M r i V ci f 7 R 1 rA s ii L 4 r n K CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M TSMcCook Lodge No 135 A F A M meats avery first and third Tuesday of the month at 6 KX p m in Masonic hall Bureis H Stkwabt W M Chabies Ii Fabnestock Sec B S M Occcnozee Council No 16 R fc S M meets on the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m n Masonic hall William E Hart T I M Aabon G Kino Sec B A M King Cyrns Chapter No 35 B A M meets avery drst and third Thursday of each month at 300 p m in Masonic hall Clarence BtQuay H P W B Whittakeb Sec KNIGHTS TESIPLAB St John Commandery No 1C K T meets ou the second Thursday of each month at 800 p ra in Masonic hall Geo Willets E C SETn D Silver Rec EASTERN STAB Eureka Chapter No So O E S meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 300 p m in Masonic hall Mbs C W Wilson W M S COBDEAL Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge En -12 of K P meets every Wednesday at 8C0 p m in Masonic hall J N Gaabde C C C A Evans K B ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall B J Lane N G EC G Hughes Sec MODEBN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every first and third Friday of each month at 830 p m in Ma onic ball Pay assessments et Citizens National lianK C C Bvfield Consul HM Finity Clerk BOYAL NEIGHBORS No le Camp No 862 B N A meets every cecond and fourth Thursday of each month at 30p m in Morris hall Mbs Caeoline Kdnebt Oracle Mas Augusta Anton Bee workmen McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p m in Temple Maurice Griffin Treas Henby Moebs MW C J Ryan Financier C B Gray Bee DEGREE OF HONOB McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every eecond and forth Tuesdays of each month at 500 p m in Temple building Anna E Rudy C of H Mbs Cabbie Schlagel Bee MACCABEES Meets every 2nd and 4th Friday evening in Morris hall J A Wilcox Com J H Yaegeb Becord Keeper national association of letteb cabbiebs Branch No 1278 meets first Monday of each month at 330 p m in carriers room postoffico Q F Kinghobn President D J OBeien Secretary locomotive fibemen and enginemen McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Husted Sec Ladies Society B of L F fc E Golden Bod Lodge No 282 meets in Morris hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of each month at 2 oclock Mbs Qbace Hcsted Mbs Lena Hill Secretary President EAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of R T meets fi t and third Sundays at 230 p m in Eagles hail T E Huston President E a Kinghobn Sec EAILWAT CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O B C meets the ocond and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304 Main Avenue S E Callen C Con M O McClube Sec MACHINISTS RH Willnw Lodes No 587 I A of M meets very second and fourth Tuesday of the month xt 800 p m in Morris halL Theo Diebald Pro Feed Wasson Fin Sec Floyd Bebby Cor Sec LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEEBS McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets every second and fourth Sunday of oach month at 230 in Morris hall Walteb Stokes C E W D Bcbnett F A E EAILWAY CABMEN Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Morris hall at730 pm H M Finity Pres J M Smith Bee Secy S D Hughes Secy BOILEBMAKEBS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Thursdays of each month In Eagles hall Jno Setb Pres Jno LeHew Cor Sec EAGLES McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building 316 Main ave C L Walkeb W Pres C H Bicketts W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Eagles hall Q B Galb F Sec Fbank Real G K DAUGHTEBS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second tnd fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G B Nellie Byan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mbs W B Mills Commander Habeiet E Willetts B K g a b J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 230 pm Morris hall Thomas Moobe Commander J H Yaegeb Adjt BELIEF COBPS McCook Corps No 98 W R C meets every and fourth Saturday of each month at 39 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres 8C3IE Yandebhqof Sec L OF G A B McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first Mondays of each month at 2 30 p m at the home3 of the members Mrs Lottie Brewer Presment Mrs Kate Dutton Secretary r e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 2S0 p m at the homes of the various members Mbs J A Wilcox Pres Mas J G Schobel Cor Sec PYTHIAN SISTEES McCook Temple No 24 Pythian Sisters meets the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at7SS p m Lila L Ritchie M E C Edna Stewabt M of R C DIAMOND BEBBKAII Meets each 1st and 3rd Friday evening of each month in Morrin hall Mbs C S Cdetis N G Miss Minnie Middleton Secy of colds It can always