The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 17, 1910, Image 5

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itinng ynryivwnwow wwhjuBt
l y W ar fcrfw
White Line Transfer
Hawkins Sheaffer
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones- Office C8
resioence red 45G
Vote in 29th Senatorial District
Ked Willow 114H
- -
Cordeals Plurality -
Total Vote Plurnlities
Chas e U
Dundy 421
Furrms MM
I Gosper rl
Hitchcock MM
2i0 mo
260 147
11MI M
5 t 203
lh 110
477 UC
7C7 Jtel
1137 253
These figures are official except
in the case of Dundy county
Scene from Act II Edwin Milton Roleys Great Play The
Squaw Man which appears here Monday November 21
Ty -v
Vhcfi the Hen Crows
WiHsfurd in his Nature Secrets
1U3S writes
Beasts eating greedily and more
than they used to do preuotes fonl
won t her and all small cattle that
seem to rojoyce with playing and
sporting themselves foroshews rain
Oxen and all kinds of neat if you do
at any time observe them to hold up
their heads and suuiile in the air or
lick their mures or thfir Sfctfus
against the hair exped then rainy
weather Asses or mule Iabitiis
often their ears or brayimr much
more than usually they are accustom
ed presages rain Hogs crying and
running up and down with hay or lit
ter in their mouths foreshows a storm
to be near at hand The little sable
beast called a tleai if much thirst im
after blood It argues rain The cm U
if he crows in the daytime very much
or at sunsetting or when he is at
roost at unusual hours as at 1 or 10
expect some change of weather and
that suddenly but from fair to foul
or the contrary But when the hen
crows good men expect a storm within
doors and without
Lured Into Bathing
In a railway carriage chat the other
day a London medical man told a
good story which had come within
his own experience A mother vi
frequently hrintring her child to him
tor treatment but the doctor could
discover nothing amiss except its nee
of a good wash She was certain the
infant was suffering from some terri
ble complaint and begged the doctor
to do his best lie prescribed a daily
wash with the water in which pota
toes had been peeled Never sus
pecting that this was merely a ruse
to get the child washed the mother
followed the instructions to the let
ter Rosy cheeks appeared and a
clean healthy looking child gladdened
the mothers heart She sounded the
doctors praises everywhere and ad
vised oher mothers to test the eili
cacy of potato water It never oc
curred to her that precisely the same
result would have followed the daily
application of soap and water
A Spanish Ship Treasure
In 1702 the largest bulk of treasure
ever taken froin a ship at sea was
brought into London It was the whole
of the cargo of the Spanish ship Cer
inione captured on May 21 by H M
S Active The Hermione surrendered
to the Active without an action and
the treasure was landed at Portsmouth
and conveyed to London in twenty dec
orated wagons with British colors over
Spanish and an escort party of sailors
The strange procession reached Lon
don on Aug 12 the day on which
George IV was born On being sold
the treasure realized 519703 Is id
and the share of the officers and men
of the Active was as follows The
captain 53Oo3 13s fld three com
missioned officers each 13004 14s
Id eight warrant officers each
433G 3s 2d twenty petty officers
each 1806 Is Sd 158 seamen eacli
485 5s 4d Pall Mall Gazette
At the Wrong Door
My health and digestion are per
fect doctor began the caller in the
office of the medical man I havent
an ache or a pain The trouble with
me is that I cannot sleep at night
Well if that Is the case sir said
the learned physician I suggest that
you consult your spiritual adviser
rather than me Llppincotts
Greatly Overrated
Mrs Gaswell while you were in
Venice did you see the Bridge of
Oil yes I saw what they called
that but my land Ive seen bridges
ten times its size without ever going
out of Pennsylvania Chicago Trib
One of Lifes Problems
It la often more difficult to forget
than it is to remember
Citizens National Bank
of McCoolc
Cl UiTKR XCVRBB 9ttfV jfc
at Mi Coil in at tlicclo o 1
of liii im Xotember Til 1010 i
rcsoukcks w
Loans iiwl 25I313 4 3
Overdrafts secured and urwenred I2u fi
U s Iouds to secure circulation VO JJ lt j
Premium mi IT S Honds t5 Oil S
liondfr ecuriie etc 2C00 IX 3
HtiiUiiit icou c fin nil 11 il lixtf i ItiUIJOO ti
lii r NLiuil Innl raere
iKc - MJ t
Due from ro titl rt tr i S 77 i H
IiicIia and Cil it a i Itiu Vi 15 Kg
Note of other i ional bml 2l0 XI
1 rtctiona paper nrrncy nickel- Si
fo feu Ml
Lawful inonej re ere i i an viz H
fapecie S Jitii 50
Lprnl tfnder note- lW l 2775 St
Redenipti u fund with U S Treasur
er S percent of circuiaiioa 2rO 0C
nitl foci paid in
p ii iid
i iW ornlit
it -nil id
ejpeu e and
nr i yrrrr - r irnTTirrriiiir rr wi inrwnn twin mwwiihhiihihi i 1
T TT ucttaffi222gS
Scene from The Squaw Man in Temple Theatre
McCook Monday November 21st
O I imrv
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 6 Central Time 1135 P u
715 p M
500 A M
550 A M
640 A M
942 p M
530 P M
No 1 Mountain Time 1220 P m
3 1142 p M
13 905 A H
15 1230 AM
9 615 A M
7 930 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 345 p M
No 175 departs 645 AM
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats fre on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nsbraska or L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Mrs S D Hughes has been quite
ill for the past week or two
J Campbell night operator at In
dianola is sick with typhoid fever
C C Bauer is relieving him
