The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 09, 1911, Image 2

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1 Wr fftjW Ai
Absolutely Pure
The onffy baking powder
made vbom Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
Have you lost a crop or two w
Quit your knocking
Still expect to lose a few
Quit your knocking
Many people have their home
Where a crop has never grown
Nor a flower has ever blown
Quit your knocking
Are the winters long and drear
Quit your knocking
Dread the blizzards drawing near
Quit your knocking
There are many thousands stay
Where eternal winters sway
There they pass their lives away
Quit your knocking
Do you say that you are poor
Quit your knocking
The wolf is ever at your door
Quit your knocking
Dont you know that tonight
Thousands for a crust would fight
Their only law Might is right
Quit your knocking
Do you dream of fairer climes
Quit your knocking
larger crops and better times
Quit your knocking
FI1 admit it may be true
But someones there ahead of you
e31takj youricash and mortgage too
Quit your knocking
Just for luck lets boost awhile
Quit our knocking
Instead of a frown lets wear a smile
Better than knocking
Home though humble that grand old
Swelling in volume as it rolls along
Breathes contentment and makes us
No more knocking
This Offer Should Gain the Confidence
of the Most Skeptical
We pay for all the medicine used
during the trial if our remedy fails
to completely relieve you of constipa
tion We take all the risk You are
not obligated to us in any way what
ever if you accept our offer Thats
a mighty broad statement but we
mean every word of it Could any
thing be more fair for you
A most scientific common sense
treatment is Rexall Orderlies which
are eaten like candy Their active
principle is a recent scientific dis
covery that is odorless colorless and
tasteless very pronounced gentle and
pleasant in action and particularly
agreeable in every way This ingred
ient does not cause diarrhoea nausea
Uatuence griping or any inconven
ience what ever Rexall Orderlies ar
particularly good for children aged
and delicate persons
If you suffer from chronic or hab
itual constipation or the associate or
dependent chronic ailments we urge
you to try Rexall Orderlies at our
zisk Remember you can get them in
3cCook only at our store 12 tablets
20 cents 36 tablets 25 cents The
Hexall Store L TV McConnell
Speedy Relief From Kidney Trouble
I had an acute attack of Brights
disease with inflammation of the kid
neys and bladder and dizziness says
3rs Cora Thorp Jackson Mich A
Bottle of Foleys Kidney Remedy ov
ercome the attack reduced the in
flammation took away the pain and
made the bladder action normal I
wish everyone could know of this
sronderful remedy A McMillen
Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable
remedy for backache rheumatism and
urinary irregularities They are ton
Sn in action quick In results and af
ford a prompt Wef from all kidney
sBsorders A aMillen
Subscribe for The Tribune j
You are probably aware that pneu
monia always results from a cold
but 3ou never heard of a cold result
ing in pneumonia when Chamberlains
Cough Remedy was used Why take
the risk when this remedy may be
had for a trifle For sale by all
Remember the Name
Foleys Honey and Tar for all
coughs and colds for croup bronchit
is hoarseness and for racking
grippe coughs No opiates Refuse
substitutes A McMillen
Received on Account Pali
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 60c
Something special The Weekly
Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa
per 125 for one year Ask us what
it means
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Subscribe for The Tribune
Glean Your dream
Separator with
Old Dutch
Not only the quickest and
easier cleanser you can use but
also the safest because it con
tains no caustic or alkali no
danger of tainting the milk
Old Dutch Cleanser
is hygienic and Ster
ilizes as well as cleans
Old Dutch Cleanser is an
all round cleanser It
Gleans Scrubs
Scours Polishes
and is the best cleanser to use
in the kitchen and through
out tho house Avoid de
structive caustic and add clean
ers and do all
your cleaning with
this one handy me
chanical Cleanser
Not a washing
fey tAfiff
- -
As I am moving to town I will sell the following property to
the highest bidder without reserve at my farm 8 miles northeast
of McCook 7 miles northwest of Indianola 4 miles north of Red
Willow station beginning at 10 ocolck a m on
