B li M Auction Real Estate Filings The following real estate fillngi have been made in the county clerks office since our last report Anthony L Haley et ux to William Zimmerman wd nw sw 18-3-27 1050 00 Albert G Bump et ux to John Krieger wd to 4 in 4 6th McCook 400 00 It E Hart et ux to James M Underhill wd to w sw 22-4-26 3200 00 Robert P Erwin to Joseph V and Daniel Harrison wd to 12 in 14 Indianola 150 00 Joseph Harrison et ux to John Harrison wd to Pt S-9-10-11-12 in 32 Indianola 275 00 Jemima Snider et cons to Dor othy M Blanchard et al mi to 10 in 24 2nd Mc Cook 1 00 X Walter Lathrop to Claud L McKillip bill of Sale all fur niture and saloon fixtures at McCook Neb 650 00 Charles Osterman et ux to Security Land and Trust Co wi to swi 13-3-29 6 800 00 Middy Gillhouse to Clara Stroud agree for wd to 11 12 in 29 McCook 3 500 00 Clara Stroud to Laura Lay man Assign of wd 11 12 in 29 McCook 1400 00 Notice to Delinquents Notice is hereby given that the rental upon the lease contract to the following described school land in 3led Willow county Nebraska as set opposite the name of the holders thereof is delinquent and if the amount which is due is not paid with in 60 days from the date of this notice said contract will be declared forfeited liy the Board of Educational Lands and Funds and said forfeiture will be entered ofrecord in the manner pro Tided by law All 36-2-28 L J Holland E B COWLES Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings Dated Feb 10 1911 First publication Feb 16 1911 3ts The McCook Tribune 8100 a year We never hesitate to guarantee idly Patent flour At the McCook Hour and Feed Store Something special The Weekly iter Ocean and Fanner and this pa iper 125 for one year Ask us what Sfc means Many At the Wilcox ranch 2 miles south of McCook at 10 oclock a m on ommencit I FRIDAY MARCH 10 1911 i 30 Percheron Horses Mares and Colts Black stallion 7 years old weight 1750 15 16 Percheron Black Stallion 5 yrs old wt 1550 31 32 Percheron Black stallion 2 yrs wt 1500 Two stallions coming 1 year old Black fall yearling stal lion weight 1000 Black mare 8 yrs old wt 1950 15 16 Percheron with foal span black mares 7 yrs wt 3250 with foal span black mares 4 yrs wt 3200 with foal black mare 2 yrs wt 1400 with foal span gray mares 3 yrs wt 2S00 one with foal dark bay mare 2 yrs wt 1400 bay mare 1 vr wt 1250 black mare 3 yrs wt 1400 withfoal span bay f creldimrs 3 and 4 vrs full brothers wt 2850 dapple grey gelding 7 yrs wt 1S56 span of black geldings coming 3 yrs wt 2450 bay driv ing mare 4 yrs wt 1150 black gelding 6 yrs wt 1300 These mares are all with foal by our registered black Percheron Stallion CABOT 53751 We have nothing but clean young stock in this sale The big boned type that mature large If you want a pair of good Percheron brood mares or stallion we guarantee this as gcod a bunch as you wiii find anywhere r Shorthorn Cattle Four choice Scotch bred bulls eligible to be registered coming 1 year old A high grade Hereford bull calf Some choice milch cows and calves 27 head of stock cattle 25 Head of Hogs Two male pigs fall farrow Poland China sire Col McCook 40457 dam Perfect Model 120913 3 Duroc Jersey bred sows due to farrow in May 20 head of barrows and sows mixed Farm Implements of all kinds including harness surrey top buggy 6 horse steam boil er etc FREE LUNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale Nine months time given on all sums over 1000 purchaser giving bankable note bearing 10 per cent interest No property to be re moved till settled for Stock will be taken care of for three days at purchasers risk and loaded on cars free of charge GERALD WILCOX SONS Owners COL H W BICK COL C M MATSON COL JAKE BET2 Auction eers F A PENNELL Clerk AVOID HARSH DRUGS Cathartics Tend to Cause jury to the Bowels In- If you are subject to constipation you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics They only give temporary relief and their reaction is harmful and sometimes more annoying than constipation They in no way effect a cure and their tendency is to weaken the already weak organs with which they come in contact We honestly believe that we have the best constipation treatmentt ever devised Our faith in it is so strong that we sell it on the positive guar antee that it shall not cost the user MARION Miss Estella Eifert was under the doctors care last week with a se vere attack of nervousness Arthur Rozell moved on the Wil cox ranch near McCook last mid week to work for the summer Cassius Dodge of McCook visited the homo folks a few days last week Alva Andrus from near McCook wa Jin town Saturday M F Queen and Frank Haun of Wray Colo were in town over night last mid week on business Albert Wings and wife Irom south of Danbury were in town between trains last midweek guests of C W xveeu uuu lauuiy j H lCiv - 1 OlliUUcl Mrs iia -- a cent if it does not give entire sat- yggjj isfaction and completely remedy con stipation This preparation is called Rexall Orderlies These are prompt soothing and most effective in action They are made of a reecnt chemical discovery Their principal ingred ient is odorless tasteless and color less Combined with other well known ingredients long establishe for their usefulness in the treatment for constipation it forms a tablet which is eaten just like candy They may be taken at any time either day or night