REGULAR CHUR3H SERVICES Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Freaching at 11 a m and 8 p m The public cordially invited R T BAYNE Pastor CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 3 p m Sleets now in the north east corner of court house basement Catholic Order of services Mass 800 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Evening services at 830 Sunday school 230 p m WM J PATTON O M I Methodist Preaching by the pas tor at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Epworth League at 7 p m LESTER E LEWIS Pastor EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten oclock Morning prayer and sermon at eleven oclock Evening prayer and sermon at eight Choir rehearsal j as usual every member please attend j ALFRIC J R GOLDSMITH Rector EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CON GREGATIONAL Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 730 All Germans cordially invited to at- tend these services j HENRY KAUERZ Pastor j GERMAN EVAN LUTHERAN Ser vices every other Sunday afternoon at 230 oclock REV GROTHEER Pastor THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kancas City Post 5c week McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing 206 1st st E -- Phone red 450 Terms of District Court 1911 j Chase county April 24 and Novem ber 13 j Dundy County March G and No- vember 20 Frontier county March 20 and Oc tober 2 Furnas county February 20 May 29 and October 23 j Gosper county January 30 and j September 25 j Hayes county March 13 and Sep- tember IS Hitchcock county May 1 and No vember 27 Red Willow county February 6 May 15 and October 9 Robert C Orr district judge Foleys Kidney Remedy An Appre ciation L McConnell Catherine St El mira N Y writes I wish to express my appreciation of the great good I derived from Foleys Kidney Remedy which I used for a bad case of kidney trouble Five bot tles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond doubt it is the most reliable kidney medicine I have ever taken A McMillen Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual Chamberlains r Cough Remedy acts on this plan It allays the cough relieves the lungs opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition Thousands have testified to its superior excellence Sold by al druggists When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlains Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety Thousands of moth ers use it successfully Sold by all druggists Subscribe for The Tribune Referees Sale By virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the clerk of the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska on the judgment rendered in said court in the cause wherein TJlyssess E Fox is plaintiff and Har riet E Bums et al are defendants en the 7th day o December 1910 for the partition and sale of the land here inafter described I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 14th day of February 1911 at the front door of the court house in said county at one oclock in the after noon of said day the following land to wft The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty four In township three north range twenty nine west of the 6th P M in said county Dated this 10th day of January 1911 P S HEATON Referee Ritchie Wolff Attorneys First publication Jan 12 5L UL VIERSEN Huiskamps Calendar Shoes These shoes are- equal to any 500 and 600 shoes on the market They look as well are just as stylish and wear as well cost only 300 and 400 for ladies and 400 for mens With every pair of these shoes you get a calendar on which you mark the date you began to wear them when they are worn out count up the days of service you have had and you will never again buy anything but Calendar Shoes 0SB0RN McCook REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL BANK McCook Nebraska Chaetee No 8823 In the State of Nebraska at tho close of busi nets Jaiuihry 7 1011 kesoubcks Loans airt Di roiiuls secured and i BniuJs t cine riri uiiiliiiu Pr miiitus -it U S Bond- Bond- -co undo- Hankiiiu inriiitisr and tixtur Du i Irmit National Hank- not ru nre MiTt iitm Due f oni state and priiatebaiksaml 1 b tri t roiiipnineb nuii ur inns banks n Chocks and other rnsli items Notes of other National Banks - n riUimiii 0T oj 11114 l 1INi if 1G71 J7 ir i 7s i Ai 75 11 25 Oi blactioial iinpurcunvucjnirkcl iiul Laufli tiwNEV Ita UKvn in Bank viz 97 49 Sr iws Legal tender notes 13S5 0J 14iEt HVili uiptioii tiimi willi US Tieat urer 5 percent of cir illation 2rtX Total S278 311 li aridities Capital stock paid in surp us fund lOKKM U iiiviiii profit- less and l wSli111 N ti iml B mk iott ui tniKiiuK Due to oilier National banks Iinii i ml tii n t in mil f eiost T- - rli iir - f dopo if fasiiers check outstanding avibl mcliuliiic cert fixates of deposit for borrow oil money 10 j Ml XK 11 17 7 i 7 12f 4 75 r23 7 7 3 C 15 XXI Kl Tin a i -is r i v yiiv f - I J OBi ii ra Iiier f