be depend ed upon For sale by all dealers MAS N SUBSTITUTE nni w iinvAi e--is i tvfii TV Absolutely Pure The only baking powder mads from ffioyal Grapo Grsaest of Tartar HO alumno lime phosphate County Commissioners Proceedings McCook Neh February 14 1911 The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment Pres ent P S Lofton and Edward Sugh roue county commissioners Chas D Ritchie county attorney and Chas Skalla county clerk Absent W N Rogers county commissioner The minutes of the meetings held January 11th 12th and 13th were read and on motion approved A hearinp was given to the road overseers of the county who called on the board in a body to get en lightenment on the order recently made by the board and said hearing consumed the largest part of the session On motion the county treasurer was instructed to refund to the following named persons the amount of poll tax illegally assessed against them in 1910 and paid by them under protest for the following reasons Herbert Hedges exempt being U S pensioner Red Willow 250 A Brinton under 21 years of age McCook City 200 Lofton chairman presented to the board the appointment of Henry Harsch as overseer of highways for District No 11 Tyrone precinct to fill vacancy The roll call was order ed and resulted as follows Yea Lofton Sughroue 2 Nay None Absent Rogers The appointment was affirmed On motion the board adjourned to meet February 15 1911 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk McCook Neb February 15 1911 The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment Pres ent F S Lofton and Edward Sugh roue county commissioners Chas D Ritchie county attorney and Chas Skally county clerk Absent W N Rogers county commissioner The following official bonds were e amined and on motion approved and ordered recorded and placed on file J A Wilcox member of Soldiers Relief Commission Henry Harsch overseer of high ways district No 11 Tyrone precinct E W McAninch overseer of high ways district No 15 Driftwood pre cinct On motion the resignation of Dr H J Arbogast as county physician for the second commissioner district was accepted The contract with Stewart S trunk for legal blanks for 1911 was signed by the board and said Stewart Strunk The bond of Stewart Strunk of instructed to refund to the following named persons the amount of poll tax illegally assessed against them in 19J0 and paid by them under pro test for the following reasons F A Turner McCook city non-resident at time assessed 205 J K Gordon Box Elder precinct assessed also at McCook J E Kelso McCook city assessed also in Chase county 200 On motion the county treasurer was instructed to refund tc John Rhodes the sum of 750 being the amount of 1910 taxes illegally assessed against him and paid by him under protest for the reason that he owned no fur niture at time of ascessment in Mc Cook City The claim of Dr J D Hare of 1000 for viewing the body of Alfred How to cure a cold is a question I Lofvenborg was on motion rejected in which many are interested just for the reason that the county had now Chamberlains Cough Remedy a qualified coroner snce December 6 has won its great reputation and and Dr Hare was without authority to mense sale by its remartable cure act as such coroner The following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk was in- structed to draw warrants on the general fund levy of 1910 in payment thereof as follows Commissioner District No 2 Frank Suiter road work Red Willow precinct 750 C J Suiter same 500 Louis Longnecker same 750 Doad district No 12 Missouri Ridge precinct Joseph Junker Jr road work 6 00 Road district oN 12 Missouri Ridg precinct Joseph Downs road work 4 50 Robert Johnston same 3 75 Chas W Kelley survey on state line 7 00 C G Wilhelm survey on state line chainman 2 00 Elizabeth Bettcher salary CA Rodgers report to state board of health 3 25 State Journal Co 1911 tax lists tabs and records 99 40 Chas Skalla correcting 25 real estate books 1911 30 00 Dr H J Arbogast balance of salary Co physician 51 70 M Mathes janitor work Jan uary 40 00 Osborn Kumfner Co dray- age car of coal 6 30 Omaha Printing Co mortgage record 1 6 00 A J Crawmer mdse E R Moon 6 5X C 1 DeGroff Co mdse Jeffers Hoffman Dillon 43 25 Jennings Hughes Co radiators and plumbing 50 15 Kiopp Bdrtlett Co 2 sheriffs pocket dockets i OS McCook Hardware Co house rent Chris Hoffman 1 month 8 50 J W Boyd bi Iliff November term district court S 00 Nebraska Telephone Co rent als February 19 25 John Olouse blacksmithing and supplies 39 15 Middleton Ruby plumbing 3 25 C A Rodgers transcript Sul livan vs County 3 55 Stewart Strunk legal blanks 14 25 R A Richards Co carbon paper 6 00 W A Middleton registrar 4th quarter 1910 12 00 W H Smith same 6 00 L E Naden same 3 50 L W Robinson