LODGE DIRECTORY A F a A M Ik No 13j A K A M ranHt Itlu il rue of the month at dtllll0 IihIi il rti Paunksiock Sec u M itiucil No It5 K AS M meelMiu tlay of huoIi uiiiili at SAW p in William E Hakt 1 1 ii Bnu ocp S A M liripier Nil 55 H A M incnis nimturii iiiur nui oi hcii iuouinat iu Mhmiuic nail CiArfiscsH liKAy ti r IlIITThBIt b I KNIOHTS rmu LAU LCmmainlrj X Id T meot uu i Tiiiir UHv f Hrtili iiimtli it U0 Lime ihII i fcO WlLLETS E C rB RC EA iTEUN STAE ii4ii rr S no O K S meets the founli bndajsof each month at in Mi inc nail Mrs C W Wilson W il AL SOC UK PYl US Loilt 4i f K I nnts r at p in i Mk li J X UAAEDE u u sK F ODL FELLOWS N i U i r inuets evn in Mum- hall 15 J Lane N Q MODEEN WOODMEN ki N Jl meets everj j mr ii l nur ilsiy of pkcIi inoutti m 1 1 hl la tiiiml h nk Julius Kunebt Consul Ir Clerk HOT A I NKIOFIBORS No rfo i 11 N A metts ver Tliur dij each trnntli Iirlli urn- i all Irs Ciroiivk Kcsebt Oracle i a Anton Kec wobkmen Le No Oi a U UW meets ever g p m in IVnipk IlX Ireas Hiivm Mnw M W luiui HT O is OKaY Iter JEGRFKOF HONOR IhN i I f H meet- vr i nf hh1i iiiKOtli at mple bniMiiii ANN K KUBY J nf II lenii MM OABKES jjuil ami 4ih brnlny fvriiinir iii I v L ilcox Ulll Is Keconl Kceiwr lOCIAIION IF LrTThKCitKRIKKS fir t Mnii h of fuel iii in carriers room Kc tiliic j r Kinriiokn IrrMikiil secretir FIELMKN AND HNOlNEMKN 5h Nm -99 B f L F fc B t and thinl Ilinrslas of each 1 hall I I Pfvmnoton Pres ST Bot iETi of L F E odie Xo 2J meets in Morris third Wednesday afternoons of Ii oclock IvrKO SIRS LiKS HILL Secretary President IlLAVAV TRAINMEN Lode No 47 B of K T Bhinl Snridnj at 1M t m in T i Hcston Iresideut In Sec Lwat conductors lilt No 95 O R C meets the I til Wednesdaj uichts of each ij m in Morris hall at J1 S K Callen C Con t Sec MACHINISTS Idge No M I A of M meetc fourth rn dHv of the month liorns hall TllEd UIBBALD Pre IKin Sec Floyd Bkrry Cor Sec IOTIVK KNUINEfKit In No 6il H f L E meeth lid fourth Sunda of each lal Walter StokcsC h F A B LWAT CARIEN Lode No 4V3 B ft C of A and third Tnesdais of each all asiip m J M mitfi Kec sec y I Hughes Secy ilLERMAKERS o 407 B of B M IS B of id third Tiur dah of eacli all Juo Seth Pres Sec EAGLES 1514 F O K meets everj oclock in Kelley building C L Walker W Pres IV Sec 1 OF COLnMBC8 jo 1126 K of C meets the jlajp of each month attUU II Frank Real G K ItS OF ISABELLA jo 77 meets on the second s of each month at 8 p m ANNA iiANNAN i It MACCABEES I e No 2 L O T M meets iThurpday evenings of each B Mills Coirmander frrra R- K A E io 207 G A R meets on If each month at 230 p m Its Moobe Commander bf corps 8 W R C meets every iurday of each month at v hall t Ldella McClain Pres fSec O A E 13 L of G A R meets on I Fridays of each month at Kl Ittie Brewer Fresinent Lcxetary IE O i meets the second and ch monta at 230 p m lious rcpmhers Irs J A Wilcoi Fres Jot bee I 8ISTEBS L4 Pythian Sisters meets liays atl X p m U KITCHIE M ii u WRC PEBKKAH 3rd Friday evenine of hall lm C S Cortib N G tOn becy e Bee Hive Iwhen you buy ar for coughs and line without the her the nd arand rein Public Schools Reopen The McCook public schools resum ed work in all departments last Mon day morning after a holiday vaca cation of two full weeks On account o uie extremely cold weather there wa5 about tliree fourtis attendance te first two days ot the week One ii the West and one loom in uiie iast had to be dismissed in the morning for two days on account of In tcIJ WiUi tlie exciton of one mall pipe all of the three heating la tj were ii perfect working condi iicii During the vacation the high ti ool building was disinfected to the rules and regulations of tho local Board of Health in ad to to this every school seat ev desk and all floors of all build gs were thoroughly scrubbed with a c eolation of carbolic acid All toil- jooms were thoroughly disinfected ocr knobs and edges of doors ae children are placed were washed h t ie carbolic acid solution i nete aues were taken to insure the atny condition of the buildings for lu pupils