w K V HE No lime PmspW jgj f CJ Alum In food must therefore act as a poison Vvj Vff 4 - -4 4 4 4 - - 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 -4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 A 4 4 Read se EsldeSa Bss bs isskSsigi pwd Hzaffess tiBa is ggEwesaa PriTi ORSAM XH R W NO 210 MAIN AVE--Upstairs McCOOK NEBRASKA A straight honest Cream of Tartar Baking Powder Made from Grapes Msfees better more foealtMisS food SoisS wiiisQEst eieGepHoBm h IT IS EASY TO SEW ON z 30 9 on the machine run by VrfpM the Emerson motor No ft 1 - Mil Wk 1 danger to womans health Fits down under the table out of the way The foot regulates the speed Try One McBRAYER PUBLIC SALE SI 1 I will sell at my farm 4 miles north and 2 miles west of McCook on Tuesday Nov 11910 Beginning at ten oclock a m 15 head of cattle 8 pedigreed hogs 2 spring mule colts 6 doz chickens and turkeys Farm machinery hay feed etc TERMS 8 months at 10 per cent from date 5 per cent off for cash FREE LUNCH AT NOON C M Matson Auc V Franklin Clk Eugene Schaeffer T J - 55fcK SKlSi f The wonder of bak m X3 1 S is f ing powders Calumet B vsv TsXXei fill Wonderful in its raising jg VvSw S F Powers its uniformity TO B Niy its never failing results its 11 H I l1 Wonderful n jjs H 1 I 17 costs ess an the hiyii ice B B l trust brands but it is wonh as SB yy 11 1 1 much It costs a trifle more than As K Vy I I the cheap and big can kinds am L Vi it is worth more But proves its Mr vJLxJ real economy in the baking B k V Use CALUMET the Modern Jf r ---3 Baking Powder Jmf Received V- - r At all Grocers W Highest SvJ J1JZS mr Award mh mwr Worlds Pure A By Food mmmBmmSSimlmmmmm Esposition tmmmmmmmmmwMmm aMnqfgPOriiMJXJitwiMJiwiAwgaagfccRg I County Commissioners Proceedings Indianola precinct Charles K Nebraska Telephone Co tolls vertise for sealed bids to make p vearlv contract for the construction if r the super structure the sub structure and approaches of all steel and wood en bridges to be built in this county for a year fiom the ICth day of No vember 1910 and for iurnishing ma terials in the construction of the same according to the plans and specifications on file in the county clerks office All bids to be filed on or before 12 oclock at noon cen tral time November lGth 1910 Bids will be opened by the board at 2 oclock in the afternoon of the same day to reject any or all bids The roll call was ordered and re sulted as follows Yea Lofton Gray 2 Nay Sughroue 1 Motion de clared carried A motion was made by Lofton as follows showing made by the authorities of the city of McCook and the opinion of the tion to make the foresaid levy and that the said levy be withdrawn and expunged from the records and that the county clerk be instructed not to extend such taxes on the 1910 tax lists A motion was made by Sughroue that the board reconsider the action taken by the board in regard to order ing the clerk not to extend the water bond levy on the tax list The roll nail was ordered and resulted as -1 lows Yea Sughroue Gray 2 Nay Lofton 1 Motion delared carried and the county clerk is hereby in structed not to extend these taxes on the 1910 tax lists The roll call was ordered and re sulted as follows Yea Lofton Sugh roue Gray 3 Motion declared car ried unanimously A motion was made by Lofton sec onded by Sughroue that M Mathes be allowed 4000 a month as janitor from November 1st 1910 The roll call was ordered and resulted as fol lows Yea Lofton Sughroue Gray o Sughroue wants the record to show that he votes Yea for the reason the board is hiring him and should pay him decent wages Gray wants the record to show that he votes Yea without any explanation at all The motion was declared carried un animously cher John J Strunk N J i ortz April May ana June iyxu o oo McCook Neb Oct 18 1910 j Harry c wiiitmore Gilbert Rankin Nebraska Telephone Co tolls The board of county commissioners Henry Powell met in regular session Present C B Gray F S Lofton Edward Sug hroue county commissioners and Chas Skalla county clerk The minutes of the meeting held October 4th were read and on motion approved A motion was made by Lofton that the county clerk be instructed to ad North Valley precinct George Ox lfiv RieharJ Burton lishment ot a public road was read and considered After due consider ation the board finds that all the re quirements of the law have been com plied with and that the public good requires it on motion same wab The board reserves the right l grantea estaonsning a pudiic roau io be known as road No 439 as follows Commencing at the southwest cor ner of the southeast quarter of sec- ction 35 township 3 range 27 in In dianola precinct Red Willow county and runninS ience east on township On consideration of the line Detween sections mm and sections 2- and 1-2-27 368 rods