The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 24, 1910, Image 6

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Royal is the
only baking
powder made
from Royal
Grape Cream
of Tartar
Highest In
No Alam
Ho Lime Phosphate
53 iSrv
I pigg rlM
Louis Longnecker returned from
Excelsior Springs the first of last
week much benefitted and while
not cured says he feels like a differ
ent person
Lewis Elmers children had meas
les in a light form and are now well
Mr and Mrs Sexson spent a so
cial hour or two at Louis Long neck
ers Friday evening
Mrs Henry Powell and Mrs Tom
Haley of Indianola called on sever
al friends the latter part of last week
Bad colds with resultant aches and
pains make a good many feel pret
ty dttuncn
The November storm looked for
by old settlers because this month
is just like that of 1871 has not ma
terialized as yet
Lewis Elmer and family are much
pleased to live in the country
Mr Otto Paul Milwaukee Wis
says Foleys Honey and Tar is still
more than the best He writes us
All those that bought it think it
is the best for coughs and colds they
ever had and I think it is still more
than the best Our baby had a bad
cold and it cured him in one day
Please accept thans A McMillen
No progressive family should over
look the special arrangement with
The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farm
er whereby 125 pays for one years
subscription to it and this paper
Subscribe for the Tribunt
r Que Magazine
One Newspaper
are indispensable to every person
of intelligence
The one magazine is CURRENT
LITERATURE because it alone
sweeps the whole field of human
thought and action in both hemi
It contains a monthly review of
the worlds news quotations from
and comments on the press of the
I world numerous graphic cartoons and
other illustrations photographs and
biographic sketches of the conspicu
ous personalities of the month the
most recent advances in science and
discovery the noteworthy events in
religion literature and art critical
reviews of the best fiction dramat
ic and musical works a page of the
hiest Iramor and a condensation of
the leading plays of the month
It gathers impartially from every
field of human thought and activity
those facts which are best worth
knowing and gives the reader a clear
well defined and illuminating view of
what the whole world is doing
Current Literature for one
year 300
VIcCook Tribune for one
year 100
L Cann had the misfortune to lose
his horse Sunday
T E McDonald was a McCook vis
itor Friday last to meet Mrs Mc
Donalds sister who arrived there
from Lincoln Nebraska
W Frank Everist from the San
Luis valley Colorado was a Danbury
visitor Sunday evening
Mr and Mrs J A McGuire de
parted last week for Missouri on
a visit to their son Will
S E Ralsten the Lebanon post
master was in Danbury Friday last
on business
Alfred Ashton of Cedar Bluffs was
down last Thursday to attend the
James Lister public sale
Homer Bastian and Floyd Ressler
were McCook visitors Saturday
The Royal Neighbors had a sup
per in the hall Saturday night Re
shments were served in cafeteria
Mrs Pierre MacFee and daughter
arrived home Monday from Beaver
City Neb
Chalres Rogers and family and Rea
Oman and family were Sunday visi
tors at the home of M M Young
The class of 1911 of the high
school are getting up an entertain
me t to help defray the expenses
of their graduation next spring
Rev Harvey Anderson went down
to Lebanon last Saturday night to
preach there Sunday
Ryan Simmonsen had a turkey
shoot last Saturday at which a
number bagged fowls for Thanksgiv
J E Noe has purchased the well
drilling outfit from J L Sims
The prayer meetings in the M E
church are more than doubling in at
The Sunday school at the M E
church will have a social on a date
to be announced this coming Sunday
in the Sunday school which meets
at ten oclock each Sunday
The lectures by the pastor of the
M E church are something new
in the prayer meeting line but the
people say they are worth hearing
The prajer meeting is held each
Thursday evening commencing at
730 oclock
Services in the M E church Sun
day November 27th Sunday school
at ten preaching at eleven in the
morning Epworth League at Sev
an and preaching at 730 in the ev
Preaching in the M E church
Sunday afternoon at three oclock
by Rev Harvey Anderson
The pastor of the M E church
at Marion is delivering a series of
lectures at the regular Wednesday
evening prayer meeting services held
at 730 oclock under the title of
Gods Concern for Man Follow
ing are the dates and topics No
vember 30 The Lost Millions De
cember 7 The Value of One Soul
December 14 Gods provided Salva
tion December 21 Jesus Christ
the Only Savior December 28
