The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1911, Image 7

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McCook Lodge No 135 A F fc A M meets
every first and third Tuesday of the month at
8 00 p m in Masonic ball
ftURRIS H Stewart V M
Charles L Fahnestock Sec
e s u
Occcnoieo Conncil No 16 B fc S M meets on
the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m
n Masonic hall
William E Hart T I M
Aaron G Kino Sec
r A M
King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets
OTery first and third Thursday of each mouth at
S00 p m in Masonic hall
Clarence B Grat H P
W B Whittaker Sec
St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 p
en in Masonic hall
Geo Willets E C
Setii D Silver Rec
Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
500 p m in Masonic hall
Mrs C W Wilson W M
S Cordeal Sec
McCook Lodge o 42 of K P meets every
Wednesday at 8C0 p in in Masonic hall
J N Gaarde C C
C A Evans K R
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall
B J Lane N G
H G Hughes Sec
Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets eveiy
first and third Friday of each month at
830 p in in Ma onic hall Pay assessments
at Citizens National Bank
C C Byfield Consul
HM Finitt Clerk
No le Camp No 862 B N A meets every
iscond and fourth Thursday of each month at
830 p m in Morris hall
Mrs Caroline Kunert Oracle
Mrs August a Anton Rec
McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Temple
Maurice Griffin Treas Henry Moers MW
C J Ryan Financier C B Gray Rec
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every
second and forth Tuesdays of each month at
SAO p m in Temple building
Anna E Ruby C of H
Mrs Carrie Schlaoel Rec
Meets every 2nd and 4th Friday evening in
Morris hall J A Wilcox Com
J H Yaeger Record Keeper
Branch No 1278 meets first Monday of each
month at 330 p m in carriers room postoflice
G F Kinghoen President
D J OBrien Secretary
locomotive firemen and enginemen
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meets on the first and third Thursdays of each
month in Morris hall
I D Pennington Pres
C H Hubted Sec
Ladies Society B of L F fc E
Golden Bod Lodge No 232 meets in Morris
hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of
each month at 2 oclock
Mrs Grace Hcsted MR3 Lena Hill
Secretary President
railway trainmen
C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of R T
meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in
Eagles hall T E Huston President
F G Kinghoen Sec
Harvey Division No 95 O B C meets the
eacond and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304
Main Avenue S E Callen C Con
M O McClure Sec
Bed Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets
every second and fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 pm in Morris hall
Theo Diebald Pre
Feed WA9S0N Fin Sec
Floyd Berry Cor Sec
McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets
every second and fourth Sunday of each
month at 230 in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
Young America Lodge No 456 B B C of A
meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
month in Morris hall at730 p m
H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy
S D Hughes Secy
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Thursdays of each
month in Eagles hall
Jno Seth Pres
Jno LeHew Cor Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E moots every
Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building
316 Main ave
C L W alkee V Pres
C H Bicketts W Sec
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p m in Eagles hall
G B Gale F Sec Frank Beal G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m
In Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Morris hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts B K
g A R
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A B meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Morris hall
Thomas Moore Commander
J H Yargee Adjt
relief corps
McCook Corps No 93 W B C meets every
jcond and fourth Saturday of each month at
30 p m in Ganscbow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Yandebhoof Sec
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A B meets on
the first Mondays of each month a t 2 30 p m
at the homes of the members
Mrs Lottie Brewer Presinent
Mrs Kate Dutton Secretary
p E o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each montn at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs J A Wilcox Pres
Mrs J G Schobel Cor Sec
McCook Temple No 24 Pythian Sisters meets
the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m
Lila L Ritchie M E C
Edna Stewart M of K C
Meets each 1st and 3rd Friday evening of
each inontb in Morris hall
Mrs C S Curtis N G
Miss Minnie Middleton Secy
How to cure a cold is a question
in which many are interested just
now Chamberlains Cough Remedy
has won its great reputation and im
mense sale by its remarkable cure