when they came back after j a ion The school authorities are ailing every possible efot io c porate with the City Board of Health n all sanitary and health regula tions A number of the teachers came- u tlu late tram Sunday night hici as five hours behind time It j us less lo say that there were borne leepy teachers the next day as the oss of sleep and the exposure to the vcather 1 ad been a severe test on the comfort and strength of the i m second semester of school will begin January 2oid Parents ol new usginners are requested to enter their hildren during the first two week cf t e second semester to that all beginning children ought to jj n school not later than February 3ra Jlasses in all the l ments will be crowded and it wili Ik impossible for the teachers to talc in the little people and do them jus tice unless they enter together at the irst of the semester The new High School Megaphone was issued the first of the week Have you esen a copy et This firs issue of the paper is a credit to tlu board of editors the school and tv city of McCook It is to be hopeJ that succeeding issues will prove a deserving as the first Examinations in the public school will take place during the wef k of January 1G 20 Parents and patrons are requested to do every tiling con venient and possible to see that their pupils are present at school during examination week This help will b beneficial and very much appreciated by the teachers When buying a cotmi medicine fo children bear in mind that Cham berlains Cough Remedy is most ef fectual for colds croup and whoop ing cough and that it contains no harmful drug For sale by all drug gists NORTH OF McCOOK No hot winds yet for 1911 The box supper in Dist G4 was a succ ss socially and financially The proceeds being 2080 The teacher Miss Maggie Doyle had the highest priced box Rudolph Reinheimer Ed Augusta and Bertha Droll attended the mas querade at Culbertson Xew Years eve Mr A Strawder and family enter tained their cousin Mrs L B Lam bert of Beaver City Xew Years day Miss Pearl Strawder visited her cousin Mrs Oberg near Perry Mr Frank Ilammel of Curtis spent the holidays with home folks Mrs X E Hall and family enter tained a few of the neighbors with an oyster supper Friday evening Real Estate Filings The following real estate filing have been made in tho county clerks office since our last report County Treasurer to B B Duckworth tax deed to 10 in 19 Indianola County Treasurer to Ida Ship ley Metzger tax deed to 7 in 12 C in 13 west Mc Cook Mike Dudzniski to S It Smith bill of sale harness and shoemaking tools 2S3 00 Typewriter papers typewriter rib bons carbon papers manifolding pa per mimeograph paper a large se lection to choose from at The Trib une office Received on Account Pah Out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at The Tribune office Per 1000 50c Something special The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa per 125 for one year Ask us what it means TJJ Tribune 100 n year QOPPIJBFIFR CLARK PALACE IS FINISHED Copper Kings S7000OCO Home Soon to Be Occupied Formt r Senator William A Clark of Montana is about to uiivt hi- family uto his wondrous palace of stone marble and bronze on Fifth avenue New York Mini to W the costliest Anuriean home ever built It has con under cotruftion for nearl iglit years and represents an outlay f STnnoino it N on the Xew York l i hooks at a -valuation of sriOllfiOO l d fie annual taes will be Sen 000 a rear or mote thai SK0 a day Thomas W Lawsmi of Boston once referied to this house which contains 121 rooms as the biggest bulliest Jiul brassiest of all American castles vi wv v vJW - v ir t I pZr i fc Mir j r W A CLAICKS 57010 001 IATACE in on- w v S reiirtspits the source of its owners wealth ii that it tarries more copper and bronze than any building in the world according to ex perts Bronze is the material of which the grand staircase is composed and the same can be said of tlr nrissve nlivnie doors which are east solid There are thirty one bathrooms ia his