The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 01, 1910, Image 4

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    Our Fire Proof
are at your disposal Why
not have a Safe Deposit
Bos in which to keep
your will insurance poli
cies deeds abstracts
notes leaese and other
valnable p pers In this
manner you safe guard
yourself against any pos
sible loss by fire
If you are not familiar
with the plan we will bo
glad to have you call at
the bank inspect the
boxes and allow us to ex
plain fully this secure
way of taking care of
your private papers a d
other valuables-
McCook Nebr
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Entered at postoffiee MeCook Nebraska as
second class matter Poblibhed weekly
It is now unlawful to manufacture
tLIskey in the state of Tennessee
When the McCooIc Commercial club
iraestly and intelligently takes a
leasonable business proposition be
fore the people it makes good
It is quite within possibilities that
the next fight for a Nebraska sen
atorial toga will be between two Fifth
district men Congressman G W Nor
ris of McCook and Governor A C
Shallenberger of Alma
v 5 v
Democracy will hardly claim the
late election to be a vote of confi
dence in the Democratic party It
was however a vote of protest
against recent acts of the Republi
can party which the party niay well
Physical valuation is doubtless the
key to the railroad problem taking
the proposition to mean as The Tri
bune does the wringing out of their
capitalization the vast volume of wa
tered stock No man whose opinion
or view is worth consideration de
sires to cripple the railroads or to
do them an injustice On the other
hand they do and properly too ob
ject to paying dividends on watered
stock i
Dont put all your eggs in one bas
ket has been considered advice of
worth along general lines
Nature in this regard has furnish
ed us a good example Even a su
perficial glance about you will dis
close the evident and wise fact that
nature has not placed all of her eggs
in one basket indeed quite the con
trary is true In nature there is
the widest diversity in climate soil
humidity etc even as in man there
is talent and capacity in multitudi
nous exhibit and variety
This introduces us to a fact more
local and personal a fact you can
rot evade or avoid but one which
many people seem to overlook or fail
to give proper consideration Avhen
misfortune or failure in whole or in
part comes to them be it in busi
ness or on the afrm or in the shop
Then the quite usual conclusion
is that better conditions always ex
ist elsewhere No matter how meager
the information about the proposed
new home no matter from what
source obtained many jump at the
conclusion that it is a land flowing
with milk and honey
Then often follow the sale quite
often the sacrifice the moving into
the sure and certain country the
beginning over again under new and
unknown conditions Then the draw
backs which were overlooked by the
promoters and agents bcme known
Then again is the truth borne in
that all countries have their attrac
tions their merits and their adverse
conditions How often then the ills
we had seem good to us
Among the western states Nebras
ka has been perhaps the most con
servatively advertised and promoted
and less favored states with more
courage and enthusiasm have attract
Earl B Gaddis of Holdrege has fall
3n heir to the deputy oil inspector
ship recently vacated by State Oil In
spector Colfer of our city
Gullible Americans have lost 100
000000 in last five years during most
of which period good bonds have
gone begging The average Ameri
can evidently enjoys being gold
Charles Seeley is the choice of
Congressman Norris for the new
postmaster in Trenton Mr Seeley
has the virtue of not having been
very offensively active in politics
and hence was in the line of least re
sistance But some days must be
dark and dreary gentlemen of the
unsuccessful tailors dozen
Says Richard Henry Edwards in
his booklet Business Morals Up
on the moral soundness of business
relations largely depends the stabil
ity of credit and trade the material
welfare of the people and in the fi
nal result their general moral stand
ards As are the morals of business
so are the morals of the nation for
the morality which reveals itself at
the point of exchange is the work
ing morality of the people Wide
spread business immorality means
not merely the undermining of pros
perity it means the triumph of in
justice the degradation of national
ideals and the destruction of some
of the highest standards in the
nles life Says Alfred L Baker
a prominent Chicago business man
An anti toxin to corruption is enter
ing the veins of the business world
to Any Other Gift in the World
Kictinr crrc liniurcul frnlrpn rf lnv anrl
JT I friendship has been precious stones and jewelry
Mr I To everv race in everv aee and veneration erems
and jewels have held a charm more alluring than
money land merchandise or any other form of
Every achievement in life is associated with
gifts of this kind a small ring for the baby brace
lets and neck chains for birthdays at graduation perhaps a
fine watch a diamond ring announces the marriage engage
ment and at the wedding the crowning event of all a multi
tude of precious gems gold and silverware And with each
generation the sentiment attached to the giving and owning
of jewels grows
When yOtf wish to select a gift for a friend or relative
Come to this store You cannot find more dependable jewel
ry any place and a comparison will demonstrate that to trade
here means a cash saving
We may be able to offer a suggestion that would help
you in your selection Our engraving department is at your
service no charge for monograms or inscriptions Diamond
setting and special work will be done right here
Come and bring your friends visitors are as welcome as
Jewelers and Optician
ed our people and capital to our loss
