The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 29, 1910, Image 4

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    CMMi if gTC3K3ggCJ
fjilH M w4l
ttliJI I-
Iwetiij Bigtt
Pci salj by
All Examinations ana Consultation I
Wppklv in fala COUIuy
FREE Charges low Quick Cures I
Call or write for booket P O liis 224 J C
Office hours 9 to 1JS0 l to 4 mnts 7 to a
l v
It ill a
u I jvmli iiipt
1308 O St
Drs Searles Searles u0
1 T
t - irr
I 7
m ii
7S 12
V -
J u
ill I
Delicate children can be made strong and vigorous by
eating this food daily The only food ever made com
bining Wheat Rice Oats and Barley Just give it a
trial Ask your Grocer
YOU TAKE NO RISK Tie Pacific Monthlys Special Intro-
I ductory Offer
Our Reputation and Money are Back Pacific Monthly of Portland
of This Offer i Oregon is a beautifully illustrated
We pay for all the medicine used
during the trial if our remedy fails
to completely relieve you of con
stipation We take all the ris k You
are not obligated to us in any way
whatever if you accept our offer
Could anything be more fair for you
Is there any reason why you shoud
hesitate to put our claims to a prac
tical test
The most scientific commonsense
treatment is Rexall Orderlies which
are eaten like candy They are very
pronounced gentle and pleasant in
action and particularly agreeable in
every way They do not cause diar
rhoea nausea flatulence griping or
any inconvenience whatever Rexall
Orderlies are particularly good for
children aged and delicate persons
We urge you to try Rexall Oderlies
at our risk Two sizes 10c and 25c
Remember you can get Rexall Rem
edies in this community only at our
tore The Rexall Store L W Mc
Received on Account Tald
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
Subscribe for the Tribune
Searles Searles
lb years in Lincoln
Chronic and
Nervous Diseases of
Men and Women
Gall Stones Piles
removed wittiuiu an
oDeratlon All dis
eases of the Nose Throat Ljngj Stum
ach Bowels Liver Rheumatism Stric
xure Variocelo Kidney and Bladder
AH Diseases and Disorders oi Kea
monthly magazine which gives very
full information about the resources
and opportunities of the country ly
ing West of the Rockies It tells
all about the Government Reclama
tion Projects free Government land
and tells all about the districts adapt
ed to fruit raising dairying poultry
raising etc It has splendid stories
by Jack London and other noted au
The price is 150 a year but to in
troduce it we will send six months for
fifty cents This offer must be ac
cepted on or before February 1
1911 Send your name and address
accompanied by fifty cents in stamps
and learn all about Oregon Washing
ton Idaho and California 29 44
Address The Pacific Monthly Port-
jland Oregon
Safe Medicine for Children
Foleys Honey and Tar is a safe
ind effective medicine for children as
t does not contain opiates or harm
ul drugs Get only the genuine Fol
eys Honey and Tar in the yellow
ackage A McMillen
In the county court of Red Willow
county Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Hi
am Phillippi deceased
To all persons interested in said
Whereas on this 22nd day of Sep
tember 1910 R D Rodgers filed his
petition in this court praying for an
order and decree of said court dis
pensing with the administration of
the estate of Hiram Phillippi late of
said county deceased
It is ordered that said petition be
heard at the county couit room in
the City of McCook in said county o
the 15th day of October 1910 at the
hour of one oclock p m and that
notice of said hearing bo given to all
persons interested in said estate by
the publication of this order for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing in the McCook Trib
une a legal newspaper published
Seal County Judge
First published Sept 22 1910 4t
tv your bov an ovr oa
ie a now while the assort
ment is complete You can
get a bitter selection of pzt
tri c d you can take vovr
time ad
y ou ant
out just what
The line of Ioys School Overcoats we
zzn show2 this Fall are made by Daubo
Ji hn Z Co of Chicago vho also mako
tlii vorld iarnous Hercules Suits for Boys
Yea will IrA these overcoats the best
valuj for the noney you hae ever seen
Made to stand wintei service and at the
sTe time being right up-to-date on style
Let us show them to you
AS - -
HcCook Nebraska
Seat 28th te Oct 8th 1910
EciSaeiilaj Sitft
Oct 6
Tkareftr ifltmsi
Frifiij KiO
Oct 7