stupendous pile one of the large pictures gallerii s in the world in stalled at a cost of 0i00 picture to the value of 000O0O and rugs wortli S iOUOfO Ainonir the sculptors who dll the iironze work for the millionaire were Augustus Saint tlaud ns 1uul I rt lett I Freiicli George Gray Bar naul J ii A Waid It Ilinton Perry and Alice Cooper A mnguith out library adjoins Mr Claiks liedrnom and was taken hodlh from a Frencli chateau Tho ceiling ind woodwork are of arved mahog my and the carvers signature bears the date lS Mrs Marks suit which overlooks Central park and was ilistrned 1 her husbaid is on an elaborate scale embracing satinwood noni Ciylin birdseye maple mahog any and Circassian walnut DR COOK AGAIN IN AMERICA Doubtful Discoverer of North Pole Has Merry Reception Dr Frederic k A Cook first claimant for the honors of discovering the north pole and now admittedly in doubt as to his bavimr achieved that goal is again in Ame ca The doctor arrived on the steamship George Washington whkh coincidence aroused great mirth among the American newspapers His desire as he stated was to learn what the people of his country thought rVS 1310 by American Press Association DU FBEDEKICK A COOK of him Lie was successful beyond his wildest dreams before he had left the steamer although it was then docked in the Hudson river for his fellow passengers though calm throughout the vojage became en tangled iu an acrimonious debate in endeavoring to tell the reporters ex actly how the arctic exploreijvas re garded en voyage As the sides were about even it is still in doubt like the finding of the pole whether Dr Cook was generally shuuned or welcomed as a companion by the smoking room John D Plans to Teach Commerce At Pet College jt OnX D ROCKEFELLER by his j Christmas gift of 10M00o to Jf his favorite benefaction the University of Chicago made his total donations to that instituthn A 412004 and placed it first in the list of Americas richest colleges Chicago ans having added contributions of The ranking order is now as follows University of Chicago Columbia university 541S0S7TR zzz Ilaivaid university C3S2J3Ii Iceland Standford Jr veisiU 323m 37 United States Military er y Wc t Point 12 iCOoOO University of Pennsylvania Siiii3 Yale university 10Culj3j Endowment funds only The kerosene college as the Uni versity of Chicago has been diiMtd ly facetious eiitiis lias gone forwaiil along original lines of research and accomplished mu h in the fields of s i once Xow it is likel that it viI ii vade the world of business sis a teach ing force It is probable that a portion of the 110 Rockefeller gift will b u ed i i carrying out plans for a college if commerce and administration long contemplated by the late President William Kainoy Harper and his sue censor narry Pratt Judson It is intended that this commercial school shall be on more advanced lines wm - s5SKofrxwKiA f zMryt VtCaagai3jSS Wm4LJ - S jS - VA t t 3 j d nocKcrnLijLi roUNDiut nis fa VOB1TB IShNElVOTIOX Till UMVlhlrY Of C1IIOAOO AND ITS PUIISIDI N r JIAIICT PKATT JUDSON than ever before attempted and thrt co operation of several of the large banli g transportation and other com mercial interests of Chicago has al ready been p Laboratoi work will embia e instruction aid practice in large couni r ii institn tions such as big bans mid - on Tlie departin nf of the ci lle ready existing in embryon ti i n Include the foliiwin BANKING In addition to lal onto work In banking instiutionc op ration it in hoped to secuie n c erses will be offered In money a 1 i ictical eeononle the theorv and hi3 o v of banking tho flnpnciil and tnnrl 1 Ktory of the Unied Stntc commeroia c ies and co mnreol law TRANSPOHTATION Sone already lias ben secured with the e- - utives of tlie lar e 1ailv1v systems and Is belifvod that Httle will be needed ti - y e t e eY n ent a sroi one ii ip - rn lwiv adirintEtic 0 v hi jj divided b tv eon the otlice 1 r 1 o d and the claifn on RADH ND INDUSTRY coursi v M b more general In the sub- f matter and it Is probible