I t V fcl RK 1 DR PRICES i ii m ltwjw MARION Marion Powell of Lincoln spent a few hours ir oir burg last mid week looking his business interests here Ho d oe over from Indianola Grading h cie new side track for the alfalfa i n1 began last Thursday It is to b2 iVi iezt long George Har ior ha- Vp o tract Mrs Ivjgj Jakson of Chillicothe Mo arrived ilrtt of last week for a visit at the heme of her brother J W Lepper Silas Eddy and Roy Shaw from near Otis Cco visited at F C Furmans night last week en route to Nm kolls county The W C T U furnished dinner and supper for the public on election day and realized a neat sum for their effort N R Rl odes left last mid week for Gracemont Okla on business Born to Mr and Mrs F C Fur man Thursday Nov 10th an eleven pound boy Mr and Mrs J C Lafferty left last for Mound City Mo for a lew diiAs visit and fiom there they go to F Toe where Mrs Laf ferty is to undergo a surgical oper ation Powell NiIsson received several cars of bale I alfalfa from Long Is land Kan last week Martin Nilson dedicated a straw stack on the hill south of town to Mayor Jims defeat and a wagon load of people with the martial band anointed it with oil set it afire and held a pou wow and war dance around it last Wednesday evening Roy Shorey and S W Stilgebouer Jr and Messrs Bull and Oman are working at the new grade to the alfalfa mill A L May of Fairview shipped 3 cars of cattle to the Kansas City market Saturday night Mr May and son Carl accompanied the ship- aient c LrO and son of Fairview did some carpenter work for E E Blake week Floyd Lafferty was initiated into the mysteries- of Woodcraft last Thursday night Bank Examiner E E Emmett was fn town recently checking up the i bank here j W F Van Pelt has the foundation laid for his nw cement block house BELL TEL l AM Subscribe for The Tribune E Has reached its present high state of development be cause ito policy has always been based upon the con viction that Success consists in gainiiiK and deserving the support of intellident people How well this attitude has won public approval is shown by astonishing growth of the Bell System in all parts of the country Statistics Show One Bell Telephone installed every minute One the thousand miles of wire strung exery day More than six million connections made every year Five million telephones in use in 40000 American cit ies In Nebraska the installation of 600 new telephones a month In Nebraska the building of 6200 miles of copper toll lines last year In Nebraska one hundred twenty thousand telephones in 500 cities and towns J Our Policy t Has always been to deal frankly and fairly with the public and rely for our achievement upon square deal ing and satisfactory service -A Bullard Lumber Co Sells the Best Lumber and Coal 131 This food may be used as a substitute for meat as it contains all the food elements which give strength and energy Made from Wheat Rice Oats and Barley Ask your Grocer on his lots north of the elevator It i3 to be one story 24x26 feet in size E Galisha is doing the work J C Rollins manager of tio E G Caine Co lumber yard moved ills family and gcods over from Indianola last Thursday R F D No 4 The farmers a e anxiously looking for a good rain Harm Schmidt is building a new kitchen addition to his house Clarence Baker will spend the win ter in Morrison Illinois C Shields is husking corn for C Evans J W Burtless is making quite a local record as a paper hanger The L A H club met with with Mrs C Evans Wednesday quilting Quite a snow reported up the Drift wood Tuesday enough to make the ground white George Wallen is still sowing wheat W P Wood is doing some road work R F D No 3 Wheat is not doing very well on account of the lack of moisture Sam Ellis is still doing some work on the roads Charles Wilhelm rides in a new car Hear those wedding bells S W Hockett has moved to Har vard I Sam Bennett has gone east for the winter Good Results Always Follow The use of Foley Kidney Pills They are upbuilding strengthening and scathing Tonic in action quick in results