The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 22, 1910, Image 8

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Cash for Cream
E have appointed Mr D BDoyle of the
Bt e Hive More McCook as our agent at
that place He will leceivc weigh sam
plf test and issue checks in payment lor the cream
right in McCook so that you can deliver your
cream to him at the Bee Hive Store Main avenue
and get your check right in hand the same day you
deliver your cream
We guarantee honest weights and correct
tests and you know you will always receive cour
teous treatment If you are not already selling us
vour cream we solicit your cream deliveries
through Mr Doyle
JleMillen prescription druggist
Try McCook Business College
FAIRY REVEL at opera house
September 30th
Remember Miss Peck
think of fine millinery
when you
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
Avoid a cold by using McMillens
Cough cure and Cold Tablets on its
first appearance
they are to be had at Miss Pecks
nillinery store on west B street
Not the quality of our ladies hand
bars Also the prices
L W McCONNELL Druggist
You can send money to any part
of the old country with perfect safe
ty through the service of the First
Kational Bank
McConnells Fragrant Lotion for
ihaps and sunburn 25 cents
Kodaks Kodaks
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Quality and price courtesy and
yromptness in delivery are making
ior success at the McCook Flour and
Teed Store
Dr Warrick the specialist will
neet eye ear nose and throat pa
tients and those needing glasses prop
irly fitted at Commercial hotel in
HcCook Friday September 30th
Tou can take our headache cap
eiles without fear of a bad after ef
fid Cure any kind of headache
Trice 25 cents
L W McCONNELL Druggist
County Judge Williams reports that
x marriage license was issued Sep
lember 13th to Edward R Weather
Jord of McCook and Miss Grace May
jfarrison of Cornell Trenton Leader
A man wanted to send some money
to his old mother in Ireland He
rasnt sure the drafts from The First
National Bank could reach out into
tie little town so far away But she
nt the money promptly and without
asy red tape
McConnell fills prescriptions
September 30th
at opera house
Lily Patent Flour when once uset
none other will satisfy you
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
McMillen druggist sells pure mix-
Fine millinery and exclusive styles ed pamtSj varnishes and oils at the
right prices
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
If you feel you want to be shown
in the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Keystone flat pairt is so easy
use that any child can apply it
A McMILLEN Druggist
information on the subject of paint
Right drugs right prices compet
ent service
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The Intermission In Temple theatr
building for the Judge Norris 10c ci
jar and Novum Templum 5c smoke
Received on Account Paid
Jut Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
We know it to be a positive fact
that Lily Patent flour is the best
high patent flour in McCook Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The C W Way Co Hastings Ne I
braska will furnish you with plans
and specifications for any class of
buildings you wish to erect Ask
them for Information
For Rent
Two outside rooms in suit equipp
ed with gas range and partly fur
nished Fine for office or light house
keeping in Electric theatre building
When You are
Ready to Wire
that house see us we will 3b the job
right and at the right price its the
business we want not the profit on
We also have anything you want
in electric apparatus A five lb iron
for 390 it sells the world over at
500 the General Electric none as
McCook Electric Co
Phone 127
Cupids Capers
B F Johnson and Miss Elvia
Drescher both of Cedar Bluffs Kan
isas were niarrieJ by County Judge
Moore September 14 1910
Newman E Austin of Stevens
Frontier count and Miss Edna M
Coffey of Cedar Bluffs Kansas were
inarrieu by Couitj Juried Mcoe
September 3 1910
Frank Witt and Nora Harrington
were married by the county judge of
Detatu county Kansas oetember
5 lyio
FAIR j REEL at opera house
ja iuber 30th
Mrs O Wiles of Orleans is vis
iting McCook friends
Floyd Green departed Tuesday
for his ow in Montana
Jclm o smith of Coleman pre
cinct has moved to Vernon Colo
A R Scoit has sold his lately ac
quired resiuence to Mr Egbert
Miss Flora B Quick of Indianola
vas a city visitor Saturday last
Supt George E Lee of Arapahoe
vas a city visitor Friday Sunday
Mrs Kelley of Bartley was a shop
per in the valleys finest Saturday
Frank 1 ovvell of Indianola had bus
ness in te count s metropolis Sat
Carl Sawdon has returned to Fair
mont and rented a farm in that
Miss Emma Ryan was down from
Wauneta Monday doing some season
able suopping
Attorney J A Williams of Stock
pile niiii soiiie political business in
oitj last Saturday
Mrs L M Clyde arrived home
Tuesday from spending a few weeks
ivcciaiui opllJlgS MO
Miss Ethel Cumberland went down
to Geneva last Wednesday on a
visit to relatives and friends
Miss Flossie Ennis of Orleans ac
companied Miss Ploreuce Middleton
aone last week for a visit
A G Williams of the Stockville
Faber was in the city Saturday on
oome matters of political moment
Miss Edra Sovern of Wilsonville
has been visiting Mrs E W Sovern
of our city since early last week
Joseph Harr the Frontier county
insurance man has purchased the
Doan residence on 5th and D streets
S E Ralsten the Lebanon post
master and poultry prophet wag in
the city Wednesday between trains
F S Vahue who has boon closing
out a stoek ia Rosemont Nebraska
returned to the city first of the
George Green went down to Arapa
hoe Tuesday to enter the graduat
ing class of tile high school in that
Mrs F W Boswovth o Denver
