The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 20, 1910, Image 3

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Wfcr v j
-in r
V Ufl
l JV
B H Kh rf
The use of alum and salts of alumina in j W I ijtersi JLW
food ahould bo prohibited 1 ft j mKJ
Pro TToodL Harvard Univ ff fWlili
K flf TfV I S
shim ma vWra
A Medicine That Does Not Cost Any
thing Unless It Cures
The active medicinal ingredients of
Rexall Orderlies which are odorless
tasteless and colorless is an entirely
new discovery Combined with other
extremely valuable ingredients it
forms a perfect bowel regulator in
testinal invigorator and strengthened
Hexall Orderlies art eaten like candy
and are notable for their agreeable
hess to the palate and gentleness of
action They do not cause griping or
any disagreeable effect or inconven
Unlike other preparations for a like
purpose they do not create a habit
but instead they overcome the cause
of habit acquired through the use of
ordinary laxatives cathartics and
harsh physic and permanently remove
the cause of constipation or irregular
bowel action
We will refund your money without
argument if they do not do what we
say they will Two sizes 25c and
10c Sold only at our store The
Rexall Store L W McConnell
After you have read all the local
country news in this paper how plea
sant to have The Weekly Inter Ocean
and Fanner at hand to give you the
happenings of the outside world 12
pays for both one year
Received on Account Paic
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
his is ihc IabcL
Its parity wholesome
siess and superior
leavening qualities
are never questioned
Fifty Years the Standard
If I j
Advertised List
1 i ifflllMA If If
McCook Neb Oct 14 1910
Stewart Mr R R Wittenbrook Mrs
J D Wright
Mr and Mrs J R Huigman Miss
Maybelle Hasking Mr Roger Ibsen
Claude Lutz Miss Bessie Smith
WThen calling for these please say
they were advertised
LON CONE Postmaster
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filingi
office since our last report
James Halleck et ux to Jos
Malleck wd to ne qr w hf
se qr 33-3-27 1500 00
Wilson H Hartman et ux to
U S Investment Co wd to
ne qr 17-1-30 2300 00
Joseph Morris Sr to Joseph
Morris Jr et al lease to
9 in 51 Indianola
William M Spitler et ux to
Monroe Henderson wd to
sw qr 17-1-30 2000 00
boms m
d Anther
Some New Publications
Attracting Attention
X Dr Charles V
Eliots new
book The Du
rable Satisfaction
of Life we have
a volume of charm
ing essays The ti
tle indicates that it
is the lasting pleas
ures of life for
which he seeks
those pleasures that grow rather than
pall by repetition and cause man to
say when comes the time of dimmed
eyes and whitened locks not All is
vanity and vexation of spirit but It
is good to have lived But he empha
sizes the necessity of cultivating the
faculty of enjoyment as one goes
along The best way to secure future
happiness is to be as happy as is right
j fully possible today And together
j with this it is necessary to realize how
t common to all average men and wom
en are the great the most important
sources of human happiness Neither
great riches nor much leisure he
points out can add a great deal to the
possibilities of the fullest satisfactions
in living
Among these possibilities he gives
onlmr in1 IrlnL lncr rndivu rllln rwn I
nition Taking food and drink says
the president emeritus of Harvard is
a great enjoyment for healthy people
and those who do not enjoy eating
The following letters cards and dom hilve mucb capacity for enjoy
packages remain uncalled for at the
Mr Jim Diel Mr Hawley Drum
Mr Robert Fralick H H Humphrey
ment or usefulness of any sort But
iKJtf5jggBgi3 thing from lifting weights on earth to
EHgTgEL feKAjLKilJBpyr3
Here is where you find it
The Clothcraft Label
Means All Wool
OU always find the Clothcraftiabel inside
the Coat Collar as shown above and
the makers7 signed guaranty in the right
inside coat pocket
This Guaranty which we also give you on our
own responsibility insures you pure all wool clothes
the Clothcraft non breakable coat front first class
trimmings and workmanship and the longest wear
ing quality
Think of it An absolutely pure all wool suit
styles designed by fashion authorities who keep the
keynote of good taste throughout shape that lasts
the life of the clothes at 10 to 25
You could search the town over and not find any
thing else approaching such an offering Why do
it when your Clothcraft suit is waiting for you
here with the guaranty
rol ClotKer
G lO to
His eyes alone Mill give him a life
worth living
Some years ago Colonel John Jacob
Astor was known as the millionaire
society man Then he went into pol
itics and the word politician appeared
after his name Later on he gave us
many clever and useful inventions and
we called him the millionaire inventor
But now that his
book A Journey
Into Other Worlds
is attracting so
have been made in tho county clerks much attention
will probably be
called the million
aire author until he
makes his mark in
some other field
Tho vnlnmo b
flight of fancy in
which the author
tells of the triumphs
of science and the colonel ASTon
wonders to come
Astor wrote
In my book I assumed the discovery
of a force counteracting gravitation
We know that magnets can repel as
All grades of Oxford flour and
easy as they attract aQ1 tuut tfae
each sack guaranteed at the McCook eartn is a great magnet x COined a
Flour and Feed Store word apergy for this gravitational