of colds It can always be depend
ed upon For sale by all dealers
IBfenfetteaiaMMbiii i iiB i torSn
m pas j 3
Absolutely Pyre
The only Staking powder
enaeSe frosM Royal Grape
Grearn of Tartar
In Danbury Visiting Members From
Lebanon and Marion Danbury Peo
ple Entertain Visitors Everybody
Feb 11 12 These two dates will
long be remembered as the most in
spiring of all the year and the most
inspiring of many years past
Rev Harvey Anderson the pastor ol
the Methodist church here seems to
have a new way of doing things The
new way has been counting for great
good in this town and will continue
to count for good He says that he
wants to know the good that is in
man and that is all
Rev Anderson was his own evan
gelist during the recent revival and
preached clean evangelistic sermons
He has not once in all the meetings
dealt in personalities He loves all
men alike
Forty six were converted during the
recent revival
The second quarterly conference
of Danbury circuit was held at Dan
bury on Saturday and Sunday The
Rev J Walter Morris D D the dis
trict superintendent of Holdrege dis
trict was here and presided over the
conference at a business session on
Saturday afternoon Dr Morris inform
ed the conference that there were as
inany people present at the confer
ence as there were many times at a
district conference He spoke very
encouragingly of the work of the
charge He informed the conference
that the work of the charge would
make msny city charges look sick
After the business meeting was
over a program composed of recita
tions and song was rendered
At six oclock Saturday afternoon
the Ladies Aid society gave a ban
quet free of charge to all who might
come The majority of town people
were present Everybody was wel
come to the banquet Rev Anderson
was toast master T C Crebben was
called on for a toast Why Do I
Go to Church Rev Parren of the
Congregational church told about
John Rockefeller in Church Prof
Clarendon was called on for The
Effect of the Revival On the School
Miss Millie McDonald gave a recita
tion ending The men get the toil
and sweat and the Ladies Aid gets
the rest
In the evening the Rev J Walter
Morris D D preached a timely ser
mon which was well received by an
appreciative audience
Sunday morning was filled with
good things and the people were well
pleased with the program
Sunday afternoon found the people
of Danbury and the visitors assemb
ling together ready for the program
Rev Parren of the Congregational
church helped in the program of the
afternoon After a warm and spirit
ual devotional meeting the laymen of
the charge were given the right of
way and there were some sound and
praccicai addresses made After the
addresses there were several who
took part and discussed the same
thing which had been spoken of by
the speaker on each subject
The Christian Among the People
was very well handled and each one
who took part on the subject left a
few words in memory that will stay
and keep on doing good Mrs E E
Blake of Marion and Mrs Hannah
Johnson of Lebanon were assigned
the subject The Secret of a Chris
tian Life These ladies did the sub
ject justice and made the audience
feel that they knew a few secrets
of a christian life and could tell them
The subject of How to Help the Pas
tor was open for all Mr Bacon of
Marion left a remark which stuck to
the crowd He said Go to church ev
ery Sunday and hear what the pastor
has to say and then go out all the
next week and tell every body what
the preacher said W A Stone re
marked that we could help the pas-
tor by going down in our pocket and
paying up the salary He showed that
people were paying out more than
2500 for lodge dues and about 70o
for church in Danbury per year He
told that he belonged to lodges but
made it very clear that man ought to
be as vJHing to help the churches
which saved from sin through the
preaching of the gospel
Mrs Rtilgebouer remarked that we
could help the pastor by keeping still
and not tell all we could against the
preacher even if it was the truth
for anything which is told to huit
the influence of another was slander
and sin Rev Anderson replied to the
remark and said that several former
itastos had been hurt so far as in
fluence was concerned by unkind re
marks from people in Lebanon Dan
bury and Marion Many more re
marks were made which space forbid
After songs and recitations the fol
lowing subjects were handled with
skill and ease The Christians Who
Have Helped Me Most by W A
Stone Everybody knows this man
and they call him Will because of
his big honest heart and life The
audience heard a business man tell
of how some christians in the audi
ence helped him most He was fol
lowed by several more who left a
good influence
Rev L Cann was called on to ad
dress the conference on The Worlds
Debt to Methodism The old veter
an struck the key note of Methodism
and the audience saw Methodist in
the true light