J H Thomas is located in Chey
enne Wyoming now having recent
ly been transferred to that city
The pay wagon unloaded here
Monday The boys all drew checks
of increased size as a result of the
late rush of business quite a num
ber two checkers
A carload of household goods was
set out of freight train No 7G at
Mascot last Saturday and the car
and contents were entirely con
sumed by fire which was start
ed inside the car by a bunch
of hoboes who were stealing
a rice The hoboes made their es
cape into an adjacent cornfield
Te Burlington has settled a dam
age suit with Mrs D Fritzcl of Chi
cago for 7r0 It will be recalled
that in February last two boys sleep
ing on tie siding at Doane just west
of Benkelman were run over by pas
senger train No 1G One of the lads
was killed and the other one Fritzel
by name lost a leg which vas ampu
tated at Holdrege a day or so lat
er Young Fritzels mother brought
suit against tie company and the set
tlement close of lats week ended
the suit
Sunday evening passenger train
No 5 ran into the rear end of freight
train No 77A at Cambridge where
the freight engine was taking water
The way car of the freight train and
the locomotive of the passenger train
were both considerably damaged but
no one was injured The freight had
a flagman back but without avail
It is said the passenger was a little
ahead of arrival time Engineer
Moore of Lincoln was driving the
engine of No 5 Conductor Miller
was in charge of the train Conduc
tor Beeler was conducting the freight
Conductor Worth Humphrey had
the bridge special and the pay car
over the division this week
Try McCook Business College
Try a Tribune want ad and watcb
Coy Burnett was up from Lincoln
Harry Stewart has been receiving a
visit from his father of Alma this
A R Scott of the McCook Elec
tric Co is having a tussle with a
severe attack of bronchitis
W H Ferguson of Lincoln own
er of large interests in this city and
vicinity was a business visitor here
last Friday
Bert Sutton was down from Colo
rado closing days of last week guest
in the home of his cousin H P Sut
ton of our city
Master Bruce Magee had about a
dozen of his little school friends in
Tuesday afternoon to help him cele
brate his seventh birthday
Mrs Fred Schwab was called to
Hallam Neb first of the week by
news of the serious illness of her
Jstcr Hannah now Mrs Wendlein
Mrs Adele Phelan departed
for Portland Oregon She
vill visit a few days in Denver en
route Mrs Campbell and Miss El
ie accompanied her as far as Den
ver where they visited briefly
Rev L E Lewis of the Metho
dist church went down to Bartley
Wednesday morning on a two days
3ssion of the ministerial association
of tiie church having a paper before
die session of Wednesday morning
Advertised List
The following letters cards and
packages remain uncalled tor at the
- --
Mr J W Admire Mrs Ella Hain
ning Ellen Ingersoll Mr Geo Mere
dith Mr Charlie McLean
C W Eurnett Miss Hazel Clock
iS Mr Hary Hillyer2 Miss Vir
ginia Jones Miss Agnes McDonald
Mrs Matilda Miller Mrs H R Per
kins Mrs L U Powell Mr Charles
5iepherd Mies Ema Smith Mrs N
P Skinner Mr W A Wilson Mrs
Lewis Young
uiii - l IH Cll lltV liapLTx IjulOIC UieV art Wabhed the fllR limp rhpun Htiorc lircf oc or nc tnnrl Suphc
know thai ur linens am reliable because o iiy reliable mills have made them for us Those we sell you will stand the wear
if wahinir and irtaui their good appearance
e Imvc biuht such large quantities of linens for our Thanksgiving trade that we call
sella Table Damask 72 inches wide for 75c 9Jj L00 150 per yd
We are sure that the sets cloth and napkins to match would inter
est you
hional liink noti - outftaudinf
Duu to tliii patic nnl biihr
ue to privite banks and
iiiiviiiiKi i to cluck
Itnif firtillruli -of ill pij 1
checks oiit iainln
o uiki i
411200 I
Total tt24S 64
Sliitciif Nebraska
l ouiit of Red Wiilo f
I R Green cahi r of the above named
Hiik il -wear that tho hIkivp
true to the 1e t of my knowledge and
H imix Ca hier
Cokkk t
ft HWT7IVh
A McMlLLKN Directing
Sul crile ami -worn h for nie thi liHh
din tif November 191 it vhioi ik NlCHols
f KAil Ntnrj Public
Mj coinmi kiii laiuary S HUG
Six Weeks to
And You Cant GET BUSY
Too Soon Buying or Mak
ing Christmas Things
The Unemployed
The legislation of the thirteenth
fourteenth and Qfteenth centolea
abounds In bills concerning the unem
ployed In the reign of Edward VL
eeveral laws were passed against
idlers most of them such because
they could get nothing to do In the
reign of Henry VIII the kingdom wai
Infested with rogues vagnbondB
and idle persons and it is ss fd that
during Henrys reign more than 70000
of this unfortunate class were hanged
The Alpine guide waxed eloquent
Behold he cried yon beetling
crags They beetle for everybody
though sneered the rich American
and sullenly spat In token of his dis
content It was not true however
that he lacked appreciation of the
beautiful and the sublime provided
these were costly and exclusive
One Source of Knowledge
A novelist can learn something
from everybody and a great deal
from women perhaps more than he
think3 from these latter
Fisher and
New Morrs Building
Tnc Model Shoe Store
New lines of Danc
ing Pumps and of
The Hanan Ror
sheim anf Barry
Shoes for men
The Up-To-Date
Shoe Store
Temple Theatre
onday9 Nov0 21st
Yes the Greatest Dramatic Hit
of the Century is
The Squaw
H E Pierce Cos Record
Breaker By Edward
Milton Royle
The Show That Dazzled
Two Continents
A Stirring American Drama
in Four Great Acts
Prices 50c 75c 100 and 150
Seats on Sale at flcConnelFs
150 Value
for 103