thence north 31 deSrees 50 minutes county attorney in re the levy made east 20 45 rods thence north 7S August 11th 1910 by the county board f of equalization of 15 mills on the valuation of McCook city for the pur pose of raising a fund with which to pay the interest and create a sinking fund to pay the water bonds voted by the city of McCook at the was grees 50 minutes east 4s z 6 roas thence north 40 degrees 50 minutes east 22 1 3 rods thence north 80 de grees east 16 rods thence south 67 degrees 53 minutes east 18 rods thence south 13 iigrees 03 minutes cnrnr 1QnS mnninmnl oWtinn -- 1UUB Wiuimauiig ul lug of the southeast that it be the sense of the board of southeast corner 1uarter of section 36-3-27 and the county commissioners that the board p amaiitinn without cierK instructed to nuuiy lug overseer of highways to open said roid The claims for damages caused by the location of the above road were audited and allowed as follows and the clerk was instructed to draw The roll call was ordered and re- warrants on the county general fund suited as follows Yea Lofton levy of 1910 m payment thereot as roue Gray 3 Nay None Motion follows declared carried unanimously Leonard Harsch on se qr of 36-3-27 claimed at 5000 allowed by appraisers 100 allowed by board I 15 00 The claim of J Harsch of 2500 on w hf of se qr of 35-3-27 was on motion rejected The claim of Frederick Boll of 2500 on w hf of ne qr of 2-2-27 was A motion was made by Sughroue on motion rejected as follows Upon the request of the On motion the county treasurer city council of the city of McCook was instructed to refund to I N Mc Nebraska that the 15 mill levy made Dougal the sum of 955 being the by the equalization board on the 11th amount illegally assessed against a day of August 1910 for the purpose Part of block 14 of West McCook ad tion to McCook city in 1909 and of paying the interest and creating a sinkinc fund to nav for water bonds Paid by her under protest for the TVla MCfUr THhlinP tt tVlP VP CI Y vted by the people of the city of reason that two houses were assessed I liC lflLLUUli lllUUliL P1 LllV Aal McCook be not extended upon the on said tract while it contained only Jtax lists for the present year for the that the bonds are not sold On motion the county treasurer nnfi it Cnnt thA intpntinn nf thft nres was instructted to refund to O U ent city council to offer them for sale Charlet the sum of 200 being the amount of 1909 poll tax illegally as sessed against him at McCook city and paid by him under protest for the reason that he was assessed twice for poll tax that year On motion the county treasurer was instructed to refund to P S Heaton the sum of 270 being the amount of poll tax and interest ille gally assessed against him at McCook city in 1906 and paid by him under protest for the reason that he did not become a resident of this county until 1907 The claim of O G Gordon of 1226 for tax refund on sw qr sw qr of 26-4-30 and nw qr of 35-4-30 claiming too high valuation was on motion re jected The following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk was in structed to draw warrants on the Pursuant to law in such cases made respective funds in payment thereof and provided the board on motion selected the following named persons from whom to draw a jury for the term of the district court which is to begin November 28 1910 and the county clerk was instructed to certi fy this list to the clerk of the Calvin Sedden road work trict court Commissioner district No 1 Beaver precinct H E Woods Samuel Dolph Chas Miller Bondville precinct Gentry W F Henry Hofman Jr John Breitling I Danbury precinct J E Dodge Mar tin Nilsson A J Greer Driftwood precinct Oscar Schmitz Gerver precinct C M Lofton Grant precinct Chas R Lee Lebanon precinct Harvey Burgess C F Waterman E C Hummel Missouri Ridge precinct Fred Bamesberger Tyrone precinct Chas Bonham Valley Grange precinct Gerald Wil cox Commissioner district No 2 Alliance precinct George Wolf Wi liam McDowell East Valley precinct Charles Sha fer Robert Lierley H M Wyrick C M Babbitt Fritsch precinct Charles Barber George Morris jfrVV -3 v ist as follows Commissioner district No 2 W R Hayden road work In dianola precinct 12 00 Road district No 9 Indianola pre cinct 66 00 J B Spaulding road work 4 5U J L Rogers road work 3 00 Road district No 10 East Valley precinct jMCie Bush road work 5 2k Alex J Wheeler road work 2 53 Chas Kerst road work 3 00 and on the county bridge fund levy of 1910 as follows Standard Bridge Co 1st pay ment on 1910 bridges 6000 00 and on the county general fund levy of 1910 as follows H P Waite Co hardware David Magner mdse to G Green C Naden transportation of paupers Hammond Stephens Co supplies to county superin tendent Omaha Printing Co general -warrant book 10 31 2 