Monday February 20 11
io Head of Horses i Cow coming fresh
in spring 3 yearling steers 14 head of
Hogs 2 dozen Chickens Farm Imple
ments Household Goods Etc
-Sums of 10 and under cash sums over 10 a credit of 12 months
will be given purchaser to givf bankable paper drawing interest
at 10 per cent from date 5 per cent discount for cash No prop
erty to be removed until settled for
Sedentary habits lack of outdoor
exercise insufficient mastication of
food constipation a torpid liver wor
ry and anxiety are the most common
causes of stomach troubles Correct
your habits and take Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets and you
will soon be well again For sale by
all dealers
When her child is in danger a
woman will risk her life to protect
it No great act of heroism or risk of
life is necessary to protect a child
from croup Give Chamberlains
Cough Remedy and all danger is
avoided For sale by all dealers
Premiums will be offered at the ex
hibit of the Educational department
at the State Fair next September for
the following articles
Lot 1 School Buildings and school
grounds Rural town and city
Lot 2 General Collective County
rural school city and town
Lot 3 Home or School Gardens
Rural school city college Best ex
hibit of ten vegetables raised by any
Lot 4 Bread Cake and Cookies
Lot 5 Canned fruit
Lot 6 Jellies
Lot 7 Sewing and Hand Work
Machine made work apron Hand
made fancy apron Washable sofa
pillow cover One half dozen button
holes Shirt waist Dressed doll by
pupil over sixteen handwork Dress
ed doll by pupil under sixteen hand
Lot S Collective Domestic Sci
ence from rural school Domestic
Science from city or town school
Lot 9 Manual Training Article
made from wood Best model of any
article or machine not to exceed two
feet in diameter Best exhibit from
rural school Best exhibit from town
school Best exhibit from city school
Lot 10 Maps Best map of farm
showing location of fields buildings
etc Best product map of the TJ
S Best relief map of the U S
Best collection of relief maps by any
school collection to consist of one
map each of Nebraska N A S A
Eurasia Africa Australia and the
Lot 11 Penmanship By pupil by
rural school by city school
Lot 12 Free Hand Drawing Sev
eral classes
Lot 13 Pen Drawing Several
Lot 14 Water Colors Several
Lot 15 Miscellaneous Herbarium
Description of native trees and of
shrubs Lists and descriptions of res
ident birds Best display of home
made apparatus by rural school Best
display of homemade apparatus by
town school Best display of home
made apparatus by city school
Lot 16 Corn One Ear Exhibit
Each of five best single ear exhibits
of yellow corn Each of five best
single ear exhibits of white corn
Each of five best single ear exhibits
of corn other than yellow or white
Lot 17 Potatoes Each of five
best exhibits of six potatoes
Lot 18 Discretionary Any exhibit
of an educational nature
R F D No 1
Henry Karspecks wife and babies
are suffering with the grip this week
Mike Eschs family are suffering
with the prevailing grip
The coyote hunt in Bondville pre
cinct last Thursday netted the boys
one coyote The hunt the Thursday
preceeding was more in the nature
of a 4th of July celebration and not
a coyote
Grandma Forester is very poorly
and confined to bed
Geo Barthel brother of Mrs Vogt
who recently died left for his home
in Oklahoma today after a short
Robert Johnston has put up a new
windmill tower all nicely painted etc
The children in 31 had a vaca
tion Monday and Tuesday of this
week the teacher being indisposed
The corn shelters were at Wm
Broomfields Wednesday
Frank Hammell from Curtis is vis
iting at Shadeland ranch part of this
Poor Thing
Patience I feel awfully sorry for
her Patrice Why Shes get
ting hard of hearing and she does so
Ilk to heat herself talk
Became Convinced That His
Wife Was a Remarkable
Copyright by American Press Asso
ciation Mil
I am u steeplejack
Now Ill admit that a steeplejack is
a very unique individual We have
doctor lawyer merchant chief ad
libitum but how many steeplejacks
Probably not one in a million citizens
And I am aware that while a steeole
jack is very attractive to a crowd he
is a constant source of worry to his
own family who dont know when his
mangled body may be brought to his
home on a stretcher or in a wagon If
his wife sees him at the work by
which he earns their daily bread she
must be one of a crowd watching him
one half dreading that he will fall
and the other half fearing he wont