Grand Military Maneuvers Every Bay by U S Regular Troops
Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesdaj
it 8 p in Meets now in the north
east corner cf co rc hoase basement
Catholic Order of services Mass
800 a m Mass and sermon 1000
a m Evening service at 800 Sun
day school 230 p m
Episcopal Hob Communion at 730
a m Sunday school at 1000 a m
Morning prayer and sermon at 1100
a m Evening prayer and address
at 800 p m
MethoJist Preaching by the pas
roi at 11 a m and 815 p m Sun
Jay sci ct 1 at 10 a m Epworth
League at 715 p m
Congregational Sunday school at
1000 a m Preaching at 1100 a m
thoroughly scours and polishes bright
Mrs Jacob Wilmert Lincoln 111
found her way back to perfect health
She writes I suffered with kidney
trouble and backache and my appetit
was very poor at times A few
weeks ago I got Foleys Kidney Pills
and gave them a fair trial They
gave me great relief so continued
till now I am again in perfect health
A McMillen
For bowel complaints in children
always give Chamberlains Colic Cho
lera and Diarrhoea Remedy and cas
tor oil It is certain to effect a cure
and when reduced with water and
sweetened is pleasant to take No
physician can prescribe a better rem
edy For sale by all dealers
As usually treated a sprained an
kle will disable a man for three or
four weeks but by applying Cham
berlains Liniment freely as soon as
injury is received and observing the
directions with eacli bottle a cure
can be effected in from two to four
days For sale by all dealers
A Noble Heart
His Wife 2 a m Still working
dear The great author Yes Ive
just finished my four hundred and
fiftieth only unpublished poem You
see I want to leave enough so that
the family and all my friends will be
able to live comfortably after I die
Diarrhoea is always more or le
prevalent during September Be pte
pared for it Chamberlains Cohc
Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy is
prompt and effectual If can always
be depended upon and Is pleasant- to
take For sale by all dealers
- - TheFlrst Spat
She If I had known that
would scold I sever would have
ried you He if I had knowi
you woum marry me I would
scolded Vlk
m a
i bave
And Progress
n Spam
HE straightest tip about the
Carlists of Spain is that they
uever can come hack They
have been trying it for seventy-five
years but with a Jeffries tinish
all the time The present representa
tive of the Carlists is Don laime anil
he is trying to take advantage of the
I disagreement between the king and the
Vatican to manufacture a little siih
revolution in favor of niniselt Don
Jaime is too nice and proper a pre
tender ever to overturn a dynasty He
uever gets further than pronunciation
It was even so with his ancestors
Endeavor at 700 p m Preaching at One of them did manage to pull off
i00 p m Prayer meeting at 800
m Wednesday
R T BAYNE Pastor
some kind of an inconsequential revo
lution but it uever got anywhere
That was the first Don Carlos Since
then the pretenders have been pre-
tptiriprs nnrl nnthlnp mnrp Kvon whon
Evangelical Lutheran Regular Ger
declared nerself for
Span a republic a
nan preaching services in church ywir aud a day tne carlists were en
orner of E and 6th street east tlrely inefficient and let the regular
ry Sunday morning at 1030 All reigning house return to power when
iermans cordially invited
A Satisfactory Cleaner
How would you like to do all the
housework in half the time and with
lalf the effort You can do it and
n a way that is much better and more
enerally satisfactory An easy way
chat gets right down and takes the
ii off better than the ordinary way
J cld fashioned cleanser Old Dutch
Cleanser is the modern cleanser Try
It and see It cleans quickly scrubs
the republican dream was over From
all indications it will be the same in
the present instance Don Jaime will
write letters to his followers nice
ladylike letters they will be but Al
fonso XIII will continue to he the
royal noise around old Madrid
The pteseut situation m Spain has
several points of Interest for Ameri
cans aside from the fact that it is a
step in the direction of the separation
of church and state One is that Gen
eral Weyler of Spanish reconcentrado
fame has figured in it to some extent
as a preserver of order Another is
that Cardinal Merry del Val the man
who was charged with having handled
ly Use it in all your cleaning for the Vatican end of the Roosevelt inci
wooduork all kinds of floors and dent is also charged by the Spanish