Mans Destiny in God January 4
Gods Method of Reaching Men
A Household Medicine
To be equally valuable must show
equally good results from each mem
ber of the family using it Foleys
Honey and Tar does just this Wheth
er for children or grown persons
Koleys Honey and Tar is best and
safest for all coughs and colds A
This paper and The Weekly Inter
Ocean and Farmer 125 gets both
for one year Special deal
fciV CT
ii ti m - lri
mr -
EvnvyTHic sn
is the greatest help and convenience
Pots Itilles pans boilers
s sinks and flal irons milk
pails and separators wood
floors etc easier quicker
and Letter
Some cleaners are harmful
Rvosd caustic and acid Use
this22e handy all round
cleanser for ail your cleaning
a time and labor saver
throughout the house
Wood Linoleum or Stone
Wet sprinkle with Old
Dutch Cleanser and rub
with mop or scrubbing
brush then mop with
clean water
This will give you quick
unusual and most satis
factory results
BiujS2EBS jFSmim LJEESxszzzri xggg
We Guarantee to Cure Dyspepsia
If We Fail the Medicine
Costs Nothing
To unquestionably prove to the
people that indigestion and dyspep
sia can be permanently relieved and
that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will
bring about this result we will furn
ish the medicine absolutely free if
it fails to give satisfaction to any
one using it
The remarkable success of Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high
legree of scientific skill used in de
vising pf their formula as well as to
the care exercised in their manufac
ture whereby the well known prop
erties of Bismuth Subnitrate and
Pepsin have been combined with
Carminatives and other agents
Bismuth Subnitrate and Pepsin are
constantly employed and recognized
by the entire medical profession as
invaluable in the treatment of indi
gestion and dyspepsia
The Pepsin used in Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets is prepared by a pro
cess which develops its greatest ef
ficiency Pepsin supplies to the di
gestive apparatus one of the most
important elements of the digestive
fluid and without it the digestio
and assimilation of food are impos
The carminatives possess properties
which aid in relieving the distur
bances and pain caused by the indi
gested food This perfect combina
tion of these ingredients makes a
remedy for the relief of indigestion
and dyspepsia
We are so certain of this that we
urge jou to try Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets on our own personal guaran
tee Three sizes 25 cents 50 cents
and 100 Remember you can ob
tain Rexall Remedies only at The
Rexall Store
Jas Doyle and son Lee of Hyatts
ville Wyoming stopped off their
way home from Omaha where they
had been with cattle and visited rel
atives a few days
Ernest Lytle was kicked by a horse
Tuesday and qute painfully injured
Ernest Dixon of Alma is visiting
nis aunt Mrs F G Lytle
The stork visited the homes of
Jrover Doyle and Chas Bolles this
week and presented each with a
A pound social was held at the
parsonage last Friday evening in
which a goodly number took part
Everyone present had a very enjoy
able time
Mrs George Harrison returned
last Saturday from her visit with her
parents near Thornburg
R F D No 1
Franz Arps new house is about
completed and his new barn is be
ing framed up now They will make
a fine improvement
They have a fine son born Sun
day at Jacob Liebbrandts He weighs
10 pounds
Christ Troesters home was blessed
by a ten pound son born on Tues
day afternoon
Mrs Ben Schamel is ill with ton
Mr and Mrs Robert Johnston and
sister were in an ugly runaway on
he viaduct last Saturday afternoon
in which he was considerably used up
ind the vehicle likewise A switch
engine scared the horses
The east river bridge is undergo
ing repairs new piling etc
Reputation and Money
Back of This Offer
Truly Answered
Boats trading in tbi Medway In for
mer years rejoiced in rather curious
names and the following was only
one of the many amusing incidents re
sulting from this
A boat named Whats That to Youl
passing a lockyard at nighttime was
hailed as usual by the coast guards
Bout ahoy Your captains name
Captain X
And what are you laden with
Where bound for
Ships name
Whats That to You
I asked you the name of the ship
Whats That to You
You shall be reported for your
indolence roared the coast guards
man Again he put the question and
receiving the same reply the boat was
commanded to remain where she was
In I he morning two boats were seen
keeping guard The otlicials as they
boarded the vessel with full authority
to seize the offenders observed for the
first time the name painted in largo
letters Amid the laughter and jeers
of the crew of the Whats That to
You they pulled moodily away Lou
