The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 05, 1911, Image 5

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Time Card
McCook Neb
Main Liue Eaat Depart Central Time
No 6 1110 P M
16 430 A M
2 520 A M
12 700 A M
14 920 P M
Main Line West Depart Mountain Time l
No 1 1235 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arr 830 p m
13 945 A M
15 1230 A M
Imperial Line Mouutaia Time
No 176 arrives 345 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
No 175 departs Wed 630 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engine 2901 is receiving valve bush
ings this week
Fred Archibald was a Lincoln vis
itor last Saturday
Engineer Stokes was on the sick
list part of the week
Engine 1124 is in the roundhouse
for machinery repairs
Engineer I D Pennington has been
transferred to Denver
A bunch of new flues have been
given the 2702 this week
Mrs Will Lyon and baby Kather
ine are visiting with relatives in
Sam Newton and family who moved
to St Joseph a few months since are
now living in Springfield Mo
Engine H39 is the only engine in
the shops for a general
now More are expected in next wee
Mr and Mrs W L Bass return
ed home Saturday after a visit of
several weeks with relatives in Tex
Misses Mabel Ethel and Belle
Manlcy of Holdrcge spent the Xmas
holidays with Mr and Mrs T J
Fireman C W Jacobs who was
severely injured recently by falling1
from his engine at Parks is recover
ing nicely
Engineer Louis Yost who has been
running the goat at Denver has been
returned to McCook and is now fir
ing on No 13
The cold snap Monday made IS and
1 each very late in arriving here
about five oclock p m All other
trains were also late
Conductor P F McKenna was off
duty first of the week and Conduc
tor T E McCarl had his run on No
1 Monday
The cold snap of Sunday night
Monday and part of Tuesday kept
the boys busy getting out the engi
but they delivered the goods
Engineer William Woods had one
of the snow plows sent down to the
Orleans St Francis branch Monday
and Tuesday to clear that line of
Firemen O L House A C Quier
and H J Peterson are all recover
ing from illness Mr Peterson was
quite sick for a while but is now
doing nicely
Mr and Mrs E C Hill of Platts
mouthwere guests of Mr and Mrs
A R- Mehaffey over Sunday coming
up on Saturday night and leaving for
home on Monday morning
The Jap cook required the attend
ance of a physician Thursday morn
ing Nothing serious however The
little brown men cant get along with
out a commissary general
H W Cassidy who has been em
ployed in the telegraph office for
some time returned to La Crosse
Wis Sunday evening and will resume
his former position in the relay of
fice at that place
The gasoline engine on the turn
table has been causing so much trou
ble lately thatjfthe engine has been
removed fromthe table Aa electric
is the proper caperr and the boys are
all hoping onHmay be installed soon
John B Tucker a Burlington ma
chinist at Alliance died last week
Tuesday from injuries received in
falling from afilpcomotlve Christmas
day The wrench he was using slip
ped and he feHfto the brick floor on
his head
W H HoliR of the freight office
has been promoted to Lyons as an
operator and A M Collins has been
transferred over from the ticket of
fice to his old position in the freight
service MrHolt and family left to
day on 13 for Lyons to enter upon
his new worfih
Engineer M H Griggs had the mis
fortune to strike1aishortrail with
engine 1910 at Orleansisthis week
Tuesday and the wrecfcerwas sent
down from McCook to get her back
on the rail She -was brought here
7A iygj
I Woman Merchant
Amazes Chicago
By Her Ability
HICAGO has a dry goods mer
chant who is continually
amazing a city already noted
the world over for its wealth
and progressiveness in that line One
reason for this wonderment is that the
merchant in question is a woman
Mrs Mollie Netcher owuir of one of
the largest department stores in the
alono has Invested nearly 5000000 in
downtown Chicago realty in the last
four years
Prior to the death of her husband
Charles Netcher this woman had lit-
tie business experience Her field was
their home and children It i said
that the husband who had a phe
nomenal rise in the commercial world
owed much of his success to his wifes
sage advice but that embraced all
her knowledge of business
Forced by her situation on the death
of her husband Mrs Netcher divided
her time between home and store She
became a silent but noue the lev po
tent force downtown and she is the
same to this day She keep- regular
oflice hours and not a mercmtile move
is made in the establishment that she
does not know of Her face is not