thpt con h derible latitude will be riven the stu J t as to the sort of laboratory wort rionomlcs of worklngmen and taxation ns well as some of the courses Khen in the departments of transportation and banking will be offered JOURNALISM A daily newspaper con taining university city and telegraph news will be Issued to furnish the laboratory work Courses in history political science sociology and English will be required CONSULAR AND COMMERCIAL SERVICE A three year course with a prerequisite of two years work ii other departments of the college will be of fered History political economy polit ical science and the modern languages will be offered The college will also have depart ments of insurance and accounting the plans for which have not beep fully formulated but it is asserted by the faculty that the course of commerce will be radically different from and more thorough than anything of the j vr TWBP7 HEMMED IN BY LIONS A Bad Case of Stage Fright and a Rec ord Stunt In Singing Stage tnghi ul the sort that afliicteo Whit Cunliffe at one time a piomi ttcut siugei in English music halls is not avoidable ortuuntely also if is uot common A a place where he was engaged in Birmingham one of the at tractions was a lion show some ot the beasts being really wild and untamed Nearly the whole stage was taken up willi the setting -the animal show Just as I was going on said Cun liffe in telling the incident I heard i hurried rush and confused shunting and some one slammed an iron gate I hard a voioe say Just in time he was nearly out My music was star ing so I had no time to inquire 1 went on the taw In a moment I heard omin growls and suvage snarls mixed wit much whip cracking and strenuous breathing I am never fond of a wiH animal show and I felt distinctly nervous that night The cloth behind me sagged and swayed and then my horror suddenly in the wings I saw tile huge head and front f a lion I was singing a song called I Would which had a lot of shoi verses As I sang them my bloo runiing cold I watched the lion Ii d slowly to advance and its i ful eyes glittered in a truly horri I way I ciuid not go off that sd viiiiout passing it so I prepared to exit with tasle Turning I was doubly horrified to see another Nii on the other side I was caught like a mouse in a trap I dared not go off the stage I dared not show my discomfiture to tie audience There was only thins for m to do sing So I sang in des peration hoping that some one wool come and take those lions away The told me afterward that I sang ninety eight verses But I think that was un kind I wondered how long It would tak those two brutes to make up their minds to come into the full glare nf the footlights and I had iust prepared to leap into the stalls regardless cf tho consequences when I heard the hoarse voice of one of the stage hands say Ere Bill these two chaps an ion far forward Give a and with them will yerV And coming up be tween the two lions they lifted them bodily They were papior mache LIFE IN SANTIAGO Curious Customs That Prevail In the Capital of Chile Tliey have women conductors on the electric cars of Santiago the capital of Chile This was made necessar by a war which took so many men to the front and imposed upon women the work usually done by men Tlie custom has been kept up tlie women having pioved equally as efficient as the men had boon One of the most peculiar customs seen here is tlie evening promenade in tlie plaza or park which is attended by voting ladies and young men and quite small buys and girls They do not mix but keep quite separate oaths Yet even the little girls at sH eight years are finished eo on Their eyes languidly observe try man and boy m the plaza and the take caie that each shall receive a due share ot their smiles Another curious custom which pre vails iu Santiago and which is joined by those fortunate enough to have fine horses and carriages is the prom enade at the Parque Causino a beau tiful park near the center ot the city A company of mounted police stands in