After recitations and a hymn by
the audience the communion service
took place At this hour it may be
called A Twilight Communion Ser
vice The service was very solemn
and many new converts took of the
sacrament for the first time
Sunday evening was filled with a
good service and after Epworth
League service the district superin
tendent preached to a crowded
house and left a gospel sermon to
linger with the soul of those who
heard him
The district superintendent express
ed himself as well pleased with the
people and the work of the pastor
All who expressed themselves were
assured of the fact that this quarter
ly conference was one great feast to
all who attended
Among the visitors from Lebanon
were Roy and Mrs Husmann Mrs
Hannah Johnson Roy Johnson Miss
Esther Johnson Mrs Dr Campbell
and two daughters Mrs I E Austin
Mr and Mrs J D Mallery and two
children Mrs G B McLennan Miss
Nellie Book Misses Alta and Hah
McCarty Lovel More Russel Penning
ton Miss Ruth Waugh Ira Overstake
Maxwell Ralsten Miss Nellie Osborno
Ferris Hupp Gail Overstake There
were a few more but in the mixing
of the crowd our reporter was unable
to get their names
The visitors from Marion were Mr
and Mrs Blake Mrs Webber Mr
and Mrs Wicks Mr and Mrs Reed
Mr and Mrs C Reed Mr and Mrs
C F Darnell Mr and Mrs M Rod
abaugh Mrs J W Pepper Mr and
Mrs Frank Yeater Miss Nellie Yeat
er There were several others which
the reporter did not get
The Danbury people opened their
homes to the visitors from the neigh
boring towns They made the visit
ors feel that they were welcome
The visitors were well pleased and
so expressed themselves Everybody
was anxious to do their part The
Congregationalists and the Christian
homes were open to all visitors as
well as the Methodists The spirit
of brotherly love was shown by Dan
bury people and the visitors went
home feeling that the Danbury
knew how to treat their neigh
bors They did what they knew to do
All who attended the conference
were well pleased and wished that
they could have such meetings often
The visitors were very anxious to
have their church take up the same
plan and have the program carried
out at their church
There were many tired bodies who
left with a spirit of good cheer and
brotherly love The conference was
planned by the pastor and it was a
success from start to finish
When her child is in danger a
woman will risk her life to protect
it No great act of heroism or risk of
life is necessary to protect a child
from croup Give Chamberlains
Cough Remedy and all danger is
avoided For sale by all dealers
Typewriter papers typewriter rib
bons carbon papers manifolding pa
per mimeograph paper a large se
lection to choose from at The Trib
une office
Received on Account
Out Cash Credit slips
for sale at The Tribune office
1000 50c
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Mexican 68nerei9s Juarez Op
erations Gap Lively Career
Son of Chihuahua Ranchman Thrown
Into Rebellion Against President
Diaz Proves Most Daring and Re
sourceful of Opposition Leaders
Noted For Ability With Rifle
The unexpected and sensational de
scent on the border city of Juarez by
Mexican insurrectos commanded by
General Pasquale Orozco stimulated
interest in the rebellion against Diaz
This was particularly true of the
United States as Juarez is just across
the Rio Grande river from El Paso
Tex and is joined to it by the huge
international bridge which Presidents
Taft and Diaz dedicated Since horse
racing has been abolished in Texas
the American promoters have moved
to Juarez which has emphasized its
importance as the most important
Mexican town on the Texan border
Gustavo A Madero the younger
brother of Francisco I Madero leader
of the revolution who is in America
to secure aid for his brother declares
the rebel army is made up of 12000
earnest men armed with modern Win
chester rifles while the government
has only 24000 apathetic soldiers The
Madero forces have already captured
eight small towns and have organized
bands in ten states He praised Oroz
cos Juarez maneuvers
Praise For Orozco
Tasquale Orozco one of the young
est and bravest of my brothers gen
erals Is responsible for this he said
Orozco since the war began in No
vember has been the leader of three
of the revolutions most spectacular
achievements at Guerrero Cerro
Prieto and Malpaso
i He is only twenty eight years old
and never served In the army before
or ever held any public office He was
the son of a smal ranchman outside
Chihuahua Being brought up on his
fathers ranch he had no social po
sition in particular but learned to be
able to hit a dime every time with a
rifle at 200 yards When he reached
the age of twenty one he left his fa
thers ranch and came into Chihuahua
and started in business for himself as
a commission merchant
He never met my brother but when
the latter last summer was touring
Mexico making speeches Orozco be
came enthusiastic over his idea and
