The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 08, 1910, Image 4

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Our Fire Proof
are at your disposal Why
not have a Safe Depos t
Box ii which to keep
your will insurance poli
cies deeds abstracts
notes leaese and other
valnable pipers In this
ma ner you safe guard
yourself apainst any pos
sible loss by fire
If you are not familiar
with the plan we will be
glad to have you call at
the bank inspect the
boxes and allow us to ox
plain fully this secure
way of taking care of
your private papers a d
other valuables
AlcCook Nebr
Lurgest Circulation in Red Willow Ou
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter 1ublished -weekly
The Congregational and Christian
chv ches of Red Cloud are seriously
emplating following Shorty Ho
s slogan Bunch up
The editor of the Culbertson Ban 1
ner complains that McCooks public j
liorarv is noorly illuminated He says
that the saloons of our city are bet
ter lighted
The majority report placed a charm 1
ingly naive halo upon Secretary Bal
lingers brow Tuesday in congress
in its report The people have long
since attached an assortment of tin
ware to the secretarys caudal
pendage however
fr 4
The Burlington has called in its
steel gangs and other special repair
and improvement forces and wise
ones are holding their ears to the
ground for rumors fulfilled of larg
er reductions and greater retrench
ments in other departments
The ideal location for a state hos
pital for indigent tuberculous and
the tuberculosis insane would be in
the neighborhood of McCook Such
a state institution is contemplated by
the present legislature Sunshine
and pure air are chief requisites
We have them
The census of Nebraska just re
cently made public has in it food for
thought analysis and comparison
I The grand total is 1192214 This
is an increase of 125914 in ten years
yet it represents about half of the
population of the city of Chicago Of
the increase 37116 may be credited
to Omaha and Lincoln which leaves
87798 to the rural districts of the
state a gain of but 101 persons to
the square mile of our area The
birth rate should show about such an
increase over the death rate in ten
However a gain of 125914 is bet
ter t an a loss as is the case with
the state of Iowa
j But that such counties as Burt
Butler Cass Clay Cuming Dixon
Dodge Fillmore Frontier Furnas
Gosper Johnson Kearney Nemaha
Otoe Pawnee Phelps Polk Richard-
son Saline Saunders and Washing
ton some of them losing over 1000
should naturally receive attention
j and an intelligent effective campaign
should be waged to make good the
loss and to further swell their popu
Red Wilow county is more fortu
nate than some of our neighbor coun
ties still the fact remains that out
side of McCook there doubtless has
been a decrease And this is worthy
consideration and should merit our
It is estimated that 250000 people
each year cross over Nebraska to
make homes in other states A reas
onable and fair proportion of this
grand total should be induced to re
main with us to make their homes
i in Nebraska and to assist in the de
velopment of one of the great agricul
The editor of the Trenton Regis
ter goes them all one better He
nominates our popular congressman
for president Well Congressman
Norria is from Ohio
j t j
If the Republican river were in
Colorado or other of the western
states land along it would be worth
several times its present value
thanks to their inevitable dam res
ervoir and irrigation system We
have advantages here over Colorado
Why waste the precious water
The appointment of Grant Ether
ton of the Bartley Inter Ocean as dep
uty oil inspector for the Fifth
district will meet with the ap
proval of all Republicans in this sec
tion of this district especially of
those who are familiar with his con
sistent and energetic work for the
success of Republican candidates and
measures in his paper and
in person Grant is competent and
deserving and The Tribune wants to
congratulate him
It is a trifle early to begin fight
ing another senatorial battle but
some desultory firing is already be
ing done Now that an Omaha man
is about to be chosen for the Burkett
succession there appears to be dis
position to disregard the old Platte
river line of vision and make an east
and west one This coupled with the
remarkable majority of Congressman
George Norris of McCook naturally
brings his name into prominent men
tion for the Brown succession With
Senator Brown also up for endorse
ment it is easy to see that there may
be something doing at the republi
can primaries of 1912 Fremont Trib
Quality Jewelry
YOU WEAR JEWELRY 999 out of every iooodo
DO Do you use the same precaution in selecting your jewel
ry that you do in purchasing your wearing apparel You
should for Jewelry is subjected to more severe wear and
for a much longer period Jewelry sales are made largely on
confidence and an absolute guarantee from us backs your
confidence for when we sell you a piece of Jewelry you know
just exactly what grade of goods you are buying and we are
here to see that it makes good in every way Our line con
tains many odd and original designs and if you have anything
special in mind we will be glad to make it for you
We do the finest engraving free of charge leave your
orders for this as early as possible
Visitors are as welcome as buyers