the Kiv riiii f I nil ncur tln a-v- niiit i trurotlio Ixi t of mv a U ti f OJ OBuiENfi li Vti t I W Sl r v kiiv P F MK na Diri ts siSn lit l Im 14 1 1 da o January 1911 fn- W Kkli r si l N illu M pomitii inn Mar 11113 Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable Take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets keep your bowels regular and jou will avoid these diseases For sale by all druggists For either acute or chronic kidney disorders for annoying and painful urinary irregularities take Foleys Kidney Pills An honest and ef fective medicine for kidney and bladder disorders A McMillen Chases Dirt S H fctStfM9IRga Mr 83- YyjflUfcWKJiMC JJO AJBw UmK Sm 3MKy - TVy Avoid Caustic and Acid Use ki Dutch lenes This handy all round Cleans er is entirely free from caustic acid and alkali it is hygienic cleans mechanicalIynot chem ically It is not only the safest but also the easiest and quickest cleanser ever discovered for ieamng9 Scrubbing It is the only cleanser to use on milk pails pans separators and on all cooking utensils Use it for all cleaning through out the house How To Clean Windows The Best Way Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleans er on a cloth or sponge just dampened sufficiently to hold the powder without dusting and apply to the glass rubbing briskly Then polish with a dry cloth and a very little Old Dutch Cleanser If the above directions are followed excellent re sults will be secured with less work than by ordinary methods or with other articles io CaV la LARGE SIFTER GUN HMMMKJ BucknaRi Pasha Hpn Visits Lend of His Youth A mum Made Hit With Abdul Hamid by Re organizing Navy and Balking Rob bing European Contractors Nearly Started Mohammedan Revolt by Fail ing to Salute French Flag at Algiers A short squarely built man was a recent visitor to New York and Wash ington and registered at hotels as It D Bm kimm Constantinople That is the way Rue imam Pasha vice jd miral of the Ottoman navy aid-decamp and naval adviser to the sultan puts himself down when he pels among hN old friends The admiral is or was an Amercau He has had a of real adventure Twenty sevtii years ago he was a cabin boy on a schooner on the great lake Hansford D Bui Imam was horn 111 Xov i Scotia in ISO but hN parents almost immediately moved to Maine At the age of fourteen he felt the call of the sea and followed it to the great lakes where lie became cabin boy on a schooner whose skipper was her owner The captain and his wife took a liking to the youngster At sixteen Bucknam went from New York as quartermaster of a schooner bound for the Pacific When the little vessel reached Manila the captain and the mates died of cholera and as th boy was the only person left on the craft who had studied navigation lie went before a special examining board got a masters certificate became a captain at seventeen and brought his vessel home Then followed many years on many scenes including more experiences on the great lakes Captured Sultans Fancy Bucknam had not made many trips across the Pacific before he was asked by the Cramps of Philadelphia to he come their nautical expert When the lmtilp diip Maine made her trial run he ivn in command of her and when the Cramps finished the Turkish cruiser Medjidia he was assigned to deliver her s nd sent to Turkey with a three months contract to train her crew The Turkish navy had been a joke ar least since the battle of Navarino Somehow Abdul Hamid took a fancy to the American sailor and asked him how he would like a job as naval ad viser to himself at a princely salary Bucknam asked for long enough leav to come home and get married After n hurried trip to San Francisco he re ported to the sultan on April 19 lflGM lie started to put tilings shipshape so far as he could It was net long be fore the sultan made him a pasha and admiral and conferred on him the order of Osmanlieh and gave him a medal for distinguished service Report has it that Bucknam saved the sultans life when an attempt was made to assassinate Abdul Ilamid sev eral years ago While the sultan was returning to the Yildiz kiosk from the Hamidieh mosque a bomb thrown into the imperial escort killed scores of men and horses rent the ground thereabouts and shook neighboring buildings Bucknam Pasha stepped to tho side of the sultans carriage and shouted that he would lop off any hand rhat dared stretch forth toward the sultan lie walked sword in hand be side the carriage all the way to the palace This act Abdul Ilamid never forgot Balked Robbing Contractors Bucknam Pasha is the first Christian who ever had actual command of the Turkish navy He won the sultans favor by his honesty It used to be the system it is said for English ship builders to get as much money as pos sible for ships as nearly worthless as the sultans officers would accept The sultan paid in one instance 1030000 and got in return an iron tub filled with junk the whole worth