The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 27, 1910, Image 10

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HeCormell for drugs
McCocueil fills prescriptions
McMiiieu i druggist
Try McCook Dusiness College
Everything i drugs McConnell
Ilodaks mid kodak supplies Mc
55omeli Druggist
California Orange Blossom honey at
MAGNERS Phone 14
Keiuz picMes and vinegar
Phone 14
The ocst I ever used is what
they say after using Pure Gold flour
WAGNERS Phone 14
McCo7i ells holiday display in Gan
schcT buildi g cor Main avenue and
B streL
Hubcr handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps niso and a full line of
other makes
Ve ntwr hesitate to guarantee
Lily Putont flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
For a lunch try spagh
MAGNERS Phone 14
Huh trs coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
anrf Breakfast heads the
Qurdii and price courtesy and
prorasuHjfs in delivery are making
fm shitoss ar th McCook Flour and
Feed Store
The 1I B A io3ie ieet i every 1st
rnd S u o vest ay evening of each
ronth rt rclcck i Mo ris hall
Sirs l aura ShgLoni r ecretary
TSiZt 1 oine this fall Let us
I 11 o j con in g a out paint that
vtijI nenn - for you
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Ve want you to call at our store
during our Majestic demonstration
wg Nov 7 12 inclusive and get a
ionvanir set of Majestic ware
Pr Wi rioU the specialist will
met eye nose and throat pa
tients at the Commercial hotel in Mc
Cook Friday November 4 Glasses
If 30U a particular what you buy
and Tiow ar served McConnells
drug store s the place for you to
trade Eeler gcods better service
and loircT prices cannot be had
No progressive family should over
look the special arrangement with
The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farm
er whereby 1 2i pays for one years
subscription to it and this paper
Under Southern Skies by Lottie
Blair Par3er author of Way Down
East will shortly be presented in
eur city with an important company
and all the minuteness of detail that
made its record run at the Belasco
theatre in New York City a notable
J r
Rev F C Tjler and family are vis
iting in the Spring Creek neighbor
hood this week
Mr and Mrs S C King are enter
taining a daughter from Iowa
Mr and Mrs Al Schlossher of Bea
ver Crossing Mr and Mrs Will Temp
lin and Mrs Will Creaman of Friend
were called home Friday by the
death of I H Harrison
Mr and Mrs Wm Hughes and Mrs
Thurston Doyle spent Saturday and
Sunday with Mr and Mrs D C Lit
tle of St Ann
Mrs Harrison and daughters Mrs
Tempiin and Mrs Schlossher visited
Mrs Geo Younger Monday
Mrs Maud Creaman returned to
Friend Sunday morning and Mr and
Mrs Will Tempiin returned Monday
James Dixon and family of Alma
visited the latter part of last week
and first of this with his aunt Mrs
F G Lytic then went up near Perry
to visit Mrs Ben Lytle
Last Friday morning about seven
oclock I H Harrison quietly passed
away after almost two years of con
stant suffering Funeral services wer
held at the church Saturday after
noon conducted by Rev F C Tyler
assisted by Rev J F Russell after
which interment took place in the
Box Elder cemetery
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filing
have been made in the county clerks
office since our last report
Kobert B Campbell et us to
Sanford E Kalston wd to
9 in 3 Lebanon 150000
Mark O v eidenhamer et
uxo to Mary E Devoe wd
to 6 in 9 Lebanon 48000
Kobert B Campbell to Ma
mie Campbell wd to n w
qt 1 26 1C0
Robert B Campbell to Ma
mie Campbell wd to s e qr
n e qr e hf se qr s w qr se
se qr s w qr 20 sw qr sw qr
21-1-26 1 00
V Franklin et ux to Scott
W Bennett wd to lots 1
2 3 4 ne qr nw qr w hf nw
qr 20 part n hf ne qr se qr
ne qr 4-5-G in 19-3-28 3000000
Ancther Big Cut
The Lincoln State Journal has an
nounced a fifty cent rate for its dailj
from now until January 1 1911 or
seventy five cents including Sunday
If you want to know the real truth
about all thats going on in the po
litical mix up this fall in Nebraska
get this paper that is free from all
sorts of strings is not running for
office holds no office and doesnt
want any The Lincoln Daily State
Journal is the state paper these days
on account of its clean cut fearless
stand on public questions No matter
what your beliefs you dont want your
news tampered with News colored
for selfish ends should be unbear
able The paper will be stopped when
your time is up Never pay strang
ers money but send to the publishers
direct at Lincoln
Look out for coughs You can es
cape severe ones Keep a bottle of
McConnells Balsam handy Guaran
teed to make short work of any
cough Price 25c
a vHJLLfiW
Oct 31 I
Over Four Million People
Have Seen this Great Play f
Prices 25c 35c 50c r 5c 1 1
Proceedings of City Council
Monday October 24 1910
Council met in regular cession with
all members present except Council
man Stan sherry
Minutes cf rrcvious meeting read
and approved
On motion the police force wa3 re
duced to two men to take ef ect
November 1 1910
The following bills were allowed
McCook Hardware Co hard
ware 43 89
C A DeLoy repair work 15 85
Whitney Hosier drayage 1 50
Neb Telepho e Co October
pbone rent 3 00
First National Bank city hall
rent 4th quarter 75 00 i
N J Campbell sewer inspec
tions 2 00
George J aker making poll list 6 00
C L DeGroff Co mdse for
pest house 64 28
T C Hegeman salary to
ber 15 20 00
S V Frazier work on streets 47 60
Council adjourned
Its worth 800 to you to read our
advertisement in this paper so dont
overlook it
Doctors Searies
and Searies
Famous Specialists of Lin
coln Nebraska to visit
h re Thursday Nov io at
