The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 03, 1910, Image 1

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fi lfalf
4m w
and up
Very Good
Viersen Osborn
113 W B
A Great Closing Meeting
Arrangements are making for a
rousing Norris meeting in this city
next Monday evening when the con
gressman will close his campaign at
his home town with the greatest meet
ing of the campaign in the Temple
Friday morning the congressman
will be one of an automobile party of
six or seven cars to take a run down
the Beaver valley Various Republi
can candidates on the local ticket will
be in this party
This Explains
On halloween the boys played havo
on the South Side Among other
things the meanest thing they did wa
to meddle with the irrigation ditchand
laterals They placed a board and
Russian thistles above a culvert caus
ing the entire head of water to flow
into the public road making it almost
impassable for automobiles and heav
ily loaded wagons
Warm Underwear
for Men Women Boys Girls and
Children in Unions in separate gar
ments in regular sizes in extra siz
es up to 52 Scarlet wool tan wool
grey wool for men and women Mul
doons extra fine and heavy wool un
derwear for men Mens heavy Vel
lastic Union Suits 100 The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost value
The Main Store
On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
oohn Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked
McCook National Bank
Coffee If you want the best see
MAGNBR Phone 14
ccriRvi l
A Pleasant
improves a
photograph so
wouderf ull y
that it has be
come an im
portant factor
in the require
m e n t s and
judgment of a
First CIass
It is only one
step from a
pleasant ex
pression to an
idiotic grinLet
us be the judge
of the exact
boundary We
refusa to print
poor likenesses
Our prices are
very moderate
but our work
must be first
E Sckll Kimmell
istDoor N Com Hotel Red 428
Very Large Attendance Despite the
Unfavorable Weather and by Far the
Largest and Most Numerous Ex
hibit Ever Made in a County In
The Tribune takes more than pass
ing pleasure in pronouncing the Farm
ers Institute and Childrens Con
tests held in McCook last Thursday
as a splendid and gratifying success
Despite the weather there was a
large attendance showing the deep
and wide reaching interest the peo
ple of the county have in this affair
The entries totaled two or three
times more than have ever been
made in these contests in the past
so that it was practically impossible
to give prizes in each and every in
The exhibit made was a source of
constant wonderment to all who saw
and they crowded the house all day
The formal program of the day
was as follows
Afternoon Session
Piano Duet Misses Helen Nilsson
and Hope Bull Marion
Conservation Dr G E Condra
University of Nebraska
Song Nellie Schwab McCook
How to Make Profits from a Few
Cows Prof John Bower Lincoln
Song Girls Glee Club McCook
High School
Domestic Science for the Girls
Miss Nellie Maxwell Neenah Wis
This lecture will be illustrated
Evening Session
The Heart of Old Hickory Miss
Gertrude Morrissey
Some Suggestions about Home
Nursing Miss Maxwell
Song Girls Glee Club McCook
High School
Conservation Dr Condra
Vocal Duet Misses Alice Townley
and Phyllis Sargent Indianola
Opportunities for Nebraska Boys
Prof Bower
The addresses of Dr Condra both
afternoon and evening were very in
structive and illuminating couched in
understandable language and favor
ing the peoples side of the question
as advanced by Theodore Roosevelt
He exhibited a map of Nebraska de
fined the subject as applying to this
state its soil climate altitude pre
cipitation etc
State Inspector Gregory added to
the sessions
Messrs Bolles and Hiersekorn were
captains of industry in preparing for
the affair and in making the agricul
tural exhibit They are both entitled
to much credit
Mrs S D Bolles Jr showed es
pecial aptitude and skill in arrang
ing the display of grasses and in ar
ranging and preparing banners etc
The teachers of the Indianola Dan
bury and Marion schools were all
The McCook public schools were
closed to give the pupils an opportu
ity to take in the exhibit
And Miss Bettcher county super
intendent must take her share of
credit for hard work done and suc
cess accomplished
Under Southern Skies
The above production at the Tem
ple Monday evening was one of the
best received plays of the season It
was well played sort of an all star
case but with Miss Dorothy Lee as
Lelia Crofton distinctly in the as
cendent There was a splendid aud
ience present and there was every
