The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 27, 1910, Image 2

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fo W BmB EJL B33P ess mF ei
iunday at 11 a m and Wednesday
at S p m Meets now in the north
east corner of court house hasement
Catholic Order of services
00 a m Mass and sermon
a m Evening service at 800
iay school 230 p m
Evangelical Lutheran
aian preaching services
j i Mr
EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten
jclock Morning prayer and sermon
at eleven oclock Evening prayer
and sermon at eight Choir rehearsal
as usual every member please attend
rfR A iZlYi g
- -
fTyvkw x
U101 L i
fi A liS Zy
I i
r -- cj
1 llj
Virr TT2
v Li
Lost Baggage
fhja 4i
In this food you get all of the nutritive properties
of combined cereals Wheat Rice Oats and Barley
Try it
Ask Your Grocer
Death of Grandpa Paine
V D Paine commonly known as
grandpa was stricken with a strode
of paralysis at 10 oclock Thursvlw
night and remained in an unconscious
condition until 7 oclo k Saturday j
night October 1 when he died The
funeral was held at tne M E Church
at 030 a m Monday October 3
The remains were intened in the
Morningside cemetery
Grandpa Paiue was born at Ches
terfield N II November 2D 1S29
and was therefoie SO years and ten
months old On August 29 1S54 he
was married to Mary A Moses at
Morengo 111 Three children were the
result of this union the only
ALFRIC J R GOLDSMITH Rector I in member of which is C
D Paine
1 of this place He had two sisters
Methodist Preaching by the pas j living at Elgin 111
tor at 11 a m and S p 111 Sunday j Mr Paine was an old veteran bav
school at 10 a
in Epworth League jng served in the war of the Rebellion
at 7 p m
and uas with General Sherman in his
historic March to the Sea He was
a man of excellent habits fine moral
Regular Ger character and sturdy constitution and
in church ne continued to ue active in uib ac
irorner of E aid 6th street east ev
ery Sunday morning at 1030 All
Sermans cordially invited
customed pursuits till long past the
age at which men ordinarily drop
out of the ranks of the workers He
was a member of the M E church
and took an active interest in its
nfinire nnrl nlwavs 2 lrul In lifiln ill the
Capt Bogardus again hits the Bulls
r a 3
advancement of the community San
This world famous rifle shot who
5 olds the championship record of 100
pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is
living at Lincoln 111 Recently inter
viewed he says I suffered along
I Fernando Calif Press
Generous and Charitable Wish
I wish that all might know of
the benefit I received from your
time with kidney and bladder trouble j leys Kidney Remed says I N
and used several well known Regan Farmer Mo His kidneys and
dies all of which gave me no relief bladder gave him so much pain mis
nntil I started taking Foleys Kid- ery and annoyance he could not wor
ney Pills Before I used Foleys Kid- nor sleep He says Foleys Honey
ney Pills I had severe headaches and ani Tr completely cured him
pains in my kidneys with suppres j A McMILLEN Druggist
sion and a cloudy voiding On aris
kig in the morning I would get dull
fieadaches Now I have taken three
bottles of Foleys Kidney Pills and
feel 100 per cent better I am never
bothered with my kidneys or bladder
and again fec 1 like mv own self
Thlb Paer and Tlle Weekly InteI
A McMILLEN Druggist
Ocean and Farmer 125 gets both
for one year Special deal
A Reliable Medicine Not a Narcotic
Get the genuine Foleys Honey and Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
Tar in the jellow package It is and be happy At Hubers only
safe and effective Contains no
fS A McMillen Druggist Subscribe for The Tribune
That special arrangement weve
made with The Weekly Inter Ocean
and Farmer 125 for it and this pa
per for one year has made a hit
li i h 1 li 7 i
jiLL list - V
I V- lMnJJSrfYVtl2 CtnJ
1 - - IK1II UUJYW vt ai ii 1 1-
vij j ciiiiKCZiiOtvwaiSCTWri
ii 1 v nx ka vrrtttBftcaOTSMHfl
U 1 -ii X -
When your trunk has been lost and you are in a distant
city without clothes the quickest way to find your luggage is
to use a Beli Telephone
You can find the station agent a thousand
miles away just as easily as your local baggage
The Bel Telephone system in this State
unites 600000 Nebraskans by means of 120
000 telephones and connects with five million