fall Taking him altogether a steeple
jack Is not a desirable member of a
That was the reason why Mr Davis
when I asked him for his daughter
Molly turned faced me squarely and
said impressively
Yes you may have Molly when she
will marry you each one of you swing
ing from an arm of the gilt cross on
the top of St Thomas church
You mean by that I suppose Mr
Davis I replied that I cant have
Molly at all and because I am a
steeplejack Do you deny sir that a
steeplejack has a heart the same as
any man
Im not Interested in steeplejacks
hearts I dont propose that my
daughter shall marry a man out of
whom she can never get more than a
bare living except by insuring his life
Hm I replied to this thoughtfully
Not a bad scheme Now suppose
You get out of here I have some
thing else to attend to than listening
to airy schemes for my daughters
betterment Good morning sir
Being thus cruelly choked off I left
him crestfallen I thought it very
hard that he wouldnt even permit mo
to propose my plan though Ill admit
that the only way to make it a success
was to die I went to Molly and told
her what had occurred between her
father and me I was very lugubrious
about it and expected a lot of sym
pathy What did she do but burst out
laughing This made me look more
disconsolate than ever whereupon she
threw her arms about my neck ex
Stupid get that woeful look off your
That reminds me I replied of
when I was a kid When my mother
used her slipper on me she would say
after she had flnished Now be good
and look pleasant
Molly laughed again Seriously
she said did father say you could
have me when I was willing to marry
you swinging from the cross of St
Yes he did
Then thats the way we must be
married Grandma left me 20000 but
Im not to have it without fathers con
sent when I marry Were there any
witnesses present when he said this
There was some one in the next
room but I dont know -who
Ill And out Ive got to become a
steeplejack like you That is to say
Ive got to learn to climb steeples I
must get such control of myself that I
can go up to the cross of St Thomas
and hang there long enough to be mar
Nonsense I exclaimed
No nonsense about it if Im to
marry you I know father well enough
to be sure that if he says a thing hell
stick to it He has said or implied
that he will only give his consent to
our marriage under certain conditions
which he meant for a refusal But in
law if the conditions are fulfilled his
consent has been given
How do you know that
I dont but I can ask a lawyer
cant I
But good gracious you cant learn
to climb steeples One must be born
with a head for that they say a stee
plejack has absolutely perfect eyes
Well cant you hoist me up there at
the end of a rope with a bag over my
I thought for some time before an
swering this question At last I said
I dont know but I might
Come in tomorrow Meanwhile Ill
find out if we have a witness to fa
thers conditional consent
I --
But Ive beo dismissed
That does Mot matter Father
knows that I do as I please He is
aware that his only hold on me is that
his consent to my marriage is neces
sary to my getting my legacy And
hes pretty sure I wont give up 20
000 for a steeplejack and a very sim
ple one at that
Her last words cut me to the heart
but she put her arms around niy neck
and gave me a hug which made me
feel better I left her feeling that she
had a more level head on her shoulders
than I even if she couldnt climb
steeples as I could The next day I
went to see her and she said she had
discovered who was in the other room
when her father had been talking to
me a plasterer who had brought him
an estimate for some work She had
found the man and asked him if he
could repeat what was said He gave
the matrimonial condition word for
word Molly took it down in writing
and he signed it Molly is a mighty
practical girl and a very energetic
There she said concluding her ac
count of what she had done weve
got father just where we want him
It seems to me I replied dolefully
that hes got us just where we dont
want to be
She laughed and because I wouldnt
laugh with her she boxed my ears and
said Look pleasant Thte made me
look worse than ever but she kept
boxing my ears till I had to smile to
stop her Shes a great woman Molly
Is that is in a certain kind of way
A few days later I received a note
from her saying that she had made an
arrangement to visit a cousin in N a
neighboring town where there were
several churches all with steeples She
told me to meet her there with climb