and to the detriment of our people
Nevertheless here are hundreds of
thousands of fertile acres untilled
here are openings for manufacture
and for business men who are look
ing for safe and conservative invest
ments in lands or mercantile pur
Southwestern Nebraska and among
other counties Red Willow county
offers much farming and grazing land
within reach of men of moderate
means Despite circumstances not
always favorable but with much of
rich soil and splendid climate many
farmers and stock raisers have be
come comfortably well off and inde
pendent here and the process can be
successfully used by thousands more
While agricultural results past few
seasons have not been what was
hoped or desired experience has
taught beyond doubt this countrys
ability to come back Better stand
by the guns and be on the ground
to reap the bumper harvest coming
One of the favorable signs of the
times in this vicinity is the increas
ed acreage of alfalfa planted that
marvelous hay and feed and the
promise that over a thousand acres
of the richest and best land in this
vicinity will be planted to sugar beets
next season This section is espec
ially adapted to the successful pro
duction of high grade sugar beets
and The Tribune is more than grat
ified to make known this important
news for sugar beet culture is not
only a practicable crop here but one
of profit and if fully developed will
add annually hundreds of thousands
of dollars to the products of the
farms of this part of the county
Stand up for Red Willow county
The Omaha Bee wants to know
if the United States supreme court
has not advanced the Nebraska bank
guaranty law in order to make it
feasible for Attorney General Mullen
to appear in the case before he re
tires from office Most probably to
put said law to sleep
It is -a truism that fines have no
I terrors and act as a weak retardent
to that class of criminals who have
the money to pay the fines imposed
If the courts will adopt the rule of
giving such offenders a prison sen
tence this breaking of some of our
laws with impunity by the rich will
suddenly cease
The Gullible Public
Two boulevardiers of Paris tell how
they proved the gullibility of the pub
lic They bet a friend 1000 francs
that by inserting three advertisements
of three lines each in papers in the
course of a week they would receive
500 francs without giving any ex
planation or making any promise to
the senders
On a Saturday the following
tisement appeared
Intelligent persons will send 5
francs to such nn address
Ou the Wednesday the insertion ran
Last possible day Is Sunday Send
your 5 irancs then or -refusal
The third on the following Saturday
AH 5 francs posted after tomorrow
will be Inexorably refused
By the Sunday morning seventy
seven postal orders for 4 shillings each
had come in and the next morning
eighty two more arrived The gulli
ble public had sent in not GOO francs
but 705 francs in a week Having
proved their point and won their bet
the two boulevardiers naturally re
turned the postal orders to the ingen
uous senders
English of Long Ago
The kings English has oiinnged ns
kings have come and gone says the
St James Gazette Here is a passage
from the record of a crowning of long
ago The Cardinall as Arrhehislmppo
of Caiinterbure showing tin king to
the people at the iiij parties of the
said pulpitt shall sy in thN wis
Sirs I here present Henry truei mt
rightful and undmilit d enherimur la
the lawes of od and man in ile
coroune and roiall dignitc of Kimiaul
with all things thev mi ipxed and
appcrteyning elect e and re
quired by all three est a is of the sa
land to tal yppun him the said
coroune and roiall diunite whereupon
ye shall vnderstand that the daie is
prefixed and appoynted by all the
piers of this land for the eonsecra
sion envnecion and coronacion of the
said most excellent Prince Henrv will
ye sirs at this tyme geve your willes
and essentes to the same consecracion
envnecion and coronacion Where
upon the peple shall sale with a
greate voice Ye Ye So be hit King
Henry King Henry
Weighing tho Mayor
A mayor particularly an English
mayor is traditionally a man of weight
and substance but there is only one
municipality that Insists that his hon
or get on the public scales and prove
it Of the thousands of quaint and cu
rious customs surviving in the old
country this is perhaps one of the
most odd The mayor of High Wy
combe has to be weighed on Nov 9 of
each year inauguration day and this
custom has been observed for about
six centuries The mayor elect walks
at the head of a procession consisting
of the councilors the beadle and the
mace bearer He is clad In cocked hat
silk stockings blue coat and knee
breeches Upon reaching the town hall
the mayor is placed upon the scales by
the head constable and a record of his
avoirdupois is solemnly made In a book
kept for this purpose Harpers Week
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Over 1300 Circulation
1 r rr a nyti nf
OKjilatmaH Ojitft
Nothing pleases everybody alike so much as a
Good Pocket Knife
See our Special Display of
Robeson Shur Edge Knives
The Standard of America
Made from the rarest quality of Sheffield SteeL
Forged by Special Hand Process
Open easily but close with a lively snap
Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
A Christmas Box with every Holiday Purchase
McCook Hdw Co
100 Per One Year
Our large and complete stock of Christmas Presents
will be on display
December 3 10
We cordially invite everyone to
Come See Our Display
We have a complete line of the very best
in presents for young and old
The Right Thing-
for Everybody
Bring in the Little Folks to see our
Dolls and Toys
We have decorated our store to represent a snow
storm and the effect is very pretty
Come Where the Snow Storm is to
Woodworths Drug Store
H 533fy
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