The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 23, 1911, Image 6

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    3ITTnTTk Tf r
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sjpiea on n
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xroijisodxFcc cinj opjjo pjuAy issqSi paAioaoj
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3J jopaoj Inpjng rrcxj aqj Xjpsjqnopun si
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McCook Has to Bow to the Inevita
ble Scores of Citizens
Prove It
After reading the public statement
of this representative citizen of Mc
Cook given below you must come to
this conclusion A remedy which cur
ed years ago which has kept the kid
neys in good health since can be
relied upon to perform the same
work in other cases Read this
Mrs D A Jordan of McCook Neb
says About a year and a half ago
I suffered from kidney complaint
There was a dull bearing down sen
sation through the small of my back
and at times I became so weak acros
my loins that I could hardly stoop
I did not sleep well and this result
ed in a tired feeling when I got up
in the morning Headaches bother
ed me and I was very nervous
Doans Kidney Pills procured at Mc
Connells Drug Store improved my
condition as soon as I began taking
them and the contents of six boxes
effected a complete cure State
ment given June 21 1907
The Cure Lasted
Mrs Jordan was interviewed on
June 21 1910 and she said I glad
ly confirm the statement I gave in
1907 recommending Doans Kidney
cure in my case and I am now enjoy
ing good health
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
This paper and The Weekly Inter
Ocean and Farmer 125 gets both
for one year Special deal
lxiid Zpjnioequ f ysii oaojc
Itjuoijunj puu cjcic qaoq st p nj 3md ju
qjiAV sojidmoa 31 asqi Wtfj oifj puj si ou sooq
51 ipi p sdDjd Suiuq otji ui puncj
qajcaq 03 snounfuj ooujnsqns Ann 101 CC0T J
J3JJC irj a tzl raipsq usoq scq aauinp
S S7T ns
rj im 1
J t oil t
ttfg - iS
Lumber and Coal
Phone No i
usr m
4nrtin uiirtoir
fAf 4
Soi snounfuigu
qnpjQw puij noXjj
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlains Liniment and bound
on to the affected parts is superior
to any plaster When troubled with
lame back or pains in the side or
chest give it a trial and you are
certain to be more than pleased with
the prompt relief which it affords
Sold by all dealers
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
Probate Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of Red Wi
low county Nebraska
In the matter of the estate o
Stephen N Wilson deceased
Notice is hereby given that the crec
itors of the said deceased will mee
the Administrator of said estate be
fore me County Judge of Red Willot
county Nebraska at the county cour
Room in said county on the 18th da
March 1911 and on the 18th day ol
August 1911 at 900 oclock a m
each day for the purpose of present
ing their claims for examination ad
justment and allowance Six months
are allowed for creditors to present
their claims and one year for the
Administrator to settle said estate
from the 17th day of February 1911
This notice will be published in The
McCook Tribune for four weeks suc
cessively commencing on the 23d day
of February 1911
Witness my hand and seal of said
court this 17th day of February A
D 1911 j C MOORE
Seal County Judge
First publication Feb 23 4ts
CURES and Purifies the Blood
The policy of this company has always been that of a pub
lic servant and as such it has aimed to treat you fairly and
squarely by giving you prompt and satisfactory service and
charging reasonable rates
McCook having close business and social relation with the
nearby farming community as well as with neighboring towns
requires adequate telephone development and quick and ac
curate service
To give such service this company is constantly altering
its equipment and reconstructing its plants to conform to all
the latest improvements in telephone work
The high grade of telephone service that you receive is due
to a third of a centurys untiring effort by a company finan
cially strong centralized and experienced enabling it to give
the best telephone service in the world
Nebraska Telephone Co
CHAS W KELLEY Local Manager
As a Rule They Are Clean but
Bare and Comfortless
t When They Do Get Into Their Houses
Their Principal Occupation Is Look-
I ing Out of the Windows The Mar
riage Customs of Greece
Dome life in Greece particularly in
Athens is peculiar It might ilmost
be said that there is no such thin
In Mr Duckett Ferrimans book on
Greece and the Greeks the
and customs of the picturesque Ilel
lenes which are little known to the
i average English reader are described
at length Mr Ferriman states that
the Greeks do not know anything
about the art of making a home
One may meet with exquisite clean
liness he writes with beautiful
embroidered bed linen scented with
rosemary but never with what we
mean by coziness The Greeks are far
less in their houses than we arc and
when they are at home they appear to
spend most of their time in looking
out of the window They are not given
to inviting their friends to their
houses It is not that they are-
j gardly for they will gladly entertain
you at a restaurant at far greater cost
to themselves But it does not enter
into their ideas to nsk you home to
dinner even after an acquaintance of
many years
They do not ask each other so it
can hardly be expected that they
should make an exception in the case
of foreigners The cafe Is a second
home to them There they meet
friends and gossip That is one reason
perhaps why they dislike country life
It offers no alternative to the home
there the hearth is the social center
while in town it is the cafe In Athens
those who do not own the house they
dwell in seldom remain long in the
same abode Two or three years is
quite a long tenure Many people
make a point of moving every year
The imposing facades of Athenian
