The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 03, 1910, Image 5

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1 IHiBal
mt No 6
K 8
h vr
No 1
Time Card
5 arr350pm
McCook Neb
uain link east okpart
lCmtrlTime 1135 p m
715 p m
5tO a M
5U A M
atu v M
iaJ P m
Mountain Time 1220 p M
1142 p m
905 A M
Vl M A U
I5 a m
9J A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 345 P M
No 175 departs 015 A in
sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
nts free on through trains Tickets sold
and baroave checked to an point in the United
States or Cnnadu
For information time tables maps and tick
et tttil on or write D F Hostetter Agent
ai CtKiW ifrdska or L W Wakuley Gnueral
Pnminer Aifint Omaha Nebraska
Train No 12 now leaves at 640 in
the morning instead of 705 as form
J Roy Weidenhamer has been en
joying a visit from his mother of
Galesburg Illinois
J Fred Jernberg chief of the wa
ter service has the uncommon rec
ord of not missing a pay car in twenty-six
years of service for the Bur
Do Yoa Wagt to Help
Boom This Town
If you do youll assist the editors In
advertising the place
XT you do youll patronize home Indus
tries including the printer
If yon do youll subscribe for this pa
per regularly and advertise in it
If you dont youll sneer at our efforts
for town improvement
If you dont youll order your Job
printing from some outsider
kIf you dont youll borrow your neigh
bors copjr of the paper to read
Exciting Employment For Skilled Se
cret Service Men
Tbp tracing of counterfeit bill back
to the persons responsille for iheir is
sue is a curious n uri exciting
ment The expert assigned by the
government to tuis work are among
i in tnosi sKiiirtn memner oi win c
eulfies which rl secret service people
meet and overcome
A bank clerk in Cleveland had de
tectod a counterfeit twenty dollar hill
In the deposit of a small retail jrroc er
An expert was sent for and tnwler
took the case
He found that the grocer had re
reived the bill from a shoe dealer who
had it from a dentist who had it frm
somebody else and so on until the
secret service man finally traced the
had note to an invalid woman who
had used it to pay her physician
When questioned this woman said that
thp money had been eni her bv her
brother who lived in New Orleans
The sleuth looked up the brothers
antecedents and soon became con
vinced that he was the man wanted
The brother however soon proved to
the satisfaction of the secret service
man that bis suspicions were unfoimd
ed Indeed it appeared that the mon
ey had been received by the New Or
leans man in part payment for rent
of a house he owned in Pittsburg
While the sleuth was a bit dlscour
aged he couldnt give over the case
when he had gone so far so he took
the next train for Pittsburg
The tenant of the house in Pitt1
burg proved to be a traveling oculist
who spent most of his time In the mid
dle west The secret service man had
the good luck however to catch him
just as he had returned from a trip
and the man at once recognized the
bad bill as one that had been given
him by a patient in Cleveland the
very point whence the sleuth started
The patient was a boss carpenter
The secret service man got his address
from the oculist and went right after
the new clew At this point he had a
premonition that something was going
to happen and he wasnt disappointed
The carpenter an hottest old fellow
said that he had received the bill from
a certain Parker The said Parker
was the small grocer in whose bank
deposit thp counterfeit had turned up
The expert flew to the grocers as
quickly as a cab could take him and
found it closed He had left town
Afterward it was shown beyond
question that the grocer was thp agent
of an organized hand of counterfeiters
Ills shop was a mere blind That the
bill which he gave the carpenter
should get back into bis own funds
nTfteTtraveniig all bveVTue continent
was one of those miracles of chance
for which there is no explanation
Chicago Record Herald
No Snow on Highest Peaks
Snow floes not fall at a greate
night t 16000 feet above the sea
level there being no moisture In tha
atmosphere Therefore the highest
mountains are net capped with snow
Deepest Hours of Sleep
The period of deepest sleep varies
rrnrr 3 tn 5 oclrrIr
25 Percent Discount
on all Trimmed
These are all new and up-to-the
minute goods no old out-of-date
millinery in the stock
Sale Lasts Till Nov 15th
the advantage of buying de
pendable goods in any line
We have them and we sell
