The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 22, 1910, Image 4

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Our Fire Proof
are at your disposal Why
not have a Safe Deposit
Box i i which to keep
your will insurance poli
cies deeds abstracts
notes leaese and other
valnable ppers In this
ma ner you safe guard
yourself against any pos
sible loss by fire
If j ou are not familiar
with the plan we will bo
glad to have you call at
the bank inspect tho
boxes and allow us to ex
plain fully this secure
way of taking care of
your private papers a d
other valuables
McCook Nebr
IP jfflMftfflK
Largest Qrculation in Red Willow Co
Entered at postoflice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
Ed Howe wanders why Every girl
r as to have an ambition to make
1 - waist smaller than is natural and
k bust larger
- -
To whitewash Mr Lorimer would
be but an incident The people ha
already passed on that unsavory in
dividual and there isnt enough sen
atorial whitewash in Washington to
make him look half way white
Governor elect Aldrich says that he
will enforce the laws Thats a
chestnut handed out to the dear peo
ple by every man elected to the gov
ernorship Omaha Excelsior
True and by many never referred
to again Yet it will not be wise for
lawbreakers to go to sleep under the
assurance of Sorensens cynicism Aid
rich may mean it To an extraordi
nary degree he is free of obligation
to lawbreakers for his election and
the claim of gratitude for the past
and the club of threat for the future
will fall with exceptional lightness
upon his head Why shouldnt he
enforce the law
Loyalty is one of the invaluable as
sets whether it be the loyalty of a
citizen to his country to the state
of his birth or adoption to the place
of his residence or to his vocation
or employment
Governments ffe staunch and en
during when the citizens believe in
its institutions and support them with
unswerving and uncompromising de
votio i
A state is prosperous and progress
ive when its people are united in
p aising its resources and its advan
tages to settlers and investors sing
ing a confident song in prosperity
and in hopeful note if in adversity
So the unit may be reduced to the
county or the community in which
one lives and the same principle of
loyalty holds good even to a mans
business or work it is applicable and
Nebraskans should be faithful to
the proposition that this is the first
state in the union
We of Red Willow county should
hold high and fair its banner and
never neglect saying or writing the
favorable word or doing that which
might operate to its development
or to its prosperous growth along
all honorable lines
The same is true of McCook may
its shadow ever increase Never
w ithhold the activity of mind or mat
ter which may tend to its improve
Omaha is apparently to be asked
to give Mayor Dahlman another term
as a consolation prize The Exami
ner says The people of Omaha cer
tainly owe it to Mayor Jim to in
sist that he shall be the next mayor
He led a cause for them in the late
that won for him the
iir0 vilification and the con-
m migujup i i jWTfrftym
cianuer of the sanctified
Mayor Jim is not at all the kind of
man the Pharisees painted him and
the people of Omaha owe it to him
to say so They should show that
while republics may be ungrateful
the people of Omaha are not Lin
coln Journal
The Bon Ton Winter Menu
Served With Our Own Mayonnaise Dressing
Chicken Sandwich 15c Combination Sandwich 15c
Cheese Sandwich 10c Egg Sandwich 10c
Sardine Sandwich 15c Ham Sandwich 10c
Peanut Sandwich 10c Dried Beef Sandwich 10c
Oyster Soup 25c
Hot Chocolate Our Own 10c
Tomato Soup 10c
Vegetable Soup 10c
Hot Drinks
Hot Coffee Blue Ribbon special blend Sc
Hat Green Tea 10c Hot Black Tea 10c
Served by the Pot
Served With Whipped Cream and WafferslOc
Try Oup Chile Con Carne
Relishes - -
Ceiery 10c Picklesy - Olives 5c
Dainty Sweets
Home made Cake with Whipped Cicim
Pie 5c Plain Cake 5c
Beef Tea 10c
Cream Puffs with Whipped Cream 10c
Home made Doughnuts 5c
Hot Bouillons
Cream of Tomato Bouillon tOe
Tomato Cocktail 10c
Hot Fountain Drinks I
Hot Egg Malted Milk 15c Mot Plain Malted Milk 10c
Hot Orangeade 5c Hot Egg Chocolate 15c
Hot Coco Colo 5c He Phosphates Sc
Hot Lemonade 10c Hot Gfnger Tea 10c
Hot Limeade 5c
Cleanliness Our Motto
ment development and progress along
all lines commercial educational
moral religious
It takes brawn and brain and cap
ital to develop a new country to
build new towns and cities to es
tablish schools libraries churches
etc in new and frontier districts to
bridge its streams tmake its high
ways and render fertile and produc
tive its virgin soil
A look over Red Willow county
and McCook will convince the fair
and intelligent oobserver that those
who have blazed the way and stay
ed with the gun have performed
their part well under circumstances
not always pleasing
The progress already made can
however be greatly increased by a
lively and earnest exercise of great
er loyalty and increased confidence
in the future and outcome of our
county and city Capital now being
sent elsewhere should be kept at
home and used in financing home
enterprises and in investments in
home farms and city property both
of which have been safe and profi
table in the past and doubtless will
be in the future
Make the big noise for home af
fairs Be loyal to home institutions
Stand up for your state your home
and your business or make a change
You can easily do worse many
are not so favorably situated
Committee on Committees Suggested
First by Nebraska Member
Washington Dec 17 Special Tel
egram Now that Champ Clark who
will undoubtedly be speaker of the
sixty second house of representatives
is out with a statement that the se
lection of committee membership
should not be vested in the power of
one man but be controlled by a com
mittee of which the speaker shall
not even be a member it is perti
nent to recall that this committee
on committees was originally sug
gested by George W Norris repre
senting the Fifth Nebraska district
Judge Norris on June 16th last in
troduced the resolution which was
referred to the committee on rules
pioviding for a committee on com
mittees and defining the manner in
vhich members shall be selected
Lincoln Journal
His Chance to Vote
Tbe chronicles Jt our vice presidents