A McMillen Thinking and making preparations for your Christmas advertising Bet ter get busy and see us Some of the best space is going already The 1 Tribune reaches the most and best s buyers Something special The Weeklj Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa per 125 for one year Ask us wbai it means Heinz pickles and vinegar MAGNERS Phone 14 Nebraska Telephone Company C W KELLEY Local Mgr BULLARD LUMBER CO phone no i Official Abstract of Red Willow County Vote at General Election Nov 8 1910 NMKS OF UANDIIT Scffrag u Amknumknt or jjainst U S I lirif I- I r in c t G iM Hic - i T Mi iiilnni T I iiiacoii S jo krno - rloler if Adrich R iTtrcsC PRlilninii D Clyle I vrilu S Libutuxan r Joveuvoi M it llnpewell 8 Palpi AClark D S imiifl Liclity I icnrKu 1 Slu ler S S K i - t A k v p Si at i lliron Wait II liire Tool I M rl Wiit itriicfc P Joint A CiiliiiiK S Statu Aunrion - Silas K Hnrton R I 1 Hew it 1 Cliab J Lhiii rrl S Sttk R Walter A Uemtc It raK Hall D Albert Kitch I- H A Hums S State Sitemntlnut James W Crabirte K William H Jai- son D Katlicrine C JulTrjes S Attohm y Sexi iai Grant G Martin It C H Win ney U Menzo W Terry I I J It Livii C MMisbioxnt Edward H Covle It William It Kastha n I E E Olin tead S Railway Henry TClark J r It Ben H Hajden D OttoO S Ry i m ivacancy Teter Jlnrtijiispn petn U S CiXi ssm GeorK W R If I Sutliirlnnd L 1 iniH Stoditiird I W C Elliott S State Sen tok John Cortleal It GeorKi Hajer D G A Koldeu S State Iti ih sNtative frank Moore R J W Hon e 15 CJ Medium S Pour ILiLSi Ley For ARnint County Attoimiy Chas D Pitdiie R SidDey DoIrc D CorNT Co onei W A DeMay il M L Search S CuEJJTY CoMMISSIOXBK WN Roers R S S Harvey I nils fill 2S 21 4 i a t 15 27 1 4 14 27 G 15 52 it 1 S 12 49 13 1 15 it I i 1 44 2GI 1 A Surprise on Mrs Mary Winegard The home of Mr and Mrs G P Randel was the scene of much pleas ure and a very enjoyable time on Nov 10th when a number of friends met there to bestow upon Mrs Mary Winegard a post card shower in hon or and esteem of the character which she possesses Mrs Wine gard a sister of the Randel broth ers of this place who has been vis iting here for some time had bidden adieu to many of her friends expect ing to start for her home in Illinois on the morrow when the above sur prise took place To say she was surprised is putting it very mildly Those present on the occasion were Will Randel and family Jake Ran del and family S B Rankin and wife J P Notley and wife Mrs Morrisey and daughter Mrs Stroud Mrs Heinlein Mrs Smith Mrs Bel lair Miss Baker and N E Hall and wife who were also very nicely en tertained by Mrs G F Randel and at the proper time were ushered in to the dining room when an elegant three course dinner was served To be sure we all did our part there and highly appreciate Mrs Randels way of entertaining Too soon the time came to say Good bye wish ing Mrs Winegard a safe journey home There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed by pneumonia and this never happens when Chamber lains Cough Remedy is used This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with implicit confidence For sale by all dealers BOX ELDER Mrs S C King visited Mrs Mar garet Harrison election day Elmo Draper Glen and Walter Mo drell are husking corn in Iowa Mr and Mrs T M Campbell vis ited with Elmer Shepherd and fam ily at Spring Creek Sunday Miss Leah Doyle has returned from the Sand Hills Mrs G H Harrison Is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Paul Stone near Thornburg All grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the McCoob Flour and Feed Store The Intermission In Temple theatr building for the Judge Norris 10c ci gar and Novum Templum 5c smoke FRANK TRAVER Drayman Your Patronage Solicited Prompt Service t Phone red 203 v i 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 i p Bijj cjasrsT r va 25 j i 1 221 ib 2214 i 2 s c 122 Pt B5sV Aa5a - ak a n o 4 i S5 h s re 11 -- ri n 4oir 114 vr tri 1155 rr I Gh Wit ifr I 1 s n i ii u ji 17 1 1 1 17 I 2ii j a I jo 41 rt it is i 1 1 i