50 9 29 2 45 July 1910 Clayton Priest case 60 C A Rodgers salary 3rd qr 1910 100 00 John Crocker John W Duther salary July Red Willow precinct C A Hedges Horace Taylor Commissioner district No 3 Box Elder precinct Bert Hockman j Coleman precinct John N Smith i Perry precinct Henry Johnson Willow Grove precinct W H j erman Percy M Bell Henry Best D j I -V Colon D Y Dorwart C A Fish- Ed Fitzgerald Harry Groves J i E Hall Conrad Krieger B J Lane J E Nelms J R Pence M L Rish el C J Rj an N B Silver J C Ball B H Stewart C H Jacobs Chas Wilson The petition of H Har h John August anu septemDer vv Dr R B Campbell salary county physician July to October J E Kelley fees Dedman in sanity case Dr Z L Kay fees Dedman insanity case C A Rodgers fees Delman insanity case F A Roland surveying coun ty line road Walter Campbell surveying county line road chain car rier Fritz and others asking for the L M Higgins acting coroner 75 00 00 3 00 8 00 75 7 05 2 00 G 60 C B Gray commissioner ser vices and mileage 19 30 F S Lofton commissioner services and mileage 28 40 Edward Sughroue commis sioner services and mileage 14 50 On motion the board adjourned to meot November 15 1910 C B GRAY Chairman Attest HAS SKALLA County Clerk 16 00 McCook Electric Co light for September 1910 4 67 Nebraska Telephone Co Oc tober rentals 19 25 DANBURY Clarence Greenway left Friday for Palmer Nebraska to find work Mrs Ed Ervin left Tuesday even ing for Puyallup Wash for a short visit S R Messner returned Saturday from Kansas City Prof Morris and wife were Atwood visitors Friday Mrs D H Rittenhouse left Mon day evening for Bussey Iowa on a visit Henry Williams purchased the C A Gentry blacksmith shop Mrs M M Young visited at Rea Omans Saturday and Sunday E M Woods and wife and son Harley left Monday evening for a short stay at Mena Ark S S Graham is on the sick list Frank Miller went over to Cam bridge for a short stay with home folks Hazel Furman of Marion spent Friday night with friends at this place After you have read all the local country news in this paper how plea sant to have The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer at hand to give you the happenings of the outside world 12 pays for both one year Received on Account Paic Out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at The Tribune office Per 1000 50c row HwBlMrsP The Snug Fitting Coat Collar Its Clothcraft 16 1 HE coat collar is one of the things that make a hit with you when you wear Clothcraft It sits up to your collar as if molded to it But it is only one of the Clothcraft points of superi ority Theres the style the shape the non breakable coat front the non sagging pockets And theres the guaranty of the maker and ourselves that Clothcraft is pure All Wool nothing else Yet you get your Cloth craft suit at 10 to 25 Wouldnt it be foolish to take a chance with ordinary clothes when you can get Clothcraft with the guaranty for the same or less CLDeGroffCo ClotKcraft All WoolClotfce 10 to 25 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR C M DUNCAN Physician Surgeon and Electrician All chronic diseases treated with electricity Lady attendant in office Phone 26 Office in residence third block eagt of Temple theatre ROLAND R REED M D Physician and Surgeon Local Surgeon B M Phones Office 363 residence 217 Office Rooms 5 6 Templs building McCook Neb DR J O BRUCE Osteopath Phone 55 Office over Main Ave Office over Cook Neb Electric Theatre ox DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over Mc Connells drug store Phones Of fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms building McCook DR J A COLFER Dentist Phone 378 Room 4 Postoffice Cook Neb 3 and 5 Waist building Mc- R H GATEWOOD Dentist Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic temple McCook Neb DR EARL O VAHUE Dentist Phone 190 McAdams store C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in offiee McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co and dS McCook Water Works Co Office In Postoffice building McCook Neb JAMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 Office Commercial barn McCoofc Nebraska L C STOLL CO Jewelers Opticians Eyes tested and fitted pairing McCook Neb Fine H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods of quality Main avenue McCook Nebraska JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone 33 Estimates furnished freeBasemen Postoffice building A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 302 over Woodwortha druc store Go to NELMS FEED STORE for the FAMOUS CAMBRIDGE FLOUR and all kinds of feed Phone 186 Something special The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa per 125 for otfe year Ask us what it means All grades of Oxford flour an each sack guaranteed at the McCook Flour and Feed Store 1