w I w if iH V If f v E ft 3 K i 0 K Kv w w A pTrrfVfyr RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS A telegraph office has opened at Xenia Colo Francis Grout has resigned as op erator and returned to his home in Denver Paul Blair of the Holdrege round house force was in McCook Satur day Mrs H M Tyler of Orleans was a city visitor Friday last looking af ter business affairs Charlie Kailey wife and daughter were Akron visitors close of last week They had a 15000 fire in the new Burlington store house at Havelock last week Fireman Fritz Ehrman has retired from the helper at Akron and is fir ing out of McCook Engineer and Mrs M L Scott are down from Denver for Thanksgiving guests of uer mother Mrs Rose Mokko Conductor George Brooks is enter taining his father from North Platte who may remain here during tlie winter at least Miss Emma Perry of the high school will be thankful with the par ents in Lincoln She went home on 6 Tuesday night Wire Chief Heber went down to Republican last Saturday to install a new set of repeaters in the tele graph office at that place Miss Grace Brooks has resigned her position as cherk girl in the tel egraph office and Miss Marie Criger has been given the position Conductor and Mrs T E McCarl and children went down to Cam bridge Monday en 1G to be with her family over Thanksgiving Engineer Sanborn has leased SO acres under irrigation to Fred Wash burn at Sanborn and Washburn will have charge of the Sanborn store Engineer Arthur Douglas joined his wife here end of wee o a sho t visit Mrs Douglas has been visit ing her parents for a few weeks Engineer J H Thomas recently transferred to Chejenne Wyoming came down to McCook close of last week on some matters of business C S Meyers of Franklin and his brother F Meyers of Riverton were at division headquarters Monday to take examination for telegraph op erators E C Lyon of Kansas City F H Trimble and C J Trimble of Seym our Ind and J Cassidy of Winona Wis are new recruits in the tele graph office There was nothing doing at the shops or offices of the company yes terday save the most urgent busi ness But things went off with a rush in all departments this morn ing The scarcity of water at the sup ply tanks of the Burlington along the St Francis branch is becoming alarming Tlie wells on the west end are not furnishing a sufficient sup ply for the engines and the demand on the -tank atBeaver City where the supply is larger is more than pumping capacity Unless rains come soon or the flow of water increases with the setting in of cold weather as it often does the situation will be serious B C Tribune THE PRESENT INSTANT Science Defines It as the Hundredth Part of a Second A congress of European abtrouoniers decided that the present time that is the present moment at any particular instant consists of the hundredth part of a second This has been buttled on because these men of science have thought that it represented the tiniest fraction of time which could be appre ciated by the human brain Yet the thousandth part of a second is actually used in physical science especially in certain Important uses of electricity For scientific purposes however the official present moment flashes from the future to the past in the hun dredth part of a second This cannot seem so remarkable when it is recalled that speed records for both horses and men runners are officially calculated in fractions as small as one fifth of a sec ond But in astronomy It Is needed to have the hundredth part of a second for in that moment light can travel 2000 miles So time which is after all only a figure of speech and is a mys tery that no hmuan brain can under stand or fathom must be considered relatively to ones sensations The time to pull an acjsng tooth is really much longer to the sufferer than a whole night spent in sound sleep It Is more of the persons actual life It de mands more food to stand the nervous strain and the pain than hours of quiet rest Time then for all men fe relative to their personal sensations Yet time is real enough It takes actual time for starlight to travel in some cases thou sands of years It takes time for sound to travel and time for the electric wave to work actual results over long dis tances So that time is not only theoretical it is as real as coal and wood Yet this reality stretches over a human life time