same 1 75 Dr J D Hare care of small pox patients Co board of Health 8 00 Dr R B Campbell salary fn nhveioinn Afh nn or fn 10000 for the faithful performance cS n T i C A Rodgers state vs their contract was examined and on motion approved On motion the county treasurer wns Budwig 2 00 Wm Ferguson same 4 60 F S Lofton commissioner services and mileage 28 90 Edward Sughroue same 31 50 On motion the board adjourned to meet March 6th 1911 1 S Tnwrrwr rvnnrnnn Geo A Ray McCook city member Attest fire department 200 CHAS SKALLA County Clerk When her child is in danger a woman will risk her life to protect it No great act of heroism or risk of life is necessary to protect a child from croup Give Chamberlains Cough Remedy and all danger is avoided For sale by all dealers Typewriter papers typewriter rib bons carbon papers manifolding pa per mimeograph paper a large se lection to choose from at The Trib une office Received on Account Pali Out Cash Credit -slips etc for sale at The Tribune office Per 1000 50c McConnelPs Balsam cures coughs The McCook Tribune S100 a year ZTT i ABDUL THE WD The Crafty Turkish Despot Wore a Crown of Terror KIS PALACE LIKE A PRISON Vildiz a Place of Mystery Was the Production and the Abode of Fear Unutterable His Dread of Assassi nation and His Horror of the Dark Pnr lnnr ronrcj Alulnl T Tnmlfl linfl in the park of Yildiz on seeing the sultan approach rose quickly from a stooping posture to assume a respect ful attitude Abdul Hamid startled by his sudden appearance and suspect ing some evil motive at once fired at him The man fell dead Later as no weapon was found on his body it had to be acknowledged that a plunder had been committed Such is the tale told by the son of the late Prince of Samos who -was one of the sultans Yildiz scene of innumerable horrors had been built by Abdul Hamid him self and he had made it more like a labyrinth than a palace It was the production and the abode of fear unut terable Surely no sane mind planned it To guard against conspirators get ting a plan of his residence its master was continually changing its internal arrangements walling up doors open ing new ones narrowing passages di viding rooms by partitions making windows and closing them again It was a constantly changing maze To spare himself the danger of cross ing the graveled path that separated his apartments from his harem he had linked his residence by flying bridges to the harem on the one side and to the imperial theater on the other This theater was a gloomy little place where the monarch wouhl sit entirely hidden from view in his box while ac tresses and singers from Paris and other European cities entertained him He never came into view never ap plauded and the visible audience con sisted of a few members of his family The building used by Abdul Hamid as his private residence looked more like a prison for all the lower win dows were securely barred and the heavj iron doors were of great strength and capable of being firmly bolted inside Every room in the palace was pro vided with a couch on which the sul tan could sleep if he felt inclined No body ever knew in what room h would sleep on any given night Be fore retiring to rest he would some times call his attendants and say to them Keep a good lookout I am going to sleep tonight in this room But he would invariably sleep some where else On the roof of the imperial apart ments was an astronomical observa tory which had been fitted up with an exceedingly good telescope by a Pa risian firm This observatory was a favorite place with the sultan yet he took not the slightest interest in as tronomy The telescope was there to serve his own purpose of espionage for he used it almost exclusively for the purpose of watching the residence of Prince Yusuf Izzedin eldest son of Abdul Aziz and heir presumptive to the throne Its glass was never turn ed upon the heavens But sometimes from his lonely look out the monarch saw stranger things than the residence of Prince Yusuf things that no other human being had ever dreamed of There were tirae when his morbid imagination plnyid curious pranks with him It was on the day following an at tempt upon Ills life by oue AH Souavi and a revolt at Tcheragan both of which Incidents greatly upset him that Abdul Hamid hurried down from his observatory with a wild look In his eyes and called his first secretary who at that time was Ali Fuad Bey He led the secretary to a window and pointing to the sublime porte some miles away he said trembling with fear Did you see them They have met yonder to proclaim my downfall Who asked the startled secretary My ministers exclaimed the sul tan My own ministers are now In the act ot dethroning me Cant you see them This statement was quite unfounded and It was a long time