when the revolutionist commander
Abraham Gonzales became provision
al governor of Chihuahua last Novem
ber Orozco became his personal escort
Gonzales was a brave man on the
field but at Guerrero two months ago
he lost his nerve The town had been
captured by the revolutionary army
after a fourteen day siege The fed
eral troops made their last refuge a
block of houses in which the families
of many revolutionary sympathizers
also lived Gonzales said he wouldnt
blow up the block and it seemed as
though the federals were going to re
main intrenched there interminably
While Gonzales was thus hesitat
ing Orozco jumped out in front of the
revolutionists and cried that the block
must be blown up and that he was
willing to take the responsibility for
doing it He asked if the men would
follow him and In the wave of excite
ment which followed the revolution
ists said they would let him be their
leader thereafter The block was
blown up and the town fell absolutely
Into the hands of the revolutionists
Proves Skillful Leader
Orozco has been the official leader
of the revolutionary forces of Chihua
hua ever since and has proved
worthy At the battle of Malpaso
which occurred a few weeks after the
fall of Guerrero he enticed the fed
eral troops into a canyon and ambush
ed them killing and wounding 2i0
He afterward permitted the federals
to take their wounded from the Held
Among the wounded was Colonel Guz
man leader of the federal forces lie
died a few days later in a Chihuahua
hospital Before he died he said 1
have only one regret and that is that
1 have never been able to shake bauds
with my opponent General Orozoo
the bravest man and the ablest gen
eral that I know
Just before the engagement at Mal
paso occurred the battle of Dark Ilill
Cerro Irietoi at which Orozco tuniftl
what might have been a disaster into
B splendid victory General Navarro
a federal commander with men
was marching through the province
looking for revolutionary bands Oroz
co with only thirty five men was fol
lowing him Navarro knew too that
Orozco hoped to receive
so he disguised 17i0 of his men
in the uniforms of the revolutionary
army and sent them to meet Orozco
Orozco and his men were at first
deceived When the two forces were
within 150 yards of each other Orozco
saw he had made a mistake Instead
of galloping off he and his men sprang
from their horses and getting behind
them retreated slowly firing They
retreated thus for eight miles Orozco
lost twenty five of his thirty five men
but the federals killed were far more
Circassian Walnut Has Alias
Much of the Circassian walnut ap
pearing in up to date furniture is the
wood of the red gum tree
Knows When to Be Rude Even to the
Imperial Chancellor von Bethmann
Hollweg must go Emperor William Is
reported to have said after he heard
the verdict of the court acquitting
many of the prisoners arrested in con
nection with the Moabit riots and se
verely reflecting on the conduct of the
Hollweg has steadily lost favor with
the emperor recently owing to his lack
of tact The emperor has informed
several members of his court that the
chancellor would be Invited to retire
immediately after the next reichstag
elections next autumn At the same
time the emperor left no doubt that
the next chancellor will be Herr von
Kiderlen Waechter who now is the
Imperial secretary of foreign affairs
He observed
Kiderlen is tactful energetic and
not boorish He will do
Kiderlen himself mistrusts his luck
which seems too sudden Two years
ago when an intimate friend told him
that he would become foreign secre
tary Kiderlen said
Nonsense the emperor hates me
The same friend told him recently
that he is destined to be the next
chancellor Kiderlen no longer doubt
ed the truth of his friends informa
tion but expressed fear that his
change of fortune is too sudden to
The emperors satisfaction with his
foreign secretary is mainly due to
Kiderlens skillful arrangement of
the negotiations with Russia over the
Persian agreement and also the com
plete change brought about in Ger
manys diplomatic position which now
completely controls the European sit
Kiderlens friends say he Is a sec
ond Bismarck with the Iron Chancel
lors skill in judging when to be out
rageously rude even to the emperor
First Investigations of Pupils Will Be
Made In Mexico
By the founding of the International
School of American Archaeolopy and
Ethnology in the City of Mexico the
advancement of the study of those
subjects and of the anthropology of
Mexico will be materially advanced
The objects of the school are the train
ing of young men to become thorough
Investigators undertaking scientific in
vestigations and the publication of
such work The founding patrons of
the school are the government of the
United States of Mexico the govern
ment of Prussia Columbia university
Harvard university and the University
Megounmant of Mexico The latter
has placed at the disposal of the stu