known by three fourths of her em
ployees and tliis enables her to make
daily inspections of each department
and observe quietly what is needed in
the way of goods and service
Following the practice of Mr Netch
er whose life was insured for 9100000
the widow insured herself until she
now holds policies aggregating 1000
000 She is said to be one of the three
most heavily insured women in Amer
Mrs Harrimans Yodeling Cowherds
The artistic is to reign in the Har
riman estate at Arden N Y so far
as the live stock Is concerned anyway
and the residents of that burg and
nearby Tuxedo and Harriman are
wondering what
the coming spring
will bring forth
Mrs Mary Harri
man widow of
the railway mag
nate intends go
ing back into his
tory in the man
agement of her
flocks and her
herds and the
tentative plans
embrace many
departures from
present customs
To begin with
the entire Harri
man holdings will
be made one vast
estate devoid of
all fences except
fjWSBw K1 I
for boundary purposes and over these
acres the lowing kine the bleating
sheep etc will wander guarded by
cowherds dressed in Tyrolean costume
and replacing the historic co boss
with a yodel and shepherds with
crooks and sheep dogs As the estate
contains 10000 acres it is anticipated
that the pictorial effect will be greatly
to be looked overFortunately no i increased by the fancj costumed at-
damage was causemforth mentioning tendants
Ae c
ii y i a i
want to ta
The Stoical Mountaineer Simply An
swered the Question
For stoical indifference and taci
turnity said a young man from
Knoxville Teun who was visiting in
Louisville a few days ago I neves
saw any one that could equal the Ken
tucky mountaineer
Two years ago I was camping dur
ing the summer with a party of young
men and women in the mountains
During our stay there we became ac
quainted with an old mountaineer
whom we called Sam He always re
ferred to his wife as Maria and w
fell into tfio same habit
Last year we returned to the same
plate to camp As we were going up
the mountain path on our lirst day out
we met Sim walking along apparently
in a deep study
Hello Sam we all called Wheres
Maria V
Shes eomin back there he said
directing his thumb backward over hi
shoulder V -
Ve went -on up the mountain path
and a short distance farther came upon
a party of mountaineers transporting a
dead li dy in a rickety wagon It wa
a funeral party Imagine our
when we were informed that the d -teased
was Maria Sam had not
worth his pains to Inform us th
Maria v as dead when he stated la
was eoniln hack there Louisville
Advice the Jeweler Gave the Yoin
Man Vho Was Invctir
Some of thc e jewelers are an ac
commodating lot remarked the vikisiu
man in the light suit I went in the
other day to buy a diamond ring
For a lady the clerk asked me
I told him it was
An engagement ring he asked me
Yes I told him getting a little bit
peeved but I dont see what busmen
It is of 3 ours what I intend to do with
the ring after Ive paid for it out of
my own private funds
Dont be offended says the clerk
in a conciliatory tone I was just go
ing to suggest that if it was simply a
present with no engagement going
with it you go in for size rather than
for quality and when the girl come-
In to inquire about its value well lie
0 or 75 worth for you But if Its
an engagement ring I would advise
you to get the best quality you can
find even if it does mean a smaller
stone Just as a matter of senftuuiit
youll want to know that it is riev
and then if you ever get in hard hi
you can pawn the food ring for tw -thirds
of its value Cleveland Plain
Dealer - j
The Toads Tongue
The skillful manner in which a pet
toad used its wonderfully formed
tongue entitled it to be ranked as an I
export For one thing it showed
wonderful skill in judging distance
The tongue was never darted out until
1 he insect came within a certain range
The accuracy of the creatures aim
was another matter for surprise The
I insects were generally In motion when
he tongue was darted out -against
rhem but the arrow never failed to
hit The rapidity with which the
tongue was shot forth excited much
wonder The operation Is a complex
one The tongue is doubled or folded
up when in the month Therefore a
twofold action is required an uncoil
ing of the weapon and then the dart
ing of it forth The withdrawing of
the tongue with the captured Insect on
the tip was not less remarkable Not
withstanding the rapid motion the
fineness of the tongue tip and the
struggles of the prey the victim was
never dropped Exchange
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
Miss Grace JVI Nofile has gone to
