PWVWaafarMffi v WiiiieifefegeiyMiasI eon n SEN ELMER J BURKETT DdmiKlrAVn r1 T5 r n trTr r luai iUi Election lor United Elates Senator KEEP ON DOING THINGS is the totto which IT S Senator Elmer J Bur batt Republican candidate for re -election has always kept before him What fee has accomplished for the State of Nebraska and her people makes a won derful record Kls whole life has been no of activity and tireless energy and Chat the people like that sort of a man to represent them la the national ad ministration Is evidenced by his BDoua vote at the recent primaries as well as by his overwhelming majorities every time he has been upon a ballot Senator Burke tt was born In Mills Bounty Iowa on farm In 18S7 He worked hlr way through Tabor College nd crraduated In 1S90 He taught school two years at Leigh Nebraska studied aw in the State University of Nebraska and graduated with the degree of L L B in 1893 and L L M In 1S95 He was elected to the State Legislature In 1S96 from Lincoln and was sent to Congress from the First District In 1S9S 1900 1902 and 1904 In January 1905 he was elect ed to the United States Senate receiving 122 votes out of 133 In the legislature Be at once received the unusual recogni tion as a man of power and ability by be big appointed to membership on thr jrsat Appropriation Committee of tht Senate during his first term He Is also ft member of the Committee on Agricul ture and Forestry oa District of Colum bia Committee on Pacific Railroads and Committee on Woman suffrage Colonel Roosevelt on hie trip through the state recently paid our senator a high tribute for rendering him great as sistance and standing by him loyally while he was President Senator Bur Geett is a candidate for a second term and under the Oregon plan will he voted fcpoa at the election in November CHESTER H ALDRICH Republican Candidate for Governor Chester H AJdrlch Republican candi date for Governor of Nebraska was born An a farm in Ashtabula county Ohio on November 10th 1882 He was educated ta the public schools of that state and forked his way through the Ohio State University from which institution he graduated in the class of 18S3 In the Call of that year he came to Nebraska accepting the princlpalshlp of the Ulys Bes High School and resided In that Sown for three years devoting his spare time to the study of law und r George E Waldo now a member of Congress from Slew Tork state While In Ulysses he Was married to Miss Sylvia E Stroman daughter of one of Butler countys pi oneers In the spring of 1891 Mr Aldrlch amoved to David City to engage In the practice of law and that city is still fcls home As a resident of David City be is held in the highest esteem by his belghbors friends and associates and has always taken an active part In the af fairs of the town He served for two terms as mayor of the city declining the domination for a third term was for six rears a member of the city council and Cor eight years of the board cf education being at this time president of the board He is an active member of St Lukes M E Church of David City and Gas of the trustees of the church LT GOV M R HOPEWELL Lieutenant Governor and Re publican Candidate for Ik Election Xudffe S B Hopewell of Tekamah for four years Lieutenant Governor of the State of Nebraska and Republican can didate for re election was born In Mon roe county Indiana in 1845 He removed to Worth county Missouri in 1856 and ta 118 became a member of the Third Missouri State Troops organized to sup press the guerilla bands which Infested that section He graduated from Asbury jUnlversltY Greencastle Indiana In 1869 iond in 1870 located at Tekamah Neb of Vhlch place he is still a resident In 1872 jfrtth W B White he founded the first newspaper in Burt county and In 1873 opened the first banking house in north eastern Nebraska He was appointed Ixudge of the District Court by I aor Thayer in 1887 and was afterwards J elected for two full terms In 1906 he h yrtM elected Lieutenant Governor of Ne braska and re eiected in 1908 on a num ber of occasions ably filling the execu tive chair during the governors absence from the state He presided over the Btate Senate during the historic sesslon4 ex 1MT Since 1891 Judge Hopewell has been actively engaged in the practice of law pad for twenty five years has been largely Interested in farming and stock raising He was Grand Master of the Hasonio Lodge in Nebraska for the year ending June 1906 Judge Hopewell Is the kind of a man the people of Nebraska want to continue as Lieutenant Governor and he pfeoold have the support of the voters next NovemDer i HENRY T CLARKE JR State Railway Commissioner and Republican Candidate for Re Election One of our State Public Officials who is deserving of re nomination U H nry T Clarke Jr Chairman of the State Railway Commission Mr Clarke has been a faithful hard working and active member of a Com mission which has been of great ser vice ta the farmers and shippers of the state Despite strenuous resistance by the railroads Mr Clarke and his fellow Com missioners have succeeded In keeping In full force and effect the law reducing freight rates 15 