them right This will be a
fine opportunity for you to
buy the latest and best at a
marked reduction An early
inspection will give you the
largest choice
DeOroff Co Building
McCook Nebr
We still hav o a
few of the
k uinun
Jmri WuPM
- mi i r -
S3ttt b
- TfeVTf -
t v f rift
iuvrvin jumvu j
WJ2 Try
Joseph Allen is out fiom Lincol
a business visit
John Burnett is a new subscicute
clerk in the McCook postofrice
N B Critchfield and of
route 1 Indiaiiola v ere city visitors
Rev R T Bayne pastor of the
Ccnsregatioral church is vlsiiins hin
nnTrTTf o iti Tofi it t
rived home clone of last week from1
his visit in Ohio and Pennsylvania
Mr and Mrs Hurley Dve are
guests of her parents Mr and Mrs
S S Garvey to remain a few days
J A Lafferty was over from the
Beaver slope Thursday to enjoy the
farmers institute and the children
Hayes Moyer of the Danbury neigh
borhood was an interested spectator
in the farmers institute Thursday
Mrs G H Thomas arrived from
Harvard end of weak an J is visiting
her mother Mrs S A McCarl and
other relatives
Hon William J Bryan vidted brief
ly in the city this morning between
trains on his way to Culbertson
where he speaks today
Mr and Mrs Grant Alter of Hill
top Colo cousins of Mr a id Mrs T
E Campbell and Mr and Mrs A R
Mehaffey were visitors over Sunday
Charlie Bell of North Valley pre
cinct left on last Saturday for Mor
risville Mo near which place they
have b ight land which they will
farm -
Mrs Cram wife of the M E pas
tor at Arapahoe arrived in the city
Monday and will be the guest of her
parents Rev and Mrs L E Lewis
for a week or two
Postmaster Thomas of Trenton was
in the city last evening He informs
us that he sold out and expects short
ly to go to California to live Thomas
is one of the old guard and The
Tribune regrets his removal from this
part of the state
Mrs Hugh Kellys home was the
scene of a linen shower Thursday ev
ening last in honor of Miss Alice
Bradbury It was a clever social af
fair and Miss Alices linen chest
was handsomely augmented at the
same time
Word comes from Red Willow Co
that J W Hoppe of Bartley will he
elected to the legislature Hoppe is
the democratic nominee He is an
excellent gentleman and he is for
county option and has pledged him
self to vote for the peoples choice
for United States senator and is an
enthusiastic supporter of the idea of
an agricultural school in southwest
Nebraska We can see no good rea
son why any voter even a republi
can should be alarmed or lose sleep
over his election Cambridge Clar
Political Advertising
I carry a complete line of
hair goods Switches puffs
and curls made from your
combings L M CLYDE
nk T i
In the Old Days It- Served as Proxy
For Its Owner
It lie early days everything was not
rtUl for the ptople as it irf now
p wrinii rt lid the liw courts
f v s si ill juug thtn and peu
jk had rogi Td ic v mois of
dclMC -It Ii one rroth r of buying
rI si er ivinrr goods and
I s cy ind rd to a f
Mrs G H Mershon of Wilcox - irse of ivi 1
Neb is the guest of her daughter oo tvl iioi s taking tl e lace of 1k
Uto F l Berrv ti nser ia ouet ues ujoi
I mns place and was m tic represent
A Endsley county assessor ar him
For example to open a fair it was
itw ry then lo have 1 conceit and
- Jinn of the great lord in whose
it vas goinir lo b held Those
vislcd lo opin tie fair would
nobleman ard petition him
I tr cnt lie might be very
ers of the people No my trusty
ov fFVaVt onen the fair in person
but I will send my glove lb do it You
Inw my glove Nobody has one
like it in the country It is the one
ray tedy mother embroidered for me in
coor tl silks and silver wire rnd it
di ucs your right or touches his rias
tcrs ove I will attend to him Thats
aII fo the glove would travel in
stale lo open the fair Westminster
iriy With His i cngue
laaier T Brady a pr nninent i
ber of the New York bar in the last
envn was noted for his ready wit
Quick as Mr Brady was with the
e di ss of his race fcr repartee he
tcincl imes met his match among his
own countrymen He was once exam
ining an unwilling witness who per-
tiitly callel him Mr OBrady At
eith even his proverbial good na
ture being a little milled be said to
the witness You need not call me
Mr OBrady Ive mended ray name
since I came here and dropped the O
Have ye now retorted the witness
Po ir s wl its a pity ye didnt
mend yer p rtiiers at the same time
Why He Was ci Time
TJerauger was one day complimented
by a lady on the punctuality with