needed evidence that they appreciat
ed and enjoyed the companys offer
ing of that delightful southern play
Voile Skirts 600 750 1000
at The Thompson D G Cos Large
line of Panama Serge Batiste Mo
hair and Voile Skirts and Cloth
Skirts from 250 to 1000 Altera
tions free The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
Rare Treat
To you and everybody who avails
themselves of the opportunity and
visits McConnells Holiday Display
which will be first door north of De
Groffs store
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber Is exclusive agent In McCoo
for the unexcelled Barrington Hall
coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
per pound
Repairs for Any Stove
We can furnish them and put them
in if desired If you have any stove
troubles phone 31 or call
American Beet Sugar Company Will
Silo Rushing in All Beets
The American Beet Sugar Company
has issued open orders to its many
growers for immediate delivery of
their crop of beets and in a few days
it will be siloing from 12000 to 14000
tons at its main delivery stations of
Overton Dar and Hershey
This is a new departure on the part
of the company in handling the beet
crop and if it is a success as the
company has every reason to believe
it will be it will eliminate the neces
sity of the farmer having to do this
work and will also enable him to har
vest his entire crop as fast as possi
ble starting just after Oct 5 each
year thereby taking no chances what
ever in losing his crop by freezing or
by the roads being so bad that haul
ing would be impossible which is
more or less in the months of No
vember and December
In this way the harvest of the beet
crop will compare favorably with that
of any other crop that is grown be
sides giving the grower the proceds
from his beets at least two months
earlier than if he were siloing them
It is hoped that this mode of silo
ing will be a success and if it is will
no doubt influence a large number of
farmers to grow sugar beets who are
not growing them at the present
time Grand Island Daily Independ
ent Oct 2G 1910
The Man on the Box Coming
Managers McConnell Pennell
have booked for an engagement at
the Temple theatre during the month
of Nov the Trousdale Bros big pro
duction of The Man on the Box
This play is not unknown to the theatre-goers
of our city as the book
has had a very large sale It is one
of Harold McGraths greatest books
and has been cleverly dramatized by
Grace Livingston Furniss The Trous
dale Bros carry an entire scenic
production and a very strong acting
company -
Mary Mitchell Dead
A telegram this morning announc
es the death of Mary daughter of
Mr and Mrs E J Mitchell of Desh
ler Nebraska The burial will take
place at Indianola tomorrow Friday
Mary was ten years of age She
had been sick for a few weeks but
the cause of death is not definite
ly known
Sympathy of many Red Willow
county friends will go out to the be
reaved parents and sister in fullest
How to Forestall Disease
In nearly every case where serious
disease attacks the first hint is
given in a marked variation of the
If you have a clinical fever ther
mometer in the home you can at
once detect the presence of danger
and by taking prompt steps may save
a long siege of sickness Every home
especially where there are children
should have a good clinical thermom
eter We have good dependable ones
from 1 up
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Boys Overcoats
at 175 to 500 Mens Overcoats
750 to 1250 Mens great big blanket-lined
Ulsters 450 Mens Cloth
ing from 750 to 2000 a suit Boys
3 piece Suits 350 to 750 Boys
Knickerbocker Suits 175 to 500
The Thompson D G Co One price
plain figures cash only
Card of Thanks
During the long illness of our hus
band and father we were the objects
of much sympathy and assistance
which was continued until his recent
death We are grateful to all the
friends and neighbors for the same
Mrs Ira Harrison and family
A woman to run the laundry at
the Commercial hotel A married wo
man with no children can easily do
it and do her own work at home also
Good pay and a short days work
If you want to subscribe for or re
new your subscription to any daily
paper or magazine call on me and I
will save you money
McCook News Co
Subscribe for the Tribune
Driving Park Association
The stockholders of the McCook
Driving Park Association will hold
a meeting in the McCook Commercial
club rooms Wednesday November
9th for the purpose of closing up
some business affairs of the associa
The advisability of merging the as