don Telegraph
Political Passions of 1844
There were elements of pieturesque
ness and drama in the politics of the
before the war time which are lack
ing nowadays Marion Harlaud tells
in her autobiography of a Whig rally
which makes the political meetings of
today seem tame cut and dried af
fairs It was in 1S44 the year of
Clays defeat and feeling ran high
At that particular time John Tyler
was perhaps the most unpopular man
in the Union In the progress of his
review of national affairs the orator
at last came to the hated name In
stantly uprose the majestic figure of
Captain Cocl the local eccentric
clad in the scarlet English hunting
coat he invariably wore The Lord
have mercy uou the natiou he
cried his voice solemn with wrath
and sonorous with the mint juleps for
which the Bell was noted Fellow
citizens I alwajs cry to high heaven
for mercy upon this country when
John Tylers name is mentioned
Amen and amen
Distilled Gold
The investigations of a French
chemist show that gold in the electric
furnace boils freely at a temperature
of 2400 degrees C In two or three
minutes it Is said from 100 to 150
grams of gold pass into the state of
vapor In condensing upou a cold
body this golden vapor forms filiform
masses and cubic crystals At its
temperature of ebullition gold dis
solves a little carb n which at the
time of resolidificatlon is deposited in
the form of graphite iln an alloy of
gold and copper copper distills first
In an alloy of gold nndftin the tin dis
tills more abundantly than the gold
and when a large quantity of these
mixed vapors is taken the tin burns
on contact with the oxygen of the air
forming oxide of tin colored purple
by a fine dust of condensed gold This
js one method of preparing the color
1 J nowu as purple of Cassias
pers Weekly
Japanesa Children
The Japanese child is exceedingly
sby and retiring before its elders aud
girls are taught to practice this more
than boys In the morning as soon as
We for all the medicine used
pay childron
tuuy are up tUe go to their
juiuijj tuts u mi ii uiu iciiieuy iaf
t naients in turn
Could anjthing be more fair for you
Is there any reason why you should
hesitate to put our claims to a prac
tical test
The most scientific common sense
bow their heads to
1 Itl
to completely relieve you of
the ground and Good
paUon We take all the risk You say
are not obliged to us in any way or Uow ls 30ur honorable lies
whatever if you accept our offer I re a meai mey mc me cuop
sticks to their foreheads and bow In
thanks whether their parents are
present or not for the meal set before
them Before going out to school or
elsewhere and ou returning they must
treatment is Rexall Orderlies which kneej oefore the mother and bow
are eaten like candy rney are very Whtin father or motuer out the
pronounced gentle and Pleasant m childreu
action and particularly agreeable in f
rm TO nnv down and say Deign to go forth or
VlliJ t lJ - VV AX w bsw --
rhoea nausea flatulence griping or
Ilonorable return as the case may
iny inconvenience whatever Rexall he As soon as infants cau bow their
Orderlies are particularly good for
shildren aged and delicate persons
We urge you to try Rexall Order
for coughs colds and bronchial trou
ble writes Mrs L B Arnold of
Denver Colo We have used it re
peatedly and it has never failed to
give relief For sale by all deal
Searles Searles
16 years In Lincoln
Chronic and
Nervous Diseases o
Men and Women
Gall Stones Piles
removed without on
operation All dis
eases of the Nose Throat Lungs Stom
ach Bowels Liver Rheumatism Stric
ture Variocele Kidney and Bladder
Ml Diseases and Disorders of Men
All Examinations and Consultation
FREE Charges Low Quick Cures
Call or write for booklet P O Box 224
Office hours 9 to 1130 1 to 4 nights 7 to 8
Drs Searles Searles iXu Uob
heads the nurses tnn them in these
respectful salutations Exchange
lies at our nsK two sizes iuc aim Effects
jc itememuer you cuu get abm j have come tQ y0Uj ny frien1 for
nemeuitB 111 lu uu comfort My bost r uas trcated me
our store The Rexall Store L W
McConnell very 1 was tryms to explain
j something to her but she gave me
such sharp looks they cut me to the
I am pleased to recommend Cham 1 tll
crushed me with her coldness and
thing I know of and safest remedy
stabbed me with her keen edged
See here man you oughtnt to come
to me for comfort What you need is
to go to a hospital for treatment
Baltimore American
Did They Hock Them
In the olden days they had no
watches you know said the father
And how did they tell the time
asked the son
By sundials
Well father said the young man
feeling of his watchless chain how
much could a fellow get on a sundial
do you suppose V Yonkers Statesman