back to ages before the existence of the sun and the stars For purposes of ordinary human work the second is small enough to use as a standard of value but scientific men have pro gressed so far in knowledge that the second Is too long a period for them to consider as the scientific instant Therefore they have chosen the hun dredth of a jecond as the standard for the length of time that they will con sider as the actual moment at any one Instant Cincinnati Enquirer Generally Generally the man who tries by acting in an eccentric manner to ap uear to be a genius is merely imitat ing anothers faults SHE FOUND OUT Evangelines mother was irritated anl justly so For what can be more annojing than not to know the matri monial intentions of ones own child Evangelines mother would have given a great deal to know whether her daughter really cared anything about Ross Everts and whether she intended to marry him That he in tended to marry Evangeline was clear but of course that was a different matter A mother hates to give up her child but even the most affection ate mother cannot be blind to such u combination of family looks posi tion and wealth as Ross Everts when thrown at a daughters feet and tac itly begging to be picked up and ac cepted While Evangeline seemed recklessly indifferent to her luck her mother being older was not Any other man in Ross placp said Evangelines mother severely would have been mortally offended long ago at the way youve treated him and would have walked off and never come back and you know it Pooh Its good for him de clared Evangeline lightly He im proves with every snubbing Youll snub him once too often said her mother I dont care returned the daugh ter Evangeline youll drive me dis tracted lamented her mother How can you be so blind to your own in terests Youll get married some day of course and let me tell you that youll never get a chance like Ross Everts again Why any girl might be proud to have him to show a preference frr her Oh I dont know said Evange line indifferently Then she yawned He has the finest eyes went on her mother in an aggrieved tone And he Is so thoughtful Is he inquired Evangeline ab sently Look at the lovely things he has done for you said her mother I should think that would touch you Right on top of his giving you a din ner and theater party you forget an engagement with him and go away with Ted White who doesnt amount to a row of pins Im surprised that Ross Everts ever came to see you again Well remarked Evangeline I could have managed to exist if he hadnt He Isnt exactly the light ot the world to me There are lots of interesting people on earth besides Ross Everts You certainly have been hypnotized by j him mother I I think said her parent with dig nity that I have sense enough if you havent to appreciate a fine young young man when I see him Dont you really like him Evangeline Oh I dont know returned her daughter Sometimes ou get tired of so much devotion Tired of Ross Everts cried the mother throwing up her hands to heaven I wish some of the girls who are so crazy about him could hear you say that Theyd be certain that you were putting It on Im not declared Evangeline He just doesnt appeal to me I dont see that he is a bit different or better than half a dozen others I dont understand you in the least Evangeline her mother returned Still its your own affair If you dont like him you dont though I must say 1 cant see why you let him come around so much if he bores you Maybe youre right though we cant all see things the same way It really isnt so much his looks its just his expression When you come down to it his eyes are more green than hazel Why how you talk cried her daughter Ross has splendid eyes Green Absurd Even if I dont care about him I guess I know his eyes are as brown as brown Well said her mother all right But possibly his having such an in come wont be the best thing for him Money has ruined many a young man He may take to drink or to gambling In stocks or something equally Mother Im surprised at you broke in Evangeline You certainly havent observed him much not to know that Ross Everts has the strongest sort of a character and sim ply could do nothing underhanded or small or foolish As for his being so devoted com mented her mother you cant always tell -I wasnt going to speak about it but while you were away he was