painted walls cutlery and glassware
and throughout the house Contains
neither caustics acids alkali nor grit
and its uses are unlimited
Bread in Politics
Fnm the dais of Joseph down the
em well populated countrj which
Vtd enough gram to satisly its own
eonsuirers was Egypt rich neyona
the record of any other soil this side
of Paradise Ferrero in his history
of Rome shows the transcendent po
litical importance of corn In all times
Feed your people king or demagogue
else they will overthrow you For
masses from firfht anMiiity to
most recent days there Ms never
be n any torch of dissatisfaction re
bellion and anaichy like a shortage of
It m possible that the worlds fu
ture suppiy of paper pulp will be de
rived fron the bamboo forests of the
tropics instead of being drawn from
the forests of the temperate zones
Successful experiments have been
made in Japan pointing in that direc
tion A company has obtained a per
petual lease of 8000 acres of bam
boo forest in Formosa enough to pro
vide GOO tons a month
r 7N
government with having been the man
responsible for the break between the
holy see and Spaiu The third is that
i King Alfonsos progressiveness fear
lessness and democratic attitude have
rather appealed to Americans and they
are taking notice ou his account Then
too we have felt a sort of
mous and friendly concern in all things
done by Spain ever since the Spanish
American war
One of the reasons for the new at
titude in the land of the dons is the
growth of the labor movement This
cause has worked a change in every
European country and while it has
not so profoundly affected Spain as it
has France Germany and some of the
smaller nations Its Influence there has
been distinctly felt Moreover the
spirit of modernism the same spirit
that has been felt in Russia and even
in Turkey is present in Spain The
movement for separation of church
and state which won out in Germanic
and Anglo Saxon nations centuries
ago is now sweeping through the
Latin countries Italy led the way
France recently followed and now
Spain is falling in line This is the
real meaning of the present Spanish
On the crest of this progressive wave
Don Jaime Hashes as a piece of wreck
age He is a recrudescence an an
achronism a relic of the past a a
royal pretender He has about aa
much chance to regain the throne of
his ancestors as the various French
pretenders have to re establish mon
archy in France Many things have
been at work in Europe during the
past few decades things that have
transformed the thought of the na
tions Democracy liberalism mod
ernism socialism the labor cause and
a general wave of enlightenment have
touched every land and have made at
least the beginnings of a new order
Nevertheless if a revolution were to
break out in Spain Don Jaime might
become an incident in the struggle
provided he has enough real stamina
to project himself into the situation at
all There are many Carlists in Spain
and it is altogether possible that tha
reactionaries of al shades might bH
rallied under his banner in ine
Basque provinces he is strong but tLe
Basque provinces are poverty stricken
and thinly peopled
Methods of the Kirg of England In
Transacting Business
No advertisement in more valuable
to a British tradesman than the roil
warrant which allow linn to place the
royal arms over his place of business
and describe himself as purveyor by
appointment to his majesty the king
Each tradesman who has the royal
custom in Iks t send in his hill at the end
of the month It is compared with his
ledger account kept at Marlborough
House aud if correct is paid in the
first week of the month No discount
is asked on any of the royal accounts
A tradesman who receives the royau
custom is informed that be must up
ply goods at the lowest reasonable
prices and there Is never any attempt
at bargaining by the official of the
royal household If a tradesman is
thought to be making extortionate
charges he simply loses the royal cus
Coal is supplied to Marlborough
House by contract the contracts be
ing made for three years and the con
tractors paid in equal half yearly pay
ments Window cleaning carpet clean
ing and chimney sweeping are all done
by contract and the glass frames of
large pictures are also kept clean by
Servants wages are paid monthly
the upper servants being paid by check
sent to each from the treasurers de
partment The kings accounts for