sociation into the broader and more
comprehensive organization of a
district fair will be considered at
this meeting also
A full turnout of stockholders is
desired as the meeting is one of
more than common moment
This is the Month to Paint
Fall is a good time to paint be
cause the weather conditions are bet
ter than in the spring and drying is
slower and more perfect If the pres
ent coat shows the least sign of
flaking one coat now will save it and
make a material saving
It is certain that if we furnish the
paint the cost will be as low as con
sistent with a good job and the paint
will be guaranteed to be satisfactory
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Izzer Bed Comforts
Are 6 feet wide 7 feet long filled
with fine white cotton batting well
tacked and hemmed 200 to 325
They are large warm and clean
three virtues that factory made com
forts do not possess The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost value
Stock Foods
Now is a good time to feed stock
food and get your stock in good con
dition for winter
We carry a full line of all the
standard stock foods also poultry
A McMUJLEN Druggist
Has Bought the Cosgro
A D Norman has sold his farm a
few miles southeast of Cambridge
and has bought the Cosgro hotel in
Indianola of which he will assume
charge at once
Childrens Bear Skin Coats S199
in all the colors at The Thompson
D G Co Utmost Value
FACULTY Indianola Loses to McCook by Big
And the Foo Ball Team at the High
School Building
On Saturday evening the senior
class gave a halloween party to the
fom ball team and faculty at the High
Sclifci building Everything jn con
nection with the entertainment was
dene in regular halloween style The
assembl room halls and laboratory
vero decorated with pumpkins black
cats witches and corn In one come
of the assembly room a very pretty
piece of decoration was worked out
in the high school colors scarlet and
cream and foot balls As the guests
came they were met in front of the
portico by witches and ghosts and
silently conducted up through the
dark halls lighted with pumpkins to
the large assembly room where they
were served with free lunch and had
their fortunes told In the center of
the room was a large witches kettle
the room was a large witchs kettle
soon as all had gone through pre
liminary introductions each one pre
sent was required to do some special
stunt in an extemporaneous manner
This part of the entertainment was
productive of much fun and amusement
and everyone present had to bob for
apples and even the more sedate and
dignified members of the faculty seem
ed to enjoy this part of the program
very much
The laboratory of the high school
was very daintily decorated in scar
let and cream and lighted with pump
kins and scarlet lights A dainty
course of refreshments was served
consisting of sandwiches coffee ice
cream and cake The plates and ta
bles were decorated with black cats
and witches During this part of the
entertainment various members of the
foot ball team and faculty were called
upon to give impromptu toasts All of
these toasts were along the lighter vein
and much enjoyed by those present
After refreshments had been served
all of the company gathered around
the witchs kettle with all the lights
turned out and each one present was
called to tell a ghost story- Along
in the small hours of the morning
about the time when witches and ghost
usually appear the company disband
ed Much credit is due the senior
class for the splendid entertainment
and a good time was thoroughly en
joyed by all there
Despite the wind and dust storm
last Thursday a good sized crowd
went over to the East Ward grounds
to see the game of foot ball between
McCook and Indianola High Schools
McCook won the toss and took the
north goal giving the kick off to In
dianola Within two minutes after
the game started without a fumble
the McCook team pushed Indianola
over the goal line for the touch down
While the teams of the two schools
were about even in weight it was
soon evident that they were not
equally matched in skill During the
remainder of the first half the ball
was at no time in McCooks territo
ry With forward passes which Ar
cher had worked out for this game
the score was run up to 32 to 0
at the end of the first half Two
of the Indianola players being slight
ly injured their team gave up the
game and refused to play it out It
is hard to tell what the score might
have been had the game been finish
ed The two boys slightly injured
in this game both played through the
game at Culbertson two days after