which he kept his engagements It is
a pieasure said she to Invite you t
dinner for you never make us wait
I am no longer young madam re
plied the poet and experience has
taught me one thing it is dangerous
not to arrive at the precise hour for
the guests who are waiting for you
will pass the time in discussing your
Sunday Traveling
Old timp acts of parliament In Great
Britain aimed to stop Sunday travel
ing In 1GG9 for example two men
were found guilty of the crime of
walking from Bristol to Bath on a
Sunday and were at once fined 20 shil
lings 480 each All business was at
a standstill on a Sunday Nothing
was allowed to be sold except milk
For all the traders of England the
milkman and the milkman alone was
allowed to pursue his calling for the
whole seven days of the week
Is that car on this train
No he was switched off at the Junc
He was Why not she
This was a mail car Toledo
He Knew the Brand
First Actor When I was in Africa I
was nearly killed by the bursting of a
shell Second Actor Oh who threw
the egg London M A PL
R F D No 1
Shucking corn Las taken to near
Aurora Fred Donaldson William
Baumbach Jr and Charles Schamel
Two other boys of this neighborhood
have S02Q to Campb2ll for the same
purpose J C Leibrandt and Fred
Trcc3tcr Jr a e doing the same
wo up near Wclifleet
A little daughter came to bless Mr
and Mrs Frank Bradley on the J
Rcl or on farm Itlonday
Mrs Charles Broomfield has been
visiting relatives near Hastings She
arrived home Wednesday
Mr and Mrs A E Price were
guests of Mr and Mrs Broomfield
I H3 Tr
Olv T2a Wv A Vv nan - mmtXT3tZ e -- SSXfSXVttl
r - t - sr ri7si - in in v aa wm vl nmm i aa mr -urn - mim i j imi i i i i i i i i i i i mm i i
V W 22 Sii ftlWggvj IS3 Si2S3f MiC V S TtZtlfV 3
ret servi e The protection ot the ifmm0mm U 1
eurreney depenC in lW measure up L a J
take are almost iniinite Tile follow- J t Vkv i
In case is one illustrating the I rVaWiWWMiM
i 1CWtJAuGBftiyL fc a UALtiff JiUawtfJIirfF m
While the weather may seem warm Jl pr rnl it will
not be Ion until you will want warm c
ttt r
i V I 13
k J
X li i -
i sur lines of
Is the bsst time to
make your selec cio 1 1
Clothing Overcoats Ladies Suits
- r r A tit t y a i -
LUdli riilfc UiiaCl WCf and other line
are now lon
r f1r PRIiiS tire always reasonabj
SpeciHlMMiMnHNfcctsa98cs caJi Special Wool Blankets at 348 each
1 A W fT
pMij maami JujjjamaaccngEceygni
rrwnaM uangreai
yAtr umim ifi i viz
lecato having sold his Nebraska real
o tao
IVMrs Pearl Rogers is letting the
nien do the work while she is quar
antined with scarlet fever
Marriage Licenses
The following licenses have been
j issued since our last report
Sewall Truax CM of Tacoma
Wash and Evva Rock vell Egan 31
of Highland Park 111 Married by
Rev A J R Goldsmith October 31st
Samuel D Turner 2G aid Nellie
E Spencer 24 both of McCook
Frank Van Lowe 30 of Steele Ci
ty Neb and -May Hotze 128 of In-
Suniay and first of the week was dianola
spert with her parents Mr and Mrs j F0R RENT Two 5 room cottages
Joseph Crocker i shade and lawn close in Mrs J I
Will Dudek of Wauneta who has Lee Phone red 455
been visiting down in Florida spent i Coaeh Archer refereed the
1 r v CfcTi Tri I irt vi rtl i i n n - ll r -
a Kuay wim nis Dromer TanK
v bored at the ida of having to
vet be v ond know that it must be S for Wauneta Wednesday morning last Saturday and will do a like ser-
openedv ils j cople would be He is not much enamored of Florida j vice for tne Cambridge Beaver City
te sd Jo lie would to the j Frank Dudek has been bedfast with Sam9 nexf Saturday at Cambridge
a severe attack of neuralgia I
MrsT Jacob Degele has been quite Special Bargains
sick with an attack of grippe I in Cook Stoves and Heaters at the
E Schacterle of North Loup a C W Graves Second Hand store
brother-in-law of John Leibrandt af l
j tor a short visit here left on Wed- Try a want ad and watch
lirs a dep violet f rinse You can nesday for California where he may
Ii it thn nntvinro nf vrmr 1
fi r s Touads as a simi that you are
rnjgSEMSarwi trr t i
r m v ifh mv on mission If iiiir one SHaSESSESBagESasasiS
New Morr s Building
he Model Shoe Store
Fisher and
Shoes that
Stjle Fit and Wear
Also a variety of
Dancing Pumps and
The Up-To-Date
Shoe Store
is the special trial price for the Lincoln Daily State
Journal from now until January ist The big
Sunday paper -will be included for 25 cents extra
The paper will be stopped promptly when the time
paid for is up Why not send for it today and
get the