perhaps 5300000 Of the money that went out of the sultans purse his own officers got 1200000 and the contractors pock eted the modest sum of 450000 While bringing one of those new vessels around from the Atlantic Bucknam made a big hit with Mo hammedans by neglecting to salute the French Hag in Algerian waters The Ottoman government had never recog nized the French occupation of Alge ria aud no Turkish ship hud ver put iuto Algiers since the occupation A breakdown ii his machinery late one evening off the Algerian coast obliged Bucknam to take refuge in the port of Algiers which by careful tim ing he entered just before daybreak Three the Fren h commander sent out word that he was ready to return the Turkish salute Pnc knjnfs guns did not boom port com mander est me to the concle aon that the habitual worthlessncss of Turkish warships extended to the guns of tills vessel But the Mohammedans came out In small boats by the thousands to see and touch the ship of the one great free power still ruled by Islams great caliph They kissed the ship they crowded her decks they filled flasks from the sacred water that washed her sides and they prayed From far away in the Interior faithful Mussul mans made a three days pilgrimage by camel back ARMOR OF PARIS APACKSjniirrP French Bandit Wears Spiked Wristlets and Shoulder Straps to Tear Po licemens Hands Paris The Apaches of Paris a band of assasins who know no law hate the police and fight to the death when an attempt is made to capture them after they have committed a murder or rob bery gave the overworked authorities great trouble during the excitement and suffering caused by the flood One -- -- v- s Ss f - Jp If lwf vjwv V osv5 jKjK RKBr S 15J5S 4 VJPOrfiJLJAWjHUS An Apaches Armor of those recently arrested was found to be protected against capture by the police in a clever but cruel manner He was taken after a desperate battle and gave his name as Jaques Liabeuf It was found that he wore around his wrists bands of leather which were studded with brass spikes sharpened like needles The same kind of armor was attached to his shoulders When the policemen attempted to grab hira their hands were torn into shreds by the spikes He was armed with a mur derous looking knife and a revolver and had killed a policeman when ar rested MEANS BIG LEGAL FIGHT Arrest of Dr B C Hyde in Swops Csse Viil Cause Court Battle Kansas City Mo Great legal bat tles both in the criminal and civil courts are expected in the Swopo cae which has attracted wide atten tion throughout the country because of the prominence and wealth of the persons concerned Dr Bennett Clarke Hyde whoso wife is a niece of Col Swope has been arrested on a charge of murder ing the millionare with strychnine This assures a law battle in the criminal courts 1 Then there is a likelihood of a fight among the heirs for the riches of the dead man A young man has corns Dr B C Hyde forward with the claim that he is a son of the millionaire Dr Hyde has filed one libel suit and withdrawn it but probably will file another against the administrator of the estate Good Work Goes On William Rendell for 40 years of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says that within his tenure public opinion on the proper care and treatment of animals has so changed that instead of two acts of parliament there are now up ward of twenty which deal directly with cruelty to animals The branches of the society have increased from 20 to C20 The business of selling old worn out horses has been attacked for years by his society single handed but he now feels more hopeful We want spurious sports to be made illegal pri vate slaughter houses to he abolished cruel exhibitions of performing ani mals to be stopped with increased supervision to prevent overloading he says Baby Gave Name to Home Yaddo the Saratoga home from which Spencer Trask started on his fatal trip to New York is one of the show places of the spa town It da rives its name from the utterance of 3 little daughter of the Trasks When she crossed for the first time a rustic bridge over the -picturesque sheet of water which lies near the home she pointed and said Yaddo which was as near as her baby tongue could get to the word shadow and she did not know that the childish utterance had given a name to the place 1 S Three in Crusade Against Com pressing Their Bodies Helena of Italy Alexandra of England and Elizabeth of Roumania Take Action Which May Spread to America New York A corset strike may en gage the attention of the women after they have finished with the meat strike for it is now considered queen ly to go without the expensive and uncomfortable adornments according to information received here Besides stylish corsets are getting so long it is unpleasant to walk in them Any girl will tell you that And the longer they make them the more they cost Any married man can tell you that the high cost of corsets has kept pace with