other Bell Telephones in 40000 towns and
Nebraska Telephone Co
C W KELLEY Local Manager
Bullard Lumber Co
Sells the Best
Lumber and Coal
Tys ux faBEaMfBBBcasacssBBJvrmftm
and his work in exposing Ballingers
efforts to allow the Guggenheim in
terests to gobble up the coal and min
eral lands of Alaska he will greatly
appreciate it if you can at least give
him your vote and your influence
among other voters
Political Advertising
Old Folks Should be Careful in Their
Selection of Regulative Medicine
We have a safe dependable and
altogether ideal remedy that is par
ticularly adapted to the requirements
of aged people and persons of weak
constitutions who suffer from consti
pation or other bowel disorders We
are so certain that it will relieve
these complaints and give absolute
satisfaction in every particular that
we offer it with our personal guaran
tee that it shall cost the user noth
ing if it fails to substantiate our
claims This remedy is called Rexall
Rexall Orderlies have a soothing
healing strengthening tonic and reg
ulative action upon the bowels They
remove all irritation dryness sore
ness and weakness They restore the
bowels and associate organs to more
vigorous and healthy activity They
are eaten like candy may be taken
at any time without inconvenience d
not cause any griping nausea diar
rhoea excessive looseness flatulence
or other disagreeable effect Price
25c and 10c Sold only at our store
The Rexall Store L W McConnell
Civil Service Examination
An examination for city carriers
and city clerks will be held in the
McCook high school building Octo
ber 29th Applications and blanks
at the McCook postoffice for the ask
E J BRADY Local Secy
Come and see the great cooking
wonder at our store all next week
You have a chance to get a souvenir
set of ware free See large advertise
ment in this paper
ir ft- 1iisSiWillfe8WS8Mfli
A iwA safest
Since last March when Congress
man Norris became a national figure
of special prominence McCook has
been looked at curiously by eastern
reporters and magazine writers
They can hardly help mentioning the
great American desert of thesold ge
ograihieL and wondering at the
growth of such a town against such
a historical and geographical back
ground Many eastern Nebraskans
would probably join in their surprise
to some extent although we should
not examine the town as a strange
creature It is simply a tjpical
tlough probably an especially up-to-date
Nebraska town with a double
foundation for its prosperity
At McCook one begins to hear fa
miliar and neighborly talk of Colora
do and the mountains The skies
are the deepest blue and te air one
the area irrigated from the Republi
can river is limited But out in the
valley near McCook there are many
farms under irrigation On one farm
there I stood among the cornstalks of
a field that would run a hundred
bushels to the acre and picked my J
way through a watermelon patch still
about a hundred loads had been mar 1
keted On another fine farm through
which visitors are permitted to drive
we saw an orchard of over a hundred
acres only waiting now for a little de
cent treatment from Jack Frost in
the spring to pay very handsomely for
its keep And there is nothing more
to be said about alfalfa on irrigated
land It is the eighth wonder of the
On the train going from McCook to
Oxford a man who has traveled the
state from corner to corner said that
breathes seems to be of the same 1 the Republican valley is destined to
pure deep quality This is really
Te tnrn Nebraska In other ways
ice McCcok is western It is new
and looked so spick and span under
Democratic and FeoMes j the clean October skies that I
enk candidate for United States thought there must have been a
become the garden spot of Nebraska
Not tco seriously but with some
sliow of positive belief he defended
the proposition Remembering not
only the other garden spots of our
77000 square miles but also tfle sea-
ator house cleaning recently The people j son of drouth typical in western
Born in Nebraska 51 years ayo seemed to have the pride that one 1 braska I scarcely accepted the pro-
EJucated in public schools of Omaha j finds in a bride and gioom who have phecy as absolute But he looked
Attended school two years in Ger 1 just set up housekeeping with 110 forward to the time when the excess