without fear of their caus ing any inconvenience whatever They do not gripe purge nor cause nausea They act without causing any pain or excessive looseness of the bowels They are ideal for chil dren weak delicate persons and aged people as well as for the most hearty person They come in two size packages 12 tablets 10 cents 36 tablets 25 cents Remember you can obtain them only at our store The Rexall Store L W McConnell M A j - i -ed the a - J H snow lot week liodabaugh and children cfi is are u -a lative nd friena here Mr ana Mrs A O tlarii on and jildren oi ere here jver Smuay visiting with Frank ields The ladies being sisters Mr Harrison has a moving picture outfit uul gave a show in the school house Friday night which was fairly well attended C H Angell was over from McCook one day last week Charles Wishon and Frank Fields were Oberlin business visitors one Jay last week Mrs J E Dodge attended a busi ness gathering of the state W C T U at Lincoln last week Miss Lizzie Eifert who has been at tending normal at Peru returned home last Thursday The W C T U held their regular meeting at Mrs Peppers last Thurs day afternoon and despite the rain a goodly number were present Sam Bush of Nora Neb was in town last week shaking hands with acquaintances S A Austin of Wilsonville was in Deck Derrick returned from York Monday night where he has been vis iting for some time Four citizens of the town debated the navy question Saturday night Mr Gordon and Mr Chambers taking the negative side and Mr Pontius and S R Smith took the affirmative side This is the same question which the Indianola team will debate with the McCook team Saturday March 4 at McCook Several of the high school students attended the teachers association at Bartley Saturday If you have trouble in getting rid of your cold you may know that you are not treating it properly There is no reason why a cold should hang on for weeks and it will not if you take Chamberlains Cough Rem edy For sale by all dealers The Unemployed The legislation of the thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth centuriei abounds in bills concerning the unem ployed In the reign of Edward VL several laws were passed against idlers most of them such because they could get nothing to do In the reign of Henry VIII the kingdom waa infested with rogues vagabonds and idle persons and it is sHd that during Henrys reign more than 70000 of this unfortunate class were hanged Men When you meet with men of worth think how you may attain to their level when you see others of an op posite character look within and ex amine yourself Confucius One of Lifes Problems It Is often more difficult to forget than It Is to remember TRAINING SEALS Thes Dexterous Animals Easily Taught to Perform Tricks The cardinal principle in training animals says an animal trainer is not to attempt to make an animal do anything contrary to the nature of its particular species To be successful a trainer must know enough about the habits of the animals he has under training to fit the tricks he would teach them to their natural bent The seal is very easily taught You begin with one seal some small pieces of fish and i string You let the seal sit on his pedestal something lie likes to do by nature thou you throw him one of the pieces of fish and he natu rally and easily catches it Next you tie a piece of fish on the end of your string and swing it toward the seal He catches this too and you keep moving away from him and swinging the fish to him from an increasing dis tance Now you are ready to begin with the hat or cornucopia You put a piece of fish in the bottom of It and toss it to the seal The seal is dex terous by nature and his nose quickly detecting the fish in the tip of the cone seeks it out The cone catches on his snout and he bites out the fish and tosses the cone aside Before long he comes to associate the cone with fish and he will catch an3 number of liar ones and toss them aside when he town one day last week buying alfalfa fails to find what lie wants seed Balancing the big rubber ball is Robt Gary of Beaver City was in based on the SflIue principle The ball town last week on business J soakf f antl thrown to S W Stilgebouer and family moved faig tQ gefc nto the baH and find on a farm north of aBrtley the first of the week and Roy Shorey will occupy the Stilgebouer farm and Geo Bull of Fairview will occupy the Shorey property Dr Barholomew and family enter tained his parents from Lebanon be tween trains Friday Mrs C W Reed and daughter vis ited over Sunday with her parents northeast of Danbury W C Shockley of Danbury was on our streets Saturday afternoon J C Rollins and Avife were over Sunday visitors at Indianola About four inches of snow fell here the first of the week INDIANOLA Geo Henderson and family moved to Superior Nebraska this week the family leaving Monday evening Mrs LeRoy Jones returned from Lincoln Monday night where she was caleld by the illness of her son Clark Clark returned with her Dr Minnick who was sick with appendicitis was taken to Omaha on Sunday morning and successfully oper ated on Monday Mrs Minnick and Fred accompanied him Joe Kiver has opened a sales barn in what was known as the Star barn Josenh Cisars sale Tuesday was a sucecss everything sold high The teachers from Indianola surroundng schools attended and the association at Bartley