H W Conover visited Red Cloud
relatives end of Aveek
Mrs Earl Barger is one of the suf
ferers with pneumonia
Colonel J C Hill of Imperial spent
the closing days of last week in the
AI E Shora came out from Prairie
City Iowa cloLe of laft week on a
Clint Hamiltons children are im
proving from tht1 recent of
Mrs F Howard of Indianola is vi
i j he cousin Mrs Henry Lclim
in Culbetson
o n of Eariiey la
week Wednesday took the operatoi
examiauon here
Win Day of Denver was an over
New Year guest of his parents Mr
and Mrs E M Bay
J E Molund writes from Hous
ton Texas that he will be back in
McCook in a few days
Mrs Goldtrap is very ill with pneu
monia at the home of her daughter
Mrs Milton H Hammond
Mr and Mrs B F Sommers of
Michigan arrived in the city
week Tuesday on a visit
Mr and Mrs Nelson of McCook
visited their son the Bartley hard
ware merchant part of last week
Ed ORourke returned to tie u
lersity Sunday after spendin the
Xmas holdiays with the home folks
- Buy - Cheaply-
When we first make our afterthekoiIday price re
dactions is the very best time to buy for those who
advantage of lowered prices We shall not replenish
our winters stock
You now have the most to pick from
Oar reductions are not
ertSS reductions from false highjjprices but from the regular prices at which we sold oods
move being the purchase of some
SSS SSSK SStlSV i before holidays When jye sell you something worth 5 for four dollars yoa
900000 This gives her nearly an en
tire block of ground in that section
which some day she intends jhall be
crowned with a huge building White
accumulating the realty bit by bit
she is erecting the building pieceme
so that her business is not in the le st
interfered with nor the flual architec
tural symmetry spoiled by the delays
in acquisition
Some critics have argued that Mrs
Xctchers success is not so very re
markable as her husband had built up
the business to mammoth proportions
before he died thus leaving the trifling
duty of maintaining it to his widow
But Mrs Netcher has done more than
this as she has nearly doubled the
business and her realty holdirg5
Moreover she has not delegated to
some man the running of the concern
but attends to that herself For half
a dozen years she has run the store
and her progress in that time is a refu
tation of her earning critics She
save one dollar of real Jn6ney
Mrs Ella Earle is up from J Story From Roundabout Source
hoe on a visit
Joseph Allen is here from Lincoln
on a business visit
Miss Elizabeth Bettcher county su
perintendent returned home Tuesday
from her visit in the east over the
Mrs C L Fahnestock and little
daughter returned first of the week
from their holiday visit in St Louis
with relatives
Miss Gertrude Campbell and young
lady friend were dovn from Imper
ial to see The Newlyweds at the
Temple last night
Wm Gorman arrived from Grand
Island last Sunday and is working
for Bert Griggs in the latters ci
gar manufactory
Fred L Wolff of the law firm of
Ritchie Wolff went down to Lin
clii Wednesday night to attend the
3ipreme court on business before
ha bod
Rev Henry Kauerz is the new pas
tor of the German Congregational
church of our city and gives prom
ise of giving a good account of his
1 avorat2 here
Mrs Augusta Anton left this morn
ing for Oxford Hendley Stamford
Beaver City to instal the officers-
last elot of the Decree of Honor in their
respective places
R F D No 1
C A Phillips baby died last Fri- the east
and elasticity of various surfaces is
its special function It consists es
sentially of a light weight like the
hninmnr nf i nilo rtrlroi nrliinh ia il
rMs J A Gunn who came out from ij
lowed to fall inside a tube placed up
C maha to visit her son Robert and
lie during the holidays has been
lite ill since her arrival and under
j care of r doctor
Mr and Mrs G H Rugg and
3n of Koldrege were guests of her
ter Mrs I L Rodstrom during the
n id winter holidays The Rodstroms
td a family reunion here includ
ing members of both families
Miss Wilhelmine Berdine departed
today for Denver where she enters
St Lukes Hospital Training school
fpr Nurses expecting to take a
course of three years in that excel
lent institution to fit and prepare her
self as a trained -nurse
Miss Emma Beatty who has heen
seriously ill the past six weeks with
right on the surface to be tested The
bottom of the hummer which weighs
only a few grams is finished with a
blunted diamond intended to give it
the requisite harduess After a fall it
rebounds and a carefully graduated
scale on the tube Indicating the
height of the rebound shows the de
gree of hardness of the surface experi
mented with On a piece of ordinary