irany j we Jding gifts to speak of but with flood waters Avill be captured and
Graduated at Michigan University j some nice things they had bought tamed and put to work over the en-
Law Scnool lasl with tleir own hard earned money
For 25 years has edited and pub- for instance a parlor rug a chafinj
lished the Omaha World Herald dish a Haviland set McCook
Has been three times elected to iiarly treasures its park a fine block
tire valley That such a development
is impossible or impractical is not
believea for an instant by anyone in
this day when we make a business of
congress representing Eouglaz War h H the residence part of the city It accomplishirg the impossible The
ington and Sarpy co jnties is no direct gift of the gods as one
His record there shows that he j may see by looking down the street
has fought the trusts the high tar- to the brown short gross Mite just a
iif ship subsidies and Cannonism
He helped serure t e passage
the postal savings banks bill
Ho forced the investigation
Ballinger and the land frauds
productive power of the entire state
is capable of an increase beyond our
power now to imagine And in this
few blocs away Gren grass seems beautiful valley of the far corner of
of to be one of the hobbies of the town Nebraska who knows what richness
Tie park sets the pace and at tv 01 those grim old hills may look down
of schco buildings half a block of upon when all the natural resources
lutoly perfect lawn teaches the are utilized to the fullest extent The
son to the rising gereration At the psalmist says The little hills rejoice
associates aul co operate J with such i tine new high school building I asked 1 on every side The pastures are
progressive Republicans as Murdoskthe superintendent Mr C W Taylor clothed with flocks the valleys also
in the house and LaFcllette in the 1 how they kept the children off the J are covered with corn they shout for
senate grass We dont say anything to joy they also sing Flora Bullock I
In view of the fact that a vicious them he renlied Thev do it them in The State Journal
personal attack has been made upon selves hat a gcod civic
Mr Hitchcock in this campaign he
feels justified in asking the people
of Nebraska for a personal vindica
He has lived in Nebraska all his
line I suppose the same thing is
done in a hundred other towns in
Nebraska where a beautiful building
inspires the children with right ideals
Then a large number of the citizens
life has had a share in the 0f McCook are Russian Germans who
ing of the state and believes he has
established a good reputation
In this campaign that reputation
has been attacked in an attempt to
defeat him at the polls for United
States senator He believes the at
tack will fail
work on the railroad They too like
blue grass and around their neat lit
tle cottages that line one hill street
the grass plots are as green as around
the larger homes that face the park
or other residence streets
How to Tell if Your Hair is Diseased
Even if you have a luxuriant head
of hair you may want to know
er it is in a healthy condition or not
98 of the people need a hair tonic
Pull a hair out of your head if the
bulb at the end of the root is white
and shrunken it proves that the hair
is diseased and requires prompt
Besides the high school building treatment if its loss would be avoided
The people vote lor united btates there are two other public buiidings X
If the bulb is piuk and tulL the hau
senator this year The names of which are of special interest to the is healthy j t
bert M Hitchcock and Senator Bur McCook1
visitor and which afford the
We want every one whose hair re-
kett will appear on the ballot just be- man further opportunity to point auires treatment to trv Rexall 93 t
BaesAll Your
Cleaning Easily
and Quickly
This new all round
Cleanser in handy sift
er can takes all the
hard work out of keep
ing things clean Its
much quicker too
sv W
Old Dutch Cleanser
The Mew Way
Pots pans kettles wood
work floors shelves painted
walls windows metals cut
lery in the bath room pan
try kitchen in fact through
cut the house
Painted woodwork and
wails require care in cleaning
do it easily and safely with
Sprinkle a ver little Old
Dutch Cleanser on cloth or
sponge rub easily rinse with
clean wet cloth and wipe dry 1
No caustic or acid Avoid j
them Not a soap powder
