The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 08, 1910, Image 6

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GREGATIONAL Sunday School at
930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m
and 730 p m by pastor Junior C
E at 130 p m Senior C E at 730
All Germans cordially invited to at
tend these services
No progressive family should over
look the special arrangement with
The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farm
er whereby 125 pays for one years
subscription to it and this paper
Foleys Kidney Pills are tonic in
action quick in results and restore
the natural action of the kidneys and
bladder They correct irregularities
A McMillen
Salesmen Wanted
A wholesome building up food for growing children
The combined nutritive properties of Wheats Rice Oats
and Barley
Ask Your Grocer
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and
S p m The public cordially invited
R T BAYNB Pastor
Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday
at 8 p m Meets now in the north
east corner of court house basement
Catholic Order of services Mass
800 a m Mass and sermon 1030
a m Evening services at 830
Sunday school 230 p m
Methodist Preaching by the pas
tor at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday
school at 10 a m Epworth League
at 7 p m
Baptist Sunday school at ten
oclock a m Preaching at 11 a m
and 800 p m B Y P U 700 p
m Prayer meeting and Bible study
on Wednesday at 8 p m
EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten
oclock Morning prayer and sermon
at eleven oclock Evening prayer
and sermon at eight Choir rehearsal
as usual every member please attend f
Evangelical Lutheran Regular Ger
man preaching services in church
er of E and 6th street east ev i
v Sunday morning at 1030 AH
Germans cordially invited
The Coming Year
This is the fifth year The State
Journal makes its Bargain week of
fer to accept subscriptions for the
whole of 1911 for only 3 without
Sunday or 4 with Sunday This
offer not good after the week of De
cember 21 to 28 as after that date
the regular prices of 4 and 5 will
be charged This year the legisla
tive sessions will make The Journal
especially interesting and people who
have never before read the paper will
be anxious to get it to watch the do
ings of the legislature because The
Journal is not afraid to print all that
happens The paper stops when the
time is up It prints more state tel
egraph than any other Nebraska pa
per has a vigorous Washington de
partment strong market features and
is independent of factions Its es
pecially attractive to people who are
independent in their thinking and
who want to know what really is go
ing on If you send in your remit
tance at once the paper will be sent
from now until January 1 1912 at
this cut price Address State Jour
nal Lincoln Neb
You Must Read This If You Want
the Benefit
J W Greer Greenwood La suf
fered with a severe case of lumbago
The pains were so intense I was
forced to hypodermic injections for
relief These attacks started with
a pain in the small of my back which
gradually became fairly paralyzing
My attention was attracted to Fol
eys Kidney Remedy and I am glad
to say after using this wonderful med
icine I am no longer bothered in any
way by my old enemy lumbago A
We want I CAN and I WILL
men for our permanent sales force
This is an opening for the man who
wants to be a REAL accident sales
man with exceptional money making
opportunities If you believe in do
ing business on a 100 per cent hon
esty basis if you want success
if your wishbone is not where your
backbone ought to be write us today
for full particulars
National Fidelity Casualty Co
National Fidelity Casualty Bldg
Omaha Neb
When you have a cold get a bot
tle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy
It will soon fix you up all right and
will ward off any tendency toward
pneumonia This remedy contains no
opium or other narcotic and may be
given as confidently to a baby as to
an adult Sold by all dealers
If you feel you want to be shown
in the matter of quality go to the
ToConk Flour and Feed Stor
House hunting for newly weds and others who have not
acquired their own homes used to be quite a problem but
now the Bell Telephone does the work
If you are moving to another part of the
state the Long Distance Lines will serve you
for over them you may reach more than 120000
people in 500 Nebraska towns
Nebraska Telephone Co
CHAS W KELLEY Local Manager
Bullard Lumber Co
Sells the Best
Lumber and Coal
Advertisement for Bids
Notice is hereby given that the
county commissioners of Red Willow
county Nebraska will receive seal-
ed bids for the furnishing of the fol
lowing supplies to said county dur
ing the year 1911 to wit
One 8 quire mortgage record plain
One personal tax list for 1911
One real estate tax list for town
lots 1911
One real estate tax list for farm
lands 1911
One G qr medium treasurers cash
7000 tax receipts original and
duplicate per thousand
One dozen chattel mortgage files
gummed stubs numbered each
Lithographed warrants one color
one side per thousand
23 sets primary election poll books
tally sheets for all parties and reg
ister of voters all combined in one
book per book
23 sets general election poll books
per book
92 poll book envelopes per dozen
46 ballot sacks per dozen
225 primary election Instructions
to Voters per 100
225 general election Instructions
to Voters per 100
5000 assessors schedules punched
and folded per thousand
27 assessment schedule binders
25 assessors personal assessment
Patent backs for records per quire
