1 1 1 i J if you find Stanc in s in injurious io healtn made from a- to owder A m this sniysj fhprp ti4r fs iS J jp 5 KlrlG oew e w vKtu ttiri ljayiSx Rece DAYS OF DIZZINESS 7 Come to Hundreds of McCook Peo ple There are days of dizziness Spells of headache sideache back ache Sometimes rheumatic pains Often urinary disorders All tell you plainly the kidneys are sick Doans Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills Here is proff in McCook Mrs D C Knowles 30G E Fifth St McCook Neb says I know Doans Kidney Pills to be an effectiv kidney medicine A member of my family suffered from kidney com plaint This person had backaches headaches and dizzy spells and on getting up in the morning felt all tired out Doans Kidney Pills ef fected a cure in a short time and gave convincing proof of their merit For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans and take no other John W Sickelsmith Greensboro Pa has three children and like most children they frequently take cold We have tried several kinds of cough medicine he says but hav newer found any yet that did them as much good as Chamberlains Cough Remedy For sale by all dealers Before the Crowned Heads There Is a rule that one must never turn ones back on royalty Then my manners are all right whevener I meet four kings in a jackpot I always back out nJXjTnTii fienftma m I JLI mLxm tedSS In it for you Calumet hr3 been backed for ly rn offer c f 1003 for anj substance injurious to health found in the baking prepared with it Docs net this and the fact that it complies with all pure food laws both State and National prove tha Calumet is absolutely pure With the puy question settled then Calumet is undoubtedly the best Baking Powder It contains more leavening power it is more lorm every can is the same It assures better results and is moderate in price red Highest Award Worlds Puro i ood Exposition Pure In the Can Pure in the S KIng Do you know that of all the minor ailments colds are by far the most dangerous It is not the cold itself that you need to fear but the serious diseases that it often leads to Most Of these are known as germ diseas es Pneumonia and consumption are among them Why not take Chamber lains Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can For sale by all dealers Subscribe for The Tribune Probate Notice to Creditors In the County Court of Red Wil low county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Stephen N Wilson deceased Notice is hereby given that the cred itors of the said deceased will meet the Administrator of said estate be fore me County Judge of Red Willow county Nebraska at the county court Room in said county on the 18th day March 1911 and on the ISth day of August 1911 at 900 oclock a m each day for the purpose of present ing their claims for examination ad justment and allowance Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the Administrator to settle said estate from the 17th day of February 1911 This notice will be published in The McCook Tribune for four weeks suc cessively commencing on the 23d day of February 1911 Witness my hand and seal of said court this 17th day of February A D 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge C E ELDRED Atty First publication Feb 23 4ts BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood Bell Telephone Service What It Means The Blue Bell Emblem the seal of tne Associated Bell Telephone Companies stands for one of the greatest business instrumentalities in the country a comprehensive associa tion of affiliated companies co operating to give universal communication over eleven million miles of wire by means of five million telephones The need of efficient and uni versal telephone service is ex emplified by the rapid progress of the associated Bell companies Ten years ago there were only 700000 Bell Telephones in use while today every Bell Telephone is connected with five million other telephones The Nebraska Telephone Com pany has connection with 120000 telephones in this state including about 50000 instruments of con necting companies The average increase in the number of Bell Telephones in Nebraska is C00 a month while more than 1000 miles of wire is strung every thirty days Nebraska Telephone Co CHASW KELLEY Local Manager BULLARD LUMBER CO SELLS THE BEST Lumber and Coal BULLARD LUMBER CO Phone No i HENPEC j CLUB Qu er a hods of a Guscr Society In Lancashire Lrolcnd Of all the queer clubs that exist ic the world you will I ad soiiie of the queerest in Lancashire England Ow of these is called the Henpecked club As the title indicates its members are all males and you can come across a club in almost every Lancashire town of any size The meetings are held as a rule ill some bar parlor and the discussions are about members and often non members -who have the reputation ol being henpecked When evidence has been brought to show that a particulai man has allowed himself to come un der his wifes thumb they tax him witl it in the place of meeting The presi dent delivers a lecture on the dangei of a husband permitting his wife to usurp his position as master and whet the others have indorsed his remarks the person to whom the speeches are addressed is warned that if he con tiuues to stand the henpecking he will be made the subject of a demonstra tion The announcement that a henpeck ed club demonstration is to take place is received in the district with mixed feelings The men applaud it and the local police recalling similar displays that led to trouble become a little anxious On the evening appointed the members of the club meet at a public house where they arm them selves with all kinds of household utensils then led by concertina play ers or a tin whistle band they start out and march along the crowded streets of the district One man carries a broom another a swab a third a shovel or a coal scuttle or a fender or a poker Fire tongst blacklead brushes washtubs buckets everything used in the home in fact is carried shoulder high As they march along to the music in front and the discordant clanging of their baggage they sing snatches of songs in which the name of the victim oc curs often The mission of the verses which have been specially composed for the