Fire and Wind
Written in Firt Class
fore the names of the candidates with pride These are the Carnegie j
Hair 1011a w t aromise that it shall
for eovernor If you vote the straigh hii fhPV xn nt minro mattflrs I - - 1 jjjrr aaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaa
j j vwj M w v I1UL cost anyuiiug 11 it uues not give
Democratic of Peoples Independent but bave the name Carnegie over CItcfont vDnifC Tt -e AoinoH
ticket Mr Hitchcock will receive the
benefit of your vote
If you do not vote either of those
tickets and indorse the position he
has taken in the interest of the
the entrance and the other is the overcome dandruff relieve scalp ir
Masonic temple The library is of ritation to stimulate the hair roots
cement with red tile rcof a striking tighten the hair already in the head
bit of architecture in a fine location grow hair and cure baldness
It is a 510000 structure The furn j it js because of what Rexall 93
ne on the Payne Aldrich tariff bill ishing3 are also of the best stjle and Hair Tonic has done and
McCook is one of the few spots I
found in the Republican volley which
can boast of irrigated land There
may be more to the west but I judge
Searles Searles
16 years in Lincoln
Chronic and
Nervous Diseases of
Hen and Women
Gall Stones Plies
removed without an
operation All dis
I c3ttf
eases of the Nose Throat Ludks Stom
ach Bowels Liver Rheumatism Strio
ure Varlocele Kidney and Bladder
All Diseases and Disorders of Men
All Examinations and Consultation
FREE Charges Low Quick Cures
Call or write for booklet P O Box 221
Office hours 9 to 1130 1 to 4 nights 7 to 8-
Drs Searles Searles iincoin Nab
our sincere
material I noticed a good selection fajth in its goodness that we want
of books and magazines and was told J you to try it at our risk Two sizes
that the circulation is excellent The
Masonic temple is the special luxury
of the place a 65000 building con
taining the theatre which is said to
be one of the best play houses in the
state The second floor also contains
a few offices and a large club room
for tho commercial club On th
third floor are the Masonic rooms
with banquet hall and kitchen One
reason McCook people brag like a
Kansan about this fine building is
that they had to work so hard to sell
the stock and that nevertheless they
did sell it Most of the citizens feel
their ownership in the building and
patronize the theatre regularly
The evident prosperity of the town
is of course partially explained by its
railroad activities Is there an acci
dent on the division Anywhere in
McCook you will hear the question
Were any of our men hurt That
our is a little touch one would not
hear in Lincoln outside of special rail
load circles
50c and 100 Sold only at our store
The Rexall Store L W McCon
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filing
bave been made in the county clerks
office since our last report
C H Harman et ux to John
E Kelley wd to lot 9 blk
28 McCook 1 00
Herman Kapke et ux to C H
Harman wd to lot 9 block
28 McCook 2000 00
Affa C Seeley to Wm A Do
lan wd to ne qr ne qr 4-4-27
1000 00
Paul S Seeley to same qcd
to same 1 00
Wm A Dolan to Paul S See
ley wd to part 11 12 in 33
Indianola 4500 00
Viola L Ballew to Prank
Real wd to 1 and 2 in 3
McCook 4000 00
Another Big Cut
The Lincoln State Journal has an
nounced a fifty cent rate for its daily
from now until January 1 1911 or
seventy five cents including Sunday
If you want to know the real truth
about all thats going on in the po
litical mix up this fall in Nebraska
get this paper that is free from all
sorts of strings is not running for
office holds no office and doesnt
want any The Lincoln Daily State
Journal is the state paper these days
on account of its clean cut fearless
stand on public questions No matter
what your beliefs you dont want your
news tampered with News colored
for selfish ends should be unbear
able The paper will be stopped when
your time is up Never pay strang
ers money but send to the publishers
direct at Lincoln
Look out for coughs You can es
cape severe ones Keep a bottle of
McConnells Balsam handy Guaran
teed to make short work of any
cough Price 25c
Flour Feed Main av
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or In your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
T1ftf tll
t N
d i