houses conceal for the most part a
bare and comfortless interior and a
well kept garden is rare A garden is
not made in a year and a person who
changes his residence every twelve
months does not want to be troubled
with mufh furniture nor is he par
ticular as to its arrangement seeing
that it will be carted away in a few
Home life has no resources for the
Greeks as it has for us It affords
them little occupation and no amuse
ment They like to eat and drink in
crowds where there is noise and move
ment Their Instincts are too gregari
ous to allow them to appreciate the
domestic intimacy which we prize
The day chosen for marriage in
Greece is usually Sunday but the day
of all days in the year is the Sunday
preceding the Christmas feast It is
not fashionable now to be married in
church In Athens the ceremony takes
place in the house of the brides par
ents A temporary altar is set up in
the middle of the room
At the conclusion of the ceremony
the priest and the couple join hands
and walk three times round the altar
the guests pelting them with comfits
The most important part of the cere
mony is the crowning of the bride arl
bridegroom with wreaths of orange
blossom hence a wedding is popular
ly called the crowning
Love marriages are rare exceptions
The match is made by the parents and
relatives rather than by the parties
principally concerned There are cer
tain established usages which though
not legally binding are not to be con
travened with impunity
Then it is considered wrong for
brothers to marry until their sisters
have been wed Again girls must
marry In order of seniority It would
not be right for a girl to be married
while she had an elder sister who re
mained single The men of a family
are thus naturally anxious to see their
sisters settled and as a dowry is in
dispensable its provision is often a
matter of serious anxiety and the fruit
of great self denial on the part of the
brothers if the parents are dead
There are cases in which brothers
have remained unmarried for years
and have devoted all their hard earned
savings to the dowries of their sisters
Among the poorer classes emigration
is resorted to not infrequently solely
with this object and many a dowry
comes to a Greek maiden from across
the Atlantic
What Was Lacking
The Hobo Please mum Im a sick
Jian De doctor gimme dis medicine
but I needs assistance in takin it The
Lady Poor fellow Do you want a
spoon and a glass of water The no
bo No mum I wouldnt trouble yer
But dis medicine has to be took before
meals Have yer got a meal bandy
Cleveland Leader
Fame is easily acquired All you
have to do Is to be in the right place
at the right time and do the right
thing in the right way and then ad
vertise It properly Puck
Tommy Pop what Is ennui Tom
mys Pop Ennui my son is a disease
that attacks the people who are so
lazy that they get tired of resting
Philadelphia Record
Death expecteth thee everywhere
be wise therefore and expect death
everywhere Quarles
iss r
How Scientific Methods Raised the
Standard of a Days Work
There a e now eminent consulting
engineers who are engaged by indus
trial heads to study their establish
ments from top to bottom with a view
to finding by scientific study the meth
ods of working accounting and han
dling labor which will improve on the
old traditional habits Some extraordi
nary results have been attained What
scientific management means is ad
mirably illustrated by the story of
bricklaying as told by an expert
Ordinarily a brick mason makes
eighteen different sets of motions in
laying a single brick He bends over
in the first place to pick up one brick
and in lifting it he lifts ten pounds of
brick and about a hundred pounds of
brick mason the upper part of his
own body In laying 1000 bricks in a
days work he lifts 100000 pounds of
brick mason This was an obvious
waste of labor So a common laborer
was hired to put the bricks where the
masons would not have to stoop for
them Another thing is that when a
mason picks up a handmade brick
which is always a little thicker at one
side than on the other he tosses the
brick up turning it over until his
touch tells him which side is the top
before he puts it in place in the wall
The cure for this was to have all the
bricks piled top up before they were
brought to the masons Then further
every one has seen the mason tap his
brick several times to settle it into the
mortar more waste of time The cure
was to make the mortar thinner so
that the weight of the brick would set
tle it into the right position This was
scientific management motion study
It raised the days work for the aver
age brick mason from 1000 up to 2700
bricks a day and in individual cases to
much higher figures The mason made
only six motions where he used to
make eighteen American Review of
The Idea of Buying His Pictures and
Then Demanding Possession
A certain eminent English lady the
proud possessor of a title of fairly high
degree who admired Whistlers gen
ius to the extent of purchasing one of
his pictures never was able to obtain
possession of her property One day
she drove to the studio in her victoria
Mr Whistler went to greet her
Mr Whistler she said two years
ago I bought one of your pictures a
beautiful thing and I have never been
able to hang it on my walls It has
been loaned to one exhibition or an
other Now today I have my carriage
with me and I would like to take it
home with me I am told it is in your
Dear lady returned Whistler you
ask the impossible I will send It to
yjou when I have it again but it is not
hqre You have been misinformed
And so forth and so forth to the same
effect and the lady drove off without
her picture
After she had departed Whistler
commenced to poke around his studio
and to the great astonishment of a
friend who had been an involuntary
listener to the above conversation he
brought forth a canvas
Here it is he said She was right
about one thing it is beautiful And