occasion by a local poet is to hold up the henpecked one to ridicule the rea son for the demonstrators bearing the household goods being of course to remind him that having fallen under petticoat government he will quickly become the slavey When they reach the cottage where their victim resides they form a circle in front of the door and sing and clang their fenders and coal scuttles more loudly than ever The man inside is invoked by the president during a halt in the pro gram to be a man and join his brethren Sometimes if he looks upon the affair as more of a joke than any thing else he does their bidding and they reform and march to headquar ters with him at their head Usually however his wife appears instead with a bucket of soapy water which she promptly throws over the demon strators or she quickly causes a clear ance with a hose pipe To the onlooker it is just an exhibi tion for laughter and nothing more but behind the scenes there is general ly a lot of trouble and heartaching A good number of these henpecked demonstrations have sequels in police courts Sometimes It is an enraged victim being charged with assaulting a demonstrator but more often than not the sequel shows a wife appealing to the magistrate for a separation or der London Tit Bits A Bullet Stopped the Game Alfred de Musset the poet and dramatist was almost as fond of chess as of poetry He played nearly every night at the Cafe de la Regence and even the revolution of February 184S did not divert him from his habit He turned up as usual and finding no one there to play with in sisted that the waiter should make a game for him The waiter did so though a fusillade was raging in the Street outside and all went well until a musket bullet smashed a mirror In immediate proximity to the board Musset was anxious to continue In spite of the interruption but his op ponent would not With monsieurs permission he said we will adjourn the game until after the republic has been proclaimed Paris Gaulois Sentimental Juries Maitre Henri Robert the most fa mous advocate in criminal cases at the Paris bar told an audience almost entirely composed of ladies that before any jury a woman with some youth some looks and a pretty voice has fiftj chances out of a hundred of being acquitted whereas a man would havt only one If she knows how to shec tears at the right moment she need not worry a verdict of not guilty it a dead certainty Pafis Letter A Rogues Gallery You know Mrs Van Gilders fam ily portrait gallery that she started last year Yes Well that great criminal detective office who guarded the wedding pres ents when Frostie Van Gilder married the oldest De Graft boy told me that he recognized seven of the portraits and they had all done time whatever that means Cleveland Plain Dealer Woes of Wealth Then wealth doesnt bring happi ness No Since we inherited money my people dont want me to loaf in tin grocery And I cant get no comfort out of loafing in a bank The hours are too short Pittsburg Post Honorable industry always travels the same road with enjoyment and duty and progress is altogether im possible without it Samuel Smiles AtftMWlWA W DEADLY WINE GASIS Their Action Upon the Flame of 4h Safety Lamp The safety lamp a heavy metal Ian tern shaped object with a circulai globe of heavy plate glass is the onl light other than electricity that ran be safely carried into a gaseous mine The lamps are lit before they arc taken into the mine and in udtiiti are securely locked that no accident or ignorant intention may expose Uk open flame to the gases of the mine Over a small sooty yellow Ihiis which gives a light less bright than that of an ordinary candle are two wire gauze cones fitting snugly inside the heavy globe and it is through these cones that the flame draws the air which supports it The presence of black damp or carbon dioxide can easily be detected if not by its odor by the action of the flame which grow dim and if the black damp exists i any quantity is finally extinguished White damp the highly explosive gas which is most feared lias on the other hand a totally different effect In the presence of this gas the flame of the safety lamp becomes pointed and as the gas grows stronger the flame seems to separate from the wick and an almost Invisible blue cone forms beneath it If the miner con tinues to advance into the white damp he will pass through a line in which there are nine parts of air to one part gas the explosive mixture and the lamp will instantly register this ex plosive condition by a sudden crack ling inside the gauze and the extin guishing of the flame Were it an open lamp the explosion ignited by the flame would sweep throughout the en tire workings carrying death and de struction before it but by the con struction of the safety lamp the ex plosion confines itself to the limited area within the gauze cones and un less the lamp is moved suddenly and the flame is dragged through the gauze at the instant that the explosion oc curs within the globe it will not ex tend beyond the gauze Atlantic SPHERICITY OF THE EARTH Parallax Bet Against It and Ho Lost His Wager The straiglitest canal in the world is in England and runs from Erith in Cambridgeshire to Delivers Sluice twenty two miles away If was here that years ago a decisive experiment was conducted to prove the sphericity of the earth At that time says High ways and Byways In Cambridgeshire a deluded gentleman who called him self Parallax was obsessed with tlis notion that the globe was a flat disk and used to go lecturing with great vigor on the subject After these lec tures he invited questions none of which was able to shake his belief When asked for example Why does the hull of a ship disappear below the horizon while the masts remain vis ible he would answer Because the lowest stratum of air Is the densest and therefore soonest conceals objects seen through it Finally he showed his whole hearted belief in his absurd views by laying a heavy wager that no one would disprove them The stakes were deposited in the hands of judges and the trial under agreed conditions took place upon the New river as part of the canal is called Three boats were moored three miles apart each provided with a crosstree