The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 01, 1910, Image 6

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ttifllf minii i xwfl nnjnrcrrrnr n
GREGATIONAL Sunday School at
930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m
and 730 p in by pastor Junior C
E at 130 p m Senior C E at 730
All Germans cordially invited to at
tend these services
L W McConnell Offers a Remedy
For Catarrh The Medicine
Costs Nothing If It Fails
When a medicine effects a success-
fil treatment in a very large major j
it of ases and when we offer that
IllrIl Z n mix j in nnwinnl mmv
fits a X
ou Must
As wholesome nourishing and palatable as any food
ever made Unlike any other food A mixture of
Wheat Rice Oats and Barley
Ask Your Grocer
are fcts which we Avant the people
Congregational Sunday school at t I1it1Ttinti Wo want thorn to trv
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and
S p m The public cordially invited
R T BAYNE Pastor
Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday
at S p m Meets now in the north
east corner of court house basement
Catholic Order o services Mass
S00 a m Mass and sermon 1030
a in Evening services at 830
Sunday school 230 p m
Methodist Preaching by the pas
tor at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday
school at 10 a m Epworth League
at 7 p m
Baptist Sunday school at ten
oclock a m Preaching at 11 a m
and S00 p m B Y P U 700 p
m Prayer meeting and Bible study
on Wednesday at 8 p m
EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten
oclock Morning prayer and sermon
at eleven oclock Evening prayer
and sermon at eight- Choir rehearsal
as usual every member please attend
Evangelical Lutheran Regular Ger
ri i preaching services in church
of E and Gtb street east ev
Sunday morning at 1030 All
Go mans cordially invited
put our claim to a practical test
when we tak all the risk These
Rexall Mucu Tone a medicine pre
pared from a prescription of a phy
sician with whom catarrh was a spec
ialty and who has a record of thirty
ears of enviable success to his rec
We receive more good reports
about Rexall Mucu Tone than we do
of all other catarrh remedies sold in
our store and if people only knew
what a thoroughly dependable reme
ly Rexall Mucu Tone is it would be
Tie orly catarrh remedy we would
have any demand for
Rexall Mucu Tone is quickly absorl
3d and by its therapeutic effect tends
to disinfect and cleanse the entire
mucous membraneous tract to de
stroy and remove the parasites which
Injure the membraneous tissues to
oothe the irritation and heal the
soreness stop the mucous discharge
build up strong healthy tissue and
relieve the blood and system of di
seased matter Its influence is toward
stimulating the muco cells aiding di
gestion and improving nutrition until
he whole body vibrates with healthy
activity In a comparatively short
ime it brings about a noticeable
ain in weight strength good color
mid ferine of buoyancy
We urge you to try Rexall
Tone beginning a treatment today
At any time you are not satisfied
-imply come and tell us and we will
quickly return your money without
luestion or quibble We have Rex
all Mucu Tone in two sizes 50 cents
ind 1 00 Remember you can ob
ain Rexall Remedies in McCook only
it our store The Rexall Store L
V McConnell
Read This If You Want
the Benefit
J W Greer Greenwood La suf
fered with a severe case of lumbago
The pains were so intense I was
forced to hypodermic injections for
relief These attacks started with
a pain in the small of my back which
radually became fairly paralyzing
Iy attention was attracted to Fol
ys Kidney Remedy and I am glac
o say after using this wonderful met
cine I am no longer bothered in an
v ay by my old enemy lumbago A
When you have a cold get a bo
tie of Chamberlains Cough Remed
It will soon fix you up all right ai
vill ward off any tendency towa
pneumonia This remedy contains i
opium or other narcotic and may I
given as confidently to a baby as
an adult Sold by all dealers
Ak k - ji uui j ii irciuuui sum
5t wiu cot the ser
11eit1 be snott
f volJ wam M
in f it Joes not completely relieve
iatsn it is only reasonable that t uiatl r ot iulty 8 to tl
leopl3 ihojll believe us or at least McCook Flour and Feed Stor
CTjgismumMU tu iiBiiMBiMumffaRngggaaaMwnwMagcM
rjy ry II llllllll fctl I II I I IU Mil
You May Help Us
There are three parties to a telephone callthe person
making the call the person called and the Telephone Company
These three must cooperate if the most efficient service is to
be given
You can assist us
By consulting the directory to be sure you have the cor
rect numbermemory plays tricks
By speaking directly into the transmitter in a clear dis
tinct voice
By separating the figures of the telephone number when
calling for example Red 1234 Red one-two-three-four
By correcting the operator if she repeats the number fn
By moving the receiver hook slowly up and down three
times if the operator does not answer promptly
By saving much time by identifying yourself when an
swering as John Smith talking instead of saying Hel
lo and causing unnecessary delay
No mechanical device can ever take the place of human
ingenuity in telephone service a central operator is a vital
part of telephone equipment
Nebraska Telephone Co
CHAS W KELLEY Local Manager
ajjalLi1MiioiijirrrTTTwgTrnT i i i a aa ag
Bullard Lumber Co