running around all the time with Mabel Todd and people said I simply dont believe It cried Evangeline getting to her feet Why he wrote me that he was lonesome and spent all his evenings at home thinking of me Anyhow if you want to believe such stories you may but I wont I guess I know Ross Everts and I guess I know hes the finest most trustworthy person that ever lived and Im not going to hear mean things said about him Thats all right Evangeline said her mother beaming Maybe I was mistaken about Mabel Todd In fact I am sure I am because I Just thought of it on the spur of the moment I Just wanted to find out something that you wouldnt tell me and I have Find out something stammered Evangeline Id like to know what The man who marries happily may to said to be transported for life ifC M Hit ii our i riciius lM0mytf Dine With You 1 a will you not need n v iri t 43 u tn v hie wsi iml the mst time cheap linens lowk almost a good as good linens know tint our ini iih ae nimbi iwwum ly i a t n - iave made them for us Those we slII you will stand the wear oi wahif and tetaiii linn go mi ii n re e htve bought such large qua oi Hue is l r -air Tnanksgiving trade that we can sell ail Table Damask 12 ini f wide for 75c 93 J 103 153 per yd We are sure that the sets colli and napkins to match would fnter est von IIJILlUimiJlJW LMIl Hi a 1 MOVEMENTS OF THE POI LE Think of McCoar ell icn it is gift goods Airs Harry Yates was in Long Is land Kas for he Thaiksgh mg Miss Mildred StoddarJ spent part of the week with Holdrege fiie d Charles Weintz oat old vetcra irie id is among the ailing ones tlii week Miss Louise Doricuovne went do n to Bairmont on No 10 Wednesday night Miss Frances Hughes was witb the homcfolks over Thanksgiving va cation J G Schcbel and family spe t Thanksgiving with her parents in Minden J M Eowns is here from Altoia Illinois guest of his brothers Jo and Nels Harold Steinmann is shipping his undertaking goods to McCook Wau neta Breeze Master Bruce Magee is with his rather in Aurora during Thanksgiv ing holidays Miss Grace Noble went down to Hastings Tuesday nigUt on visit of a few days - - Dr and Mrs W A DfeMay of Dan bury enjoyed the SquaSv Man witc us Monday evening Mr and Mrs J T Stokes had the Thanktgivinj day sesblon of tlie Thursday whist club - Elsie Grem is with her brothe Jchn and wife at Waaneta during Tljakgvng holiday V Frarklin of the Citizens Na tioaal Bank has been having quite a severe tusle with an attack of grip Oliver Ress late of Carleton form erly of oar city has joined the Mc Cook colony in the Haigler neigh borhooJ Mrs E P Curran came up from Lincoln Saturday to visit McCook relatives and friends until after Thanksgiving Miss Adaline and Miss Gertrude Morrissey went to Lincoln Wednes day ironirg to spend Turkey day with friends Otto Corwin has been transferred from Wray Colo to Franklin Neb in the depot service His family will follow later Mrs V Franklin is considerably improved from her recent illness and gradually returning to her usual state of health J F Messenger of routs 2 Cedar Bluffs Kansas was up Tuesday to pay his taxes and transact some oth er matters of business EmKt Cordeal made the family a flying visit this week coming in on Monday night and departing on the following noons train Rev E S Wilkin went to McCook last Thursday to take up his pas torate at the Baptist Church of that city Wilsonville Review John H Bennett of Omaha spent Friday and Saturday in the city on business and to renew his acquain tance with McCook friends of yore When the time comes we will have presents for everybody Wait for them L W McCONNELL Druggist Mrs W A DeMay was over from Danbury Wednesday with her son Hal who is home from the Kearney military academy for the Thanksgiv ing holidays Mr and Mrs J H Whiteford of Topeka Kansas arrived in the city end of week and were guests of her parents Mr and Mrs S Cordeal for a brief season Editor Israel of the Benkelman News and Editor Corrick of the Cul bertson Banner witnessed the Squaw Man performance Monday evening in the Temple E B Austin of Stevens Frontier county took train here Monday ev ening for Oxford Florida to be ab sent on a visit to his brother-in-law until early spring Mrs W M Morrissey was called to Jacksonville 111 Tuesday night by news of the very grave illness of her sister Miss Clara Keating who is well