of equal height If the earth was spherical the central cross would appear above the other to an observer looking through a telescope leveled from the crosstree of the boat at either end if it was flat he would see both the other crosstrees as one Parallax declared that he did see them so but the judges unani mously decided against him and the poor man lost his money Were All Actors Mmc Alexandria Viarda the Polish tragedienne once propounded the fol lowing It is a strange thing but ask a man to mend a rip in his coat No he is not a tailor Ask another to stop the faucet from leaking No lies not a plumber Or another to do a bit of cabinet work No he is not a carpenter But ask any one of the three or all of them to enact a little part in a play and each will smile in fatuous confi dence and instantly acquiesce But watch him act Saintliness Unpopular That state of mind which let us call the ignominy of the virtuous is not entirely confined to boys of nine years I have seen grown men and women being accused of saintliness over whose faces passed an expression of mortification They would accept with more complacency the tribute that they were getting to be devils in their old age Atlantic Lack of Tact That man is about the most tact less person I have ever known I agree with you He would have no more sense than to ask a barber to subscribe to a fund for the purpose of providing a monument for the inven tor of the safety razor Chicago Record-Herald She Knew Her Dad Smithers Do you know any one who has a horse to sell She Yes I sus pect old Brown has Smithers Why She Well papa sold him one yester day -London Punch Not Homemade Defending Counsel to witness in bandages Are you married Wit ttess No I was knocked down by a tab last week Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator In the County Court of Red Willow County Nebraska State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss To all persons interested in the estate of Stephen N Wilson De ceased On reading the petition of Charles T Wilson praying that the adminis tration of said estate be granted to M O McClure as administrator it is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may and do appear at the County Court to he held in and for said coun ty on the 17th day of February A D 1911 at nine oclock a m to show cause if any there be why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook Tribune a weekly news paper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing Witness my hand and seal of said court this 30th day of January A D 1911 Seal J C Moore County Judge C E ELDRED Attorney First publication Feb 2 1911 3ts Terms of District Court 1911 Chase county April 21 and Novem ber 13 Dundy County March G and No vember 20 Frontier county March 20 and Oc tober 2 Furnas county February 20 May 29 and October 23 Gosper county January 30 and September 25 Hayes county March 13 and Sep tember 18 Hitchcock county May 1 and No vember 27 Large and Small Jobs are equally well looked after We are ready at short notice to fix al leaks or other repairs in your plumb ing or in your heaters and stoves All Jobs Thoroughly Understood and after we are through with them you will find us the best men who ever did the same work for you and we do it cheap MiddletonRuby Phone No 182 - McCook Linso f um a in dagijfanusn Red Willow county February G I DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Hrt May 15 and October 9 i Robert C Orr district judge The McCook Tribune 100 a year PBKSKj2m233B3 Sulpho Sajine Springs Located on our own premises aad oufl In the Natural Mineral Water BATHS Unsurpassed in the treatment of Rheumatism Heart Stomach Kidney and Lira Diseases Moderate Chrges Addttit BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR MARCH VERY LOW ONE WAY RATES TO PACIFIC COAST A general basis of 2500 for one way colonist tickets to California Oregon Washington and the Far West daily from March 10th to April 10th Tickets are honored in coaches and through tourist sleepers THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPER SERVICE Every day to Los Angeles via Denver Scenic Colorado Salt Lake Route Every day to San Francisco March 10th to April 10th via Denver Scenic Colorado Ogden personally conducted tourist sleeper excurr sions every Thursday and Sunday to Frisco thence Los Angeles via Coast Line Every day to Seattle Portland and Northwest HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS March 7th and 21st to new territory south west and northwest including Big Horn Basin YELLOWSTONE PARK Think now about touring the Park this summer inquire about the new and attractive way through this wonderland -an eight day personally conducted camping tour from Cody via the scenic entrance every thing provided different from all other tours An ideal recreative and scenic outing for a small party of friends to take Address Aaron Holm Proprietoro Cody Wyo or undersigned If you are expecting to make any kind of a summer tour I shall be glad to have you get in touch with me early L W WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska ZWrfrtrifWH lV Wl HV llHV WWWrlllVlflMl I i IJil WW H l V ii l i l Wjg V Franklin Pres G H WATKiNsJVice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkius Vernice Franklin rfiw i o ii1 iMmtfiiM ifirtvitf iy mum ii mi uoi f wlt n 1 t THE NEW WAY OF SMOKING MEAT 1 By applying two coats of WRIGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE directly to the meat with a brush after the meat has gone through the salt it will be thoroughly smoked will have a delicious flavor and will keen solid and sweet and free from Insects through the entlro summer grtrs ils a liauid smoke and contains nothimr excerit what Is obtained by burning hickory wood It is put up In square quart bottles only each with a metal cap NEVER SOLD IN BULK A bottle will smoke a barrel of meat 280 lbs For sale by all druggists at 5c Every bottle guaranteed Ask druggist for FREE BOOK The New Way Be sure to get the genuine WRIGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE Made only by THE E H WRIGHT CO Ltd Kansas City Mo 77 SOUS AAD QDfl K A KJCEESt CX L W McCONNELL Druggist Fhe McCook Tribune 1 per Year a rS sm i J i is h m