The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 09, 1911, Image 5

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Main Liue Ea t Depart Central Time
No 6 1110 P M
16 430 A M
2 520 A Jtf
12 70a A M
14 920 P M
Main Line West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1235 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arr S30 p m
13 945 A M
15 1230 A II
Imperial Line Mountain Timel
No 176 arrives 345 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
No 175 departs Wed 630 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
my point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Pay day March 15th
Way car 141S0 is receiving repairs
this -week
The 1976 is in the back shop for
repairs to a broken eccentric
31S is down on her wheels and will
be out of the backshop shortly
Shipments of ore continue every
week and some fruit trains are mov
Conductor Harvey Miller arrived
home from Pennsylvania on Saturday
night last
Mrs Chas Hasty of Arapahoe is
in the city visiting at the home of
Mr and Mrs J W Hasty
Mr and Mrs M B Harbaugh left
Saturday night last for Oxford which
will be headquarters for them for
the present
Conductor J W Ridenour had Con
ductor George Brooks car east on
Tuesday evening Conductor Brooks
is laying off
Engineer Walter Stokes made up
51 minutes with No 1 last Thursday
between McCook and Lincoln a rec
ord run we believe
W S Perry was out from Lincoln
Monday on railroad business and to
see his daughter a teacher in the Mc
Cook high school
Dispatcher J E Morrissey went up
to Wauneta Wednesday it is rumor
ed to make preliminary and tentative
arrangements for this years picnic
Mosemans concrete train and force
are here while the outfit is being
overhauled and the cars given air
equipment They expect to get away
on Saturday night
Mrs John Stevens arrived in the
city end of week on her way home
from accompanying tho body of Lei
husband to Michigan City Indiana
for burial She will continue to live
in Denver
Attorney Thomas Darnell of Lincoln
will address the people of Danbury
on the subject Law Enforcement
3Iarch 23d at M E church 730 pm
gCTntfMrfcahrtaa reraffasacri wirTww augqafwac
Not Agreed On the Split
It has been rumored in Burlington
circles for some time that McCook
division crews making the run be- j
cween Lincoln and McCook on the i
iasL passenger trains desired to Lav
a change made that would make two
runs out of the trip with Hastings as j
jthe central terminal To this it is
said Lincoln division creAvs are not j
assenting Some of the men like the
long runs that bring to engineers
a full months work in the neighbor
hood of 260 One Lincoln fireman
said last night that no such division
would be made with the consent of
the brotherhood of locomotive firemen
and enginemen
With the run split at Hastings the
McCook division men would have the
longer end of the run Four McCook
and four Lincoln division crews now
take care of the fast passenger runs
on this long trip
It is said the railroad is not greatly
concerned as to what is done in this
matter and that the men will prob
ably be left to decide how the run
shall be made Lincoln Journal
A Card of Appreciation
To the members of the B L F
E the Ladies Society of the B
L F E and to the friends one an
all who assisted me in everyway dur
ing my long and severe illness I wis
to extend my sincere thanks
New flues are being given the
Engine 1061 is in for slight repairs
this week
Engine 1742 has gone into service
from the white lead
New flues are being placed in the
1124 and 2S4S this week
Engine 1091 has been sent to Have
lock for an overhauling and repairs
The 1261 is receiving extensive ma
chinery repairs some frame braces
Charles Rostratter we are pleased
to report is much better and improv
ing after a most serious illness
Mrs George Leach came up from
Lincoln Tuesday night and will re
main the guest of Mr and Mrs Knud
Strangland Jr for a while
H J Peterson who has been ill
for several months will leave end of
Aveek for Otis Colorado to visit and
recuperate with the home folks
Mr and Mrs Oscar Yarger spent
last Thursday and Friday visiting his
parents Mr and Mrs J H Yarger
He has just resigned as station agent
at Scottsbluff He went down to
Red Cloud Friday night and Satur
day night left for Boulder Colorado
where he goes into a land and insur
ance office
Poor Thing
Patience I feel awfully sorry for
her Patrice Why Shes get
ting hard of hearing and she does so
like to hear herself talk
gSsOil0OO 50NsOw0gOX
j2ii feyWtjSai tSeOcsjijiJ
Friday Saturday March 17 and 18
Entrancing Display Dress and Tailored Hats
The ladies of McCook adjacent country and surrounding towns are most cordially invited to
see this stylish showing of the seasons latest and best
mrs j p nies
mSwm MARCH 17 and id
Ready for Delivery
We have ready for your inspection Dainty
White Dresses Silk Dresses The newest
in Suits and Coats also an unusually strong line of separate
Waists and Skirts
March 19th
All over the union there has been
too much non concentration of church
work This has caused a non-effective
pastoral work in the christian
ministry It has caused the outside
people to stand off and wonder if the
church was really wise Men with
business ability have more than once
questioned the church in her business
methods This nation has been the
greatest church building nation of the
world But the saddest sight of our
land today is the erection of several I mer for Miss Peck arrived from the
there are not enough people in the
whole town to make one real good
When church people learn to feder
ate for one common cause this na
tion will witness the greatest revival
of the worlds history
The greatest victory for the King
doni of God on this earth will be
when church people will unite for the
glory of God and the good of the com
munity There are millions of peo
ple on the outside who will be won
to serve in the Kingdom when the
church people are willing to sacri
fice preferences for one common good
On March 19 at the school house
Jtt Marion at 3 p m there will be