per cent between points in Nebraska the law reducing passen ger rates to 2 cents a mile the law re ducing express rates 25 per cent and the law confining the use of railway passes to actual officers and employes or rail ways These measures have saved the people of the State large amounts of money It Is estimated that the reduction In the charges of the express companies alone Is worth J25000000 a year to Nebraska Mr Clarkes satisfactory record runs further back than his service on the Rail way Commission of which he has been member since 1907 In 1906 he was elected member of the House of Representatives from Douglas county In the face of the organized oppo sition of the liquor Interests of Omaha He advocated as representative a num ber of splendid measures Largely through the active part he played the House passed the so called Terminal Tax Bill which provides for the local assessment of railroad terminals In cities and villages This measure has compelled railroads to pay a more Just REPUBLICAN share of municipal and town taxes than they did In the past Mr Clarke introduced In the House the Child Labor Bill which Is now on our statute books He was a strong defend er of the Anti lobby Bill He worked for the passage of the Anti pass Bill was a principal defender in the House of the Anti graft Bill and worked hard for the present Pure Food Law Mr Clarke has been a good public ser vant He ought to be renominated by the Republicans on next Tuesday and re elected Railway Commissioner by the people on Election Day Omaha Dally News August IS 1910 ADDISON WAIT Republican Candidate for Sec retary of State Addison Wait of Syracuse Neb who has successfully performed the duties of Deputy Secretary of State for two terms was born In Woodstock Champaign coun ty Ohio on May 26th 1846 and received Ills education In the public schools of that town Ho enlisted In Company D l JSth regiment Ohio Volunteers May 4th 1S64 and served to the close of the war While In the employ of the Pan Handle Railroad he learned telegraphy and In 1870 came to Nebraska accepting the po sition of telegraph operator and agent for the Midland Pacific Burlington Railroad at Palmyra and Syracuse He held thi3 position until 1878 when he engaged In the wholesale produce busi ness In Syracuse which Is now his home town In 1894 Mr Walte was elected Repre sentative from Otoe county serving In the 24th session of the Legislature He entered the Secretary of States offico In July 1902 serving as bookkeeper under Secretary George W Marsh for two and one half years He was transferred to the Bapklng Department acting as chief clerk for two years and In January 1907 he was appointed Deputy Secretary of State by Secretary George C Junkln which office he has held for two terms His well known ability and years of ex perience In that department of the states government makes him a strong candidate for the office of Secretary of Stat a Mr Walt is the author and promoter of the Abraham Lincoln Monument enter prise the funds for which are nearly all pledged and the construction of same is being planned at this time by the cele brated American sculptor Daniel Chester French GRANT G MARTIN Republican Candidate for At torney General Grant G Martin Deputy Attorney Gen eral of Nebraska and nominated by the Republican voters for the office of Attor ney General was born in Boone county Iowa forty six years ago and received Ids education in that Btatc graduating from Simpson College Indianola Iowa In the class of 1385 receiving the degree or Master of Philosophy three years later He was admitted to tho bar In 18S9 and in 1890 located in Fremont Neb where he served as County Attor ney of Dodga county for two terms In 1906 Hon W T Thompson newly elect ed Attorney General appointed Mr Mar tin as assistant In his office and when Hon W B Rose who was then deputy was appointed Judge of tho Supreme Court by Governor Sheldon Mr Thomp son made Mr Martin his deputy in which capacity he has since served with marked ability Since entering the legal department of the State of Nebraska Mr Martin has participated In much of the important lit igation growing out of the constructive legislation passed by the 1907 Legisla ture Among theso laws that have been blterly assailed were the anti pass law the express rate reduction law the 1 ri rrlmli Mnn lnTV nr1 thA rililWRV mlssion law These laws were success fully defended In the courts He Is now engaged In assisting the Attorney Gen eral In the defense of six suits Involv ing the validity of the two cent passen ger law and the reduction of freight rates His familiarity with such cases and details of the work make him special ly fitted for the office of Attorney Gener al PROF JAS W CRABTREE Republican Candidate for Su perintendent of Public Instruction Prof J W Crabtree who has been nominated by the Republican voters of Nebraska for State Superintendent Is an educator who Is well known througnout Nebraska He was born In Scioto county Ohio in 1SG5 He graduated from the Peru Stato Normal School In 1837 He was a student In the summer schools of Harvard University and the University of Nebrasua