24 primary election laws
24 general election laws
1000 loose leaf record blanks print
ed form per 100
1909 or 1911 statutes per book
All records to be full bound extra
ends bands and fronts and To- be
made of Byron Weston 36 lb medium
linen ledger paper
Size 8x28 printed one side per
first hundred and each additional
Size 8x28 printed two sides per
first hundred and each additional
Size 8xl4 printed one side per
first hundred and each additional
Size 81xl4 printed two sides per
first hundred and each additional
Size 8x7 printed one side per
first hundred and each additional
Size 8x7 printed two sides per
first hundred and each additional
Size knfa printed one side per
first hundred and each additional
Size 8x5 printed two sides
per first hundred and each addition
al hundred
Postal cards printed cards furn
ished by county per 100
Senate pads 8xl4 per package
of 10
Senate pads 4x7 per package of
Writing Fluid Carters Sanfords
Staffords Arnolds Bankers per
Lead pencils E Faber No 2 per
Lead pencils Memphisto No 77
copvjng per dozen
Election pencils per gross
Velvet pencils rubber tips 557 per
Venus copying pencils No 165
per dozen
Typewriter carbon paper best
grade 8xl4f per dozen
Typewriter ribbon best grade
Typewriter paper best grade heavy
medium light per ream
Mucilage best grade per quart
Library paste 8 ounces Utopian
Pen holders cork tip bank each
Pens Easterbrook Blyner Bros
Glucinum Silver Series per gross
Rubber bands No 18 No 16 No
30 and 31 No 002 No 00 per
Eraser rubber No 102 and No 104
per dozen
Blotting paper best grade per
Memo heads 6x9 7 pounds flat
paper per 1000
Letter heads size 8xll 10 pound
bond paper per 1000
Letter heads size 8xll 12 pound
flat paper per 1000
Envelopes printed No 6 No 1
rag paper per 1000
Envelopes printed No 10 No 1
rag paper per 1000
Bar dockets 4x7 per page
Notice of election per hundred
Sample and official ballots for pri
mary and general election for 1911
including precinct changes per hun
Claim blanks against county per
Publishing legal notices per square
Publishing commissioners proceed
ings per square
Publishing delinquent tax lists
Separate bids must be furnished
on each one of the 5 sections or any
ond of them
All supplies must be furnished as
Bids must be addressed to Coun
ty Clerk and marked proposals for
books blanks stationery and legal
printing or any one or more of these
All successful bidders must file
good and sufficient bond for the
faithful performance of their contract
Bids will be opened according to
the requirements of the law at the
regular meeting of the county board
January 10 1911
Sealed bids will be received at the
county clerks office up to noon Jan
uary 10th 1911
The county commissioners reserve
the right to reject any or all bids
and to enter into separate con
tract for each one of the five sec
tions advertised
Dated at McCook Nebraska De
cember 8th 1910
County Clerk
Subscribe for The Tribune
Citation on Hearing of Final Ac
count and Petition for Discharge
In the County Court of Red Willow
County in the State of Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of
George Hocknell deceased
To all persons interested in the
estate of George Hocknell deceas
You are hereby notified that on
the eleventh day of March 1910 Ben
jamin M Frees Executor of the es
tate of George Hocknell deceased
filed in said court his final account
as executor of said estate praying
tbat the same be allowed as his fin
al account in said mattj and that
he be discharged Yo are hereby
further notified that szi final ac
count will be heard on the seven
teenth day of December 1910 at the
Lour of nine oclock a m at the
county court room in the City of
McCook in said county and you are
hereby cited to appear at the time
and place above designated and show
cause if such exists why said ac
count should not be allowed and
said Benjamin M Frees discharged
from his trust as executor of said
It is hereby ordered that said Ben
jamin M Frees Executor give notice
to all persons interested in said es
tate by causing a copy of this or
der to be published in The McCook
Tribune a newspaper printed and pub
lished in said county for three suc
cessive weeks prior to the date set
for said hearing
WITNESS my hand and the seal of
said county this twenty sixth day of
November 1910
J C MOORE County Judge
First published Dec 1 1910 3ts
Notice to Creditors of Estate
In the County Court of Red Wil
low County State of Nebraska
In the Matter of the Estate of
Elisha A Dodge Deceased
I J C Moore County Judge of
Red Willow County Nebraska here
by notify all persons having claims
and demands against said estate that
I have appointed the following days
for the reception examination and
adjustment of said claims and de
mands as provided by law at the
county court room in McCook in said
county to wit July 2nd 1911 at 9
A M All persons interested in
said estate will appear at said time
and place and duly present their said
claims and demands in the manner
required by law or show cause for
not so doing and in case any of
said claims should not be filed and
presented by the time last aforesaid
the same shall be forever barred
It is further ordered that this notice
be published four successive weeks
in the McCook Tribune a newspaper
printed published and circulating in
said county
Given under my hand and seal of
said court this sixteenth day of No
vember A D 1910
Seal County Judge
Ritchie Wolff Attorneys
First publication Nov 17 191 0 4 ts
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of Red Willow
Count Nebraska ss
In the Matter of the Estate of