ward where Indianola defeated Cul
bertson with a score of 22 to 3
Colorado the Ancient
Vastly interesting and entertaining
was the lecture in Masonic hall
Tuesday evening by R D Graham
of Colorado Springs Colorado on the
subject of Colorado the Ancient or
Egypt of America The lecturer ap
peared under the auspices of McCook
lodge and they invited many guests
to enjoy this rare treat The lecture
dealt particularly with the cliff dwell
ings and dwellers of southwestern
Colorado a topic bulging and burst
ing with speculative interest and pos
Halloween Barn Dance
The ladies of the Sacred Heart
guild made a great hit in their
barn dance at the armory last Fri
day evening They were greeted by
a large participation and the affair
came off with both social eclat and
financial profit The costumes were
varied and works of art
Feather Pillows 65c
Made of good feather ticking
filled with soft feathers free from
quills Better ones- at 125 Our
pillows are made by Marshall Field
Co and are guaranteed by them
and us The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
Rubber Gloves
are so necessary to the housewife
I need merely mention that I carry
a full line of rubber gloves in all
A McMILLEN Druggist
Seed Wheat for Sale
Choice seed shipped in from Adams
county Nebraska Also seed rye
More Light
Yes Water White coal oil 10c a
gallon at
MAGNERS Phone 14
Try McCook Business College
Everything in drugs McConnell
Canning pears by the bushel at
MAGNERS Phone 14
NIR see our advertisement in this
Dissolve partnership with your
corns McConnells Lightning Corn
Remedy 10c
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will serve dinner and
supper November 16th during their
Theres less danger of contracting
colds and other fall diseases if your
blood is right McConnells Sarsapa
rilla purifies and enriches the blood
promptly 100 per bottle
The Tribune is in receipt of an un
signed communication from Marion
this week which receives no atten
tion for the reason that there Is no
name signed to the letter Communi
cations must be signed whether or not
the name is printed The printing of
the name rests in the discretion of
the publisher
A Business
A checking account is in
deeda business necessity and
he who tries to get along with
out one in at great disadvant
It is not required that a
person should have a large
bulk of business in order to
open an account
Professional men and even
women are running checking
accounts If you have never
done business this way and
are not familiar with the
plan come to us and we will
get you started
P Walsh President
C F Lehjt V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Christian Science
Morning subject Adam and Fall
en Man
Regular services at the Baptist
church next Sunday morning and ev
Rev R T Bayne will exchange pul
pits next Sunday with his father
Rev J S Bayneof Kearney
Sunday school at ten Holy com
munion and sermon at eleven Even
ing prayer and sermon at eight Guild
meetings and choir rehearsals as per
announcements in church
Communion at 11 a m Each one
is especially urged to be present at
this important service At 8 pm Am
I my brof keeper Text Gen
4 9 The pastor will be pleased to see
you Come let us reason together
for each man will want to do his
best on election day for the best in
terest of all You will find a cordial
Turner Spencer
Tuesday November 1st 1910 at 8
p m at the home of the brides par
ents Mr and Mrs S M Spencer of
South McCook Mr Samuel D Turner
and Miss Nellie E Spencer both of
our city were united in marriage Rev
Lester E Lewis pastor of the Meth
odist church officiating
A number of relatives and friends
had gathered for the most joyous oc
casion and after wishing the bride
and groom a happy voyage though life
all were invited to the dining room
where the table was found to be load
ed with good things to which the
guests did ample justice
Mr and Mrs Turner will reside in
The bride was an esteemed mem
ber of The Tribune force for years
and has the personal good wishes of
us all The groom is a fireman on
the Burlington and stands well with
his employers
Missions Sunday
Sunday Nov 13th will be Missions
Sunday at the German Congregation
al church and Rev M E Eversz D
D of Chicago wil be present and
preach All are invited
We carry a good nickel plated lamp
which makes a very bright and sat
isfactory light
A McMILLEN Druggist
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
For Sale at a Bargain
If taken soon one nearly new Amer
ican Ideal boiler 1200 ft capacity
steam heat 2000 ft capacity hot
XjtMtftasC mS