Jewelers and Optician
Hull Umbrellas Edison Phonographs Simmons Chains
tural and stock raising states of the
union The State Association of
Commercial Clubs is doing some ac
tive and intelligent urging of immi
gration work and state advertising
and this may be augmented by the
McCook Commercial club and by ev
ery resident of McCook and Red Wil
low county interested in our growth
development and progress
The value of personal effort the
saying of a favorable word at the
right time cannot be overestimated
Let every Nebraskan stand up for
Nebraska If you happen to live in
Red Willow county or in the city of
McCook you have the same privilege
Dont neglect it
Why not mention the possibilities
of sugar beet culture There arc
thousands of acres of available and
suitable soil in the neighborhood of
this city The crop is a profitable
one The market is certain The
price is guaranteed
And alfalfa and hogs Nebraska is
short a million of hogs right now
And winter irrigation thousands
of cubic feet are running to waste
every day in Red Willow county
And you might point with pride to
the fact that
Red Willow county has perhaps
the most extensive sheep feeding es
tablishment in the land that of the
Powell Nilsson plant at Marion
Red Willow countys new alfalfa
mill at Marion is one of the most
up-to-date in the country
W N Rogers Shadeland White
Faces have few equals among Amer
ican Herefords
Harrigon Harrison have national
prize w nning Galloways on their farm
near Indianola
Editor Corrick is evidently not ut
terly heart broken over the fact that
Editor Taylor did not capture the
Trenton postoffice He consoles Mr
Taylor with the opinion that a good
postmaster is a better asset in a post
office than a politician
The effort to place the state char
itable institutions under a non-partisan
board of control is one which
should engage the influence of those
who have at heart securing the best
results in those institutions for the
inmates and for the stae
Dolls from a penny up at McMil
lens Drug Store
Doll carts are it for the little
misses this Christmas Ludwick is
snowing the largest line in the city
New music is like cracker jack
the more you have the more you
want Latest December numbers
iov on sale by C C Brown Ideal
This paper and The Weekly Inter
Jcean and Farmer 125 gets both
for one year Special deal
Received on Account Paii
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office He
1000 50c
Something special The Wppkh
Inter Ocean and Fanner and thib pa
per 125 fqr one year Ask us what
it means 1
After you have read all the local
country news in this paper how plea
sant to have The Weekly Inter Ocean
and Farmer at hand to give you the
happenings of the outside world 12
pays for both one year
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculture tays that the unbound
ed prosperity of the agriculturist it
not due to chance but is the result o
Ocean and Farmer has placed before
intelligent scientific business met
hods A reader of The Weekly Inter
him each week the practical and ap
proved methods to which Secretarj
Wilson refers It is a good invest
ment Only 31 2 Th Weekly In
ter Ocean and Fanner a this papi
une j ear
For Rent Steam heated rooms on
Main ave Phone black 133
FOR RENT Dwelling house Phone
cedar 983 or 25 tf
WANTED Chickens of all kinds
at the National hotel tf
FOR SALE My residence at 601
4th street E Address J S Williams
or phone black 189 tf
house Small sum down and balance
on monthly payments Inquire of
Mrs Julia Yager West McCook
FOR RENT Four unfurnished
rooms 1002 2nd street east Mrs S
A Rowell
SPECIAL Are you wanting a
set of dishes for Christmas Ludwick
will give you a big discount
FOR SALE Desirable residence
property E Benjamin
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
with heat and light Phone red 281
Call at 319 1st st west
WANTED Woman to do chamber
work by the hour and live at home
National Hotel
FOUND Pair of brown kid gloves
Phone red 189
- Vk
A Practical Christmas Gift
for a Practical Man
Sweater Coats
Bath Robes
And no where can you
get a better one than
at oiir store
Ask us to show you something for father
brother husband or friend
i 9 I Est e Kb 2vC CF
9 KJ hi UBSb flV Kl
I kWcJT i0 I IJSjPs ft ll
Suit Cases
Traveling Bags
j 14 1 2 dz in box
Tie Rings i
Collar bags
and Many Others
Rozell and Sons
115 West B St
Phone 280
lESIRABLE and useful presents
j J novel and beautiful presents
PMm The most magnificent line to
choose from including Fancy
goods of all kinds in sets cases and box
es toys books dolls games brass goods
pyrography goods cameras fancy Xmas
stationery picture albums vases trin
kets nick nacks etc Gifts for the old
and young large and small We could
not begin to name all the pretty and use
ful articles here which we have assem
bled but ask you to come see our hand
some display We have a larger assort
ment of presents this year than ever be
fore and one of the special features of
our exhibit is its completeness in every
detail affording as it does the finest op
portunity of selection Here you can
find gifts youll like to give and gifts any
one will appreciate while our prices are
an attraction in themselves
Dont buy until you have seen our
store full of pretty and useful presents
Wood worths Drug Store
i T J -1
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