Consistent Mrs Biggie
Delia Mrs Biggie is passionately
fond of cream isnt she Stella Oh
my yes Shes such a crank on cream
shes going to have her husband cre
mated Boston Ilerald
Certainly Helpful
Optimist Ah It is cherishing our
Illusions that keeps us young
Pessimist Yes but only if we cling
to the illusion that we are still young
It is a maxim that no man was ever
enslaved by Influence while he was fit
to be free Johnson
McCook People Give Credit Where
Credit is Due
People of McCook who suffer with
sick kidneys and bad backs want a
kidney remedy that can be depended
upon The best is Doans Kidney
Pills a medicine for the kidneys only
made from pure roots and herbs and
the only one that is backed by cures
in McCook Heres McCook testimony
Mrs M Carmony 310 E Fifth st
McCook Neb says Our exper
ience with Doans Kidney Pills has
convinced us that they are the best
kidney medicine to be had A mem
ber of our family suffered a great
deal from inactive kidneys This per
sons back pained him all the time
and often the misery was almost un
bearable Doans Kidneys Pills
brought relief as soon as they were
taken and continued use drove
away the trouble
Money carried on the person is
not safe Money loaned without
good security is not safe Money
iked in speculation is not safe But
money deposited in the First Nationa
Bank is absolutely safe and will earn
4 annual interest for you
For sale by Jill dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculturo says that che unbound
ed prosperity of the agriculturist is
not due to chance but is the result t
Ocean and Farmer has placed before
intelligent scientific business met
hods A reader of The Weekly Inter
him each week the practical and aj
proved methods to which Secretary
Wilson refers It is a good invest
i t
one year
h e w
Hubers coffee cannot
Coffee from 15 cents to
be beat
35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twenty one columns of good reliable
uews each week is rare in these days
of cheap weeklies intended only to
sell some article that the publisher
is interested in Credit is due The
Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer for
keeping Its columns filled with fresh
ind up-to-date news Give it s trial
oy subscribing tbrougt The McCook
-- rrT TivTll W tunTfiift
Sciphd Salne Springs
Located on our own premises and used
in the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsnrp u sed in tha atment of
Heart Stomach Kidney and Urn
Di seas s
MorJtc Charges AJdrcza
DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Keb
ike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Good Words from Iowa
Mr and Mrs J W Wimer axe
spending the winter among Iowa rela
tives and friends In a recent let
ter Mr W pays a tribute to the
productiveness of the Iowa farm with
the following figures
Corn averaging 65 bushels to the
acre oats from 30 to 50 wheat from
20 to 40 Hay he states was put
in fine shape no rain and was an
extra crop Potatoes a good crop
No fruit of any kind
He adds just a word concerning
weather Weather ideal Roads
good No rain but a slight fall of
snow on the 4th of November
They are having a fine time Ex
pect to leave for Nebraska about
February 1st stopping in Omaha
Plattsmouth and Lincoln on their way
to McCook
Dressed in Black and Yellow
Not Football Colors but the col
ors of the carton containing Foleys
Honey and Tar the best and safest
colds Do not accept a substitute
but see that you get the genuine
Foleys Honey and Tar in a yellow
carton with black letters A McMil
Lmeoln Sanitarium
Highest Market Frice Paid in Cash
New location n tacr -
street in P Wlsh bcmog lUUR
That Will Make You Rich
The greatest combination of industrialism and farming now rapidly de
veloping is to be found along the Burlington route in the vicinity oZ
where large deeded alfalfa ranches that have made millionaires of the
ovners are being divided into small farms and where Government irri
gated homesteads and Carey Act Lands are available
A WONDERFULLY RICH COUNTRY You can get hold of an irrigated
farm within a radius of a few miles of excellent coal natural gas illum
inating oil building materials fast growing towns that have varied indus
days 1 personally conduct landseekers excursions to see these lands -
D CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Landseekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnam Street Omaha Neb
5wsfex y
V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres
R A GnEEN Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G II Watkins Vernice Franklin
KtlfiUl HiiUHViM fc vMltVtVfr 4V f ri t li fi iV M -1 itfitWtf rtih
Everything in Lumber
At Live and Let LivePrices
Phone 5o McCOOK NEB
j I