known and much admired by many McCook friends all of whom will be much pained by this sadden ing information 9 fi - sTI T f n iu i i j a - - - x mrr WEca5svTec3 8 PH ft- V- L MIViMnA Dr C M Duncan is still in Oma ha receiving treatment for an ed foot the resale of steeping on a 1 nail i 71rs V H SoilLTaj and t e chil dren and Miss Milliceiit Slab woe the boys Mrs Eaton ad daugl ter are visit ing her father W S Ilth Mrs W S Fitch te visiting rela tives in California Viss Ryan and Mk s Bailey of the high school teacher corps attended i ie state teachers association ses oi3in Lincoln this week Mrs Clara M Raiidel now teach in seve th grade in the Minden pub lic schools went up to Beverl Thanjrsivinr morning to spend tie vacat o i with the homefolks - Mrs Handwork and two daughters of Oerlin Kansas who have been r visftjjg Mrs Handworks brother Mr Pete Miesen of our city departed for their home Monday morning McConnells superb stock cf gift goods is the one 3ou want to see first Youll proft by saeing it ear ly Entire display will be in the - - r v OOTJ Il rnl Fiig ucsts cf Red Cloud f iVlauve Ed Williairs was in llji ois prit of ft week called ttie e by the serious illnes of a dear trie J j g Ihe 2ro had on ner prettiest 13 Thurj ay anu the photographer took j her picture together with a lot of S building lately vacated by the MoJel M anoe store m ittfs ll Me Tien of Tecumioh 0 spent Wednesda in the city on his jj way iome from a trip to Utah whore he invested and expects to locate U Provo He al o visited the Borne- jM mans in Leadville Colo H Miss Mamie Miesen returned home Moaday evening from her visit She was accompanied by two cousins Mr g and Mrs Kamkes who were married Monday morning and will be guests in the Miesen home all week J H Dwyer has been released on parole by Governor Shallenberger on petition cf McCook friends and is a - Main Ave The legislation of the thirteenth Cambridge Neb fourteenth and fifteenth centuries abounds in bills concerning the unem ployed In the reign of Edward VL several laws were passed against by County Judge m COMPANY WftBKVLHEiit aTTPlJ BarsiyraHasasBESgEBg i Frank Coler 39 Yuma Colo Ana Luella Walton 31 Wilsonville Neb TriTTmnri T Hnnnpr 271 Toliet County Judge Drawback The Alpine guide waxed eloquent Behold he cried yon beetling crags They beetle for everybody though sneered the rich American and sullenly spat in token of his dis content It was not true however that he lacked appreciation of the beautiful and the sublime provided these were costly and exclusive Puck i T3t Ht 5 New Morv s Building The Model Sloe Store New lines of Danc ing Pumps and of Slippers The Hanan Flor sheim and Barry Shoes for men The Up-To-Date Shoe Stor Fisher and Perkins - Ei Style Qtnlity AWc WaK9nHHaHIHIKSBi SJfcJS C2S3S3 A Ks I I a itmxaamt ii i n i mi iiwiiMMMMMaMiriTWBri m ilh Marriage Licenses The following licenses have been now employed in the j issued since our last report land Benedict lumber yard Omaha I T Heres wishing a new and better life rt a Jb a1 Avf to Jack muiicne rjugeuu ubteu j un i The Unemployed Edward L Barrows 41 Cam bridge Neb Estella M Ridpath 21 Married Nov 10 Advertised List ter 3 Mr Wm Evans Mr Ed- idlers--most of them such because MonL Minnie 0 Weiler 21 S VrXr t3 they could get rnthlng to do in we j jal Neb Married Nov 22nd by el j iIr Wallace Reeder reign oi neiiry vm tuc imiftuvu infested with rosues vasnbonds and Idle persons and it Is d that during Henrys reign more than 70000 of this unfortunate class were hanged Lack of Material My dear young friend put a watch on your passions Cant put a watch on anything Just pawned mine Baltimore American Bow Wowl I never sau sage a dog wurst Life Its the The following letters cards and packages remain uncalled for at the postoffice Miss Mable Barns Mr J W Car son H L Epperson Win Feddern Chas Gillian 2 Mrs Mary A Good win Mr J W McCordy Mrs John Reinhardt Mrs Mary Wannamaker Miss Lelia AValker F L Warren Cards Fred Donoldson Mr Fred Fos Boys and Girls Dont wait but answer this ad at once and learn how to get an air gun doll or pair of roller skates FREE Only requires a few hours after school WESTERN PREMIUM CO box 911 dept 6 Alliance Neb 10 3t Subscribe for The Tribune Sunday Evening at the Congregational Church Sermon Subject The Quitter Music by The Male Quartette and Chorus r I j 1 1 I I i