dents rooms In which classes may be
held and will facilitate access to libra
ries museums Institutes and other
scientific centers and will aid in the
support of the school with an annual
subsidy of 0000
Each patron will In turn appoint and
pay a director of the school and will
also allot fellowships which will be
sufficient to cover the expenses of
board and lodging and transportation
of a fellow The government of Prus
sia has appointed Professor Dr Ed
ward Seler director of the section of
anthropology and archaelogy in the
Royal museum at Berlin one of the
most eminent men of bis profession in
Germany who has already made ex
tensive researches into the history of
Mexico He will hold office for one
year and will be aided by Professor
Franz Boaz of Columbia during his
presence in Mexico as professor of
anthropology at the National univer
sity of Mexico Two appointments to
fellowships have been made Dr Wer
ner von Harchelmann by Prussia and
Miss Isabel Ranives Castaneda by Co
Professor Says He and Clark Were
Land Grabbers Pawns
Dr C W Alvord professor of west
ern history in the University of Illi
nois in a lecture under the auspices of
the Sons of the Revolution of Louis
ville Ky shattered the hero worship
of the early leaders of the Kentucky
pioneers by saying that George Rogers
Clark and Daniel Boone were merely
pawns in the hands of huge land grab
bing concerns
By implication Professor Alvord con
nected Patrick Henry with Governor
Dunmore who he said inspired the In
dian war resulting in the Clark expe
dition Although he did not connect
George Washington or the Lee family
and other influential Virginians direct
ly he showed wherein they were great
ly benefited personally by the war
Texan Offers Specimen to Mayor Gay
nor of New York
A man In Texas wants to sell Mayor
Gaynor of New York a sheep with
wool of seven colors The offer came
in a letter received from Udo Toepper
wein of San Antonio who suggests
that the sheep might be a valuable ad
dition to the zoo
He writes that the sheep came from
the mountains of Mexico that he shear
ed It twice and that the wool each
time was of the same varied coloring
He will not ask the city anything for
the sheep if after the next shearing it
falls to reproduce its spots
Nova Scotias Technical Campaign
Technical schools for young men are
to be established In nearly every coun
ty In the Canadian province of Nova
Subscribe for The Tribune
Backache Rheumatism Sleeplessness
Result from disordered kidneys Fo
ley Kidney Pills have helped others
they will help you Mrs J B Mil
ler Syracuse N Y says For a
long time I suffered with kidney trou
ble and rheumatism I had severe
backaches and felt all played out
After taking two bottles of Foley
Kidney Pills my backache is gone
and where I used to lie awake with
rheumatic pains I now sleep In com
fort Foley Kidney Pills did wonder
ful things for me Try them now
A McMillen
Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable
remedy for backache rheumatism an
urinary irregularities They are ton
ic in action quick in results and af
ford a prompt relief from all kidney
disorders A McMillen
Notice of Settlement
In Estate of Frank J Nugent de
ceased In County Court Red Wil
low county Nebraska
To the Creditors Heirs Legatees
and others interested in the estate
of Frank J Nugent deceased
Take Notice That Patrick Walsh
has filed in the County Court a re
port of his doings as Administrator
of said estate and it is ordered that
the same stand for hearing the 2nd
day of March A D 1911 before the
Court at the hour of 1 oclock p
m at which time any person inter
ested may appear and except to and
contest the same
Witness my hand and the Seal
of the County Court at McCook this
28th day of January A D 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication Feb 2 1911 3t
Notice to Delinquents
Notice is hereby given that the
rental upon the lease contract to the
following described school land in
Red Willow county Nebraska as set
opposite the name of the holders
thereof is delinquent and if the
amount which is due is not paid with
in 60 days from the date of this notice
said contract will be declared forfeited
by the Board of Educational Lands
and Funds and said forfeiture will be
entered of record in the manner pro
vided by law
All 36-2-28 L J Holland
Commissioner of Public Lands and
Dated Feb 10 1911
First publication Feb 16 1911 3ts
Shampooing Hair Dressing
Scalp and Facial Treatment
Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stairs
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location n tacr rnCetr
street in P Whleh brrlrtiog l IvAAJUK
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
Best Imported
Fercheron Belgian
English Shire
Suffolk Punch and
German Coach
Stallions 1000 ea
Imported mareshome
bred stallions 250
6j0 each
Creston Iowa
HomeBred Draft Stallions
230 to 000 imported stallions your choice
1000 F L STHEAM Creston la
r 1