The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 20, 1910, Image 8

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W r jfi I i yrrpa
b j jaAs3aaMfeV fefe Jf fa a izuLZ
which sta
vocating as applied to the state of
Nebraska and Omaha in particular
We believe that personal liberty is
best represented by one who believes
in the will of a majority honestly ex
pressed at the polls
And that laws should be adminis
tered on all alike regardless of
years by W J Bryan so many of j tion or creed Omaha Labor Advo
which have been adopted by Theo
dore Ucosevelt and tLe insurgent
leaders But I cannot feel that Dahl
man has any claim on my support for
these reasons
1 Ke is a candidate today because
Governor Shallenberger signed the
eight oclock closing law The brew
er have punished Shallenberger be-
rtiuso he did what three fourths ofd
t i people ol io state commended
i i cr doin The issue is
j people or the brewers shall
-- Ic ringing on a ilatform of
kk c u and not on the state plat
inr htjli endorsed Shallenbergers
nl tatio v2 eight oclock clos
I believe in county option which
iz o allow the people to express their
will on further regulation of the li
quor traffic and is not prohibition
He is making his campaign against
county option or the rule of the ma
4t He was nominated by the aid
of over fifteen thousand republican
votes and had only one third the num
ber of democratic votes cast for
I am writing this letter to urge
every democrat who wants the party
to keep its good name of democracy
and decency to actively oppose the
domination of the brewers and cor
porations This is -a crisis in the
history of the state and true patriot
ism demands that every man work
for his convictions
Chester H Aldrich for Governor
The Labor Advocate stands square
ly for Aldrich for governor Our rea
sons are based upon the policy of the
American Federation of Labor Sup
port your friends defeat your ene
Because Aldrich has a record made
in three months as a legislator ex
celled by no man in the United States
in tho passage of laws effecting the
common people Because he stands
From the county attorneys printed
letter last week to the effect that even
though i was necessary to have oth
er attorneys do his work as long as
they were not paid out of the county
treasury it made no difference to the
tax payers it might be inferred that
the fees of the attorneys who con
ducted the only criminal cases that
have been successfully prosecuted dur
ing his term were paid by him but
in each instance where a criminal case
has been won the attorneys who did
the real work of conducting the case
were paid by those interested in ob
taining a conviction Taxes are paid
in order that the county attorney
may draw a salary for furnishing legal
services to the county and it is not
fair that in each criminal case which
may arise during the next two years
some of the tax payers should be
compelled to pay out their hard
earned money in addition to their
taxes to employ other attorneys to do
that work to the same extent as if
there was no salary paid to the coun
ty attorney In this connection it
might be reiterated that 75000 of
the fines collected during his term
was from cases he tried to dismiss
and which would not have been ob
tained by the county had he not been
prevented from dismissing them If
the county attorneys office is to be
considered only as an institution to
make money for the county it is well
to remember that even if his own fig
ures are taken as correct and no
account -taken of the expenses of
prosecutions still the amount collect
ed in fines is less than his salary
But all the campaign talk about
economy Is an attempt to divert the
attention of the voters from the real
issue as to whether Red Willow
county shall haye as county attorney
one who Is a competent thoroughly
educated and experienced lawyer
who has been a successful practition
er ever since his graduation or one
who in the language of a member of
out openly as the champion of the his own part7
nd up un
CLOTHES to the severest test
of the season
Wet them through in a fall
rain storm
Muddy them in a drive over
muddy roads
Stretch knee and elbow in a
railroad trip and see how they
stand up under such treatment
compared with other clothes that
you may have known
STEIN BLOCH know how
to build and tailor clothes not only to
look stylish and to fit but to wear
Prices 20 to 30
Other Suits from
1250 to 2500
est B Street
Thayer County Democratic Leader people in face of all corporation in
Boits Dahlman
Hebron Neb Oct 6 To the Edi
fluences who are opposing him
Because we believe him to be sin-
tor of The Stale Journal The stand cere in the doctrine which he is ad-
taken by Dahlman leaves me only
one course tc pursue and that is to
work lor his defeat I am a demo
crat from my youth and now hold the
office of treasurer of Thayer county
as a democrat I believe in the prin
ciples of our early leaders and especi
ally thoc contended for in recent
enough to know how to start ahy
cases so that he could make the
county any expense The county at
torney is not the banker for the couil
ty He is elected with the tax payers
money to perform legal work for the
county When he fails or refuses to
perform that work there is an appar
ent economy but too often it is a
policy of penny wise and pound fool
Vote for U S Senator
It may not be necessary for us to
call attention of Tribune readers to
the importance of voting on the U
S senatorship but for fear some may
not understand the full importance of
the case we do so
A majority of all the legislative
nominees have signed Statement No
1 and agreed to elect senator the- man
who receives the most votes at the
polls Hence the Republican nomi
nee Senator E J Burkett must re
ceive a majority of the popular votes
So Republicans will and must re
