The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 02, 1911, Image 1

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We have added to our
Store for the benefit of
those who pay cash a
department of Mens and
Ladies very good shoes
which we guaranteefor
pjmtcss 9
These shoes are sold on
a very close margin
At the Wilcox Sale
Friday March 10th 1911 two miles
southeast of McCook the brown shire
stallion of S N Wilson deceased
Cardyko Alderman No 8466 age 7
years weight 1950 lbs and Cap
tain bay stallion weight 1250 and
8 years old will be offered for sale
Going to Buy
a -cream Separator If so we want to
sell you a DeLaval Sharpies or Blue
3ell We have separators from 35
up and can suit you in price and on
goods you know are right however
we guarantee them to be satisfactory
to you
Their Annual Affair
The ladies of the Entre Nous club
and their husbands were the guests
of Mrs Emerson Hanson and Mrs
Robert Gunn Tuesday evening at
the Hanson residence in the annual
social function of the club
Frank Coleman Sold
March 1st S S Garvey took pos
session of the news stand and con
fectioner store of Frank Coleman
on lower Main avenue having pur
chased same from Prank Coleman
Miss Ona Steinmetz will be in charge
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
Jackets and caps The phone la 97
For special on sauer kraut by the
gallon see Magner
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Pure Gold flour from winter wheat
at Magners
For special on dill sour and sweet
pickles see Magner
uv ill I X
Get Right In
the growing class
of people who have
found this studio
a delightful place
at which to obtain
Dont put it off
another day Even
twenty four hours
makes ou just
that much older
So come now and
Why so many oth
ers find this studio
delightful you will
readily understand
w e the
charming portraits
we make of you
E Schell Kimmell
First Door North of Commercial Hotel
Phone Red 428
VJ j
At Temple Theatre Soon
Twenty years ago the reading of
novels in the omniverous manner of
today did not exist and the stories
read had to pass the censor of a
most critiacl public and to no writer
was the entre extended to such an
extent as to E P Roe the Pres
byterian minister novelist His stor
ies while possessing unusual merit
were also clean and wholesome and
possessed morals that sank deep in
to the readers minds leaving one
a better man or woman for having
read the book for this reason his
writings were read and are still read
by all
Barriers Burned Away dealing
with the great Chicago fire has been
read for one quarter of a century by
over 3000000 people and it is safe
to say that over 1500000 copies of
the book have been sold
George Middleton who dramatized
The House of A Thousand Candles
and Rosalind at Red Gate has made
an excellent dramatization of this
story and it is easily proving the suc
cess of the present season
Coming soon and if local interest is
any criterion capacity audiences will
greet its engagement here
Names Must Be Signed
The Tribune appreciates deeply the
good will of those who respond to
our oft repeated invitation to send
the news of the city and county to us
for publiaction News thus secured
must be in the nature of the case mor
accurate than can be gotten other
wise But we must again request that
all items be signed by the writers
We must and do insist upon this not
because we wish to publish the names
but to insure us against imposition
intentional or otherwise We do ap
preciate every such courtesy but
kindly respond to our rule by signing
your name to the communications
And remember we go to press at
three oclock Thursday afternoons
Good News
It is a pleasure to myself as well as
to my former patrons and friends to
learn that I am about to open a shoe
store again in McCook with a full and
complete line of first class and up-to-date
footwear only for the whole fam
ily Watch for date of opening It
will pay you to wait
Same old location in the Diamond
block next to RozelPs clothing store
Quality Evermore
Anyone acquainted with drugs or
the many phases of the drug trade
will always find McConnells stock
a notable one It is not only unusual
ly complete but quality is emphasiz
ed at every point It is the place
to go for those who Avant service of
the highest character His prescrip
tion department is modern to the ut
most detail
Half Price on Cloaks
Ladies Long Coats Misses long
coats Ladies jacket suits all at
half price 1500 ones for 750
500 ones for 250 200 ones for
100 The Thompson D G Co Ut
most value for cash
American Steel Fence Posts
are he -best investment 3 on can
make They will not burn o rot
and saves jots oe work in setting
Let us show and tell you about them
If it is wall paper you will find an
unusually large stock in McConnells
Wall Paper room Prices from 10
cents to any price you care to pay
per roll
The Main Store
On the Main Street
If It is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
June Oats for Sale
by Fred Wagner Sr 7 miles south
east of McCook on route 1 60c
Subscribe for The Tribune
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
The fire department was called to
the dwelling house of Shorty Hosier
on west B street yesterday afternoon
but the fire was extinguished without
much effort on their part and with
out special damage
Census Gives McCook Gain of 1320
Washington March 1 The popula