are notoriously burren of incident This
probably was the reason for the way
Adlui Stevenson secured the exercise
of a constitutional prerogative It was
one sleepy dy toward the end of bis
term as vice president The United
States senate was plowing through the
calendar and passing many bills Bills
are considered agreed to In the senate
if no oral objection is raised after they
have passed through the preliminary
stages but the usual form of asking
for the yeas and nays Is followed by
the presiding o Ulcer The vice presi
dent had said
Senators in favor of the bill will
say Aye Pause Contrary No
Not a single response
The vote is a tie announced Mr
The senator In chargeof the bill
paused on bis way to the cloakroom
and looked surprised
In case of a tie the vice president
may cast the deciding vote In the ex
ercise of his constitutional privilege
the vice president votes Aye
The Sun Drawing Water
The phenomenon commonly known
as the sun drawing water is due to
rays of sunlight between the shadows
of clouds It is seen to best advan
tage when the atmosphere is some
what hazy and when the sun is whol
ly or partly behind a cloud and is not
in the higher part of the sky Patchy
stratocumulus clouds are most favora
ble for the formation of these rays
and they are probably most distinct
when seen in the part of the sky be
low the sun when they appear to ex
tend either directly or somewhat
obliquely downward It is in this
form that the effect Is most commonly
called the sun drawing water But
such rays may extend in any direc
tion so that they diverge from the
sun as a center No rain need be fall
ing anywhere near the observer
though it is not Impossible for the
rays to be visible at a time when rain
streaks also are visible in part of the
sky The rain streaks however do
not diverge from the sun but are In
lines of the falling rain St Nicholas
The Pillory
The pillory in England was abol
ished as a punishment except for per
jury In 1815 and was totally abol
ished in 1837 The last person to suf
fer at the Old Bailey was one Peter
Bossy for perjury June 22 1830 Not
withstanding the fact that this mode
of punishment was supposed to be only
for the lighter offenses it often hap
pened that the pillory meant death to
those placed In it the culprit frequent
ly being stoned to death by the heart
less mob New York American
It Has Taken Americans to Originate
the Suffragette Suit
Those wlm lim ui idea tlist t mily
the Parisian dressmakers ran turn nil
unique and stmlcintr Hot lies for the lr
sex must now take off their hats to
the Amerkn tailors wlm have ju t
evolved a costume for women that will
make even Paris gibp This is the
suffragette suit which was recently
exhibited in New York at the annual
meeting of dressmaker t the show
were also i new ieio ine costume
American made and designed and the
1910 by American Press Association
most beautiful gowns imaginable but
it was this suffragette affair that at
tracted the most attention
The suffragette suit will no doubt
solve that much mooted question as to
who wears the pants for if the suf
fragette adopts this novel costume she
will have a pair of trousers that will
put fathers to shame The suit is of
rough gray mens suiting fashioned
into what Its designer modestly styles
a divided hobble skirt In reality the
trousers are about the style that Pres
ident Taft wears when golfing They
are big and loose fitting and have the
raining In London turn up at the
bottom Two pockets side pockets
such as men have to swagger in were
added by the thoughtful tailor to the
suffragette suit
Dr Theophile Braga a Scholar of Ir
ternational Fame
The placing of Dr Theophile Braga
the one Portuguese scholar of interna
tional fame at their head was n
shrewd move of the revolutionists or
Portugal It follows the curious Latin
fashion of bestowing political power
on literary men but it also declares to
Europe that the true men of progress
t -
the men of education and of position
are directing the revolution and not
the street rabble of Lisbon
Dr Braga Portugals provisional
president besides being a man of let
ters extensively educated and politi
cally powerful has the reputation of
being thoroughly upright and honest
and is said to be the best man in the
country to whom the chief office could
be trusted at such a crisis He is
about fifty live years of age and when
a young man took up the study of
medicine He holds a professorship in
the Curso Superior de Lettras at Lis
bon and is a member of numerous
academic bodies in various countries
of Europe He is also accounted a
poet of originality and power His
work both in poetry and scholarship
has won the commendatory notice of
Anatole France who presided at a
fete in bis honor a few years ago
About three years ago Dr Braga be
came president of the committee of
seven a position which gave him enor
mous political power and prominence
in his organization For many years
he has been intimately associated with
Dr Bernardino Mnchado one of the
leading professors In the Lisbon uni
versity who has been mentioned for
the first permanent president of tbi
new republic
Kli Practical I
Illteft I
SOU AND cnAitATRgn uy
For Practical Man or Boy
And no where can you get
better ones than at our
store For Father flother
Husband or Friend
Rozell Sons
115 West B St Phone 280
L W McCONNELL Druggist
By applying two coats of WTUGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE
directly to the meat with a brush after the meat has gone
through the salt it will be thoroughly smoked will have a
delicious flavor and will keep solid and sweet and free from
insects through the entire summer
Wrights Condensed Srrsoke
Us a liquid smoke and contains nothing excent what is obtained
by burning hickory wood It is put up in square quart bottles only each with a
metal cap NEVER SOLD IN BULK A bottle will smoke a barrel of moat
280 lbs For sale by all druggists at 75c Every bottle guaranteed Ask
druggist for FREE BOOK The New Way Be sure to get the genuine
THE E H WRIGHT CO Ltd Kansas City Mo
The Tribune
It is Just One Dollar the Year
iSi iiim
A more practical gift cant be suggested for either lady
or gentleman All mounted handles are guaranteed and we
engrave your monogram or name- free Nice Christmas boxes
to send them in All prices
Jeweler Optician
TheIcook Tribune 1 the Year