the high cost of living But the main thing just now is that Queen Elizabeth of Roumania has con cluded a triple alliance against the corsets Three queens are hard to beat In addition to Queen Elizabeth there are Queen Alexandra of Eng land and Queen Helena of Italy All are bona fide queens who can wear what they please and afford to pay for it and have a vast burden of court etiquette to manage Queen Elizabeth told her court all about it a day or two ago She re ceived a letter from Queen Alexandra saying the latter had decided that a womans dress should follow her nat ural lines Even if these lines are inartistic that is no reason why a Queen Helena of Italy woman should endanger her health and posterity says the queen The corset opines Queen Alexandra does not carry out the idea of natur al lines in dress On the other hand it thwarts such an idea and gives the body a sort of a nom de plume It is a fraud often a snare and delusion and Queen Alexandra was anxious that her disapproval be published to the world It was this attitude of Queen Alex andra according to Queen Elizabeth that caused the former to invent the princess idea of dress for which many shapely women are so thankful Her majesty of England went on Queen Elizabeth to her courtiers de spises blouses maintaining that the subdivision of the female body by the blouse and skirt is unbeautifu if not a downright sacrilege So Queen Elizabeth indorsed Queen Alexandra and then proclaimed some views of her own The corset she declared is an invention of man not of woman Most men judge a womans beauty accord ing to the standard of an expensive corsetmaker Queen Elizabeth forthwith wrote a pamphlet setting down her reflections on the subject and is having it circu lated all over Roumania It was then that the queen of Italy became a part of the triple alliance She gave away all her corsets one for every gown and wrote to Queen Elizabeth as follows I am opposed to the corset on principle because I think it un hygienic and directly injurious to women particularly to mothers Women who have studied the func tions of the body will refuse to wear corsets Only thoughtless mothers will imitate the habits of women still more giddy and allow their bodies to be squeezed tightly and their or gans to be distorted Soul of British Empire The city of London proper which lies in the heart of Greater London has a living population of but 35000 by night although 300000 people do business there by day while all of the currents of British life pass through its portals Here is the soul of the empire with its population of 400 000000 and of its area of 11400000 square miles or more than one fith of the population and area of the globe Scribners Well for Tourists to Remember Cuba Is vigorously enforcing collec tion of duties on the personal effects of passengers landing at any port of the island This is a pointer for tour ists to Cuba Generally We have noticed that a man had rather brag on his kin than to board them Atchison Kan Globe Every family has need of a goad eliable liniment For sprains bruis js soreness of the muscles and rieo matic pains there is none better than Chamberlains For sale by all deal ers Foleys Kidney Pills are tonic In ttion quick in results and restore lu natural action of the kidneys aadl jiadder They correct irregularities V McMillen SuDscrlte for the TriDunc PROFESSIONAL AKD BUSINESSJ1ECT0RY ROLAND R REED M D Physician and Surgeon Local Surgeon B M Phones Office 163 residezce 217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple building McCook Neb OR J O BRUCE Osteopath Phone 53 Office over Electric Theatre aa Main Ave DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over He Connells drug store Phones Of fice 1J0 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsk building McCook DR J A COLFER Dentist Phone 378 Room 4 Postoffice building Hb Cook Neb R H GATEWOOD Dentist Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic temgfei McCook Xeb DR EARL O VAHUE Dentist Phone 190 Office over McAdams store U5 Cook Neb C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in office McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co and oZ McCook Water Works Co Office to Postoffice building McCook Neb JAMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 Office Commercial barn McCocfei Nebraska L C STOLL CO Jewelers Opticians Eyes tested and fitted Fine re pairing McCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods of qualifcr Main avenue McCook Nebraska JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone 33 Estimates furnished freeBaseinesfc Postoffice building A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 302 over Woodworks drac store Go to NELMS FEED STORE for the FAMOUS CAMBRIDGE FLOUR and all kinds of feed Phone 186 Your combings made Into switches and puffe MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354 Subscribe for Tho Tribune 41 H VM If u