tion of Holdrege was announced to
day as 3030 and McCook as 3765
The population of McCook shows
an increase of 1320 people over the
census of 1900 The population at
that time was 2445 McCook is the
county seat of Red Willow county
Holdrege the county seat of Phelps
county shows a gain of 23 as com
pared with the last census The pop
ulation of Holdrege in 1900 was 3007
Having outgrown their old oven
Barbarzette Son are putting in a
new and larger oven at their bakery
The new oven is of the Middleby
make and has the distinction of
being the largest portable oven in
the world having 120 square feet of
surface and having dimensions of lOx
12 feet weighing 23 tons installed
This will necessitate a considerable
increase in the size of the bakery so
the oven is being installed in a sep
arate building of brick and galvanized
iron in the rear of the present plant
This increase in facilities will be
still further enlarged by the installa
tion of bread and cake mixing ma
chines to be operated by electric
motors When contemplated improve
ments are completed Barbazette
Son will have one of the best and
most modern bakery plants in the
state and will be able to take prompt
care of not only their growing home
demand but of an increasing call for
their excellent products from points
both east and west of McCook
The Census Gives McCook 3f65
This is a Gain of 1320 for McCook During the Past Ten
Years to a Gain of 23 for Holdrege
Marriage Licenses
Oscar R Joseph 28 Ona New
comb 23 both of Cambridge Neb
Married Feb 28th by County Judge
John P Ernsdorf 24 Bertha J
Cummings 19 both of Yuma Colo
Married March 1 by County Judge
Half Price on Furs
Every scarf cut in two Every muff
severed in the middle Every cravat
every set every 4-in-hand rent into
twain as to the price We invite
you to the benefits The Thompson
D G Co Utmost service
A New Automatic Coupler
Joseph and Charles Sullivan togeth
er with several other McCook citi
zens are applying for a patent for an
automatic coupling device for cars
which some claim will develop into a
successful enterprise A company with
150000 capital is being formed and
already some stock has been sold
Surprise Anniversary
Conductor and Mrs Laughlin were
happily surprised last week on the
occasion of their fifth wedding anni
versary Refreshments were served
and an evening all tooshort was spent
in social ways
We have a few good remnants of
Wall Paper left for small and med
ium sized roooms You can save
money by buying now
A McMILLEN Druggist
Self raising pancake flour at Mag
I Will Sell AH of the
S N Wilson Livery Stock
Two stallions one automobile one barn at private
sale Call or write if you mean business
M O McCLURE Administrator
A Correction
The Peperell grade of wide sheet
ing was advertised by us in last
weeks paper at 25c for the
unbelached The price should
have read 23 cents The 9 quarter
bleached is 28c in our store a saving
of 2c to 5c for you 42 inch Pillow
Tubing 19 c The Thompson D G
Co Utmost Value for cash
Eggs for Hatching
Buff Orpingtons Rose Comb White
Leghorns and Ringlets Barred Ply
mouth Rocks Finest quality Low
est prices Send for mating list
Palisade Nebraska
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo1
for the unexcelled Barrington Hall
coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
per pound
For Rent
Rooms over McConnells Inquire at
the drug store or phone 11
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
All grades of Oxford flour anJ
each sack guaranteed at the McCooi
Flour and Feed Store
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
Death of Mother Austin
Mrs Mary M Austin mother of the
well known traveling man R D Aus
tin passed away last Sunday morning
at the home of her son in this city
after an illness of considerable length
Mrs Austin was 69 years 4 months
and 10 days old at her death which
was caused by pernicious anaemia
Services were held by Rev Lewis
of the Methodist church at the home
Monday evening at 7 oclock and the
remains were shipped to St Joseph
Mo the same night for burial the
son accompanying the body
For Rent Suit
i of two outside rooms in Electric
theatre building Just the thing for
offices or for light house keeping
Equipped with gas stove and heated
1400 per month Also one single
room in same building will rent with
furniture if desired very reasonable
Childrens Rompers 25c
39c and 50c Childrens gingham
dresses 29c The Thompson D G Co
Utmost Value for Cash
House for Sale in McCook
205 5th st E For information ad
2317 Evans St Cheyenne Wyo
The B Y club was entertained on
last Friday afternoon by Mrs E J
We are now at work mailing out to subscribers notices of delin
quent subscriptions also for subscriptions in advance to January
1st 1912
This is the last notice delinquent subscribers will receive from
The Tribune office for delinquent subscriptions that is for sub
scriptions up to January 1st 1911 Such accounts unpaid will on
March 1st 1911 be placed with a regular collection agency
We hope as many as can will promptly renew their subscrip
tions for the year 1911 that is up to January 1st 1912 Subscrip
tions are payable in advance and must be paid at least at some timj
within the current year THE PUBLISHER
J X J I X J j J j jt j j j j j j j o c x t t c j j j j j
Your Immediate Attention
should be given to any tendency on
the part of your children to become