it was beautiful
But the impudence of these people
he continued who think that because
they pay a few paltry hundred pounds
they own my pictures Why it mere
ly secures them the privilege of hav
ing them in their houses now and
then The pictures are mine
A Medical Sherlock Holmes
A physician was knocked down and
robbed while on his way to see a pa
tient His pockets were rifled and
one of the articles stolen was a clin
ical thermometer with which he had
earlier in the evening taken the tem
perature of a patient He remem
bered the temperature registered and
also that he had not shaken down the
mercury before putting the thermom
eter in his pocket He communicated
these facts to the police Some time
afterward a thermometer registering
the identical temperature was discov
ered in a pawnshop and the police
were enabled thereby to track the doc
tors assailants and to arrest them
The Wicked Majority
A new gardener had been employed
on a Long Island estate This man
was raking leaves off the lawn one fall
day when a neighbor passing by in
quired of him Wheres the gardener
who used to work here
Dead sir was the reply
Dead said the astonished neigh
bor Then musing he added Joined
the great majority eh
Oh sir the gardener interrupted in
a shocked voice I wouldnt like to
say that He was a good enough man
as far as I know
Shall I have this prescription filled
without further consultation asked
the patient
Certainly replied the physician
Why not
I thought maybe Id better call in
a handwriting expert Washington
There is one word which may serve
as a rule of practice for all ones life
that word is reciprocity What you do
not wish done to yourself do not do
to others Confucius
Pretty Narrow
Mrs Hoyle Is there much room In
your flat Mrs Doyle I should say
not There isnt room to give any
body a broad hint Judge
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator
In the County Court of Red Willow
County Nebraska
State of Nebraska County of Red
Willow ss
To all persons interested in the
estate of Stephen N Wilson De
On reading the petition cf Charles
T Wilson praying that the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
M O McClure as administrator it
is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter
may and do appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty on the 17th day of February A
D 1911 at nine oclock a m to
show cause if any there be why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that
the hearing thereof be given to all 1
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the McCook Tribune a weekly news
paper printed in said county for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing
Witness my hand and seal of
said court this 30th day of January
A D 1911
Seal J C Moore
County Judge
C E ELDRED Attorney
First publication Feb 2 1911 3ts
Terms of District Court 1911 i
Chase county April 24 and Novem
ber 13
Dundy County March 6 and No
vember 20
Frontier county March 20 and Oc
tober 2
Furnas county February 20 May
29 and October 23
Gosper county January 30 and
September 25
Hayes county March 13 and Sep
tember 18
Hitchcock count May 1 and No
vember 27
Red Willow county February 6
May 15 and October 9
Robert C Orr district judge
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebiv
LinooliB SaSfariggm
g3 TirlTEjsagp
Sulphc Saline Springs
Located on our own premlssi and bm
in the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed in the treatment of
Heart Stomach Kidney and LItot
Moderate Chtrges Aditeu
DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Hek
CURES and Purifies the Blood
TO THE SOUTH February 7th and 21st low round trip homeseekers fare
are in effect to the South attractive winter tourist fares in effect ev
ery day to the whole South with return limit of June 1st
TO THE WEST AND NORTHWEST Homeseekers excursion fares are in
effect February 7th and 21st to large sections of newly developing ter
ritory throughout the West including the Big Horn Basin
NEW TOUR OF YELLOWSTONE PARK A system of new and scenic
eight day personally conducted camping tours of Yellowstone Park
will be estabilshed this coming summer from Cody Wyo via the mag
nificent Government Shoshone Dam along the Government Road over
Sylvan Pass through the Park and return by the Yellowstone Park
Camping Transportation Co Aron Holm proprietor Price from
Cody including all accommodations only 5000 Parties leave Cody
every day during the summer This Transportation Company has
handled large parties of campers in such a satisfactory manner that
their growing patronage now requires daily tours from Cody It will
pay you to write that company at Cody Wyoming early and later in
the season ask for the new Park Cody Route Leaflet
siim Hiss
General Passenger Agent Ticket Agent
Omaha Nebraska McCook Nebraska
8rWvTiivWvrifEifli nimwm iiwwi i M iVHWji a lti in rtnntttYtvvg
V Franklin Pres G H WATKiNs5Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
ftfit w 1 tv taiViUuuuii
i 1n1 iih titmiYl1T ihffi
lilT aflwll i iu 19 IV 1h I H
By applying two coats of WRIGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE
directly to the meat with a brush after the meat has gone
through the salt it will be thoroughly smoked will have a
delicious flavor and will lceep solid and sweet and free from
insects through the entire summer
Wrights Condensed Smoke
lis a liquid smoke and contains nothing except what is obtained
by burning hickory wood It is put up in square quart bottles only each with a
metal cap NEVER SOLD IN BULK A bottle will smoke a barrel of meat
280 lbs For sale by all druggists at 75c Every bottle guaranteed Ask
druggist for FREE BOOK The New Way Bo sure to get the genuine
THE E M WRIGHT CO Ltd Kansas City Mo
ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nmrgm mi tuim n r ittih mmm inn i ffiih k ytiii i ijiiii in irnm
L W McCONNELL Druggist
1 he 1 nbune
It is Just One Dollar the Year