ing tickle and she would take her first
lesson I put my ropes and pulleys
in a baggage car and went with them
to N I found Molly in gymnasium
costume She had taken prizes in gym
nastics and she said she would go
right out to take a lesson I sent my
tackle- to the church with the lowest
steeple climbed to the roof fixed a
beam from which I hung a pulley
then sang out to Molly to put the loop
on the end of the rope under her arms
and haul herself up She did it without
any trouble Then I went to a win
dow midway up to the steeple fixed
another beam and this time pulled
her up from below and she got in at
the window I was surprised that she
didnt wince But as Ive said theres
a lot of sand in Molly
Before we had finished the first les
son Molly was sitting on the base of
the ball capping the steeple a hundred
feet from the ground A number of
people had collected below watching
her and she kissed her hand to them
I saw from this that she had a steeple
jacks head as well as I
I remained in N a week and every
day we did some climbing the last
day I was there going to the top
of the most difficult steeple of all to
climb It was not very high but there
was a long pull with no rests from
the base to the top of the spire On
the apex were a ball and a cross and
Molly hung from one side of the cross
As I looked at her hanging there it
struck me more than ever that for that
kind of girl Molly beat any one I had
ever tackled
This was valuable preparation but
the height was only 140 feet while St
Thomas was 250 But Molly said
that if she could hang 140 feet above
ground with her eyes open she could
hang 230 with them shut She seemed
very happy over it all and I wondered
whether she was glad because she was
going to get me and her 20000 too
or on account of having demonstrated
her ability to climb
Molly I said it seems to me that
youre mighty pleased at the prospect
of getting a man who is nothing but a
Well Ill tell you why Im so
Ever since I was a little girl father
in speaking to me of marriage has
dinged it into me that I was to marry
high up in the social scale
Molly I said with difficulty con
trolling my trembling voice youve
crushed me to earth
I was pulling out my handkerchief
to wipe away a tear when Molly
kissed it away
Never mind Jim she said Doubt
less therell be lots of couples just like
us but therell be none more loving
That comforted me awfully
We went back home I told Molly
that she must continue her climbing in
order to keep her head at great
heights She said All right but
didnt lay any plans for any more of
it One day she wrote me that she
wished to see me at once I went
right round I didnt see anything un
usual In her appearance which sur
prised me when she told me why she
wished to see me And what do you
suppose it was Her father had heard
of her climbing and very much as
tonished and angered asked her what
k meant whereupon she told him her
scheme He fumed and fretted for a
whole day then gave In But he in
sisted on my leaving the steeplejack
trade and going into business with
Well now I said overjoyed isnt
it fine that you wont have to climb
St Thomas
Nonsense I never intended to
climb it
You didnt
No I contrived that father should
hear of what I was doing and I knew
it would bring him round without
Weve been married five years now
and I am getting to think sometimes
in some things that my wife is my
superior although Im more used to
going up In the air than shi
Tuner of Pianos
South McCook
Leave orders with
in Rishels store
C C Brown
I carry a complete line of
hair goods Switches puffs
and curls made from your
combings L Al CLYDE
handles the following
Canyon City Lump
Canyon City Nut
Maitland Lump
Baldwin Lump
Sheridan Egg
Iowa Lump
Rex Lump
Pennsylvania Hard
These are all coals of highest heat
producing qualities Give us your
orders they will be filled promptly
and to your satisfaction
S S GARVEY Manager
Phone 169
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Walter Hosier
Draying in all its branches
promptly and carefully attended
to Your patronage is earnestly
Phone black 244 Leave orders
at any of the city lumber yards
Osborn Kummer Co
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of DeGrofFs
Phone No 13
Fire and Wind
Written In First Class
Flour Feed Main av
Several Fine Young
Inquire of
McCook Tribune 100 a year
White Line Transfer
Hawkins Sheaffer
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office 68
residence red 456
McCook R F D No 4