the question of consolidating the
Methodist and Congregational church
es All members of these churches
are requested to be present and vote
Those who are not members of either
church will find a welcome A good
meeting is promised and questions of
interest to Marion church people will
be discussed
Such meetings as this seldom have
occurred but more and more the
church people are coming together
and settling the question of federation
Everybody come it will be a treat
of a life time
Congressman G W Norris arrived
home Monday on No 1 from Wash
Miss Emma Gaarder was down fror
Culbertson Monday the guest of Mrs
Rose Bayless
C R Livingston and A R Scott
made a trip overland in an auto to
Maywood last Friday
MrGiese of the Great Western Beet
Sugar Co is in the city today on bus
iness for his company
G R MacDonald and family have
moved to Beatrice Nebraska which
will be their home in the future
Miss Millicent Slaby of the pulblic
school corps is receiving treatment in
Denver and is reporting improving
i Mrs G W Norris gave a slum
ber party last Friday night for her
daughter Marion which was greatly
enjoyed by a number of the young
misss friends
A tailor on Thirty ninth street ha3
a sign Clothes mended in the rear
-Chicago Tribune
Mrs S C Beach joined the doctor
on the road close of last week and
the children are in convent school
at York
Mrs I D Pennington and Mrs H
A Rouch entertained circle- No 2 of
the east side Baptist church ladies
this afternoon
O J Schmitz arrived Wednesday
morning from hauling some of his
effects to his new farm home near
Wray Colorado where he lias en
tered a homestead
Charles Weintz has disposed of his
property and effects here and he
and wife will leave next Friday for
Los Angeles Calif to live with a
son a railroad engineer
Miss Agnes Langhurst head trim-
small churches in a small town where east
onrl rF ixroalr n nil ii ii Tip
vu W4 n U41U vvxiil 1110
Brann as assistant is now busily pre
paring for the spring opening dates
Marc MS
Miss Estella Faus arrived home on
Saturday night from her trip to
Cherokee Iowa leaving her mother
somewnat improved but still very ill
Mrs Rosebush will remain at home
a while longer
Max W Hare went down to Lincoln
last Friday night on a vist there and
in Omaha It is confidentially stated
that Max William will have that un
natural feminine quality removed from
his otherwise sepulchral vocal assets
Mr and Mrs Russell McMillen and
son arrived in the city last Friday
night from Pennsylvania and spent a
few days here with relatives and see
ing old time friends until Monday
night when they continued their jour
ney to Provo Utah their future
vii- -
Many pretty new material and trim m lugs for your spring
dresses Special prices and special showing of Muslin
Underwear tins week come
-I -4
Beet Sugar Contracts in Hands of Mc
Cook Commercial Club Have
been Signed and are Now
Mr and Mrs A J Brown of Lin
coln Neb spent Sunday in McCook
guests of Mr and Mrs Oscar Gris
This is a live question in church Mr and Mrs O R Redding who
circles today It is the question that have been living at Greenleaf Kan
sas united churches in Japan under
sas are J10w iocated at Wray Colo
The Great Western Beet Sugar Co one head It is the question of the
announces that sufficient acreage has day for the East and the WestIn
been secured and that the contracts the South a few of the largest of
have been signed by the company and the churches in the United States
are ready for delivery to the farm- j have united and are discussing the
ers j ion
The Burlington has assigned the J Marion people have been thinking
grounds for dumps and at McCook j on this question for a few weeks and
and Perry will extend sidetracks to are going to settle the question on
meet the increased demand for space
At Red Willow they already have
sufficient room
This announcement is a source of
not a little satisfaction to the writer
The Unemployed
The legislation of the thirteenth
fourteenth and fifteenth cenluriea
abounds in bills concerning the unem
ployed In the reign of Edward VL
several laws were passed against
idlers most of them such becausa
they could get nothing to do In the
reign of Henry VIII the kingdom was
Infpsted with rogues vagabonds
and idle persons and it Is sid that
during Henrys reign more than 70000
of this unfortunate class were hanged
One Source of Knowledge
A novelist can learn something
from everybody and a great deal
from women perhaps more than h
thinks from these latter
sGTJl vv J II s
The Alpine guide waxed eloquenfi
Behold he cried yon beetling
crags They beetle for everybody
though sneered the rich Americas
and sullenly spat in token of his dis
content It was not true however
that he lacked appreciation of tbo
beautiful and the sublime provided
these were costly and exclusive
Chickens of all kinds wanted at
the National hotel
FOR RENT Farms with 4 room
house barn and granary wells and
cisterrs Inquire of G W Trimpey
Culbertson Neb
FOR RENT Dwelling house Phone
cedar 983 or 25 tf
FOR RENT My residence furnish
ed 297 2nd street east Phone Jalacfc
-70 Mrs F J Martin
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
with heat and light Phone red 281
Call at 319 1st st west
FOR SALE My residence on 1st
st E Also a dwelling on 2nd st J2
Phone black 109
FOR SALE Lot 2 block 7 4th
McCook Write Ray E Benjamin aS
Fairbury Nebraska
FOR RENT Five room house sing
able for family or roomers Close e
Two blocks from Main avenue 207 Z
2d St Phone 270 Mrs S J Martini
The most common cause of insonir
nia is disorders of the stomacfe
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Ta
lets correct these disorders and en
aftle you to sleep For sale by sIE
Received on Account PsSr
Out Cash Credit slips er
for sale at The Tribune office Bsr
1000 50c
The McCook Tribune 100 a yeas
Spring Millinery Op
Specialty of Childrens Hats
We extend an urgent and courteous in
vitation to the ladies of this city and sur
rounding country and towns to inspect this
springs showing of stylish late and reason
ably priced millinery
J jseiJA