The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 02, 1911, Image 4

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Did you know that there was
a relationship between dollars
Well it must be true anyway
Did you ever notice that once
a man sets a few dollars others
seem to fly into his pocket as
if by magic Most of the dol
lars of the United States are
gathered together in large
amounts The more dollars a
man gets the faster others join
them You may be unable to
account for this but it is true
nevertheless Collars like to
congregate Why not start a
congregation of your own
Lets explain You make quite
a bit of money dont you You
spend it dont you Well now
just for once try putting a few
dollars just a few in this
bank See if others dont fol
low The first few act as a
decoy You are cordially in
vited to place your decoys
In this bank We are sure that
by using one of our bank books
for a blind you will be able
to bag considerable
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Entered at postoilice McCook Nebraska as
eecond class matter Published weekly
If youll make me rich Ill make
the people prosperous If you dont 1
make ire rich Ill have to let them
be poor This is the standard argu
ment of seekers after special
lege whether tariffs franchises or
big profits The nilroad managers
have argued that by letting them
make large profits their employes
would get larger waies the business
man in turn larger orders and busi
ness go swimmingly Now that
their rate increase is denied they tell
gloomingly how the public is to suf
fer Doubtless there will be a dis
position on the part of railroad man-
agers to curtail employment and
wages and service partly out of
belief that the rates allowed
are too low and partly with the hope
of making the policy of regulation un
popular But granting the ocmmis
sions decision is fair though not
what the railroads would like such
evil effects cannot last Clearly we
cannot make ourselves prosperous by
paying out a dollar on the chance of
getting half a dollar back Higher
rates granting them unjust as the
commission holds vould check busi
ness much more than a temporary re
fusal of the railroad managers to keep
up wages and service Lincoln Jour
By the slim majority of six votes
Lorimer secures his seat in the U
S senate
High School Building Saturday Night
March 4
The high schools of Indianola and
McCook will meet in contest debate
in the Auditorium of the McCook high
school Saturday night March 1th at
830 oclock This is the first of a I
series of debates in Southwestern Ne
braska looking towards a champion
ship The question to be debated is
regarding the increase of the navy
McCook holds the affirmative of this
proposition and Indianola the negative
The patrons and friends of the public
schools are very cordially invited to
be present and encourage the young
Following is the program
Piano Solo Mr W 7 McGillin
Clarinet Solo Ray Jordan
Resolved That the Policy of Main
taining the United States Navy at
Its Present Strength is Preferable to
the Policy of Substantially Increasing
Affirmative McCook Maurice
Benjamin Joe Moore Cecil McMillen
Negative Indianola Wilbur Plourd
Fern Hedges Roxie Rollins
Vocal Solo Mr F M Kimmell
Decision of Judges
Judges for the occasion are Supt
C W McMichael of Holdrege Supt
S F Bentley of Alma Supt C L
Anderson of Oxford
Piano Solo Mrs W B Mills
Admission 15 and 25 cents
For special on home made mince
meat see Magner
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
The Mask and Wig Dramatic Club
Are Open to Congratulations
The Mask and Wig Dramatic club
may well congratulate themselves on J
the success of their second annual
production Our Alma Mater Tues
day evening in the Temple theatre
The young ladies and young gentlemen
engaged in this comedy gave a good
and consistent account of themselves
indeed and a fine audience of sym- j
pathetic and appreciative citizens and
friends gave them a hearing of which
they may be pioud as well
The leading characters in the pro
duction were assumed with no little
skill and intelligent appreciation by
Gertrude Morrissey Adaline Koller
Minnie Viersen Fred Archibald Max
Hare Leo Ryan Rodburn Simmons
Paul Ienjamin Carl Marsh and
George- Kearns i
Somewhat less prominent were Leah
Pennell Lela Fisher Elsie Campbell
and Florence Rosebush Joe WDiams I
Glenn Howell Charles Meeker Arth
ur ORourke each making good how
Not to forget the pretty co eds
Lela Monks Lynn Arnold Hazel And
rews Clo Davis Lucile Arnold Lillie
Schmidt Marguerite McAdams and
Florence Simmons
And the vociferous student body
Joe Nelms Harry Allen Brisben Hofer
Frank McClure Ray Ryan Carroll
Eldred Jay Browne Bruce McDonald
Cal Nelms Charles Milligan Joe
Mooro and Conland Wilson
It was i four act school comedy
with music The music numbers con
sisted of a chorus by the entire com
pany and solos by Miss Elsie Camp
bell and Miss Florence Rosebush
Both cf the soloists earned and re
ceived hearty applause and responded
to encores
Avoiding invidious distinctions the
play was ylven with a uniform excel
lence mtsc cred able to the club and
they ate the recipients of words of
merited approbation not a few
A large orchestra added an appre
ciated element
The special scenic effects were
creditable and the auto scene show
ed the proportions of the Temple
stage to be quite metropolitan
Something special The Weekly
Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa
per S125 for one year Ask us what
t means
And several
An Artists Joke
Holman Hunt who began lifeas a
clerk to an auctioneer and estate
agent was constantly drawing por
traits when he should have been draw
ing up leases and in his chosen pro
fession he was never slow to seize the
flyjng moment The windows In his
room were made of ground glass and
as he had little to do he spent much
of his time in drawing flies upon its
roughened surface A blot of ink suf
ficed for the body and some delicate
pencil strokes for the wings and at a
distance the deception was perfect