Ijfij 23 j U 2s j 14 42 oo r 2 x t - 2 3 r s - r 5 2 i i f F i n a 3 WilJuwUrtiVH I lt v 1 mi w 5 j 7 g 7 s Z - H - 7 - 3 71 - Biiiiili c d liffjWjl ntlll iniiIi T J lima 1 s rSfi si I - sZzxss jt4 1 P CT smSjamz it- 0 2S Mi 27 25 I fi 107 75 15 21 i 2rt TO 21 U i Ifo j KU i 1C 59 life tkji W t Jm l 1 9 i 7 2 12 i r r i 7 i7 2 ri 15 11 ml 25 s 5m 1 g Cc- I I H ll Slh -I 1 P 21 J 13 15 S IS 47 12 15 1 IB t5 13 S 155 111 j lVl ii IG2 27 j f llmS JX M 1 10 io si J jit i ii J1W1 -is 23 ji i 1 1 hi i ibi 1 pi rms IM 9 17 t1 15 I S5 21 211 25 - 32 21 II liri V5 a7 2 7o2 tS iji svw J 5 2 14 21 5 2 t t 7 10 4 G 4 1G4 g 2i S4 II 41 7 7G 57 IS 20 22 42 15 170 113 UKl 70 ll C2 e a n a I 17 54 1 8 85 I 17 J 42 25 21 4 3 n 7G8 I m mV ffi59WB93i S 25 81 13 -0 7 lis 50 15 1 20 44 11 35 159 114 15S 72 1078 SU W M r s As 20 is n 2 42 25 2i i 55 i5 i 744 M e Drff5sKv 6b rfflm 5 2 t i ii u i 2 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M 2 o j i 5 5 3 i i 5 4 2 3 4 2 3 2 i 54 M -Pas separators 7 27 j G 25 1 4 3 2 i ii 21 l 2 2 5 io G 12 r 150 floors etc easier quicker 15 51 I 11 j 2 13 12 24 75 14 22 7 73 51 14 18 IS 44 10 Si 100 113 159 73 IO3O SOS 1 and better 20 40 42 21 14 20 10 58 35 10 8 92 22 20 31 Sl 41 25 23 M 35 41 3 772 W M - 3 2 M 2t 4 ij 2 2 5 10 9 12 5 100 I Some cieaners are harmful I 14 o 7 1 is- ni 13 21 7 09 -2 10 is 10 42 10 33 10s 112 154 -11 1057 248 33 I void caustic and acid Use I 20 40 4 19 I 14 23 lb 55 G 35 9 91 22 21 31 31 4 22 2i 87 00 31 859 5M n j j o 27 1 1 5 j j 20 j 44 2 14 21 5 1 J 2 3 o ii s ii 150 Ks this SJHB nandy all- round H 1 cleanser for all cleaning I 17 to ii 27i3 31110 108 as i2 8 s2 5i 13 242i 24 12 21 85 uM 77 2i 892 891 your y ra a time and labor saver 18 fil i 29 13 23 9 15 2 8 81 03 21 20 21 48 17 S 217 147 I9i 81 1300 608 tt t I H 31 IJi 42 l 14 2H I 11 47 fi 17 95 21 14 29 j 31 39 25 18 01 2i 33 -v 098 V tnrOUgnOUt tne IlOUSe g 1J23 1 5j 2- 1 2 1 8 li 3 2 1 J 1 2 2 4 Ii Tfi EiV 13 31 7 291U Wii 70 14 25 J 07 47 10 17 20 88 15 i5 207 125 j 5 7 1148 381 T iu C H 20 42 47 18 117 22 II 62 33 14 7 99 32 10 21 34 47 21 22 01 30 7 27 7G7 X Wood Linoleum OrStOne 9 0 24 4 21 I 3 4 1 11 18 4 2 2 4 0 7 G 5 134 5 - - j Si Wet sprinkle with Old io 52 ll 23 113140 -4 o7 i 2o 9 Go 35 in 17 18 42 31 3t 115 113 137 G ilea 332 i Dutch Cleanser and rub 14 38 41 21 13 21 10 41 25 17 7 SO 14 12 ls 35 33 8 22 94 S 75 S 700 th mop Or Scrubbing 9 20 20 1 7 25 ri 12 3 57 31 9 S 3 14 18 12 7 11 0 315 hmsh mop 24 37 34 22 9 31 9 32 22 3 51 21 1 19 19 29 6 20 81 4s Mi Xi 007 St clean water I 20 48 5 19 12 j 31 21 44 17 32 12 GO 52 27 21 11 25 27 19 51 36 50 10 071 G7 j S This will give JOU quick I unusual and most 12 57 12 21 I 13 j 18 27 79 10 22 10 7 49 22 31 21 46 15 42 193 124 171 73 1171 372 ifi il 47 40 3D I 13 37 10 52 36 18 6 97 28 12 2G 33 39 2S 15 71 41 52 34 799 J3 factor results 19 71 20 29 12 5 32 88 15 19 9 92 70 21 27 24 48 23 37 IN 117 15- 72 12C 810 LlFSE Ji MaM 12 a 3 14 0 22 5 15 24 9 10 37 IS 5 7 8 14 13 2 38 5U 47 2 387 g SiFTER CAN lO 0 jj 31 53 li 24 10 45 27 70 28 18 12 1K 48 10 21 17 41 17 23 14S 99 141 57 1061 159 f 14 45 47 29 12 28 13 50 23 21 4 74 30 25 27 33 48 26 21 118 63 78 50 902 ilif iPf iiirtaJi4MHlBMlMlWlllBW Total Comity Vop 33 123 59 54 2s IBS 41 111 55 41 16 1SS 107 40 50 57 90 47 57 2Ni 177 12a 120 22TQ m Ujmmi 1W llllll II IWIMIIH 11 IIIIMMI llll I MMIIMI1WIMII IWIM i1lMi KMHBHaa uuujnijjig EHiiririLuiinmi i i ii i ii mam nig T A XT A NORTH OF McCOOK I Cool and cloudy but no snow yet I Mrs August Droll and daughter J Miss Augusta are visiting friends at Arapahoe and Hildreth Rudolph Reinheimer has just re- turned from visiting his father who lives at Arapahoe Mr Jacob Zimmer contemplates a business trip to Colorado Springs Colo in the near future Miss Elsie Strawder entertained a gentleman friend from Colorado a fev days recently Mr and Mrs Clark Bailey and daughter Doris spent one day recent ly with N E Hall and family Mrs Win Hammell is on the sick list Wm Hunter and family visited relatives near Traer Kansas