bear
The spectacled bear of Ecuador is
so called because of a patch of white
around each eye which makes the
animal look as though he was peering
through a pair of great spectacles
In size and general color the spec
tacled bear looks not unlike the Ameri
can black bear But its hair is very
shaggy At each side of the head is a
white bar which gives the animal the
appearance of wearing a halter But
the most distinctive feature is the
white around the eyes
The schoolteacher was trying to il
lustrate the difference between plants
and animals
Plants she explained are not sus
ceptible of attachment to man as ani
mals are
How about burs teacher piped a
small boy who had passed the sum
mer in the country Chicago News
Make Children Happy
The first duty toward children is to
make them happy If you have not
made them happy you have wronged
them No other good they may get
can make up for that Charles Bux
Hie Reward
Lawyer Brown So I called the
judge a liar Lawyer Jones And then
what did you do Lawyer Brown
Thirty days Toledo Blade
And the Grounds
Lady Customer Do you keep coffee
in the bean New Clerk Upstairs
madam This is the ground floor
Princeton Tiger
Which Was Far Worse
Williamson Does your wife always
have the last word Henderson Well
If she doesnt old fellow she looks it
Smart Set
Stories of tho Paris Courts
Among humorous stories of the Par
is law courts it is told how a well
known lawyer M Alem Rousseau
was once pleading a rather tiresome
case and noticing that the judges were
paying no attention to him said As
the president is falling asleep I sus
pend my speech But the judge had
just woke up and cried And 1 sus
pend you from practicing for six
months Nothing daunted the law
yer retorted Well I suspend myself
forever and ever and- gathering up
his brief and cap left the court
and never appearr lin
A Paris barristc Clery however
was more vigorc - Seeing that the
president and the assessors were all
asleep he stopped and dealing a tre
mendous blow en the desk in front of
him that woke everybody up with a
start he cried Yesterday at this same
hour I was saying And the whole
bench rubbed their eyes and rsked each
other if they had really slept through
twenty four hours
The same counsel was pleading at
Versailles on a cold day and remarked
that the judges were all turning more
and more around toward a stove that
gave out a welcome heat The tribu
nal behind which I have the honor of
speaking brought them all right about
face at once
Ho Had a Claim
In a certain town was a young law
yer whose father was very rich and
who had been sent to Vin eastern law
school Since his graduation he had
done nothing except open an office be
cause he had plenty of money This
young lawyer was proposed for mem
bership in the local fire company
Wo cannot elect him one of the
members protested The constitution
of our company says that the mem
bers of it must sleep and live here in
the city and he lives out of town on
a farm and not in the city at all He
would be of no value at all in case of
a fire at night He doesnt sleep here
at night
No replied his proposer it is true
he doesnt sleep here at night but he
sleeps here in his office all day
And they elected him on that ground
Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post
Tho Simple Maid
Twas in a simple country town and
the maid of all work was simple and
innocent in syinpatbj When she re
turned from shopping half a sovereign
short in her change Mrs Mango
Chutney was naturally incensed
Go back to each shop you careless
girl she told the weeping maid and
tell them you are half a sovereign
short in your money and they must
give it you
Susan went and was back again in
half an hour Entering her mistress
sanctum she laid five half sovereigns
on the table before her Faithful as
always she had carried out Mrs
Mango Chutneys instructions to the
letter and each shopkeeper fearful of
doing wrong and hurting a fellow crea
ture had thrust the missing coin upon
the bewildered girl London Answers
Tho Offending Black Bottle
A church member in a lonely district
of Saskatchewan absented himself
from services for some months On
being approached on the subject he
said he was sorry but it was impossi
ble to attend any more He was
pressed to give reasons and at length
said it was owing to the bad conduct
of the superintending clergyman and
He and others had witnessed them
drinkiug when driving round on their
visits They had passed a black bot
tle from hand to hand It was impos
sible to attend the ministry of such
men Inquiries proved that the of
fending bottle was a pair of field
glasses with which the drivers sur
veyed the surrounding country and
tried to locate the various churches
shacks and trails Sunday at Home
Not Always
Whenever I hear the suffrage com
bated said an English lord on the
score o womans protected sheltered
petted life I think of a poor woman 1
once questioned in England
This poor creature had been beaten
by her husband in a drunken fury
The man had been drunk it appears
for ten days running
My good friend I said to her
does your husband always drink like
No my lord she answered Some
times I gets bout o work
A Witty Retort
An Englishman in Dublin was asked
by an Irish cab driver if he wished to
ride through the city
No replied the Englishman I am
able to walk
Ah well remarked the jehu may
ycr honor long be able but seldom
Forgot tho Proverb
You may not get any more business
torn me Ive bought a law book
I wont worry responded the law
rer in that case I shall probably
get more business than ever Wash
ington Herald
A Tip For John
Mr Criinsonbeak Heres an item
Fvhicb says the swan outlives any oth
r bird in extreme cases reaching 300
rears Mrs Crimsonbeak And re
member John the swans live on wa
An Old English Inn
The Seven Stars is an inn or pub
lic house in Manchester England
which has held a license continuously
3ince 1370 It served as the meeting
place for the Guy Fawkes band of
An obstinate man does not hold
jpinlons they hold him Butler
A Mothers Safeguard
Foleyi Honey and Tar for the children-
Is best and safest for all colds 9
cough- croup whooping cough and
bronchtis No opiates A McMiMen
The McCook Tribune S100 a year
I carry a complete line of
hair goods Switches puffs
and curls made from your
combings L M CLYDE
Tuner of Pianos
South McCook
Leave orders with C C Brown
in Rishels store
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 - residence
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Mc
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh
building McCook
Phone 378
Room 4 Postoffice building Me
Cook Neb
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic temple
McCook Neb
Phone 190
Office over McAdams store Mc
Cook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in office
McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and cf
McCook Water Works Co Office is
Postoffice building McCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCooIs
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted Fine re
pairing McCook Neb
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods of quality
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasemest
Postoffice building
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 302 over WoodTrortha drcc
for tho
and all kinds of feed
Phone 186
Your combings
made into switches and puffs
Phone Ash 2354
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