acquiring tne degrees of B A and M A in tho Ne braska University From 1S82 to 1888 he taught in district schools and In 1889 was appointed princi pal and later Superintendent of Public Schools of Ashland Neb which position he held until 1S95 During 1896 he was a student and assistant teacher In mathe matics In the University of Nebraska and In 1896 97 was Principal of the Beatrice High School After a years successful work at Eeatrlco he resigned to accept the position of State High School Inspec tor of the State University and while k acting in this capacity was called to tho presidency of the State Normal School at Peru remaining In that office for six years Through his efforts as President of the Peru Normal that school has prospered remarkably and grown in to an institution of promlnenoe and worth due to his high charaoter and ability as an educator Professor Crabtree Is the author of t number of text books and has beea prom inent in the work of the N B A and other Important teachers associations SILAS R BARTON Auditor of Public Accounts and Republican Candidate for Rc EIection Silas R Barton of Grand Island State Auditor of Public Accounts has beea re nominated Dy the republican voters of the stato for re election to the office which he has so ably filled during the oast term Mr Barton was born at New ondon Iowa on May 21st 1871 and the following year his father removed to x homestead near Aurora In Hamilton ounty Nebraska There the son was educated graduating from the High School at Aurora and he later attended the State Normal at Pe u where he fitted himself to be a teacher On June 2nd 1394 he was married te Adah L MIghell daughter of formar State Senator Edwin E MIghell He waa a teacher and farmer up until the year 1S97 and served three years as Dep uty County Treasurer of Hamilton ooun ty In 1901 he removed to Grand Island which is now his place of residence He was nominated and elected to the offloe of Auditor of Public Accounts of Ne braska in 1908 and has filled his office with efficiency having the technical knowledge and accuracy necessary to a proper administration of that offloe He made his campaign before the primaries on a platform demanding honesty and efficiency In the public servioe a plat form oa which ha now stands squarely E B COWLES Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings and Republi can Candidate lor Rc EIection 3 B Cowles for two years Commis sioner of Publlo Lands and Building m office which he has filled with clency came to Nebraska In 1171 when he settled on Cub Creek In Jefferson ounty working on a farm in summer tnd teaching school in the winter sea son He still owns the farm on which he settled at that time and raises Po land China hogs and Red Polled cattle In 1879 Mr Cowles waa elected Super intendent of Schools of Jefferson coun ty continuing In that office until the vear 1S92 In 1894 Mr Cowles was ap pointed Deputy County Treasurer of Jf ereon county and for some time had full charge of the office the County Treaa irer A M Dayis having moved to hie farm during part of the term and the full management of the office devolving in his deputy For three years prior to Ms election as Commissioner of Publfe Lands In 1908 Mr Conies was employed n the office of the county B ng well qualified for the office to which he was elected his term as Commissioner has been a successful one and he well deserves re election at the hands of the voters of Nebraska next November Ha was nominated by a vote of mora than two to one over his opponent which denotes that the people will be well sat lsfled to have him remain in the effloo which he has so ably filled WALTER A GEORGE Republican Candididafe for State Treasurer Walter A George of Broken Bow Re publican nominee for State Treasurer la a banker of prominence In Central Ne braska being President of the Security State Bank of Broken Bow and of the Berwyn State Bank of Berwyn He wai born In Danvers Mass on May 12 1881 and came to Nebraska with his parents In June of 1872 They were members of the colony wnlch founded Buffalo county the Georges locating at Gibbon whlcH was later made the county seat of Buf falo county Mr George received his education In the public schools and la the Gibbon Academy Since coming to Nebraska he has lived In Buffalo and Custer counties locating In the latter county In 188S where he engaged la farming and stock raising He has been a life long republican and has served his party three terms as Supervisor two terms as County Treasurer and was three times elected Mayor of Broki n Bow He was a delegate to the Chicago Republi can convention of 190s and was elected a member of the notification committee which Informed President Taft of hie nomination Mr Georges father was a native of New Hampshire and his mother of Mas sachusetts He is married and has twe daughters In his campaign for the nomination of Stato Treasurer Mr George received X flattering vote indicating the high regard In which he is held by the Republican voters of Nebraska Ire Clean fible Men They are Typical Rep resentatives of Nebraskas Highest Citizen ship9 and are Worthy of Your Support St