Day by day the number increased and
one morning his employer came in
stopped before the window and ex
claimed I cant make out how it is
Every day that I come into this room
there seem to be more and more flies
And taking out his handkerchief he
attempted to brush them away
The idea that patchwork had its
origin In America is not founded on
fact A thousand years before the
Christian era a queen of Egypt went
down the Nile to her last resting place
under a wonderful canopy of skins
that were dyed and pieced together in
a mosaic pattern Years before this
work had reached perfection and ac
quired a definite place among the arts
Then too patchwork quilts were made
in England in the eighteenth century
as witness the line written by Cow
per to a Mrs King upon receipt of a
kind present of a patchwork quilt of
her own making Womans Home
A Mighty Man
Topham the prince of English
strong men had knots of muscles
where the armpits are in the ordinary
man He could take a bar of iron one
and one half inches in diameter and
five feet long place the middle of it
over the back of his neck and then
force the ends forward until they met
before his face On one occasion he
called upon a village blacksmith and
made of him an everlasting enemy by
picking up a number of horseshoes
and snapping them in two as easily as
if they had been pine sticks
A Bite and a Peck
His Wife This paper tells of a wo
man who suffered two weeks from the
effects of a mosquito bite ner Hus
bnnd Thats nothintr I know a man
who has sffered for years from the
effect of a heiiMe k -Chicago News
Your Vocation
It Is well for a man to rcpect his
own vocation whatever it i and to
think himself bound to uphold it and
to claim for it the respect It deserves
Charles Dicl
r 3f
Finding at the first of the year too many holiday mounts
on hand I am giving the reductions quoted below to make
room for Easter mountings The styles quoted in this re
duction are all firstclass in every repect
1200 6x9 Sepias in folders now
800 5x7 Sepias now
750 5x7 Sepias now
700 Sepias now
600 Cabinet Sepias now
450 Cabinet Sepias now
550 Cabinet Arturas now
500 Cabinet Arturas now
450 Cabinet Arturas now
300 Half Cabinet Panel Cards now
300 Old Style Cabinets now
panel styles at reduced prices
250 350 400 and 600
There will be on exhibit a collection of this studios
work of such artistic merit as has never been shown in
If you are interested in photography you cant afford to
miss this exhibityoull want some pictures too
E Schell Kimmell
Portrait Photographer
Main Avenue Phone Red 428 1st Door Above Commercial
Large Attendance and Meritorious
Program of Papers and Clinics
The seventh semi annuil inoti
of the Southwestern Nebraska Den
tal ty held in McCook last week
Thursda was one of uncommon in 1
terst and value There werj pres
ent about thirty members of the as
sociation There was a full program
of excellence papers and clinics from
some of the ablest men in the pro-
fession in the district
But the story is best told by the
program itself Here it is
9 A M
Presidents Address H J Porter
Discussion J F Nelson Superior
G B Amiot Bertrand J F Ander
son Axtell
Needs of the Profession W D
Grandy Superior
Discussion J M Prime Oxford R
J Phelps- Holdrege C V Cross
Oral Hygiene of the Child J A
Golfer McCook
Discussion M H English Wray
Colo G M Boehler Alma W H
McBride Beaver City
Perfect Fit at the Gigival in Gold
Inlay Impressions W D Grandy Su
Gold Filling Bicuspid
Gold for Base E A Thomas
Red Cloud
Packing Amalgam Why Amalgam
Fillings Leak A C Davidson Hold
Copper Cement and Amalgam Fill
ings R C V Osten Bloomington
Making Plate from Impression to
Finished Product E W Fellers Ches
M O D Amalgam Filling Using
Original Method for Adapting Matrix
J M Prime Oxford
Combination Fillings C C Farrell
Co iad
Oxa Fara C E Cross Red Cloud
Gold Filling B C Dewell Daven
Somnoform H J Porter Cam
Dr Sanford Perrys Sectional Gold
Inlays J t Anderson Axtell
Lower Partial Denture P T Bar
ber Omaha
The Use of Silver Nitrate and Ce
lalgam for Badly
Teeth C V Cross
330 P M
Business Session Election of Offic
Cavity Preparation C C Farrell
Discussion F T Daly Cambridge
J D Hamilton Orleans C L Boise
Guide Rock
Relation of the District Society to
the State Society P T Barber
Discussion R C Kestler Orleans
E O Vahue McCook B C Meradith
nound Table Questions J F Nel
son Superior
Lantern Lecture E A Thomas of
Red Cloud
The sessions were held in the Mc
Cook Commercial Club rooms
The banquet was spread by the
Ladies of the Pythian Sisterhood in
the Masonic banquet hall This is
tantamount to saying that the doc
tors had a superb menu served with
taste and exquisite particulars An o
chestra of quality added its music
to this feature of the sessions
The election of officers for the en
suing year resulted as follows
President Dr J F Nelson of Su
perior vice president Dr G M
Boehler of Alma secretary treasurer
Dr W H McHenry of Nelson
The next semi annual meeting will
be held at Red Cloud some time in
September next
Advertised List
The following letters cards and
packages remain uncalled for at the
Allen Mr A C Brown Mr John
Conneally Miss Anna 2 Dikeman
Air Joseph Jones Mr Sam Knight
Miss Calista Kriglee A R Simmer
man Miss Clara Stephens Mr Bert
Nelson Mrs E M Smith Mr
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
LON CONE Postmaster
A slight snow fall this week
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Typewriter papers typewriter rib
bons carbon papers manifolding pa
per mimeograph paper a large se
lection to choose from at The Trib
une office
avail yourself of the
opportunity to save
Still have good assortment
of the special lot of
Pants at 175
Worth double the money
New Spring Goods are
Coming in Every Day
stylish and nohhy line of
Hosiery Etc
f uW HP
Are coming and you will find at our
Store the best line of GUNS AND
Also a fine of Base Ball Goods
Bicycles and Supplies
And we can take care of all your
wants in the Sporting Goods Line
i f