steel the hammer rebounds nine tenths
of the height of its fall Youths Com
Sundays Only
Mrs Hoyle Your husbands business
keeps him out of town all the week 1
understand Mrs Doyle Yes he is at
home only one day I call him my
Sunday supplement New York Press
The Easy Way
You must take rigorous exercise if
pneumonia is now nicely improving you expect to regain your health
For Christmas cheer Miss Emma re 1 Aw shucks doc why cant I take
ceived from friends in Tacoma Wash- some kind of a patent pill Kansas
ington a handsome bunch of carna
tions Though coming such a long
It Ib 100 1 distance they were in good shape
uu aiuvui
City Journal
No man or boy Is ever the slightest
good in this world unless he has
tion Lord Stanley
Mrs A T Gatewood who was last Shadelaud farm Tuesday evening for
week Tuesday operated upon in Hoi- Jiiss Peari Rogers She received
brook is said to be recovering nice- cJme vaiuabie presents and an
joyable time was the part of all
W C Bullard was out from Rogers apd wife braved the
ha first of the week looking after orm Sunday and helped J P Not-
his interests i nthsi section of the ley and Wlfe eat New Years din-
Miss Nell Gunn was out from Oma
ha during part of the Christmas vaca
tion resuming her work frist of this
Charles Weintz is reported better
and improving slowly at this print
ing He has been very ill and was
quite low on Sunday
Tom Real and Mrs OConnor came
o it from Grafton last week to see
Ueir brother John Real who died
on Monday night of this week
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
The Scleroscope
This little American Invention has
been described as a kind of mechan
ical linger intended to discriminate
I by delicacy of touch between various
Riches a magazine of Kuskin
Tenn says The Sant Fe railroad
company is closing its Chica o head
quarters and moving several hundred
officials and clerks to Topeka Kas
in order to get its employes away
from the saloons of Cricago Kan
sas is a prohibition state and there
are no open saloons in Topeka At
the latter place aa office building cost
ing half- a million dollars is being
erected the finest building of its
kind in Kansas Here is a loss of
hundreds of thousands of dollars tax
annually to the legitimate business of
Chicago at one blov yet it is vary
likely that there are many arx inr
Chicago who think that tre saloons
are a good thing for the business of
the city The dy hai gec by
the saloon frequenter has any chancy
in te business rase -and the buj
ness man who is soincapable t
he hao to depend urio the tsY
whisky o brins him trade Ts trata
short distance from the commercial
The Mite society will meet at A
C llockmans Friday evening Jan
uary G
Miss Lillian Doyle took up Monday
moTing after a two weeks vaca
Rev F C Tyler left Tuesday for
He will be back in time-
day and was buried on Sautrday to Pleach Lere in the morning of
oving The baby was a constant January 15
rjred during the few weeks of its
A surprise nartv was civen at
At Xmas time the Sunday school
presented their superintendent Mrs
Dora Boyle with a handsome bible
Orin Wilson left Saturday morning
for his home near Laird Colo
Ray Campbell of Osborn and Orin
Wilon vited their granJfatner and
uncle A W and T M Campbell last
G A Shields arrived Lome last
Saturday from his visit in Kansas
Mr Teagarden spent a few days
in the city this week in the inter
ests of the Chautauqua project Last
years Chautauqua had to be can
celled it wlil be recalled on ac
count of scarlet fever in the city
substances submitted to it The ready In the County Court of Red Willow
detection of the degree of hardness county Nebraska
In tfie Matter of the Estate of
James E Wingate deceased
All persons having claims and de-
mands against the estate of James
E Wingate deceased will take no
tice that I have set and appointed
the following days for the recep
tion examination and adjustment of
said claims and demands at the
county court room in McCook in said
el nty to wit January 30 1911 and
August 2 1911 All persons so in
terested in said estate will appear
at said time and place and duly pre
sent their said claims and demands
in the manner required by law or
show cause for not so doing and in
case the same are not presented by
August 1 1911 they shall be forever
barred Notice- of said times and
place of hearing shall be given by
publishing a copy of this order for
four weeks successively in the Mc
Cook Tribune a newspaper printed
and circulated in said county
Given under my hand and the seal
of said county court this 4th day of-
January 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication Jan5 1911 4t
1 1
i m