Saturday Mrs George Wing and little daugh ter and Mr and Mrs Will Peterson of Saronville Nebraska are visiting Harry Wing and family this week I M Smith sold all his dry goods and is now running a strictly hard ware store John Dutcher went down to St Jce Sunday night with two car loads of cattle J R Sheridan was up from Willow Springs Mo visiting his daughter and family and attending to business this what he is after This results In his balancing the ball on his nose a feat to which his supple neck and his natural feeding habits are all adapted and then he gets his piece of fish as a prize New York World BIBLES IN THE WORLD The Scandinavian Eddas the Most Re cent of the Seven The world has seven Bibles They are the Koran of the Mohammedans the Eddas of the Scandinavians the Tripitaka of the Buddhists the Five Kings of the Chinese the Three Vedas of the Hindus the Zendavesta and the Scriptures of the Christians The Koran is not older than the sev enth century of our era It is a com pound of quotations from the Old and New Testaments the Talmud and the gospel of St Barnabas The Eddas of the Scandinavians were published in the eleventh century and are the most recent of these seven Bibles The Bud dhists Tripitaka contain sublime mor als and pure inspirations Their au thor lived and died In the seventh cen tury before Christ The sacred writings of the Chinese are called the Five Kings king meaning web of cloth or the warp that keeps the threads in their places They contain the choicest sayings of the best ages on the ethicopolitical duties of life These sayings cannot be traced to a period higher than the eleventh century B C The Three Vedas are the most ancient books of the Hindus and it is the opinion of great scholars that they are older than the eleventh century B C The Zendavesta of the Persians is the grandest of all the sacred books next to the Bible Zoroaster whose sayings it contains was born in the twelfth centurv B C New York Her ald History In Toys The history of the world is crystal lized in the childrens toys Each great war leaves soldiers in the nursery cup board dressed correctly to a strap and button This has always been so As each successive age in the worlds his tory has gone by the weapons of that age have passed to the hands of the boys as tojs There are in our great museums miniature crossbows spears and shields Toy armor as finely in laid and engraved as any real accou terments is occasionally to be seen and old prints show the boys playing with such figures Even the children of the French revolution had their toy guillotines Colliers The Dollar There was a time when dollars were minted in England In March 1797 the mint issued stamped Spanish dol lars worth 4s 9d but they were called in seven months later It was from the Spanish coin that America got the idea of her almighty dollar but the name was made in Germany At least thaler of which dollar is a corrup tion was The original thaler was the sliver guldengroschen coined in 1518 by order of Count Schlick from the sil ver of Joachimsthal in Bohemia and known at first as the Joachimsthaler Thus the name means etymologically of the valle3 London Chronicle An Obliging Doctor Doctor Ive tried everjthing and I cant get to sleep complained the voice at the other end of the tele phone Cant you manage to do some thing for me Yes said the doctor kindly Just jiold the wire and Ill sing you a lul laby Success Magazine Just Rebuke Billy What would you do if I should kiss you Milly Id slap your face Billy Then I wont Milly You coward Philadelphia Record Cutting Miss Keenly has an awfully sharp tongue hasnt she I should say so Shes cut most of her friends off her list with it Goodness does not more certainly make men happy than happiness makes them good Landor RIDING THE BUZZARD The Ricebird Uses His Bulky Enemy as an Aeroplane People generally associate size and brute strength with victory especially among the lower animals Many times however this is far from being the case especially in the bird kingdom Among the rice flats of the Carolinas there abound at some seasons of the year tiny riceblrds birds so small that it takes two dozen for a good meal though bones and all are eaten The great buzzard is found circling over the flats at all seasons He dreads the time for the ricebird to come for he is then nearly pestered to death It is a common sight to see one of these little birds fly up to a buzzard and after dodging this way and that round the awkward bulk finally alight well forward between the buzzards wings on the back Here the tiny passenger grabs a few feathers in his beak and holds on for grim life After enjoying a ride for as long as he desires the little fellow hops off and is gone before Mr Buzzard is well aware of it The peculiar part of the whole thing Is that apparently the only purpose the ricebird has In getting on the baee of the buzzard is to take a free ride It puzzles every one who chances to see the little drama to find any other rea son yet the fact remains that It Is a frequent occurrence and the little birds seem to enjoy it immensely New York Tribune INDIAN DEATH CUSTOMS Graves of the Hopi and the Hogans of the Navajos The Hopi Indian believes that the souls of all deceased adults go to the Grand canyon When a man dies a grave is dug The nearest relative of the deceased carries the body