before the sec retary could calm his frightened mas ter Philadelphia Ledger PAPUAN COURTESY Husbands Beat Each of Their Wives With a Different Club The marriage customs of the Pap uans are somewhat similar to those of many other savage races The cer emony is largely a matter of purchase The men marry when they are about eighteen years of age and the girls at fourteen or even earlier When a young lake man desires to get married he visits the father of his prospective bride and puts forward his personal belongings as an induce ment to the father to consent to the union If a man has a gun he is a great per- and on the county general fund levy and demand sonage can anything but befin hmntc1 and tormented by the of 1910 as follows McCook Electric Co light for January 16 71 Jennings Hughes Co plumbing 1 25 A C Furman printing legal notices 1 40 M J Clark house rent Mrs Jeffers 8 00 Huffmans Supply House supplies 4 50 L M Higgins postage and telephone tolls S G Bastian Sons mdse Jacob Clayton 4 80 C Naden balance of 1910 ex pense account Chas Skalla office expenses Jan 9 to Feb 10 L M Higgins boarding prison ers E Benjamin salary deputy sheriff January L M Higgins summoning jury and mileage 15 55 J C Moore reports to state board of health 13 40 C A Rodgers postage 2 50 C A Rodgers drawing jury and making dockets 15 25 Elizabeth Bettcher office ex penses Jan 5 to Feb 14 15 68 L M Higgins salary sheriff January 100 00 nightmare of death In every shadow Year by year his fears had been growing upon him He had a terror of the dark At night Yildiz always blazed with lights His sleep had be come restless and he would waken besides their bows and arrows and most of the the have spears Papuans he seemed to see an assassin All his vast power could not bring him one ry iutieven agricultural produce lscaG the only cultivation under moment of peace and happiness Not cm being on a very primitive scale for moment one was Turkeys arch at ease I A Utt e clearine made by both muu unu wuuieu uuu uie women men grow bananas and sweet potatoes The men are always armed and when the women go to the patch to attend to their crops or gather the produce TlA man cm TirT rt r ntinfniffvn at the slightest sound Sometimes he i ulc t The women however do the work a an- ued a nightmare and 2 70 frisf d Portuguese cloth centuries old that would mean hours of wakeful- and AVijen youn man is seekine a hncc Af oitrtli lmrte lirk ntmil1 find Virt 7 O 20 00 18 75 5 00 30 00 perintendent January 100 00 ministers would come out of his sleep with a i Many families have bundle of bride one of these heirlooms is solitude of his room unbearable and alI t of the deal Tlie and he would send for who a sorcerer rrs father hfl le over the would the dream slave explain or a rf untu erentually they agree to who would read to him from one of termSf and theQ the m don his favorite books those de- giving The men are not limited to me wif tailed accounts of assassinations and once a fa marrJed she fe gnb cutions and other horrors ject to her husband In everything and He was always armed His clothes ls practically his slave were lined with enormous pockets I In another part of New Guinea which served him both as arsenals says a writer in the Wide World mag and archives and bulged with pistols remember azmf j a distinctly strong and rolls of spies reports confirmation of the custom which Everybody at Yildiz was afraid of piaces a -woman at the entire mercy eing shot by him He was likely to 0f ner husband At one house I visit re at the slightest action that might ea i saw- standing outside the doorway eem to him suspicious There is a three huge stone clubs each large story that one day a gardener working enoueh to fell a bullock On making inquiries I found that they tallied with the number of wives owing allegiance to the householder The clubs were used by the man to beat his wives with If they annoyed him The quaint part of it was that while the women seemed to raise no objection to being flogged unmerciful ly by their lord and master they would not be beaten with the same weapon as that used on another wo man so the native kept a separate club for each wife DEATH IN THEIR WORK Dangers That Besot Thosa Who Toil In Alkal Factories Do you like your work When you are inclined to be discon tented with it think of the alkali work ers They die by inches from the mo ment they enter the factories Things are not so bad now as they once were but they are bad enough still In what is known as the black ash department in chemical works big open vats of caustic are used The splashing of this caustic sends drops of the burning fluid flying through the air A drop falling upon naked flesh causes a bad burn A drop In the eye will blind it forever if the stuff is not removed