Sells the Best
Lumber and Coal
People os Note
I Snapihcvts at Celebrities
Talked About
-- w -
princess iouisn
V E It siuee
Princess Lou
ise the only
daughter of the
kaher made her
bow to society slie
has been repoi ted
betrothed to vari
ous sons ot royalty
and now comes the
statement that she
has been won by
the Archduke Karl
Franz eldest son of
the late Archduke Otto ot Austiia
The princess U a charming girl of
seventeen and is still very youthful
and unspoiled in her ideas and ways
She looks not unlike an English girl
She is rosy cheeked and has an abun
dance of flaxen hair which before she
came into young womans estate fell
in cascades oter her shoulders Her
English is faultless and even includes
a lively bit of alang now and then
When John E Redmond who is
now touring America with several oth
er distinguished Irishmen delivers a
speech in parliament it is always re
ceived attentively He is a tactician
who knows the value of obstructing
business but who realizes 1usr how
and when to do it
He can speak for a
day or for days if -T
need be and lie did
upon one occasion
when he wished to
hold the house on
a question vital to
Ireland It was in
that memorable
speech that Red
mond gave Panic
his title of un
crowned king a
title which has sur
vived the great
land leaguer and
which has been
t Y i
A v afeL
i H
considered one of the felicitous epi
grams in public speaking The Red
mond style is deliberate he has won
derful reherve and when he opens the
gates of his oratory his power is su
perb but yet sufficiently contained to
suggest no straining for effect
In appearance Mr Redmond Is a
man of medium height with a fine
head a ruddy complexion blue eyes
that become gray when he is very in
terested and a mouth whose firmness
is not concealed by his mustache
James C Dahlman the cowboy
mayor of Omaha and Democratic
nominee for governor of Nebraska re
cently had published some early inci
dents of his life owing to rumors cir
culated by his enemies Mr Dahlman
confirms the report that he shot a
man and tied from Texas and assumed
the name of Murray but the man he
shot did not he says die His version
of it is as follows
The immediate cause of my leaving
Texas was this An elder sister mar
ried a man named Charley Bree a
shiftless sort of fellow nothing more
or less than an outlaw They lived
Photo by American Press Association
together for two years and some time
after their child was born he deserted
her for no apparent reason than that
he was tired of married life and his in
nate cussedness
I was a fiery quick tempered boy
less than twenty years of age There
was scarcely any law in the country
and none that was likely to reach a
cuss like that I sent him word that I
would shoot him the first time I saw
Things went on in this condition
for some time and Bree and I did not
meet Then one day purely by acci
dent we met In a town where neither
was known No sooner did we face
each other than we both pulled and
shot I got him he missed me We
shot but once each My shot hit him
above the eye and he dropped like
lead I thought he was done for and
wasted no time In getting away I
rode through into Arkansas and stay
ed there In secret soon after coming
to Nebraska
As I became a young man be
said about the only right I knew
was that of the pistol and a quick
hand The law was but poorly en
forced and men lived by the right of
might I got to be pretty tough I
admit it I could see that it was
Gossip of People In the
Dispatches f
CCORDING to a story being told
of Henry L Stimson the Repub
lican nominee for governor of
New York lie rode into office on a
horse While Mr Itoosev elt was pres
ident Mr Stimson usi d to visit him
socially On one occasion he went to
the White House unannounced and
found that the president had gone for
a walk Mr Stimson then decided to
take a horseback ride and soon found
himself in Uock Creek park Sudden
ly he heard a hello from across a
creek and saw Mr Roosevelt and
Elihu Root on the opposite bank
Hello Stimson cried the presi
dent Come on over
Mr Stimson without hesitation
plunged his horse in The creek was
swollen and this with the uncertain
footing made the trip a perilous and
exciting one for both horse and rider
but finally they pulled themselves out
dripping ou the opposite bank After
he had appointed Mr Stimson to the
United States district attorneyship
Mr Roosevelt recouuted the incident
and added
1 thought that anybody who was
fool enough to jump into that stream
the way Stimson did would make a
good prosecutor
The hazing of Captain Rufus E
Lougan at West Point recently by the
silence method is an episode which
has been discussed throughout the
length and breadth of the land and
thousands of people bave wondered
where such a custom had its origin
This practice of which Captain Lon
gan has been the victim is a modifica
tion of the old
English idea of
sending to Cov
entry one of
whom his fellows
disapproved and
to this day it ap
pears in armies
iiu hiding that of
the United States
The origin of the
silence treat-
0 ment is more or
less involved in
mystery and un
der tmt name
was not known until between thirty
and forty years ago
The silencing of an officer who has
incurred the displeasure of the cadet
body is easily and simply accomplish
ed The cadets when seated at table
in the mess hall as long as the person
