GERMS IN HER SYSTEM Every Woman Should Read this Ad vice and the Generous Offer that Goes With It The number of diseases peculiar to women is such that we believe this space would hardly contain a mere mention of their names and it is a fact that most of these eaces are of a catarrhal nature A wcmai cannot be well if there is a trace of catarrh in her system Some women think there is no help for them We positively de clare this to be a mistaken idea We are so sure of this that we offer to supply medicine absolutely free of all cost in every instance where it fails to give satisfaction or does not substantiate our claims With this understanding no woman shoulJ hesitate to believe our honesty of purpose or hesitate to put our claims to a test There is only one way to overcome catarrh That way is through the blood You may use all the snuffs douches or like remedies for years withoat getting more than temporary relief at bast Catarrh in general is a diseaced condition of the system that shows locally most frequently in discharges from mucous membranes Local treatment should be assisted by internal treatment for the gener al diseased condition if a complete cure is to be reached That internal treatment should be scientifically de vised and faithfully administered Rexall Mucu Tone is scientifically prepared from the prescription of an eminent physician who for thirty years made catarrh his specialty This remedy is admirably adapted to the treatment of the catarrhal ail ments of women It purifies and en riches the blood tends to stop mu cous discharges ails in removing im purities from the system soothes hals and strengthens the mucous tissues and brings about a feeling of health and strength We want jou to try Rexall Mucu J Toie en our guarantte It you are not benefitted or for any reason not satisfied simply tell us and we will hand back your money Rexall Mucu Tone comes in two sizes 50 ccnt and 100 Remember jou can obtain Rexall Remedies on at The Rexall Store- L W McConnell The Coming Year his is the fifth year The State irnal makes its Bargain week of- to accept subscriptions for the aole of 1911 for only 3 without Sunday or 4 with Sunday This offer not good after the week of De cember 21 to 28 as after that date the regular prices of 4 and 5 will be charged This year the legisla tive sessions will make The Journal especially interesting and people who have never before read the paper will be anxious to get it to watch the do ings j of the legislature because The Journal is not afraid to print all that happens The paper stops when the timeis up It prints more state tel egraph than anj other Nebraska pa per has a vigorous Washington de partment strong market features and is independent of factions Its es pecially attractive to people who are independent in their thinking and who want to know what really is go ing on If you send in your remit tance at once the paper will be sent fom low until January 1 1912 at this cut price Address State Jour nal Lincoln Neb Mwg - 9 J a- WW0SMpJt fJ Searles Searles IS years In Lincoln SPECIALISTS IN GtirGnic and Nervous Diseases of Men and ft omen SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES Gall Stones a Piles removed witnuut an oDeration AH dis m m TORS eases of the Nose Throat Lunga Stom ach Bowels Liver Rheumatism Stric ture Variocele Kidney and Bladder AH Diseases and Disorders of Men All Examinations ana Consultation FREE Charges Low Quick Cures Call or write for booklet P O Box 224 Office hours 9 to 1130 1 to 4 nights 7 to 8- Drs Searles Searles uncoin Nob No progressive family should over look the special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean an- -- er whereby 125 pays for one subscription to it and this paper This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer 125 gets both for one year Special deal All grades of Oxford flour anc each sack guaranteed at the McCooV Flour and Feed Store DIMNG THE LONG SCHOOL SEASON Your Children are at the country school the village high school or away at college In either case you should be able to reach them at any time There isnt a college of any kind in the country that does not have a complete Bell Telephone equipment and most high schools have put in Bell telephones because they are the only telephones that give instantaneous satis factory and universal service Nebraska Telephone Co CHAS W KELLEY Local Manager Billiard Lumber Co Sells the Best Lumber and Coal BULLARD LUMBER CO PhoneNo Jm MAEY AND THE OTFAHl JESUS CHRISTMAS AMONG By EDWARD LYONS HACKETT MOXG English speaking peopla there can be found no iuoiv quaint observance of the rea son than that in vogue among the woodsmen of northern Michigan Throughout this great timber belt there are thousands of men employed ind a large proportion of them see the out side world but once or twice a year when they journey to Sault Ste Ma rie or other nearby towns to make pur chases of the seasons clothing Throughout this great wooded dis trict two thirds of the men are Canad ians many of them devotedly religious and Christmas among them begins properly speaking the 20th of Decem ber Ilowever these men perform - fffHac AIiTj begin a mabcij around their usual labors until the 24th day of the month and then the festivities begin in earnest During the four days preceding the celebration however it must be under stood that the work is not so streuu ous and the monotonous buzz of the saw and the ring of the ax are frequent ly intcriupted by merry bursts of song and auM dotes of thoM who have pass ed ayay during the previous season In Chippewa county there are many camps or settlements etch controlled by a re ognized l der ind Ion before the 1mIi - the pojit ot celebration is decided upon Ily Christmas eve the men wikhcii and children hare all as sembled at cho wi ramp wrei elaborate preparation Irire lieen nid for their comfort and at 1 oi lk in the mornug of tlut day the uu ed nia r of rerenuiui s dlr s t th multituue of people leembU d u i out lines the program of the we1 to lt low for these celebr airon tonthue t the 31st day of Dei ember After his speech the oldest daughter of the oldest resident is elected que of the holidays Eler corps ot as sistants is quickly chosen from the ed ucated classes and from their decis Ions pertaining to the weeks celebra tion there can be no appeal During the remainder of the day many speeches are given refreshments of many kinds are served and family groups flock together and relate their own folklore while the queen assisted by her advisers examines and selects the various fowls to be