clothes cigars theaters newspapers
books and other personal articles are
sent to his secretary not the treasurer
and are also paid monthly Toronto
One of the Enigmas of Nature That
Science Cannot Solve
Human beings know only a twe
skin of the surface of the earth trot
more than thirty miles deep while the
globe is 8000 miles in diameter Thee
is probably no oxygen at all below
thirty miles and it is difficult to gut
what are the elements within Prob
ably the heaviest elements form a
dense core near the center
It is in some respects astonishing
most alarming that we are so cou
pletely devoid of any direct knowledge
of the constituents of the vast mass
of globe beneath us and really only
know the merest film A skin or mem
brane oue twentietb of an inch In
thickness the thickness of kid or
brown paper spread over a ball a li
tle more than a foot in diameter repre
sents the proportion between the
the known crust of the earth thirty
miles thick and the great globe itself
We are dependent on inference and
speculation for our notions as to the
constitution of all that is beneath the
mere skin of thirty miles thickness
on the globes surface Even what Is
thrown up by the bigsrest volcanoes
does uot come from below this deptti
or tell us what lies hidden there Ex
Helter Skelter
Helter skelter has been sugges
tively defined as a jingling expression
vaguely imitating the hurried clatter
of feet rapidlv and irregularly moved
Most dictionaries however led astray
probably by the ordinary orthomaphy
have unseed the true et mology ot this
phrase It lioiild be belter Uelter
Helter is an old word for bang
probably connected with halter and
kelter is used by old writers in tho
sene of order or the proper state
Thus Barrow the divine says If th
organs of prayer be out of kelter how
can we pray Helter skelter there
fore is literally hang order and
means Oh hang order let us do it
or let it take its chance Ben Jon
son in Every Man In His Humor
writes Helter skelter hang sorrow
care 11 kill a cat and Shakespeare-
using it to express rush and hurry
says Heller skelter have 1 rode to
Horseradish as a Vegetable
In Germany horseradish is frequent
ly made into an excellent cooked vege
table which goes particularly well with
boiled mutton or chicken fricassee In
is made as follows Grate as usun
and stew rill tender in butter mix well
with grated Parker House rolls one
cuptul of the latter to three of the
horseradish and boil up once more
adding a heaping teaspoonful of sugar
Served with very firmly jellied cur
rant jelly scooped out with a teaspoon
and laid in solid little ovals like a
wreath round the white mound of
horseradish this delectable dish looks
almost as good as it tastes Subur
The Attraction
Tourist I must confess that 1 cant
see why so many people want to come
here no scenery no amusements no
good things to eat absolutely no at
tractions Innkeeper Ah signor zey
come because we ave ze gr ran label
to stick on ze luggage Mexican Her
The upward sweep of civilization is
not unlike the rising of the incoming
tide It advances and recedes buteacn
advance carries humanity to a hlgner
altitude than it had reached before
B O Flower
Insulting a Humorist
Did you write this joke
1 did
Well what are you laughing at
Aint it a good joke Toledo Blado
The wise man Is cured of ambition
by ambition -La Bruyere
m jVFWBf mil I I rc - -
E4RHrrrbB7jk - y s
Avoid Caustic and Acid
OSd Dutch
This handy all round Cleans
er is entirely free from caustic
acid and alkali it is hygienic
ically It is not only the safest
but also the easiest and quickest
cleanser ever discovered for
Gleaning Scrubbing
Scouring Polishing
It is the only cleanser to use on millc
pails pans separators and on all cooking
utensils Use it for all cleaning through
out the house
How To Clean Windows The
Bast Way Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleans
er on a cloth or sponge just dampened
sufficiently to hold the powder without
dusting and apply to the glass rubbing
iisjut J ecu pousu
with a dry cloth and
a very little Old Dutch
Cleanser If the
above directions are
followed excellent re
sults will be secured
with less work than
by ordinary methods
or with other articles
Fire and Wind
Written in First Class
Flour Feed Main av
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnctt Lumber Co
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nehr
iocs wlxo cHzgii asxS 2a c
i Set T r