who Is looked upon with disfavor is
with them will desist from all conver
sation among themselves and remain
with folded arms looking at their
plates If the person to whom this
contemptuous treatment is given with
draws the rattle of knives and forks
and the animated cadences of conver
sation are at once resumed The in
structor who sees this sign knows
that a situation has been forced upon
him and he usujilly meets It with as
much of repressive discipline as he
can devise
Weil illustrative of the boy scout
spirit was the care which Lieutenant
General Sir Robert Baden Powell took
at the dinner given in his honor to ac
cept no undue credit as the starter of
the admirable movement which he has
done so much to further He did not
claim to be more than an uncle of the
scout Idea and frankly admitted Its
American origin That was In full ac
cord with scout
law which de
mands that honesty
shall be generous
as well as strict
and fiercely con
d e m n s anything
like false pretenses
It Is a fact how
ever that In Eng
land national and
international atten
tion was attracted
to the possibilities
of the scheme and
Sir Robert by his interest and activity
In it attained results the influence of
which has been felt in the United
General Baden Powells military ti
tle and record have had one slightly
unfortunate consequence that of giv
ing the impression that the boy scouts
are in training for war They are not
except incidentally and rather remote
ly It is indeed expected that the
scouts will be better soldiers in case
of need than other boys but only be-
only a question of time when I would cause of higher efficiency and intelll
get into trouble so I came to Nebraska gence developed for the attainment of
to get away from It ends entirely unwarlike
Plenty of Them in McCook and Good
Reason for it
Wouldnt any woman be happy
After years of backache suffering
Days of misery nights of unrest
The distress of urinary troubles
She finds relief and cure
No reason uhy any McCook reader
Should suffer in the face of evi
dence like this
Mrs A M Wilson 204 E Second
St McCook Neb says My back
bothered me for years and there was
a dull ache across my kidneys and
loins The pain in my back became
worse when I exerted myself and of
ten I had headaches and dizzy spells
I could not stoop and there were
many other disagreeable symptoms
of kidney complaint in evidence On
a friends advise I finally procured
Large and Small Jobs
Loans Kidney Pills from McConnellsi and after we are through with them
drug store and I soon found them to j you will find us the best men who
be just what I needed This remedy ever did the same work for you and
strengthened my back and kidneys we do it cheap
and before long effected a complete
Statement given June 26 1907
Re endorsement
On June 21 1910 Mrs Wilson
said I am pleased to verify the
statement I gave in 1907 recommend
ing Doans Kidney Pills This rem
edy is a specific for kidney com
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
A Simple Safeguard for Mothers
Mrs D Gilkeson 32C Indies Ave
Youngstown Ohio gained wisdom by
experience My little girl had a
severe cold and coughed almost con
tinuously My sister recommended
Foleys Honey and Tar The first
dose I gave her relieved the inflam
mation in her tin oat and after us
ing only one bottle her throat and i
lungs were entirely free from inflam
mation Since then I always keep
a bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar
in the house Accept no substi
tutes A McMillen
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twenty one columns of good reliable
news each week is rare in these dayb
of cheap weeklies intended only to
sell some article that the publisher
is interested in Credit is due The
Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer for
keeping its columns filled with fresh
and up to date rews Give it n trial
oy subscribing tbrougL The McCook
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
m Saniiaris3in
Suipho SaSine Springs
Located on our own premises and nad
in the
Natural Mineral Water
Un3urp ised in the treatment of
Heart Stomach Kidney and Lira
Moderate Charge Addttu
DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Itefc
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper ano Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location n t acr rirf iLr 1
street in P W leh bi- hioj 1CVUUK
That Will Make You Rich
The greatest combination of industrialism and farming now rapidly de
veloping is to be found along the Burlington route in the vicinity of
vhere large deeded alfalfa ranches that have made millionaires of the
jwners are being divided into small farms and where Government irri
ated homesteads and Carey Act Lands are available
WONDERFl LLY RICH COUNTRY You can get hold of an irrigated
arm within a ladius of a few miles of excellent coal natural gas illum
nating oil building materials fast growing towns that have varied Indus
Jays 1 personally conduct landseekers excursions to see these lands
D CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Landseekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnam Street Omaha Neb
BfSFTlTTH Hfr iTiytSirtit11TKTTllryvinTi1iTlVli ii n l I l l H l l l twnm
V Franklin Pres G H Watkiks Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
Everything in Lumber
At Live and Let Live Prices
Phone 5o