mmmmmm g counterpart With apergy if we could
produce it we could do almost any-
a trip to the moon or farther if prop
erly equipped Think what emancipa
tion from gravitation if we could neu
tralize that ancient force would mean
to the aeroplane It would need no
wings could carry as much weight as
the aviator wished and the engine
would be needed only for propulsion
With tremendous speed
would not be difficult As a falling
body drops sixteen feet the first sec
ond thirty two the next sixty four the
next and so on so the speed would
increase in geometrical progression
with repulsion equaling gravitation as
we happen to find it but if we could
make the earth repel at all there is no
reason why this should not be in
creased so that soon we should acquire
cometary velocity
Now said the doctor I am go
ing to show you the effect of alcohol
upon your circulation I think it was
circulation he said it may have been
This is one of the
opening para
graphs in the very
last story that O
Henry wrote He
completed It only
a few days before
his death and he
got the material
from his experi
ences in seeking
relief from the
very illness that
was fatal to him
Like the very last line of one of his
deep whimsical stories were the last
conscious words he said It was dark
on Sunday morning and be knew that
he was going Turn on the lights
doctor he said and smiled Im
afraid to go home in the dark
The last volume of stories from O
Henrys pen was gone over by him not
a month before his death These sto
ries will be published soon under the
title of Whirligigs In less than ten
years this man became the most popu
lar and the best short story writer In
America He left behind him ten vol
is the Limelight
Writers Whose Works Are
Being Talked About
parts of
T h e V a r -mint
O w e n
John s o n s new
book will make
you yearn to be a
hchoolboy a ga i n
while other chap
ters if you put
yourself in Dinks
place will make
you glad that your
college days are
over for Dink
whose real name
John Humperdiuk
Stover has a
mighty hard time
of it when he tirst enters the academy
No sooner does he reach the school
than he is taught to treat the other
boys with the greatest respect and
when finally allowed to go to his room
he is greeted by his roommate as fol
Well Stover how are you How
did you leave mother and the chick
ens My names White Mr White
please Im most particular
How do you do Mr White said
Stover recovering some of his com
Tli ores vnnr kennel sjiiiI Rntsot
ample i ieisure to the satisfactions of j white inijeating the bed The wash
sense Een such humble delights as troiicrhs over there baths down the
corridor Do you snore
What said Stover taken aback
Oh never mind If you do Ill cure
you said White encouragingly
The story is on the whole our best
American Tom Brown at Rugby
and it carries a strong undercurrent
of far more importance are the pleas- making for honor and justice and all
n c tn ho pn npi tiirmiT tip pto mul manly virtues There are some excit
-v - e 0
the ear The whole outward world
is the kingdom of the observant eye
He who enters into any part of that
Mr George Hunt Mr Henry Hein kingdom to possess it has a store of
3 R M Miller Mrs Veara Pierce pnre enjoyment in life which is liter
Miss Emma Snaw Mrs William ally inexhaustible and immeasurable
mg tootnaii incidents tnat win deiignt
the lovers of the sport
Sewell Ford whose new book Just
Horses is being so well received
spent his vacation at Christmas Cove
on the Maine coast While there Ue
j conducted some original research work
whose results led him to report the
i following
I regret to alarm any government
bureaus or disturb the summer quiet
of scientific bodies but the truth must
he told There are no more fish in thr
Atlantic ocean It is useless to con
front me with statistics Fish commis
sioncrs must hold
I t Ii f i p i i Ii a n f
1 JW w
course and I can
hardly blame them
for supporting as
long as they can
the popular fiction
that cod halibut
etc still inhabit
i these waters But
1 1 have been out and
seen for myself
1 Something ought to
be done about it
J8L -
too I dont know just what but I
should suggest a court of inquiry
Aud while the proper officials are
In writing of his work recently Colonel j auout lue - luu
lace oi tue saiu ocean 11 is a uiusi
uneven surface to travel over full of
wretched little bumps and hollows
that well a few hours experience
with that sort of going fills me with
mixed emotions Perhaps fills is not
the exact word for when you have
started out after quite a satisfactory
breakfast started buoyantly and trust
ingly and indeed by but let bygones
be bygones Anyway its a perfectly
punk ocean without any fish in it
Mr Fords new book is a companion
volume to Horses Nine It is most
entertaining and should be read by
owners of horses who thoughtlessly
often feel inclined to part lightly with
their humble and useful friends after
they have served their turn There
is a sympathetic note that runs
through the pages and betrays in the
author a kind fellow feeling for mans
four footed friends
Many good stories are going the
rounds about James Whitcomb Riley
the Hoosier poet who was stricken
with paralysis recently One of his
queer traits has always been an un
willingness to tell his own age He
always looked hurt when it was men
tioned by anybody
else In response
to a request for
an autobiography a
few years ago he
The unhappy sub
ject of this sketch