to the grave places It In a sitting posture facing the Grand canyon erects a long pole between the legs locks the dead mans fingers around it and fills the grave To the top of the pole pro truding above the ground he ties one end of a string and leads the other end in the direction of the Grand can yon At the end of four days it is believed the soul leaves the body climbs the pole and with the string to guide it goes to its eternal home in the canyon The Navajos on the contrary are very superstitious about handling dead bodies They believe that the evil spirit that kills the person hovers around the hogan as they call their lodge awaiting other victims and a hogan in which a death occurs is never occupied again Navajo hogans are always built with the entrance facing the east When a death occurs in one of them an opening Is invariably made in the north side Therefore when one sees a hogan with the north side knocked out he may be certain somo one has died in it Dillon Wallace in Outing Antiquity of the Dog It is impossible to say when dogs were first domesticated but some of the earliest traces are found on Egyp tian monuments with figures of dogs somewhat of the greyhound type which date back to at least 3500 B C Even in those remote days the dog was highly esteemed Coming down a little later we read that Ulysses 3000 years ago was recognized by his dog Argus after bis swineherd had failed to do so Plutarch speaks of Alcibades who cut off the tail of his dog and Myron the sculptor immortalized the animal by chiseling his image in marble The Romans valued their dogs and kept them from the chase and also as pets Alexander the Great owned a veteran fit to tackle a Hon A Bibulous Goose Geese will live to a great age and some few years ago I came across a very venerable goose male or female I cannot now say in Westmoreland in unexpected circumstances I was walk ing from Milnthorpe to Arnside and at Ganaside found an acquaintance sit ting on a seashore bench feeding a pet goose with biscuits steeped in ale He told me that this goose had been in his family for over forty years and was partial to beer stout and even gin Rev James Hall M A told of a goose in Stirlingshire Scotland that had been killed by accident after liv ing at the same place for above eighty years London Field Skating on a Tennis Court When one is building a tennis court provision may easily be made for a rink by excavating from six inches to one foot deeper than the surround ing ground and making this depress ed area as much greater than his court as his purse or surroundings will permit Twenty five feet in the clear outside the lines of the court will give an area of over li000 square feet an ample space for a number of people to occupy without crowding The court may be flooded by means of a hose at tached to the house faucet first sat urating the ground and then when it has frozen flooding the court Subur ban Life Deafness of Blue Eyed White Cats All white cats are not deaf but most blue eyed white cats are It has never been discovered why the blue eyed cats should have the tendency to deaf ness but it is a fact while there has never been a case known of a yellow eyed or green eyed white cat being deaf unless by accident St Nicholas Duty Duty stands for the most part close at hand unobscured simple immedi ate If any man has the will to hear her voice to him is she willing to en ter and be his ready guest Francis Peabody R F D No 3 A little snow this week Mr A Schinson of Chicago is vis iting at the Clamp home John Carfield attended the Hartman sale last Thursday Mr and MrsF Mitt visited their sister-in-law Thursday Ed Carfield purchased a fine black Norman horse recently A big company gathered at the Ed Carfield home last Thursday sur prising their daughter Alice whose 15th birthday occurred on that date Games were played and other amuse ments were indulged in during the early part of the evening after which refreshments were served by the la dies Alice received many nice birth day cards It was a late hour when the party dispersed to their various homes wishing Alice many happy re turns of the day Among the party were Will and Gus Berndt Ethel and Florence Burt Milton Mitt Fred and A M Rothinger Milt and Har ey Ralph Mr and Mrs Frank Mitt Gerald Wade Ethel Harrington Bud and Charlie Austin Frank and Rose Dike and John Carfield The McCook Tribune It is 100 the year in advance McCook Tribune 100 a year UPDIKE GRAIN CO handles the following POPULAR COALS Canyon City Lump Canyon City Nut Maitland Lump Baldwin Lump Sheridan Egg Iowa Lump Rex Lump Pennsylvania Hard These are all coals of highest heat producing qualities Give us your orders they will be filled promptly and to your satisfaction S S GARVEY Manager Phone 169 COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday Walter Hosier Drayman Draying in all its branches promptly and carefully attended to Your patronage is earnestly solicited Phone black 244 Leave orders at any of the city lumber yards Osborn Rummer Co DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited OfficelFIrst Door South of DeGroff s Phone No 13 Fire and Wind Insurance Written In First Class Companies C J RYAN Flour Feed Main av jtjijijiijjijijiiijjijiijjijijjjjjjjj White Line Transfer Company Hawkins Sheaffer Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456 fl i A i rt V