arrived in the city Tuesday and is
1 guest of her daughter Mrs R J
Mrs LeRoy Kleven returned home
Monday night from spending a week
in York this state guest of Miss
Elva Barber
C W Kelley returned home last
Saturday from Excelsior Springs Mo
Mrs Kelley and son will arrive home
next Saturday
Mrs Chas D Witt of Elsie Neb
with her little boy have been here
since last week visiting the grand
father H H Mitchell
A P Elv and wife have moved to
Time to think of painting We ni i n i
i ivtu uiuuu iiiiu iv iix uu luaLcu uu tut
can give you useful and money saving
farm wUh Mrg E1 g motl Mrs
E B Smith Red Cloud Commercial
Dr and Mrs O E Robinson of
Yates Center Kansas were in the
the city Tuesday on their way home
from visiting his parents in Danbury
Roy Green of the Arapahoe high
school class of 1910 and Baxter Aus
tin of the same school and class de
parted Monday for Lincoln to enter
the state university
Will and Gurney Harmon went in
to Omaha last Friday to see their
mother who is in a hospital there
for treatment to her eyes which are
seriously impaired
Oscar Green left for Lincoln Mon
day morning to complete his course
in the scientific department of the
Nebraska university expecting to do
so in February He has been on
construction work in the west for
some time J
Rev and Mrs J A Badcon of Liv
ingston Montana spent Tuesday in
the city guests of former parishioners
Rev Badcon occupied the local pul
pit for several years He recently en
tered upon his fifth year in Living
ston They were bound Montanaward
from visiting in Chester this state
Dr and Mrs J A Toren depart
ed today for their future home
Chicago intending to make the jour
ney of approximately a thousand
miles in the doctors automobile The
doctor is a bright up-to-date young
man and will in time no doubt be able
to build up a lucrative practice in the
great city fourth in the world on
the great lake The doctor and wife
have many friends here who will join
in wishing them a safe journey and
success in their new home
FAIRY REVEL at opera house
September 30th
Mrs Belle Stephenson has return
ed from Denver
Mis Stiininetz is now clerking for
M L Ribhel
Miss Mamie Hughes is the guest of
her sister Mrs W C Euans
Mrs Hurley Djfe is a guest of her
parents Mr and Mrs Sam Garvey
Miss Margaret Thompson resumed
her studies in the state university
this week
Mrs J C Jennings of Hastings
this state is visiting her sister-in-law
Mrs M S Jennings
Rev Bryant Howe is in North Platte
this week attending conference leav
ing on Tuesday morning
Miss Emma Burrows arrived from
Fond du Lac Wis last evening and
will be the guest of her sister Mrs
Herman Fade
Mrs C M Bailey of Wymore came
up to her former home Tuesday on
business matters and to greet old
time friends
Messrs H L Kennedy E D Per
kins and J H Yarger went over to
North Platte this morning on some
conference business
Mr and Mrs Howe Smith gave an
informal reception Wednesday after
noon in honor and to meet Rev and
Mrs J A Badcon
Mr Seizer and sister Miss Jennie
Seizer of Fond du Lac Wis are
guests of city friends Mr and Mrs
Herman Pade
Herb Crane of the Bloomington
Advocate was in the city yesterday
looking up his prospects to become
the next postmaster of that burg
Cards are out announcing the wed
ding of Mr Cljde Shirley and Miss
Rupp at the residence of the groom
this evening at 730
Matt Thompson of Omaha is spend
ing the day in the city visiting boy
hood scenes and friends Matt is
en route to the coast on a vaca
Wm Sullivan accompanied Mrs
Sullivan down to Omaha Wednesday
night for treatment by an expert in
the Methodist hospital there results
in Lincoln not being favorable
Miss Gladys Fuller and Lieut
James Barber Nalle of TJ S army
will be married in St Peters church
Sheridan Wyoming this evening at
8 oclock After November 1 they
will be at home in The Albemarle
Washington D C Congratulations
Display I Ever Saw
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GtiiBrukiri U Ci I
Simply Gorgeous
Your Hats are so Beautiful
So Different
And Oh So Reasonable in
These acclamations are what we heard last week
during Our Millinery Opening and our enormous sales
are proving that these statements are true
We invite special attention to
Our Tailored and Semi Dress Hats
which will be found unequaled in
style and price See our line before
you buy
What About Your Suit
Well dressed women buy early and select leisurely
We are constantly opening up new boxes of
Fall Suits Direct from New York
they are simple serviceable and beautifully
tailored Dont put off buying come in to
day select your suit and be ready for any
occasion Our suits range in price from
I o oo to 50 00 each We are show
ing a large variety and in every
popular color Come see them
Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings 222 Main Phone 56
utter Is High
Get the profit from
your cows by us
ing one of our
High Grade
Cream Separators
M sSHi3 y
Wm iff
s OB i 2raMtmKJ
M Mmm
Also Save
the Woman Work
which is also profitable
Separators from
4000 to 9000
Washing Machines
400 to 1000
Ifllllllllk 2T HPi
Autumn days come
WHEN leaves turn sere and
brown and drop Nature
puts on quiet and na
tures colors fade But millinery
colors have livened They are
not giddy or gaudy they rival
the richest tints on Autumn fruit
and leaves There is a cheerful
nessa dash of feminine in the
new hat shapes There are new
felts and beavers silk top hats
with velvet underbrims Some
wheremay be its back or front
or on its side there is a little turn
or twist that gives it an air of
chicness See what we have to
offer now thats new See the
new Regina hats loved every
where where good hats are known
Orders for special hats appreciat
ed Childrens school bats rea
sonably priced New invoice of
hats and trimmings just arrived
DeGroff Co Building
McCook Nebr