alize the urgent necessity of voting
for Senator Burkett on November S
The more so too when the charac
ter of the fight being waged against
Senator Burkett is considered It is
one largely of misrepresentation
For instance it is stated the sen
ator voted against free lumber when
he led the fight for free lumber
That he voted to raise the shoe tariff
when nobody did and this scedule
was lowered from 25 to 10 That
he opposed putting farm implements
on the free list when the contrary
is the fact And it will be remem
bered that it was Senator Burketts
own amendment that reduced the tar
iff on barb wire from 27 to 750 per
ton notwithstanding the World-Herald
says he voted against reducing
this item to 8 a ton And so on
Vote for Burkett
McConnell for drugs
McMillen prescription druggist
Try McCook Business College
Coffee if you want the best Bee
MAGNER Phone 14
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
No progressive family should over
look the special arrangement with
The Weekly Inter Ocean and Fann
er whereby 125 pays for one years
does not know subscription to it and this paper
w Ss2J
x was I E
ffl JpL i li J
McCook Nebr
Everything in drugs McConnell
Heinz pickles and vinegar
MAGNERS Phone 14
150 acres of good wheat land for
rent Mrs S E Christian Ash 3682
The best I ever used is what
they say after using Pure Gold flour
MAGNERS Phone 14
McConnelFs holiday display in Gan
schow building cor Main avenue and
B street
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
Get your carpet cleaned with vac
uum cleaner 9 ft x 12 ft rug 35c
Or 3c sq yd Phone black 74
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
I Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
Isnt it worth 100 a year rental of
a safe deposit box in the first Na
tional Bank to know that your valu
able papers are safe
Dr Warrick the specialist will
meet eye ear nose and throat pa
tients at the Commercial hotel in Mc
Cook Friday November 4 Glasses
The ladies of the Christian church
will serve a chicken pie dinner and
an oyster supper Oct 27 in the hall
over the old Model shoe store They
will also have for sale several nice
quilts aprons etc
The Rogers orchestra provided the
music for the Burkett meeting Tues
day evening It was an appreciated
feature of the meeting requiring no
small sacrifice on the part of the
musicians who live several miles out
of the city
candidate for governor and other
prominent men will address the vo
ters of McCook on the issues Satur
day Oct 22nd at 8 p m in the Ma
sonic Temple A cordial Invitation
is extended to
and hear them
vited Adv
every one to come
Ladies especially in-
Kodaks and kodak supplies
Connell Druggist
Womens Misses and Childrens Outfitters
I i V H vr Stirs 1 i - tfw j -51 Jl
I Wmm wlf fm m
Wtea 3 m0
Ml lift I 1 i MB mtehm
m it J i ill II I
i uonuju SSiO i lliHTCJ IM li C H K uJl ft d35 jd
Our styles in Coats Suits
and Dresses are as usual the most
beautiful in our city In addition
to constantly carrying the most
attractive lines of high class gar
ments at from 3500 to 12500
we also show at all times the
most beautiful styles in the more
practical lines
Such elegant garm
ents of such choice ma
terials and such high
grade workmanship at
500 1000
1500 2000and
can be found nowhere else
in flcCook
New York Styles Predominate
and are always chosen as the favorites among our large assortment although every well known
and popular make or manufacture will be found in our stock If you do not find a perfect fit
Our Ladies Tailoring Department is at Your Service
where we furnish you 268 different fabrics of the latest pat
terns and shades which we will have made to your own in
dividual measure in any style you may select and deliver
Your Garment in Two Weeks guaranteeing a perfect fit
and absolute satisfaction Give us an early call and make
your selection while our stocks are complete
Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings 222 Main Phone 56
California Orange Blossom honey at
MAGNERS Phone 14
For a ready-to-eat lunch try spagh
MAGNERS Phone 14
Local wedding chimes are being
tuned up for a brace of weddings
about November first
Theres less danger of contracting
colds and other diseases if your blood
is right
purifies and enriches the blood
promptly Price 100
Advertisement for Bids
Notice is hereby given that sealed
proposals will be received at the of
fice of the county clerk of Red Wil
low county Nebraska at McCook
Nebraska for the construction and
erection of the super structure the
sub structure and approaches and for
the furnishing of materials in con
nection with the same for all steel
and wooden bridges to be built in
said Red Willow county Nebraska
within one year from the 16th day of
November A D 1910 said bids to
be for the super structure of all said
bridges per lineal foot for the super
structure of all such approaches per
lineal foot for all piling used in the
sub structure of all such bridges and
approaches and for all caps sway
braces and other wood material used
in the sub structure of such bridges
and approaches per foot board meas
ure according to the plans and speci
fications in the county clerks office
of said county
Each bid must be accompanied by
50000 in cash or a certified check
for said amount payable to Chas
Skalla county clerk to be forfeited
to the county in case bidder refuses
to enter into contract with the coun
ty with proper bond if same is
awarded to him and must be filed on
or before noon central standard time
Hon Jas C Dahlman Democratic on the 16th day of November 1910
Said bids will be opened at 2 oclock
p m central standard time Novem
ber 16 1910
The board of county commission
ers reserve the right to reject any or
all bids
CHAS SKALLA County Clerk
First publication Oct 20 1910 4t
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