single file in the center ot the drive and the carriages with uniformed coachmen and footmen and beautiful ly gowned women and fashionably dressed men occupying the carriages ride around and around these mounted police Sometimes there are two or ns many as six rows of carriages some going in the opposite direction and alterant ing the ladies smiling and the gentle men tipping their bats in polite man ner This promenading lasts from f oclock in the afternoon until 8 oclock in the evening Logical Point The- Moslems Exalted Month Ramadan is the month exalted by Moslems above all others In that month tlie Koran according to Ms lem tradition was brought down by Gabriel from heaven and delivered to man in small sections In that month Mohammed was accust nod to retire from Mecca to the cave Qira for prayer and meditation fihai month Abraham Moses and other prophets received their diviue revela tions In that month the doors of heaven are always open the passages to hell are shut and the devils are chained So run the traditions Christian Herald The Missing Word A new missing word contest has just appeared It Is as follows A good church deacon sat down on the pointed end of a tack He at once sprang up and said only two words The last was it Any one guessing the first word and sending a dollar in cash will be entitled to this periodical for one year Lippincotts Her Littlo Joke Mrs PulTerly is tickled to death with the way she fooled the customs Inspectors How did she do It She didnt buy a thing abroad Cleveland Plain Dealer Her Handwriting U Is your wife economizing 1 think so She now writes eight words on a page of letter paper in- jW1 n i v ftJIIJIHIH iwi DAN3URY Mrs T E McLc au and da lillie isited at Lc nanon a couple of A last weeK i I o brill concert Sauirdaj niht a 1 well atteided and eerj thing t off smoothly I Wa ve 1 Simpson of Manlatan ln s ii 2 to spend the holidays with Ins parents fohn Good and daughter Auna from Red Oak Iowa sister and faIier of Mrs G B Morgan is here on a vs u O B Woods arrived home Wednes day from Texas where he lias b en the last three weeks He Vent to Mena Ark to visit his parents be fore returning Leila Burbridge of Inavalc Xcb is here on a visit with her siiter M o W j Stilgebouer Dclph Resler had a sooig match Saturday for Xew Yea s number of peiple were lucky to bag a turkey Tlie scholars are having a big tiue during school vacation J H Wicks of Marion v as a ness visitor Friday Floyd Ressler of Wilson vile ca 1 up Saturday to attend the turk y shoot toster StilgcLouer and fa mL of Bartley spent Xmas with the In ne folks rian y aueparu unci inn in ot ucj Cook spent the last week wih re tives Ray Sims leftMondaj his home a EuJViy Iowi Jlrs ToluuLrje ot PaWP Xeb arrived Tuesday for a witi relatives Train Xo 1S9 was four hours late Monday Mrs George Gill acconijanied by her brother John left Tuesday for her home at Akron Colo Ed Ruby came home from Kird City Kan Saturday to attend the band concert Leon Leisure from Pawnee City Xeb arrived Saturday for a visit tvith relatives Mr aid Mrs R Sanders oamo home on Saturday from an extended visit with relatives in Iowa Do you know that full nine ejvery ten cases of rheumatisj 1 liely rheumatism of the n due to cold or damp or J rheumatism and require no ij treatment whatever Apply berlains Liniment freely and quickly it gives relief For all druggists Sbamppoinjr Har Drd Scilp m d mf V tl L M Poup 72 in vr F R A NK T R J Drayman Vour Patronage Solicited Prompt Phone red 203 HAY FOR SALE Third cutting ofalfafa Jol Thomas Phone ash 2354 Best Imported Fercheron Belgian English Shire Suffolk Punch and German Coach hfiWJwJiAiljifib Imported mareshomo Vtf WrfrtMWWiW bred stallions SEW StMi each A LATIHER WILSON Creston Iowa HomeBred Draft Stallions 0 to C0O imported stallions yonr choice IU00 i L STKEAM Creston la t itsTiii u fc i - fc gs r Lumber and Coal Thats All fiut we cian meet your every Tieed in these Vrties from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barncli Lioaj PfcnJ t