Commercial Hotel
Word has just been received that
tlo chief consulting physician of Doc
cided to pay a short visit to McCook
and while here will stop at the Com
mercial Hotel where he will receive
and examine patients
have been located in Lincoln over 15
yars and are the longest establish
ed most successful and reliable spe
cialists in tht west in all chronic and
nervous diseases of men and women
Their Lincoln institute is on the sec
ond floor tf the Burlington block
1308 O street Lincoln Nebraska
The most valuable information in
tho world is to know where to get
cured Opportunity is defined by
Webster as a fit or convenient tme
i time favorable for the purpose
Are you sick or ailing Have you
been doctoring without obtaining re
lief or benefit Here is jour oppor
tunity to get well Why suffer
You can be cured
Remember good health is your
working capital Disease is never at
a standstill
They do not treat all diseases but
euro all they treat If your case is
found to be incurable you will be
irankly told so and will not be ac
cepted for treatment at any price or
under any conditions as the doctors
absolutely refuse to accept an incur
able case for treatment They do not
publish testimonials but have cured
thousands of patients in this and
other states where other physicians
have failed to whom they would be
glad to refer you
They invite all afflicted who really
desire cure to honestly investigate
their original and strictly modern
minods in curing all such diseases
as catarrh constipation rheumatism
paralysis asthma epilepsy gall
stones goitre indigestion chronic
and all deep seated diseases of the
nerves blood heart lungs bowels
kidneys liver and skin including all
diseases of men and women A pri
vate consultation and careful personal
examination will be absolutely free
whether you take treatment or not
If you have any chronic or long
standing trouble call on them and
take advantage of this free offer
The first ten curable cases that
will call will be treated free until
cured medicines excepted Their
object in coming to McCook and giv
ing this special offer is to quickly
place their treatment before the
chronic sufferers This offer is open
to all and no one is too rich or loo
poor to accept it for it is their
original method of placing their treat
ment before the public quickly
treatment is all home treatment sd
that frequent visits to the office1 are
not necessary This treatment may
be used in any home anywhere with
out inconvenience publicity or annoy
ance and without detaining the pa
tient from his or her usual occupa
While the doctors will not accept
any incurable cases for treatment
one should not give up hope simply
because their doctor has failed to
help them It must he remembered
that their method of treatment has
quickly cured many diseases- which
could not even he helped by other
doctors or medicines Remember the
date Thursday November 10 1910
Consult them while the opportunity
is at hand
IT- 1
i ffTvBSSaggg
his sale is unusual because of its coming just now at the opening of
the Fall Season at a time when ail are e dug FALL GARMENTS and
completing their winter wardrobe and h n furnishings
Extraordinary Sale of
Silks Satlos
in one big lot at 49c per yard
500 yards Mousseline Satin Majestic 19
inches wide worth regularly from 75c to
85c per ard too yards Persian Novelties
in a variety of colorings and a beautiful as
sorting Y SILKS for WAISTS
and DRESSES all are included
in this one big lot at - - t VC
ft pillar Changeable Suesines
which sell regularly for 50c go
into this sale at per yard
50c All Wool Plaids
which are so much in demand for childrens
dresses go into this sale for one
week at OVC
per yard - -
1 B
For this one week
we will place on sale
some special induce
ments in underwear
Boys Union Suits
Regular 65c and 75c gar
ments we will
sell for each n 5C
Girls Union Suits
A Special Fleece Lined Ribbed
Garment we will sell for each DC
Ladies Wool Underwear
A few odd garments that sold regularly for
100 we will close out during -
this sale at each - 5C
special Offerings of
Womens So its
Coats k i
With the season
successfully begun
we stand in an en
viable position in
being able to sat
isfactorily supply
any want in wo
mens wearing ap
parel Through
out our Ready-to-Wear
we combine style
quality of mater
ial superior work
manship and ex
cellent values at
whatever price
you desire to pa
A Special
Lot of
fey 11 fir 111
liljj lljl
ill li lift
Womens and ftftFQQPQ
Made of all wool Panama in the latest
style and design Colors Navy Green
Dark Red Brown Black and Gray A regu
lar 1500 Dress we will place on rt0
sale at ----- yyO
Childrens Gingham
Dresses for 175 2 and 250 each
Infants and Childs warm winter
Coats specially priced for this sale
at - 89c 99c and 109 each
Bear Skin Coats
All colors in ages 2 to 6 we sell
each - - p5
f jr -
Other specials which space prevents mentioning will be on sale during
this week and for anything you may need in winter merchandise it will
pay you to visit our store sometime or several times during these Seven
Days Oct 29 to Nov 5 inclusive
ITVT Of A MlDTC we are of fering special values at 50c 75c
Inl DLAIX JVC I O 100 150 200 and up to 600 per pair
Special Inducements in
Trimmed Millinery
will be on sale in this department during this entire
week and if you have not already purchased your Fall
and Winter Hats you will do yourself an injustice unless
you visit our Millinery department DURING THIS
Now is your opportunity Do
your buying at our store dur
ing this week of bargains
il H
Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings 222 Main Phone 56