Ira H Harrison deceased
To the Creditors of said Estate
You are hereby notified That I
will sit at the County Court Room
in McCook in said County on the
twenty seventh day of May 1911 at
the hour of one oclock P M to ex
amine all claims against said Estate
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
Estate is the 20th day of May A D
1911 and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is One Year from said
19th day of November 1910
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Couit this 19th day of
November 1910
J C MOORE County Judge
C E Eldred Attorney
First publication Nov 24 19104t
Auction of School Land
Notice is hereby given that on the
19th day of December 1910 at one
oclock p m at the office of the
county treasurer of Red Willow coun
ty the Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings or his authorized rep
resentative will offer for lease at
public auction all educational lands
In said county which have been de
clared forfeited for non payment of
rental or interest as follows
Lot 1 16-3-28 C F Babcock
S 16-4-28 C H Taylor
Dated November 21 1910
Commissioner of Public
Lands and Buildings
Searles Searles
16 years In Lincoln
Chronic and
Nervous Diseases ol
Men and Women
Gall Stones Piles
removed without an
operation All dis
B TfrSjgSMtMi
eases of the Nose Throat Lungs Stom
ach Bowels Liver Rheumatism Stric
ture Variocele Kidney and Bladder
All Diseases and Disorders of Men
All Examinations and Consultations
FREE Charges Low Quick Cures
Call or write for booklet P O Box 22 L
Office hours 9 to 1130 1 to 4 nights 1 to
Drs Searles Searles Lincoln Nob
McCook Citizens Testify for the Pub
lic Benefit
A truthful statement of a McCook
citizen given in his own words should
convince the most skeptical about the
merits of Doans Kidney Pills If you
suffer from backache nervousness
sleeplessness urinary disorders or
any form of kidney ills the cure is
at hand Read this
Charles Weintz of McCook N
says My back ached constantly v
if I lifted or stooped I had sharp
pains in my loins The secretions
from my kidneys often contained sedi
ment and the passage were irregular
and painful A tired feeling was in
j evidence when I got up in the morn
j ing convincing me that my kidneys
were at fault After trying a number
of remedies without being helped to
any extent I procured Doans Kid
ney Pills at McConnells drug store
and they entirely removed my trouble
I have since advised other kidney su
ferers to take this preparation and in
every instance it had done good work
Several years ago I publicly endorsed
Doans Kidney Pills and at this time
I gladly do so again
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
A Simple Safeguard for Mothers
Mrs D Gilkeson 326 Ingles Ave
Youngstown Ohio gained wisdom by
experience My little girl had a
severe cold and coughed almost con
tinuously My sister recommended
Foleys Honey and Tar The first
dose I gave her relieved the inflam
mation in her throat and after us
ing only one bottle her throat and
lungs were entirely free from inflam
mation Since then I always keep
a bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar
in the house Accept no substi
tutes A McMillen
Take Care
Remember that when your kidneys
are affected your life is in danger
M Mayer Rochester N Y says
My trouble started with a sharp
shooting pain over my back which
grew worse daily I felt sluggish
and tired my kidney action was ir
regular and infrequent I started us
ing Foleys Kidney Pills Each dose
seemed to put new life and strength
into me and I am completely cured
and feel better and stronger than
for years
Try a Tribune want ad and watch
AH grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
gjRms3t T rvfavynw
- I
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix- all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nefcr
Lincoln Sanitarium
uipho Saline Springs
Located on our own promises aad
in ine
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed in tha treatment of
Heart Stomach Kidney and Llrer
Moderate Chirgei Addrua
DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincorn Rak
Hike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
I New location n I acr rnCrxelr
I stretin P W leh bv Iiih tvOOK
IN THE SUNNY SOUTH Every first and third Tuesday very low
homeseekers excursion rates are in effect to the South with 25 day lim
its and every day the winter tourist rates are in effect with all winter
TO CALIFORNIA Daily excursion rates with attractive conditions lim
its stop over privileges side trips etc are in effect The annual win
ter movement to Southern California by thousands of Americans who de
sire to escape the rigors of the North is now under way
COLORADO A two or three weeks sojourn in the winter climate of
Colorado is recommended by physicians as one of the best up building
tonics available The great National Western Stock Show is held at
Denver January 16 21
The Burlington takes excellent care of you to California either in
through standard or through tourist sleepers with conductors in charge
via Denver Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City
WESTERN LAND PRODUCTS EXIBIT will be held in Omaha Janu
ary 18 to 28th All new western localities should be represented all
farmers and prospective farmers should see this instructive exhibit
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres
E A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
BTddumtii i1 tftiiV Witi WiMiMaaiuttittAajfctuuuit
Everything in Lumber
At Live and Let Live Prices
Phone 5o
ami 71 1