within a few seconds A black ash worker in a Welsh al kali factory toiling at the caustic pots received an Invisible globule of this deadly spray in his eye There was no water at hand with which to wash out the caustic It seemed that he must surely go blind But one of his mates seized on the injured man who was quite frantic with pain lifted his eyelid with forefinger and thumb and with his tongue licked out the caustic He burned his tongue badly but he saved the other poor fellows sight Another of the dangers that beset the alkali worker and the worst of them all is poisoning by chlorine acid gas This gas which comes off the lime in thin green fumes is known to the men and joked about as Roger A full in draft of the gas kills a man In an hour Pearsons Weekly End of the Trail I lost a pocketbeok with a roll of bills in it a few weeks ago Charlie Gibson told us I didnt make a fuss about it and tell the papers but it was more than I could afford to lose So I put a detective on it He asked a lot of questions looked wise and said hed report in a day or two Well about three days later I found that pockctbook where I had mislaid it I rejoiced exceedingly and then I called up the detective agency to confess The sleuth seemed disgusted Mighty careless of you he said And Id just found a darned good clew too Cleveland Plain Dealer Sydney Smiths Criticism The story is told in Mr Barry OBriens book on John Bright how on one occasion Sydney Smith while look ing critically at the unfinished portrait of a celebrated nonconformist divine said to the artist Do you not think you could throw into the face a stronger expression of hostility to the established church Conscienca There are moments when the pale and modest star kindled by God in simple hearts which men call con science illumines our path with truer light than the flaming comet of genius on its magnificent course Mazzinl Pretty Slow Senior Partner Our new office boy seems rather diffident Junior Partner What makes you think so Senior Partner He has been here three days and he hasnt called me by my first name yet New York Press j To accept good advice Is but to In crease ones own ability Goethe -- RED WILLOW Mr and Mrs Elmer spent Mon day of last week with their daugh ter Mrs Louis Longnecker A farewell reception was given by the Sunday school to Mr Bellair and family at Louis Longneckers on Friday evening About 50 were pres ent and the young folks had a most hilarious time with different games and music with phonograph Mr Canaga has been sick in the hospital in McCook for the past two weeks Mrs Lewis Elmer spent Friday and Saturday with her mother in Indian ola Fern Bennett is among the sick this week We never hesitate to guarantee Lily Patent flour At the McCook Flour and Feed Store Notice of Settlement In Estate of Frank J Nugent de ceased In County Court Red Wil low county Nebraska To the Creditors Heirs Legatees and others interested in the estate of Frank J Nugent deceased Take Notice That Patrick Walsh has filed in the County Court a re port of his doings as Administrator of said estate and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing the 2nd day of March A D 1911 before the Court at the hour of 1 oclock p m at which time any person inter ested may appear and except to and contest the same Witness my hand and the Seat of the County Court at McCook this 28th day of January A D 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge JOHN E KELLEY Atty First publication Feb 2 1911 3t Notice to Delinquents Notice is hereby given that the rental upon the lease contract to the following described school land in Red Willow county Nebraska as set opposite the name of the holders thereof is delinquent and if the amount which is due is not paid with in 60 days from the date of this notice said contract will be declared forfeited by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds and said forfeiture will be entered of record in the manner pro vided by law All 36-2-28 L J Holland E B COWLES Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings Dated Feb 10 1911 First publication Feb 16 1911 3ts Shampooing Hair Dressing Scalp and Facial Treatment L M CLYDE Phone 72 in W B St Uo Stalrs Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location lrCfrlr atreetin P WiJeh bivlaiog l ltWUUK j fftvrtH - - - HHHSfllC mmmmm wmmmwm Best Imported Percheron Belgian English Shire Suffolk Punch and fjprman roach Stallions 1000 ea imported maresnome bred stallions 250 ioao eacli A LATIHER WILSON Creston Iowa Home Bred Draft Stallions 250 to 600 imported stallions your choice 1000 F L STKEAM Creston la Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades 9 Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 AttTNTtfyTTTt tier - zsz jrr j L ry 1 1 i