served on the following and subsequent days Christmas day is but an hour old when all assemble and indulge in re ligions services while the pine knots Baring and spluttering in the night air jES add a beautiful and weird aspect to the scene At sunrise all the men wo men and children arrayed In theii best assemble at a prearranged spot and form a large circle the women generally in plain woolen garments and the men in high topped spiked shoes and dark flannel shirts In the center of the group stand th husbandmen or slayers of the fowls waiting A grindstone and six men three to grind the axes and three as sistants are also In the center of the group At a prearranged signal all the people begin a inarch around singinir and dancing the grindstones are put in motion the axes are laid upon them and the celebration is on in earnest The singing dancing and counter marching are continued until the axes hare attained a keen edge when all heads are uncovered while a dozen men hand up the fowls for decapita tion The women take the slain fowls in charge and soon they are prepared for the earth orens Feasting drinking and dancing then continue until the last day of the year when all depart to their various camps THE TREE OF TREES By PETER M ARTHUR Copyright 1310 by American Press Asso elation A TREE there is that all year round Puts out its blossoms everywhere In every happy home its found And once a year its fruit is fair It blooms unseen but none the less Its blossoms yield a peerless fruit As high as heaven its branches press And deep as love it sends its root Our thoughts of those to memory dear Will fill it with a radiant bloom Whose fragrance charms the weary year And floods with light our days of gloom A whispered wish a childish sigh Will make a hopeful blossom spring And when the waiting months go by The tree the longed for fruit will bring 6 i mSS y 1 1 intnir I fclL liHl V wTV liu I The fruit it bears what art can show All kinds of sweets and wondrous toys How can a tree so truly know What gifts to bring for girls and boys 1 For old and young its branches bend Beneath their burden of delight With gifts and trinkets without end To cheer the heart and glad the sight And when old Santa Claus comes round All white with snow but full of fun He plucks the presents that abound And leaves a gift with every one He is the prince of woodsmen bold For he it is and none but he Who gives the world to have and hold The strangely fruitful Christmas breeA GRANT It E Adams is picking corn for Edwin Carfield Henry Weseh and family and B W Benjamin and family vis ited at the home of Jacob Wesch Sunday Chas A Wesch attended th1 dance near Perry last Saturday night Mr and Mrs John Maisel vis ited the parental home over in Kansas Sunday John II Wesch was a Cedar Bluffs Kansas business visitor last Saturday Tom Kelph made a flving trip with his auto to McCook Satur day niirlit We understand that George ciireiber Avill be tlfe next young tVJlow that will set up the cigars to the boys Guy E Ilartman and Miss Lil an Whittaker were married Dec 12th near Harvard Nebr W wish the young couple a long happy life John A Hoffman lost a valu ble horse last week cause is u k i own Miss Daisy Albrecht has been working for Mrs C R Lee There will be a Christmas tiv e in tiie Anderson school house Chrisimas eve Typewriter papers typewriter rib bons carbon papers manifolding pa per mimeograph paper a large se lection to choose from at The Trib une office Subscribe for the Tribune Citation on Hearing of Final Account In the county court of Red Willow county Nebraska It the matter of the estate of Nancy B Fahnestock deceased State of Nebraska Red Willow county ssr To All Persons Inter ested in the estate of Nancy E Fahn estock deceased r You are hereby notified that on the 14th day of De cember 1010 Charles L Fahnestock administrator of said estate filed in said court his final account as said administrator and that said final ac count will be heard at nine oclock in the forenoon of the 30th day of December 1910 at the county court room in said county and you are hereby cited to appear at the time and place above designated and show cause if such exists why said ac count should not he allowed It is ordered that said persons in terested in said estate be given no tice by publication and that a copj of this order be printed in the Mc Cook Tribune for three successive weeks J C MOORE Seal County Judge Dated December 14th 1910 First publication Dec 15 1910 3ts 8Em2SESSSSSE2ESBE5223 Large and Small Jobs are equally well looked after We are ready at short notice to fix all leaks or other repairs in your plumb ing or in your heaters and stoves All Jobs Thoroughly Understood and after we are through with them you will find us the best men who ever did the same work for you and we do it cheap MiddletonRuby Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr Litiooin Sa nifariiiiii Sulphc Saiine Springs Located on our own premises sad uA in the Natural Mineral Water Unsurpassed in the treatment of Hfoeursiatism Heart Stomacb Kidney and Li Diseases Moderate Charges Aidttsm DR 0 W EVERETT Hgr Lincoln He Kia I MiSe Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location i t acr Irl rrlr street Iq P W ifh be nik iwwvvi - ESETSI LAND That Will Make You Rich The greatest combination of industrialism and farming now rapidly de veloping is to be found along the Burlington route in the vicinity of SHERIDAN WYOMING HARDIN AND BILLINGS MONT and in the BIG HORN BASIN where large deeded alfalfa ranches that have made millionaires of the owners are being divided into small farms and where Government irri gated homesteads and Carey Act Lands are available A WONDERFULLY RICH COUNTRY You can get hold of an irrigated farm within a radius of a few miles of excellent coal natural gas illum inating oil building materials fast growing towns that have varied Indus tries PERSONAL CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS Oa the first and third Tues days 1 perboually conduct landseekers excursions to see these lands PWHM1 D CLEM DEAVER General Agent Landseekers Information Bureau 1004 Farnam Street Omaha Neb aftaEgrtTS8agg5 g53ga itrr piiniWfEPPiry irrri r H t WiityuWWI r V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres E A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIEECTOES V Franklin A McMillen E A Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin W nUUtVWiiti I i iV titriJui iiilii ItWiiVMVittHM11 STANSBERRY LUHBER CO Everything in Lumber At Live and Let Live Prices Phone 5o ii r m McCOOK NEB Mffirr i rr M t