recent ly Mr and Mrs G F Randel and Mrs Winegard from Indianola spent the day recently with N E Hall and family Miss Alice Moon will give a box supper at the Coleman school house where she teaches Friday evening GRANT Mr and Mrs August Wesch and daughter were visitors at the Young studio in Cedar Bluffs Kansas last Friday afternoon Roy Albrecht was elected road ov erseer in district No 16 last Tues day by a large majority Coleman Peters is working for Joshua Rowland C E Peters took Eugene Marshall to McCook Sunday Mr Marshall left the same night for his home in Kearney Nebraska Mr and Mrs A C Harris return ed home Tuesday from Trenton Mo where they have been visiting rela tives Miss Beulah Harris is visiting at the home of her brother A C Harris this week A number of young people from here attended the play The Man on the Box in the Temple theatre McCook Wednesday night A big dance was given by P H Blunck af ter the show was over Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child The old and feeble will also find them a suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and for regulat ing the bowels For sale by all dealers I am pleased to recommend Cham berlains Cough Remedy as the best thing I know of and safest remedy for coughs colds and bronchial trou ble writes Mrs L B Arnold of Denver Colo We have used it re peatedly and It has never failed to give relief For sale by all deal ers Council Proceedings November 14th 1910 Council met in regular session with all members present Minutes of previous meeting read and approved On motion the city treasurer was instructed to furnish the city mar shal with a list of all the unpaid 1910 occupation tax for collection and all that remains unpaid December 1st to be placed in the hands of the city attorney for collection Monthly reports were received from the city treasurer and city weigh master The following bills were allowed S N Wilson livery 2 00 Dr J D Hare medical ser vices March Johnson flowers for park H W Conover express paid N J Campbell sewer inspec tions Nebr Telephone Co phone rent for Nov H Trout salary to Nov 8 R M Osborn salary for Oct T M Phillippi salary for Oct John Ekstedt salary for Oct Fred Schlagel police duty C O Doing police duty Wm Esher police duty T C Hegeman work in park McCook Electric Co light for Oct Welsbach Street Lighting Co same 154 00 J M Henderson salary for Oct W A Gold salary for Oct S V Frazier work on streets 10 00 6 00 2 00 3 00 69 80 65 00 55 00 91 00 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 50 82 00 27 00 45 00 40 00 The claim of the McCook Cement Stone Co was referred to the streets and alleys committee Council adjourned R F D No 1 Last Thursday a surprise fare well party was given at the home of G F Randel for his sister Miss Mary Winegard She left for her home in Indiana Friday C G Coglizer and James Hat field put in a pumping plant near the east river bridge Mr Cogliz er expects to irrigate about 40 acres this fall yet There was a surprise party for Miss Carrie Fiechtner Thursday ev ening Arndt Breitling came into McCook Nov 6th from North Dakota and will make his home with his parents on Ash Creek There is a new boy at the home of Al Wagy Their little girl is recovering nicely from a severe siege of pneumonia Received on Account Pali Out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at The Tribune office Per 1000 60c McCook Tribune 100 a year V 1 H v dll U T T liiM I Insurance Written In First Class Companies C J RYAN Flour Feed Main av Large and Small Jobs are equally well looked after We are ready at short notice to fix all leaks or other repairs in your plumb ing or in your heaters and stoves All Jobs Thoroughly Understood and after we are through with them you will find us the best men who ever did the same work for you and we do it cheap MiddletonRuby Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr te Lumber and Coal Thats All M But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 i B F0LETSH0NEYTAS 1pds Hiq covigli and Heals lungu s jj r 4