was born so long
ago that he per
sists in never re
ferring to the date
Citizens of his na
tive town of Green
field Ind while
warmly welcoming his advent were
no less demonstrative some few years
since to speed the parting guest It
seems in fact that as they came to
know him better the more resigned
they were to give him up He was ill
starred from the very cradle it ap
One day when but a todlet he
climbed unseen to an open window
where some potted flowers were
ranged and while leaning from his
high chair far out to catch some dain
ty gilded butterfly perchance he lost
his footing and with a piercing shriek
fell headlong to the graveled walk be
low and when an instant later the af
frighted parents picked him up he was
he was a poet
ra LT1 I business directory
iiutu cue uaottci BUlipci 111 lilt Iiail
here Saturday nisrht i
S W Stilgebouer and wife C M DUNCAN
to Omaha Tuesday night to see
their son Will who is in a hospital
Wayne Hethcote is working on the
dray line
Mr and Mrs Rea Oman are the
the proud parents of a baby girl bom
Saturday Oct 15
The new professor for the high
school arrived Saturday to take up
Mrs W J Stilgebouer and son Ce
cil came home from Bartley Mon
Dr Strain of Oberlin Kans was a
visitor here Tuesday
There will be a total eclipse of the
moon visible here Nov 16th
Gecrge Sayer of Cambridge was
ovei Tuesday he is a candidate for
Stii Senator 29th district
il Moss came home Saturday
lom Marion where he has been
E E Holdrige returned home Fri
iiy from Omaha -ere he acooc
pan led his who goes on
to icwa
Jacob Wescii sold and delivered a
bunch of young cattle to A T Macey
last week
13 W Benjamin went to McCook
on business Saturday
A number of people from here at
tended the Weeks and Kelly trial
Chas Wesch John Rowland Will
Reed A L Harris are all going to
Harvard this state to husk corn
Edwin Kennedy from Cedar Bluffs
Kans was out to do some overhaul
ing on Wesch Bros engine one day
last week
John Carfield has rented his fath
ers place and will put same to wheat
this fall
J H Phelps was here to visit John
Wesch from Colorado he reports the
crops very fine out there He owns
a quarter of land twenty miles west
of St Francis Kans across the line
in Colorado
The farewell dance at G W Sig
wings was well attended Friday
Most of the people are busy sowing
wheat now days
Relph and Everist were in this vi
cinity buying cattle one day last
Something special The Weekly
Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa
per 125 for one year Ask us what
it means
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Elisha A Dodge late of Red
Willow county Nebraska
You are hereby notified that on the
eighteenth day of October 1910 Myr
tle Hartman filed her petition in the
county court of said county for her
appointment as administratrix of the
estate of Elisha A Dodge late of
said county deceased and that the
same will be heard at the county
court room in the city of McCook in
said county on the eleventh day of
November 1910 at nine oclock in
the forenoon It is further ordered
that notice of said hearing be given
all parties interested in said estate
by the publication of this notice for
three successive weeks in the McCook
Tribune a newspaper printed pub
lished and circulating in said county
Dated this eighteenth day of Octo
ber 1910
Seal County Judge
Ritchie Wolff attorneys for
Myrtle Hartman
First publication October 20 1910 3t
Absolutely Pure
The only taking powder
made from Royal Grape
Oream of Tartar
HoMm ll Lf n Phosphate
- ftffeSflr
Surgeon and
All chronic diseases treated with
Lady attendant in office
Phone 26
I Office in residence third block east
uverist oi ueaar uiuns was-
f TempIe theatre
a uusiness visitor Tuesday
Mrs W T Henton and two daugh
ters came up from Beaver City Sat
urday to visit home folks
Agent McClintock went down to Le-
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
banon to work in the depot during Phones Office 363 residence
the absence of Mr Malloy 217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple
building McCook Neb
Phone 55
Office over Electric Theatre on
Main Ave
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Me
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsb
building McCook
Phone 37S
Room 4 Postoffice building Mc
Cook Neb
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic temple
McCook Neh
Phone 190
Office over McAdams store Mo
Cook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in offices
McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and oJ
McCook Water Works Co Office in
Postoffice building McCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCook
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted Fine re
pairing McCook Neb
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods of quality
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasement
Postoffice building
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 302 over Woodworths drug
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculture says that the unbound
ed prosperity of the agriculturist is
not due to ehance but is the result o
Ocean and Farmer has placed before
intelligent scientific business met
hods A reader of The Weekly Inter
him each week the practical and ap
proved methods to which Secretary
Wilson refers It is a good invest
ment Only 125 for The Weekly In
ter Ocean and Farmer and this paper
one year
McCook Tribune 100 a year