round shouldered This is because
of the fact that such tendencies are
more easily corrected in childhood
than in later years and if proper at
tention is given to them the child is
given every advantage to attain to
perfect man or womanhood One can
not be too careful concerning these
matters or the means taken to correct
such inclinations
Most shoulder braces produce harm
ful effects in that they interfere with
or retard circulation
most effectually overcomes the ob
jections raised to most shoulder brac
es on the market and for this reason
they are strongly recommended by
medical authorities
We have the exclusive sale of this
brace and can fit any from the child
of four years to the adult Price
100 at the Rexall Store
L W McCONNELL Druggist
to my friends and former patrons thaj
I am about to engage in the shoe bus-
iness again at the same stand on B
street next door to Rozells clothing
store and expect to handle a com
plete line of high grade shoes for men
women and children at prices that
will be just right Those who traded
with us before will recall that our
styles are strictly eastern
Grand opening on or about March
15th 1911
Card of Thanks
We desire to extend our sincere
thanks to those who so kindly assisted
us both in the care of our mother
and atfer she passed away to pastor
to singers to ministering friends to
individuals and organizations but
especially would we avail ourselves of
is principally about the immense new
stock of wall paper that is now on ex
hibit in McConnells Wall Paper
room You are invited to inspect this
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Choice Baled Hay
a 1000 per ton We ha about
twenty five tons here in McCook at
this price
McConnells Balsam for coughs 25c
After an illness of several weeks
with pneumonia and complications M
Frazier of South McCook is now im
proving nicely
The Baptist church circle No 1
will give a chicken pie dinner and
oyster supper 1st door east of the
Pastime theatre Saturday March 4th
Dinner 25c Oysters 20c
A very handsome communion set
has been donated by clergy and com
municants as a memorial to the late
Rev Elmer R Earle and will in fu
ture be used at St Albans church
V Franklin lost a cane made from
Mexican wood light color Dropped
j out of buggy in McCook He will pay
the value of the cane to finder who
will return same to the Citizens Na
tional bank
That your money be placed
where it is absolutely safe
where the financial resources of
the institution are large
where the management is con
servative yet progressive
where you have confidence in
the men directing its affairs
men who have made a success
of their individual affairs
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Christian Science The morning
subject for March 5th will be Man
Christian G Russell Miller will
preach in the Christian church both
morning and evening Sunday March
5th All are most welcome
Episcopal First Sunday in Lent
Sunday school at 10 Holy Commun
ion and sermon at 11 Introit Psalm
32 Communion hymn 221 Evening
service and sermon at S The Story
the newspaper medium to thank the of the Cross wil1 be Service
traveling men for their magnificent
floral contribution- We assure yor
one and all that it will long be
held in grateful remembrance
Big Initiation Monday
Deputy Frank Stump and the local
lodge members are preparing for the
initiation of a class of fifty or more
next Monday evening in the A O
U W lodge here This will be an
event of note in the local lodge A
number of grand officers will be pres
ent and our former townsman J
H Bennett will be in attendance Ev
ery workman should make it his busi
ness to be present
American Beauty Corsets
are without a peer The skill em
ployed in designing the perfection at
tained in the making the gathering cf
all points of excellence into one pre
mier make are found only in the
American Beauty Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded after 30
days actual wear For sale only by
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
and address every Wednesday even
ing at 730 The Story of the Cross
will be sung
Entertain Fortnightly Boys
One of the most delightful social
events of the winter season was the
return dance given last Friday eve
ning to the young men of the Fort
nightly Dancing club by the young la
dies of the city who have been part
ners in the pleasures of the club this
season The Monte Cristo hall was dec
orated becoming to the Washington
birthday season in a handsome man
ner in appropriate colors A punch
bowl booth occupied one corner and
a cozy corner effect another One of
the citys best orchestras provided
the inspiration
Zymole Trokey Express Wagon
will be given away March 4th at our
store If you hold any coupons on
this wagon kindly bring them to the
store the fourth of March
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Farming Tools
for every purpose will be found in
our spring display Figure out your
wants and come here and get goods
that are made right and work right
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
For sanitary meats call 62
McConnell fills prescriptions
n IrhI
in mens suits and top coats show
many changes from the styles of
last season If you pretend to be
up to date in your apparel you will
have to have a new outfit
will insure style class finish and
wear Better order now for spring
weather is likely to come any day
t m